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Fitness |OT3| BroScience, Protein Dysentery, XXL Calf Implants, and Squat Rack Hogs

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Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
So I think I'm actually going to try to find an amateur powerlifting competition near me.

My main professor used to do competitive collegiate powerlifting in the Army, so I'm hitting him up for some tips/advice.

I know I'm not going to win shit, but the opportunity to learn should be ever present.

At 300lbs 3x5 it really is starting to feel like my squat progress on SS is going to come to a halt, or at least slow quite a bit. My legs feel like they're going to cave underneath me.

If you think "that's it" with Starting Strength, I'd recommend 5/3/1 as your next step, but that's just me.


If you think "that's it" with Starting Strength, I'd recommend 5/3/1 as your next step, but that's just me.

That's where I'm conflicted. Because I think my other lifts still have a ways to go, I've just sprung up in Squat much faster than my other lifts. My deadlift at lest has only reached 320, and my bench is around 200, with OHP around 150, but those are all still increasing regularly. I'm debating altering SS to switch deadlifts and squats so I'm Deadlifting more and squating less to work on the imbalance, but I'm unsure if that's a solid plan or not.

My revised workout would look something like this:

Squat - 1 set of 5
Bench Press - 3 sets of 5
Deadlifts - 3 sets of 5
Pull-Ups - 3 sets of 8-15

Squat - 3 sets of 5
Overhead Press - 3 sets of 5
Power Cleans - 5 sets of 3
Abdominal work

Squat - 1 set of 5
Bench Press - 3 sets of 5
Deadlift - 3 sets of 5
Bent Over Rows - 3 set of 5
Arm work, if desired

I know this is several pages old but with regards to the isolation/compound lifts, one of the main reasons why compound programs are recommended is that for beginners, they need a base (from both a physical and a mental standpoint) to work with and grow on. Compound exercises are the best way for you to achieve that. My thoughts about it anyway.
Man, there's such a big difference to me when it comes to 0% fat and 2% fat yogurt. The latter, it's creamier and tastes better.

Now it's time to brush my teeth. The honey in the yogurt has 30g of sugar. :O

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
That's where I'm conflicted. Because I think my other lifts still have a ways to go, I've just sprung up in Squat much faster than my other lifts. My deadlift at lest has only reached 320, and my bench is around 200, with OHP around 150, but those are all still increasing regularly. I'm debating altering SS to switch deadlifts and squats so I'm Deadlifting more and squating less to work on the imbalance, but I'm unsure if that's a solid plan or not.

Not sure I'd do that with deads, they take a while to recover from. Perhaps just have 1 major squat day and then everything else light? (obviously depending on how many days you work).

My revised workout would look something like this:


Looks good to me, or even still do 3 sets of 5 on the first and last day, but at a much lower weight.


Not sure I'd do that with deads, they take a while to recover from. Perhaps just have 1 major squat day and then everything else light? (obviously depending on how many days you work).
Well currently the program only has me do 1x5 on deadlifts though, so I feel like some kind of increase in those with a decrease in squatting might be in order. I dunno. Just feels like I need to push forward on those deads!

Looks good to me, or even still do 3 sets of 5 on the first and last day, but at a much lower weight.

Maybe that is what I'll do, have my big squat day on the middle day, and lighter on the others.


True, but eating a healthy, balanced diet will help decrease your chances of cancer. I eat red meat only once a week. Everything else is white meat and fish.

I eat bacon, steak, and chicken everyday. I also take several shots of coconut oil (16g saturated fat each), 6-10 eggs, cheese, and olive oil.

Comes out to about

250g Protein
200-250g fat
20 carbs.

Maybe I'll look good but I'm probably gonna die lol. I'll switch it up at some point. LOL


don't mean this to be TMI but holy shit do not bench and squat when you're feeling a little gassy in the morning. Think I nearly made the dude next to me pass out on my first db bench set.


How out of whack are these numbers.... :( stupid squats.

