geoffkeighley Geoff Keighley
I told you that you wouldn't believe. Naughty Dog had a second full team working in secret on LastofUs! What an amazing trailer.

Will post trailer as soon as I have it!
YES!!! So happy to see it's not a L4D clone, which is what I was thinking it was gonna be. A survival game in a post-apocyalptic world would be so cool.
The Last of Us is a genre-defining experience that blends survival and action elements to tell a character driven story about a population decimated by a modern plague. Abandoned cities are being reclaimed by nature and the remaining survivors are killing each other for food, weapons and whatever they can get their hands on. Joel, a ruthless survivor, and Ellie, a brave teenage girl who is wise beyond her years, must work together to survive their journey across what remains of the United States.