PS1 games on PS5? We need a game company that does only remasters of old games.

I (re)bought a ton of ps1 games when I had a ps3/psp and a vita. Back then they played on any of those systems. When the ps4 came out, Sony didn't include a cd laser and used that as an excuse for no ps1 disc games. Yet they never let us play the old ps1 games we purchase digitally, which i think was a shit move.

Fast forward a few years and ps5 released, they now have a handful of ps1 games on it, and it is nice that if you bought them already , you get them now.
Problem is there is only a handful of titles.

I owned digital versions on ps3/psp/vita: ff4/5,6,7,8,9 , vagrant story, suikoden1 &2, crash 1-3, mega man legends 1-2 , tronne bonne, xenogears, syphon filter, tekken 3, legend of dragoon, wild arms, parasite eve, ff-tactics, medieval, and a slew of other games, yet none of these are on ps5.
Only games we get are syphon filter, tekken 3, twisted metal, and a few non rpg titles that I din't buy.

Where are the games they already had compatibility for? No rpgs? Why don't they want money? Shit these games go for $100s on ebay, the demand is there. They are already made so what is the holdup? I am sure it doesn't cost much to host 500-1.5gb of server space.

Has anyone heard anything about more releasing? I know i can get these on emulation, but still, I like having them on the playstation, as I bought them already.

Also anyone heard anything about Suikoden 1/2 remaster? It got delayed from 2023 and its now almost mid year and silence from Konami... what gives?
Final note, Capcom really needs to bring back mega man legends, they release the regular mega man a gazillion times but legends gets no love ever. Why? The game is made, did they loose the source code, do they not like money?

Any other games you would love to see get released or remastered?
As older games and systems get harder to find, we need a game company that does only remasters of old games.

I really don't understand why Sony doesn't do this. Yes they have ps+ premium but again, that is only a handful of titles.
Nintendo does it with its subscription model, I really wish they sold the game separate though.
Xbox did it with a lot of games, way more than Sony has, yet Sony has the games already done, they are purposely not putting them up on the store. I can't see how a ps1 game would be complete emulation checked for 3 systems (ps3, psp, vita) but not for ps4/5? I call bs on that.
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
You can still play those games on an emulator, so nah I don't think having a studio focused only on remasters would be what the games industry needs right now.

What I would like is for the theee big companies to open smaller studios focused on smaller games. No ultra-graphics goose chase, no super expansive open worlds, just small and fun games like the ones we got during the PS1/N64 days. But nah I don't see that happening, specially after today's news.

Capcom really needs to bring back mega man legends
I Hate Everything 90S GIF
You can still play those games on an emulator, so nah I don't think having a studio focused only on remasters would be what the games industry needs right now.

What I would like is for the theee big companies to open smaller studios focused on smaller games. No ultra-graphics goose chase, no super expansive open worlds, just small and fun games like the ones we got during the PS1/N64 days. But nah I don't see that happening, specially after today's news.

I Hate Everything 90S GIF
I agree a remaster isn't needed, but they aren't as much work as a remake. Remasters drive hype for limited investment. If it can be done for Gothic 1 and 2 on switch, by a small dev (something I never would of imagined) it can be done by a behemoth publisher no problem with games they already have.

Outside of that, just put the games up on the store, as is. No new games needed for that.

I wonder why these game don't get ported to other platforms. For example, why is mega man legends playstation only. Is there full on lifetime exclusivity clause from 1998? I highly doubt that. Imagine having a 3 game set of mega man legends on switch. Would be instant buy from me and so many others.

As far as emulation, I have them on my modded ps classic, but damn that thing doesn't run everything that great. Sony dropped the ball with the hardware of that. Can also play on my android tablet or pc, but its just not the same as having them on a dedicated device.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Outside of that, just put the games up on the store, as is.
They really could do that yeah. Just have them running on a sort of oficial emulator with some neat features like CRT filters and upscaling and call it a day.

Now, why they don't do it? Wish I knew lol, but imo they sure are sitting on piles of money by not doing it.


There is actually a studio just making old ports with slight upgrades. They recently released resistance retribution.


I heard on Sacred Symbols that all these games you have been seeing on the Classis Tier of PS+ have been getting handled by some random small studio. That's why they're coming out at the rate that they are. They also get to choose the games, and I guess they have been doing PSP and a bit of PS1 mostly because it's easier?

And to that I say, hire more people to speed this shit up.


I heard on Sacred Symbols that all these games you have been seeing on the Classis Tier of PS+ have been getting handled by some random small studio. That's why they're coming out at the rate that they are. They also get to choose the games, and I guess they have been doing PSP and a bit of PS1 mostly because it's easier?

And to that I say, hire more people to speed this shit up.

