I have tried to wrap my head around Microsoft plans on Xbox for awhile. I can't really figure out what they are trying to do. They want everyone to sign up for gamepass so they can use their streaming rental system and to market that it can be used everywhere. Which is great, but makes me ask well if they are pushing for this and then not focus on the console, then why are they still developing consoles? I get they have an obligation to keep the Xbox going because of fans that have invested in it
It's because 80% of their GP customers are on the Xbox console. GP is extremely important to them. They need somewhere for those players to jump next gen (the subset who want to upgrade, anyhow). They also want to give them a place to access their Xbox library on a high-level next gen system. Those are the main two reasons.
maybe instead of advertising and debating over whether or not what is and isn't an Xbox. Maybe they could hunker down and use those investments they got and make some damn games for the service (which they have but I think their output could be better.)
Output should be pretty good now that they've bought up half the industry.
Microsoft wants you to buy their consoles but also are offering games they publish on to other platforms? Do they want me to play Machine Games Indiana Jones on an xbox or wait till it comes out on Playstation?
I think they would be happy with either. Wherever you play, they get some revenue.
Its really bizarre and confusing. I understand for them its an untapped market and new player base that they can sell their games too. I just don't know what they want from their player base and or potential new players.
From a financial standpoint, it is very clear. They're putting games on other systems because otherwise, they would collapse. Xbox does not make enough, either through GP or stand-alone sales, to support their development costs. They must port games to other platforms or go out of business. No choice.
From the player base standpoint, that's pretty clear, too. MS wants Xbox owners to stick with them. They do have a lot of loyal fans, to be sure, and I expect that most Xbox loyalists will stay with them. If you're still with Xbox after all of this, you're probably a pretty diehard loyalist. Whether they buy into next gen or not, I don't know. Most might stick with current gen hardware, as it seems capable enough. Depends what is on offer, I suppose.
I don't even know what they want from the Xbox themselves.
Probably not a whole lot. I think they are well aware that sending exclusives elsewhere removes a main reason why people buy a console. They know sales are declining, and I think they have fingers crossed that they won't crater much worse than they are already.
I'm just reminded constantly why I don't use Microsoft products and they have never given me a good reason to buy or get there. This is coming from someone who had an Xbox One that I enjoyed but was disappointed with the lack of original titles and games they would advertise on the main page for me to play. Barely anything they put out interested me then, and even interest me now. But thats okay because even if Microsoft was some how able to fuck up the XBOX even more. I still have a lot of great games big and small across Steam, Nintendo, and Playstation to play and even more coming in the future. The future is bright for games whether that involves the Xbox or not!
Well, it's good news for those of us not wedded to the Xbox ecosystem. For a while, it looked like MS was going to gobble up a massive number of developers/publishers and then keep it all to themselves. They have generously decided to share.