Gold Member
Steam appears to have started posting a notice in its shopping cart that purchases on its storefront are only for a license and not a game, according to a notice spotted by Engadget. It looks like an attempt by the company to get ahead of a new California law coming next year that forces companies to admit that buyers don't actually own digital content.
When you open your shopping cart with items inside and before going to payment, a notice at the bottom right states: "A purchase of a digital product grants a license for the product on Steam." This is the first time our editors have seen of a notice like this (and we use Steam a lot), so it appears to be relatively new.
Last month California governor Gavin Newsom signed AB 2426 into law, forcing digital marketplaces to make it clear to customers when they only purchase a license to access media. It will not apply to permanent offline downloads, only digital copies of video games, music, movies, TV shows or ebooks from an online storefront. Companies that fail to comply could face fines for false advertising if they don't explain in clear language the limitations of a given digital purchase. The law followed situations like Ubisoft deleting The Crew from player's libraries after the game's servers shuttered.
Random bitching points from a 52 year old life long gamer who's trying to get his coffee down and is a bit grumpy:
-Welcome to your digital future. Where you can spend thousands of dollars on "licenses" only to have them revoked at anytime for any reason because you don't "own them".
-"You won't own anything and be happy"-World Economic Forum(Terrorists)
-In most cases when "they" take something(big government or business), you'll never get it back.
-The only and I MEAN ONLY way this will get reversed is if gamers band together and stop buying digital "licenses" and force companies to concede that if we are buying a license,
we own the game. But I have zero faith this will happen. The brainwashing of current generations has produced "stop watch" and "I want it now" kiddies who have no patience and
bitch if they have to wait 10 seconds for a fucking level to load or want content NOW this instant. Try downloading a 1 gig game on a 28k modem and get back to me on patience.
-Now, do I own digital content? Of course. Mainly, it's INDIE games. From smaller developers or publishers who bust their ass to make their dream(s) come true to make/produce/sell a game.
Many of whom simply have no other way to distribute their games as the cost of physical is very costly I presume. Otherwise, I buy my consoles with disc/cartridge slots at all times. No digital
only systems. If I eventually get a PS5 Pro(probably never) I'll grab the physical disc drive add on.
-Anyways, This is beyond shitty and I'm sad to see this day come.
There's a reason the retro game market is booming and you're only going to see it sky rocket into the stratosphere now......
get off my lawn!!