Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch

日本のSteam市場は世界でもっとも急成長した主要市場。新作のセール待ちへの懸念もなし。日本PCゲーム市場の急成長をプラットフォーマー、パブリッシャーの視点で語る。東京ゲームショウ2023基調講演リポート【TGS2023】 | ゲーム・エンタメ最新情報のファミ通.com

Google translated.
Summary; console & physical still strong but PC and digital has largely caught up. Steam sales is important for uncovering hidden gem and sales of old titles
- Japan = one of fastest growing markets in the world in past 5 years (million of users)
- Japanese developers accounted for about 20% of Steam's top sales in 2023.
- with the spread of Steam Deck, PC games are being introduced to a completely different audience.
- strength of PC games is that once you purchase it, you can register in the library and play it all the time, and there is no subscription (subscription) fee for online play
- William Yagi-Bacon (Capcom) said that ratio of digital sales in game sales is expanding year by year because of the increased PC games sales. However there’s no noticeable decrease for physical game sales
- Harada (Bandai Namco)Until the 90s they only need to support 5 or 6 languages for games, but now have to support more language localization due to the global presence of PC, so Bandai Namco might look into using AI to cope with the need for more language localization
- 40% of the users for Elden Ring and Armored Core VI are PC users. For console centric games like Tekken, about 30% are PC users.
- Shifting the strategy from “console first PC later” to “simultaneous release”
- The needs to cater to different PC specs makes PC game development seem difficult, but Mr. Harada said that there are many things that are easy too. In addition, there are few restrictions due to the lack of first party, and even indie or solo dev can publish games on PC easily.
- (Valve) Steam Sales is very important. Players often add games they might be interested in to wish list, while developers use it to create exposure for their games.
- (Capcom) say Steam sales is important. When there are a lot of major releases like this year, players often only buy selected fews day one and leave the rest to wish list. They say that the steam sale is important for these wishlist titles to be bought at a later date.
- for games like Monster Hunter, where you see everyone around you playing it, players will often buy day one instead of waiting for sales
- (Bandai Namco) said the sales also have ripple effect. When Capcom have their publisher sales where fighting games is discounted, it also lead to increased sales for Bandai Namco fighting games
- (Capcom) said consoles and packages are still strong in Japan, so they will continue selling on physical
- There are many players who buy based game at discount, then proceed to buy dlc or season pass at full price
- Capcom believe that PC games and smartphone games are on par with the console, and have led to a good revitalization of the entire game industry.
- (Valve) Steam has great expectations for the future of the Japanese PC game market
- Valve feels the success of Steam Deck in Japan perfectly matches the success of PC games in Japan
- PCs do not have the concept of generational change in basic architecture, great for archiving old titles
- (Capcom) Capcom said that the importance of cross-platform has increased significantly. the exchange of battles and online lobby "Battle Hub" in SF6 was well received