One word: gravity.I'll never understand it myself. Nature's natural funbags are wonderful in virutally all shapes and sizes. They can be drawn TOO big at times though, some anime do push it a bit. But otherwise, bring on the busts!
One word: gravity.I'll never understand it myself. Nature's natural funbags are wonderful in virutally all shapes and sizes. They can be drawn TOO big at times though, some anime do push it a bit. But otherwise, bring on the busts!
I've got no clue as to why none of the channels up here in Canada dubbed the various Anne of Green Gables anime series. If there ever was a show that could transcend barriers that ginger from Prince Edward Island would be one of them...
One word: gravity.
Haha, maybe we should cut down on the :name usage. :/
One word: gravity.
What about Live Action?!Idolm@ster gets the cover story in next month's Megami. Same issue last year, they announced the first season. Movie/second season/OVA series/puppet theater, here we go!
i'm lady for whatever it is.Idolm@ster gets the cover story in next month's Megami. Same issue last year, they announced the first season. Movie/second season/OVA series/puppet theater, here we go!
What about Live Action?!
Way to :hito our good time don't recall anime ever being all that concerned with gravity, for better or worse. :/
Kanokon stuff seemed more perverse .Majikoi 6:
The Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon episode. Only with mushrooms.
None of that matters though. Norio Wakamoto shows up in this episode. Girls licking mushroom shaped candies covered in condensed milk can't compete with that.
This was about as creepy fanservice anime an episode can get. Not even sure how this aired on TV.
Meh. I can deal with sagging breasts so long as they're natural.
Real > Small >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fake
Why are you focusing on the slut elf when there's Kugiloli for everyone to enjoy?*opens in new tab*
*sees elf girl with big tits*
*closes tab and shakes head*
And this is why Kare Kano (at least the manga) is awesome.To be fair, it's not like anybody's fucking in the majority of romances adapted. Hell, they aren't even kissing. The actual acknowledgment of feelings has always been seen as this silly finish line. Ah my goddess isn't the only one with the issue.
Science in animu certainly has some interesting priorities...
The Idolmaster 8
When did the show become like this?
Figures that it would take Makoto and Azusa for us to get a thoroughly enjoyable episode.
I'm late, but Ben-to 12 was fucking glorious. Best show of 2011 - sorry Ikuhara. It even out-fabulous'd Pingdrum in the end. What a ride. If this show doesn't get a second season, anime most certainly is beyond salvation.
To be fair, it's not like anybody's fucking in the majority of romances adapted. Hell, they aren't even kissing. The actual acknowledgment of feelings has always been seen as this silly finish line. Ah my goddess isn't the only one with the issue.
Wait wait wait... the actresses are acting out the cooking show from the anime... but in character?Yes, the frog Daisuke Sakaguchi, best known in this thread as Shinpachi from Gintama.
Wait wait wait... the actresses are acting out the cooking show from the anime... but in character?
Full of fuck, my mind is.
The Idolmaster 8
When did the show become like this?[IMG]
Figures that it would take Makoto and Azusa for us to get a thoroughly enjoyable episode.[/QUOTE]
That was definitely one of the peak episodes for the show.
That was obviously planned all along, and it made perfect sense. The actually important fight was the one right before, and that one was there - and awesome.Indeed. If only other shows could gloriously run out of budget and have to have the final battle occur off-screen.
I think it's the idol aspect of idolmaster that confuses me. That and Gintoki in a frog suit,:3 There's so many shows of this that I won't spam them, just post one of my fav examples. ^^;
Chisa Yokoyama and Mayumi Tanaka singing Sakura Taisen songs in character :3 There's so many shows of this that I won't spam them, just post one of my fav examples. ^^;
I'll never understand it myself. Nature's natural funbags are wonderful in virutally all shapes and sizes. They can be drawn TOO big at times though, some anime do push it a bit. But otherwise, bring on the busts!
Ben-to 12
Pretty fun finale after some not so exciting episodes.So Orthros lost that fight right?
You just watched the shows peak, enjoy the rest.
Miki and Chihaya are the best "arcs" of idolmaster anyhoo, so just watch those!:/ Maybe someone should tell me where the dance sequences are and I can skip the boring parts.
:/ Maybe someone should tell me where the dance sequences are and I can skip the boring parts.
Ben-to 12
Pretty fun finale after some not so exciting episodes.So Orthros lost that fight right?
Now go watch Horizon if you haven't already.I just finished watching Dragonaut. The staff really loved drawing Garnett's boobs (in addition to the weird CGI fetish that Gonzo usually has). I really wish it had a better director and possibly a different lead artist, the plot itself was serviceable and the characters were likable ().poor Akira and Makina suffer the usual fate that happy lesbian couples get
PGSM Ep.31
Potatoes, eat them to bring out your inner sailor senshi!
Makoto has always been my favorite characters in the show,(I have a thing for tomboy types) so a Jupiter focused episode is very welcome. I think
I am still devastated by her thorough denial of Motoki! He loves turtles, has a steady job, is a hopeless romantic, is just the right amount of dim-witted, and is in touch with his emotions. He is the whole package! Besides, it's not like she has a ton of people to love and care for her (foreveralone).
At least there was a Pimpzite cliffhanger! miss Regulus Tera weekly Mirai Nikki impression.![]()
I need to go to this place before I die.At the maid cafe, you can pay to be served by a tsundere maid who will write you lovely notes!