Eh, it is small contract studios handling the releases, but they're not remaking the game or doing much with them. The base emulator for PS1, PSP, and other games on PS4/PS5 can do "up-rendering, rewind, quick save, and custom video filters", that's where the new consoles do their work making old games look and run better. The game ISO/ROM gets plugged into the emulator, but otherwise they're likely not customized aside from maybe some tweaks in the emulation specific to the game or fixes to the emulator itself because it was lax on a hardware feature that some rare game now depends on. (EDIT: Also there's I guess old but proprietary code which legally needs to be removed from a game build, so even if they intend for the emulator to do all the work, the game code itself still gets modified.) That, and the Trophy hooks are added, but that's parameter-based, so you think about what variables you might be able to follow in a game flow in order to reward a Trophy and you add a tracker to look up those fields for those parameters. (For example, "1mil Points" Trophy, you find the scoreboard variable and you watch it to see if it ever goes over 1m.) That's design and parameter work, but it's not redevelopment of the game itself. I mean, I like what these companies are doing, and it's more work that people will recognize, but it's not what's holding up these games from hitting PSN.

Here's an article specifically about the work that Implicit Conversions does; they do a lot if not all of the Sony work.

Sadly, what's apparently going on is that the market has dropped out and the contracting/legal business has gotten very complicated for re-releasing old games. It takes more lawyers and producers than programmers to put a classic game out, whether or not it's remastered.
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There is actually a studio just making old ports with slight upgrades. They recently released resistance retribution.
The PSP game? Not the vita one. The psp game was awesome. I just wonder how it holds up. I played soul calibur or something I have on ps5 and it was extremely blocky on a tv at 1080p. I have a psp emulator on my ps classic and psp games don't look that bad as I seen from the ps5 version. It was almost like there wasn't just pushing the same pixels blown up on the screen with no up ressing or smoothing at all.

Kinda crazy that the only Resistance game on ps4/ps5 is from the psp. Wtf sony, you own insomniac.
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Probably licensing being the main stumbling block. Likely why the BC programme for Xbox was shelved and the list of titles unavailable to purchase on the store keeps growing


Probably licensing being the main stumbling block. Likely why the BC programme for Xbox was shelved and the list of titles unavailable to purchase on the store keeps growing
But Microsoft did a better job while the BC catalogue was alive and well in bringing titles over like Burnout, MGS 2 and 3, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Split Second, Black can't play any of those on PS4 or 5..


The PSP game? Not the vita one. The psp game was awesome. I just wonder how it holds up. I played soul calibur or something I have on ps5 and it was extremely blocky on a tv at 1080p. I have a psp emulator on my ps classic and psp games don't look that bad as I seen from the ps5 version. It was almost like there wasn't just pushing the same pixels blown up on the screen with no up ressing or smoothing at all.

Kinda crazy that the only Resistance game on ps4/ps5 is from the psp. Wtf sony, you own insomniac.
The psp one yeah. They smoothed it out a bit and made it 4k. Also gave support for 2 analogues, trophy support and a rewind feature. You can buy it or get it with PS Premium. Resistance 3 can also be streamed through premium.

There's a few other games they've done like killzone liberation.


My dude, I have good news for you. Wild ARMs and Legend of Dragoon are on the PSN and your purchases of them from back in the day carry over. They're both installed on my PS5 right now.


But Microsoft did a better job while the BC catalogue was alive and well in bringing titles over like Burnout, MGS 2 and 3, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Split Second, Black can't play any of those on PS4 or 5..
Microsoft did a better job because its hardware was somewhat congruent.

PS3 hardware was crazy and PS2 hardware before it was super-crazy, and for this and other reasons, backward-compatibility didn't exist on either subsequent platform. (PS3 had first-gen consoles which included needed aspects of the PS2 chipset to run old games, but it had problems. Instead of improving it, Sony pulled that model of PS3. Eventually, Sony totally reversed course on its BC strategy and over time killed off its entire past-gen library. Now they occasionally making "new" versions of some classic games available.)

Xbox is more similar across gens (although the idea that Xboxes are "off-the-shelf PCs" is overblown,) and used familiar chipsets like x86 and PowerPC. They have been able to provide backward-compatibility, in some form, going back to builds of games for the original Xbox (which are technically Xbox 360 releases since that's when some of these past-gen games were made digital, but then Xbox One and Xbox Series continued the BC and so they're still there.)

So it's not that MS brought titles over; they just never stopped selling the games that the box can play.

Whereas Sony knows all the games you've been buying on PSN since 2006 and has the apps in PSN digital storage if it ever wanted to sell them again. They could turn the spigot back on for PS1 games or PSP games or the couple of PS2 games already in your digital library, they could conceivably emulate other platforms too and allow you to play PS2 or PSV or potentially PS3 games on PS5. For one reason or another, though, it's just not happening.
But Microsoft did a better job while the BC catalogue was alive and well in bringing titles over like Burnout, MGS 2 and 3, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Split Second, Black can't play any of those on PS4 or 5..

I'm not saying they did a bad job? Just pointing out it's no longer going and titles on the store are gradually being removed for sale, likely due to licensing. Licensing will always be the bane of digital BC
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My dude, I have good news for you. Wild ARMs and Legend of Dragoon are on the PSN and your purchases of them from back in the day carry over. They're both installed on my PS5 right now.

