Gold Member

Commenting on partnering with other studios to produce new games in the Wacraft franchise, the director also doesn't rule out the idea, but it would take someone who really understood the IP's proposal and was capable of creating a genre that Blizzard doesn't specialize in:
“Certainly open to people who really get it and have a cool idea about how to express Warcraft and if we feel like aesthetically they're going to be able to hit the bar,” he said. “…I think if we found the right partner, found the right situation, I think especially if they have a proficiency in a game genre that we really don't, I think that'd be the ideal partner for us to work with and we're open to that, but that's relatively new. I'm open to it because I want to have Warcraft out there a little more than it is now, and I also don't want to have us grow so fast that we're no longer able to serve the audiences we have. But I think there's some benefit in leveraging other companies that share our love for it, have a really cool idea, share our belief in quality and have the ability to execute on it. But now that's probably a pretty small list, right?”