Instant packs? Milk?
I like those. No instant packs for me as I prefer to make it using hot water and a pot. Milk is fine as well.
Instant packs? Milk?
What kind of oatmeal are you guys eating? Wanna start eating it for breakfast.
What kind of oatmeal are you guys eating? Wanna start eating it for breakfast.
I use the quick cook oats. 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, walnuts, and honey or brown sugar for a bit of sweetness. Blueberries and walnuts are good too
I use the quick cook oats. 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, walnuts, and honey or brown sugar for a bit of sweetness. Blueberries and walnuts are good too
Don't forget gas!Supplements were mentioned earlier and my thoughts are a bit different.
Protein is the only necessary supplement.
Creatine is good
BCAA is not BS at all and does work. It is scientifically backed up and it works for me that is for sure. I use Xtend.
fish oil is good
Multivitamin...of course
D-Aspartic Acid - Good for boosting natural test levels. Especially if you getting old like me. Totally unneccesary but it works. Needs to be cycled.
ECA stack - Definitely works.
Pre-workout - Just gives you energy...take it if you need to.
Glutamine - Worthless if you are otherwise healthy.
Don't forget gas!
Your last comment is true for all supplements. Sure there are one or two that are good but overall if you have a great diet you don't need any supplements.
Yea I saw thatWell my first comment was that you don't need anything except protein, which I guess you technically don't even need but it is cheaper than actual food.
Tried it and threw the rest of the bottle away. Was disgusting.
Jim Wendler said:Hanging Leg Raises
These are popular with people who want to improve their ability to swing their legs and knees up while doing nothing for their abs, yet still want to call it ab work. To combat this, hang from a bar, and with straight legs, bring your feet to the bar. Return to the starting position, come to a complete stop, and begin the movement again. When you do it this way, you’ll no longer ask about sets and reps because your body will tell you when a set is over.
Sitting in class doing seated calf raises with the desk because I'm too addicted to being in the gym @ShitMeatheadSay
If you're havin problems, I feel sorry for ya brah... I've got 99 problems but a #Bench ain't one. #NationalChestMonday
Not too bothered about it really.Why not just get the pills? Same effect and you never taste it.
I've been doing a lot more of these lately:
and I found myself considering Wendler's thoughts on the movement.
1) Acquire large spoon. 2) Scoop said large spoon into large container of peanut butter. 3) Indulge. 4) Repeat. #NationalPeanutButterDay
I do those on deadlift day, shit destroys my core, lol. (Can't quite get to the bar (door frame) with my feet yet though)
Yeah, my body says done at about 5-10 reps lol. Those are tough. Also on DL day by then your grip is fried
Yep, most definitely.
Last week the during the weekend (obviously after deadlifts) my entire back had doms. There wasn't one part of my back that wasn't hit. I'm really digging 5/3/1 with big but boring. At first glance it would seem "light" and like it would miss some things, but it didn't miss shit.
I got a generator after two days because I didn't want the 350+ pounds of meat I have in my freezers to spoil.
I use those quaker 2 minute microwave ones. So i'm guessing they're the quick ones. How long do rolled ones take to make?Rolled (non-quick) oats have a substantially better glycmic index and are much better for you because of it.
I use those quaker 2 minute microwave ones. So i'm guessing they're the quick ones. How long do rolled ones take to make?
I remember trying to make some and they turned out complete garbage.Any good recipes for making your own protein bars? I remember someone in this thread makes them. Ones with low sugar preferred! low-carb wouldn't hurt as well, but its not that big of a deal to me if there arent any decent low carb protein bars.
I use those quaker 2 minute microwave ones. So i'm guessing they're the quick ones. How long do rolled ones take to make?
Ha. I thought I was the only one that had grip problems doing hanging leg raises after deadlifts.
4 reps @ 165 for OHP. I can get 5 next week. I can feel it! And a question regarding front raises. Do you want to do both arms at a time or just focus on one? Or does it even matter?
Doing 5/3/1 deadlifts and then 5x10 @ 40%-60% of your 1RM doesn't miss a damn thing. Don't care who you are or how much you lift. This will beat you up.
How many elks did you kill and how big is your freezer? Goddamn.
Anyway, started wendlers program yesterday and I did 5x10 good mornings (extremely light weight) instead of more deadlifts at 50%. I'm feeling soreness in my hamstrings which I assume is normal with good mornings?
This seems decent.Any good recipes for making your own protein bars? I remember someone in this thread makes them. Ones with low sugar preferred! low-carb wouldn't hurt as well, but its not that big of a deal to me if there arent any decent low carb protein bars.
That'll be pretty sick if you can find a comp near you Shogun. Good luck if you do!