Hmm, really? If I bought Syphon Filter PS1 back in the day on my PSP for $5, I wouldn't have to pay $10 for the version that is on PSN today?

I don't think that's true, because I know I bought RE1 and RE2 as "PS Classics" in a Capcom sale a decade ago, but when I go to the RE1 listing on PSN today, it doesn't consider me as an owner of this game. (The REs are the only games on the current PSN I remember buying, I'm sure I bought other PS1 games but there are so few on PSN today that none of them are ones I remember paying for.)

Are you sure you're not just confusing the gifted games included in PlayStation Plus Premium?


Gold Member
It’s not that simple. First you have to find who owns the IP see if you can buy it. See if they’re still in business or if it’s been sold to somebody else then you have old contracts with sound effects and everything else voice acting that would have to be renegotiated some of the games don’t even have Source code anymore, so it would all have to be rebuilt from scratch.

It’s not like you say, let’s remake game x.

But I do agree with your sentiment a lot of more modern games suck and I would appreciate modern day remastered of blood omen, and many of the great old games with storylines which trump todays garbage.


I would love Gran Turismo 2 on the PS5, but licensing all of those cars, sponsors, and songs would be impossible!
There's just no money in it for it to be worthwhile. Every time they've tried to re-release old games digitally, they barely sell at all. Licensing is also an absolute nightmare.

Physical copies of old games selling for hundreds of dollars is a different story altogether, collectors pay big bux for things, but that doesn't mean those games will sell millions if they're released digitally on a modern platform.


Hmm, really? If I bought Syphon Filter PS1 back in the day on my PSP for $5, I wouldn't have to pay $10 for the version that is on PSN today?

I don't think that's true, because I know I bought RE1 and RE2 as "PS Classics" in a Capcom sale a decade ago, but when I go to the RE1 listing on PSN today, it doesn't consider me as an owner of this game. (The REs are the only games on the current PSN I remember buying, I'm sure I bought other PS1 games but there are so few on PSN today that none of them are ones I remember paying for.)

Are you sure you're not just confusing the gifted games included in PlayStation Plus Premium?
It may not work for non-Sony games, but since Sony owns the rights to both Legend of Dragoon and Wild ARMs, yeah, I bought them as PS1 Classics on PS3 and when they came out on PS5 I could just download them for free. I have never had PS+ Premium.

Thankfully, the introduction of PS1 classics does not extend to just PS Plus subscribers, because if at any point you had purchased a PS1 or PSP game on the PS3/PSP/PS Vita Store, if those games become available on Sony’s subscription service, you will have access to them at no extra cost. Happy days!
When the PS4 launched I was quite confident they'd eventually bring the PS1 / PS3 'arcade' library over ... then it slowly became clear it never would. Such a dick move from Sony


Remember when they had Dino Crisis on the PS Plus Premium promotional banner and then never fucking released it?
Good times.
I don't even have PS Plus. I just want my free copy because I bought it on PS3. :messenger_grinning_sweat:


What time is it?
When the PS4 launched I was quite confident they'd eventually bring the PS1 / PS3 'arcade' library over ... then it slowly became clear it never would. Such a dick move from Sony

I think B butane bob is on the money. Though I think games might have required age rating certifications again which would make the profit margins even worse. They tried it once on PS3 and again, to a lesser extent, onPS4 (PS2 on PS4 classics). I just don't think the demand is there, sadly. Seeing some come back is one of the few saving graces of Sony trying to round out there subscription service.

I'm hoping we can maintain BC to PS4 under Cerny's stewardship and with digital sales being so significant.
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I owned digital versions on ps3/psp/vita: ff4/5,6,7,8,9 , vagrant story, suikoden1 &2, crash 1-3, mega man legends 1-2 , tronne bonne, xenogears, syphon filter, tekken 3, legend of dragoon, wild arms, parasite eve, ff-tactics, medieval, and a slew of other games, yet none of these are on ps5.
Syphon Filter, The Legend of Dragoon, Wild ARMs and MediEvil are, though (the FF games too, but as PS4 ports).
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I mostly agree with OP. Except, I don't even think we need full on remasters. Just optimized ports that allow for the games to run better than they did in the original hardware. So instead of PS1 and 2 games running 720p, unstable 30fps, make them 1080p, 60fps locked. Nothing else needs to be touched.


What time is it?
Syphon Filter, The Legend of Dragoon, Wild ARMs and MediEvil are, though (the FF games too, but as PS4 ports).

Tekken 2 as well and it let's you maintain ownership if you purchased on PS3/PSP/Vita. Resident Evil Director's cut is one of the oddballs but I don't think you can purchase it outright.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
At this point of time its a miracle why you folks haven’t give up and cope with emulation.

Or do what those physical supporters always say; buy the old consoles and buy on ebay
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