Resistance 4 Was Pitched By Insomniac, But Sony Turned It Down


Ah good ol times where everything was just another First Person Shooter. I dont think making a new Resistance game now would be a bad idea, at least would diversivy they super hero assembly line, but Resistance would be an easy skip for me just like i skiped all the games in the series.


The series was pretty bad, I see why Sony trashed it.
Angry Meryl Streep GIF


Didn't even play the other ones. But if you are saying 2 is the best, I'm glad Sony killed the franchise! Lol.

1 is worse than 2 by miles. Just like Uncharted. And probably for some of the same reasons... early PS3 was in many ways a huge disappointment, and it took some time for devs to figure it out.


You're not wrong and yet, look at the state of Halo nowadays - it's almost irrelevant at this point , even more so compared to what both the Killzone and Resistance franchises were at the time...

How times change man, Halo used to be a behemoth but now, all that remains are the Craig memes, kinda sad if you think about it...
(Halo 3 is still the best one)
Like you say, Halo was a behemoth and then, not a lot of studio can tell they turned the tide of a whole generation. Halo may not be as popular as it used to be, but it will ALWAYS be good and timeless. Tommorow it may be playable elsewhere but it is a serie that you HAD to be there when it came out.


Gold Member
Good. That franchise is straight up trash

Unless you're a Playstation fanboy of course. Then it's an amazing underrated franchise.
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I loved Resistance 1, but 2 and 3 kind of lost me. But I was still open to the IP if it were to come back. It's pretty stupid of Sony to turn this down, especially after seeing what else they greenlit instead.
Don't remind me. Pouring salt to the wound.

Aside from the creative weapons, the alternate history and lore was indeed pretty cool. Would've liked to see Insomniac continue it.


1 is worse than 2 by miles. Just like Uncharted. And probably for some of the same reasons... early PS3 was in many ways a huge disappointment, and it took some time for devs to figure it out.
Damnnn. I got my PS3 after my 360 RROD. Resistance 2 was the first game I tried and immediately had buyer’s remorse. Everything felt slow and laggy and looked ugly! Felt unplayable and I quit within minutes. Switched to God of War 3 and instantly saw the difference between mid-ness and greatness. And then played uncharted 2 and killzone 2 and…
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The third game was so good. Would have loved a new one. Campaign in 2 was ass, but the co-op missions were a ton of fun.

I still have very fond memories (my wife as well) of playing the campaign of the first Resistance game, just hit all the right things for what I wanted at the time. I'd love to revisit an updated version of all of the OG3 and a new one


Why tho? The series sold decent.

All halo killers, but halo will go to Ps5 soon.

Another win for:

Resistance 1: 3.8 M
Resistance 2: 2.8 M
Resistance 3: 1.8 M

Yeah let's green light a sequel to a series that sold 1 million fewer copies with each sequel on a console whose playerbase was growing. Makes sense.


What time is it?
Resistance 1: 3.8 M
Resistance 2: 2.8 M
Resistance 3: 1.8 M

Yeah let's green light a sequel to a series that sold 1 million fewer copies with each sequel on a console whose playerbase was growing. Makes sense.

Resistance 4 might not of cracked 1 million, but since you can't sell a negative amount, Resistance 5 would have sold an infinite amount. I'm pretty sure that's how math works.

I enjoyed the Resistance games. Resistance 2 had a great online co-op mode. Had a lot of fun with it.

God-tier co-op it was and now it's gone forever. It was the best part of R2 and I don't know that I've played a better co-op mode in any game since.

No wonder Ted Price noped out into retirement. Man built Insomniac from the ground up and now he's relegated to watching them churn out Marvel slop until the inevitable flop that kills the studio. I would've retired too.

And what's with all this revisionist history gaslighting I keep seeing everywhere about games from the PS360 era. You'd think every single game from that era sucked and that nobody actually had fun playing them. It's so fucking weird.
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Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
I will say this, Resistance probably does have some potential and they should look into remaking the trilogy. I think they simply put out too many games too quickly and should have put more time into developing the sequels. A movie tie in would probably help bolster it.

Resistance 2 came out just 2 years after Fall of Man and I think this is where Naugthy Dog really showed that they were on a different level than Insomniac. Uncharted 2 also had a 2 year gap, but felt like a massive upgrade. Resistance 2 did not have the same bump. They put more time into R3 but probably wasted a lot of time hampered by adding Move controls.

But anyways as I said, should be an easy remake and a movie would probably do well.


Weeb Underling
The worst part about Sony is basically they want you to forget their old ips. I've seen this since PS2 days, it's not easy if you're a fan.

Well hopefully with the new management and shift back to SP exclusives, we might see comeback of some legendary PS franchise. But I hope that the head quarters be back in Japan not in a woke infested California office.
This is why we can't have nice things.

Let. Things. GO. These IP you're so obsessed with went away for a reason. We cannot and should not drag every last thing into the future for the sake of nostalgia.


R3 is actually really solid but its being held back by the hardware. The game does a lot of post processing effects and you can see there is an impressive FPS behind there. You can see it in the 4k emulator playthroughs. When I beat the game for the first time I found it the best SP campaign of that generation.

I like how this series takes place in a usually unused era, the 1950s and WW2 never happened. You see weaponry and stuff from that timeline, but they are heavily modified with a sci fi touch. But if there is a place for Resistance now, I'm not sure. I would say perhaps because all others are quite grounded. The least they could do is uprez the trilogy.


Gold Member
The series was alright, first one was my favourite because of the novelty, but the novelty wear off pretty quickly tbh.
Honestly, the Resistance series had this weird identity inconsistency problem. It was all over the place. One moment it is its own thing, the next its trend chasing CoD, then in the most recent entry they sort of tried to correct the ship back to its original path.

R:FoM had a great campaign and surprisingly decent/fun MP. R2's campaign was a step down, but had great co-op. R3 had a good campaign, but admittedly didn't get to play the MP in time. R4 could've been an opportunity to have taken lessons learned from the former entries and made the best iteration yet.
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Simps for Amouranth
When I switched to PS4 from Xbox360, Resistance was one of the series I was hoping would get the TLOU treatment and remastered for the new generation along with Killzone, they looked right up my street back in the day and I would've thought with the amount of new gamers to the Sony platform this would've made financial sense, guess not


CliffyB's Cock Holster
You do realize that Resistance 4 was likely pitched years ago right? Price doesn't specify when it was rejected, just that in "terms of timing and market opportunity it didn't work out".

So its just as likely to have been rejected by the same management team that basically pulled Playstation back from the brink, as the present one.
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