[notebookcheck] GOG Pokes Fun at Steam's Game Licensing


Gold Member
Except they do
A multiplayer game shutting down is different to a license revocation.


Who is going to go to court to get their $9.99 copy of Ultima V?

These stores operate on the idea that you trust them to deliver what they say they will and invest to keep the service running. When they violate that, it sticks out.

You could though.

Though really, if you're using a DRM free store and not backing up your purchases locally...
They saw an easy shot and they took it. I can respect that.

I don't think it's much of an issue for software buyers though, where EULA are everywhere.


Stop simping for this abhorrent behavior and blaming everyone else, it's totally inexcusable.

Mate, they did it briefly once. Quite rightly, they got dragged over the coals for it.

And even then, I'm much more concerned about the likes of Steam, as even though Valve are far less likely to go under, they don't offer a way to play the games you've bought should they do so. I don't care that they say they would free such restraints should they go under. Words are cheap.


So I suppose they won't be releasing their games on steam anymore, yeah?
How do you come to that conclusion? :pie_thinking: Just because they are trying to point out the advantage of their store? I am sure CDPR knows that lots of folks want their games on steam. I think they also sell on Epic store. In the end they want what everybody wants...lots of sales....doesnt really matter where these come from.
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