I just realized the first opponent that Joel killed in that trailer is probably not one of the infected. Most likely another human. An interesting scenario could be: you can kill another human to get their supplies but you'll get into trouble if you encounter other people who happen to know the guy you killed later on in the game. They may not want to help you if you're in trouble.
That dude is definitely a human and he was eaten by the fungal zombie/mutant creature thingie.I just realized the first opponent that Joel killed in that trailer is probably not one of the infected. Most likely another human. An interesting scenario could be: you can kill another human to get their supplies but you'll get into trouble if you encounter other people who happen to know the guy you killed later on in the game. They may not want to help you if you're in trouble.
The girl having here ovulation cycle may be too mature for some but I think being used once through the game and finding a convenience store to get tampons would be cool if used correctly
Sony are going to set the benchmark once again when it comes to graphics. My god Naughty Dog are too awesome.
I just realized the first opponent that Joel killed in that trailer is probably not one of the infected. Most likely another human. An interesting scenario could be: you can kill another human to get their supplies but you'll get into trouble if you encounter other people who happen to know the guy you killed later on in the game. They may not want to help you if you're in trouble.
Because if it's not oppressive negativity, it has to be a circle jerk, right?
Infected are nothing more then hipster zombies.
God what has that shitty TV showdone to humanity?The Killing
Did anyone mention that he is a dead ringer for Josh Brolin?
The shocking part was when I saw the Naughty Dog logo. Very interesting details about this game if it was actually being in development for 2 years. Even more interesting there wasn't a leak on this, especially since it's coming from one of the last few AAA devs.
As far as consoles go (and some might argue PC too), tell me what's wrong with that post?
Looks promising. Hope it's a bit more free roaming then the uncharted games tho. So is Ellen Page also the voice actor of Ellie? Naughty Dog models their characters to their voice actors and the name resemble also. Nolan -> Nathan, Emily -> Elena, Claudia -> Chloe. Sooo Ellen -> Ellie?
Never heard of nor watched it so I wouldn't know. I don't watch tv
This thread is about to become unbearable. Guess it's finally time to sleep.
Sweet Ellen Page dreams, everyone.
Well, I do agree with him, Naughty Dog blew my mind with Uncharted 3. Opinion I guess.
If you don't know how to smoke then quit.![]()
As far as consoles go (and some might argue PC too), tell me what's wrong with that post?
Another person fallen sadly into the lifelong cycle of being completely unable to understand what the word 'troll' means. Not that I expect anything more from you, Jax. "God-damn people and their criticism! It's easy to be critical but to spread the LOVE is hard!" We need more circle jerks in GAF, truly!
Because if it's not oppressive negativity, it has to be a circle jerk, right?
Shit.Is "Paige" the new "rouge"?
I am absolutely sick of zombie games though, zombie movies/shows even. Only reason I'll give this attention this early in the game is that it's by the best developer of this gen. If they can push the quality of survival horror games like they did with action/adventure games, then I'm all in for this.
word is bond. They've become a dev that I'll always buy on name a lone. Very few are bestowed that honour. In fact it's basically just them, and the mario/zelda teams in Nintendo. I guess Blizzard as well.All that was needed to make this a day 1 purchase was "Naughty Dog". Add in my LOVE of zombie games and you have a game I'll be following anxiously to release.
this is really interesting.
Jax said:expect nothing from a class A troll like you through ami. what with the lying and mod abuse.
go derail some other thread please.![]()
Yes! The hype was worth it. Naughty GODS making another new ip for the ps3 with stunning graphics plus survival horror. I can't be more hyped right now
Another person fallen sadly into the lifelong cycle of being completely unable to understand what the word 'troll' means. Not that I expect anything more from you, Jax. "God-damn people and their criticism! It's easy to be critical but to spread the LOVE is hard!" We need more circle jerks in GAF, truly!
The girl having here ovulation cycle may be too mature for some but I think being used once through the game and finding a convenience store to get tampons would be cool if used correctly and once during the game since there may be a day and night cycle.
Maybe her menstrual cycle can attract the zombies?
Looks pretty bland. UC, although I love it, didn't exactly set the NPDs on fire. This game is going to do even worse than UC in my opinion. Looks like Sony is just never going to find its Halo or Gears or Mario - the kind of game that can move systems.
Honestly don't see what was so "unbelievable" about this reveal, but I'm not disappointed because I knew it wasn't going to be anywhere close to what Keighley was hyping it up to be. Someone needs to tell Keighley that a first party exclusive is about as unbelievable as telling someone that the world is round.
Oh, don't get me wrong - the game looks gorgeous, but giving Sony the credit for "setting the benchmark" for video game graphics as if they have anything to do with it is some hilarious fanboy bizness. It'd be like saying Microsoft owns the credit for Halo being fun.
Seems it's Ashley Johnson:
What's really odd is that they really seemed to go through pains to make this look like Ellen Page. Not only does it look like her, not only does it kinda sound like her, she DRESSES like Ellen Page as well!
Ah, no actual point or rebuttal - just a sadly pathetic volley at times past, trying desperately to divert attention. *salute*
Is this like the argument in the "I AM LEGEND" topics about how those things weren't really zombies?
They're zombies by another name. It's really at this point used to describe a scenario wherein 'something' turns otherwise normal people into brainless walkers who prey on survivors (usually by eating them or their brains).
Zombies aren't the problem so much as the way they are utilized anyway.