In my fitness related endeavors, I decided to focus on one exercise per day, and just do a shit ton of them through out the day. Like yesterday, I think I did somewhere close to 150ish pullups (close grip). My lats are feeling it for sure. Today I'm just banging out pushups whenever. Done 5 sets of 25 and 3 sets of 30 so far. These are like strict form? Arms nearly parallel to my body, elbows just about touching my sides. I'm gonna feel those tomorrow too lol.
Tomorrow I think I'll do some legs and abs. 1 legged squats and planks or something. Working out well so far. Getting cut to shreds, which is my goal. The medicine I'm taking probably helps that too, since I'm not really hungry anymore and only eat fruit during the day.
The pushups you're doing sound like they are mostly focusing on tricep rather than your chest.
When I do pushups I do like I'm benching, try to keep your arms/elbows out to about a 45 degree angle from your body. That is if you wanna do that. Just tossing it out there.
My meat freezer is vast! Not vast enough that the freezer above my fridge isn't stuffed as well, though, lol.How many elks did you kill and how big is your freezer? Goddamn.
I had recipes for a protein meal bar but they are very far from low carb. Bunches and gobs of oats don't make for a low-carb friendly meal bar, but they are good for post-workout nutrition. I can repost the recipe if you are interested.Any good recipes for making your own protein bars? I remember someone in this thread makes them. Ones with low sugar preferred! low-carb wouldn't hurt as well, but its not that big of a deal to me if there arent any decent low carb protein bars.
10 years off and I'm not incredibly smaller than I used to be, I'm still a big guy, but I'm about HALF as strong as I used to be, in pretty much everything. Used to do barbell curls 10 x 120lbs and now I'm at 60. Fuuuuuuuuuuuu. Wonder how long it's gonna take to be strong again![]()
10 years off and I'm not incredibly smaller than I used to be, I'm still a big guy, but I'm about HALF as strong as I used to be, in pretty much everything. Used to do barbell curls 10 x 120lbs and now I'm at 60. Fuuuuuuuuuuuu. Wonder how long it's gonna take to be strong again
Also I have no idea what weight to do squats at cause I always did leg press back in the day. I don't even know if I could rep the bar with two 45's on it now...
What the hell timedog, how old are you?
Mr City, what did you do for creatine loading? How many grams per day for how long? Just wondering cuz I've got an unopened tub of creatine I might as well use since I want to gain weight. Don't really mind that it's mostly water weight![]()
What the hell timedog, how old are you?
Mr City, what did you do for creatine loading? How many grams per day for how long? Just wondering cuz I've got an unopened tub of creatine I might as well use since I want to gain weight. Don't really mind that it's mostly water weight![]()
It's amazing what a difference quality gear makes. My old belt was a cheapo from bodybuilding.com. The 13mm I got from EFTS is finally broken in and I got it a notch tighter today--wow, weight went up SMOOTH. I have a long torso and slight lordosis, so I have somewhat chronic back pain, but deads felt spectacular.
If you're considering getting a belt, don't skimp. It's worth it.
It's amazing what a difference quality gear makes. My old belt was a cheapo from bodybuilding.com. The 13mm I got from EFTS is finally broken in and I got it a notch tighter today--wow, weight went up SMOOTH. I have a long torso and slight lordosis, so I have somewhat chronic back pain, but deads felt spectacular.
If you're considering getting a belt, don't skimp. It's worth it.
Are you referring to this: http://www.flexcart.com/members/elitefts/default.asp?m=PD&cid=205&pid=3495
If so, yeah that looks legit. It might be time to pony up some dough and get myself a good belt.
10 years off and I'm not incredibly smaller than I used to be, I'm still a big guy, but I'm about HALF as strong as I used to be, in pretty much everything. Used to do barbell curls 10 x 120lbs and now I'm at 60. Fuuuuuuuuuuuu. Wonder how long it's gonna take to be strong again
Also I have no idea what weight to do squats at cause I always did leg press back in the day. I don't even know if I could rep the bar with two 45's on it now...
Seriously. He must be pretty thin because bending over in that thing is pretty uncomfortable for me and I'm not a big guy, 6' 215Yep, it's a fantastic belt. I love it.
You actually were able to use it for deads? How the fuck did you get in position?
Yep, it's a fantastic belt. I love it.
You actually were able to use it for deads? How the fuck did you get in position?
I'm about 5'10", 205 lbs.
It's my torso, brah. One of the few times I am happy I have a long torso and short legs.
1) Mostly bodybuilding stuff, which was dumb cause I was doing it mostly for Track and Field throwing, which I was really good at in high school.Hearing this, I wonder
- How did you train before?
- What happened that caused you to regress/not train for 10 years?
- How are you training now?
What the hell timedog, how old are you?
If I were you'd I'd err to the light side.
1. Overconfidence. You might hurt yourself lifting weights that are heavier than you remembered.
2. DOMS. It'll be bad.
3. New exercises, like squats can be dangerous if improperly performed. Light = form practice.