Bench press - working 235 - 1rm 270
Squat - working 225 - 1rm 250
deadlift - working 360 - 1rm 404
overhead press - working 135 - 1rm 180

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
don't mean this to be TMI but holy shit do not bench and squat when you're feeling a little gassy in the morning. Think I nearly made the dude next to me pass out on my first db bench set.

lol, I typically make sure that is taken care of before lifting in general.

I did get crop dusted a few weeks back though, and I ended up being the one everyone looked at thinking I did it.

That bastard.
lol, I typically make sure that is taken care of before lifting in general.

I did get crop dusted a few weeks back though, and I ended up being the one everyone looked at thinking I did it.

That bastard.
Haha, it's funny, I always assume it's the biggest guy in the room, even though I know this makes no sense.

Been crop dusted while squatting and almost passed out. Also had a guy continuously fart audibly next to me. I think he was just standing there and I was stretching so it totally looked like it was me.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Haha, it's funny, I always assume it's the biggest guy in the room, even though I know this makes no sense.

Been crop dusted while squatting and almost passed out. Also had a guy continuously fart audibly next to me. I think he was just standing there and I was stretching so it totally looked like it was me.

Yeah, that shit's the worst. Especially then the ladies are around you.


Damn grip continues to halt my deadlift progress. I think I may end up needing straps if I'm going to move forward. My small hands probably aren't helping me compared to some of you big guys.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Damn grip continues to halt my deadlift progress. I think I may end up needing straps if I'm going to move forward. My small hands probably aren't helping me compared to some of you big guys.

Add farmer carries, krock rows, or heavy shrugs.

All of those will do wonders for your grip.


That's where I'm conflicted. Because I think my other lifts still have a ways to go, I've just sprung up in Squat much faster than my other lifts. My deadlift at lest has only reached 320, and my bench is around 200, with OHP around 150, but those are all still increasing regularly. I'm debating altering SS to switch deadlifts and squats so I'm Deadlifting more and squating less to work on the imbalance, but I'm unsure if that's a solid plan or not.

My revised workout would look something like this:


Squat - 1 set of 5
Bench Press - 3 sets of 5
Deadlifts - 3 sets of 5
Pull-Ups - 3 sets of 8-15

Squat - 3 sets of 5
Overhead Press - 3 sets of 5
Power Cleans - 5 sets of 3
Abdominal work

Squat - 1 set of 5
Bench Press - 3 sets of 5
Deadlift - 3 sets of 5
Bent Over Rows - 3 set of 5
Arm work, if desired

Welp, let's just see here. You want to do your deadlift for sets across and twice a week. That's probably not going to work extremely well given just how brutally hard heavy deadlifts are. I reckon this will work for a week or two before everything comes down to an ass grinding halt.

You want to squat 3x5 on Weds and 1x5 on Mon/Fri. I'm not sure how heavy those are going to be or how you're going to program progression. The decisions made here seem random and ill informed. Let's try this again.


Squat 3x5
BP/ Press 3x5
Row 3x5

Light Squat (70% of what your last squat workout was, lower if you feel like it) 3x3 or 2x5
BP/Press 3x5
Deadlift 1x5

Squat 3x5
BP/ Press 3x5
Power Cleans 5x3

What drive adaptation is stress powerful enough to elicit a response and the body's ability to recovery and super-compenstate from that stress. You can't really make it go faster than it can by just adding more volume. Your squat is doing well, and depending on the number of resets you've done so far, your next stall may mean its time to switch over to a more intermediate program, ensuring smaller progress. Deadlifts are usually higher than squats, however that's not written in stone. Some people don't always have the best proportions for deadlifting or are able to squat more the squat is a lift that's easier to recover from.


Welp, let's just see here. You want to do your deadlift for sets across and twice a week. That's probably not going to work extremely well given just how brutally hard heavy deadlifts are. I reckon this will work for a week or two before everything comes down to an ass grinding halt.

You want to squat 3x5 on Weds and 1x5 on Mon/Fri. I'm not sure how heavy those are going to be or how you're going to program progression. The decisions made here seem random and ill informed. Let's try this again.

What drive adaptation is stress powerful enough to elicit a response and the body's ability to recovery and super-compenstate from that stress. You can't really make it go faster than it can by just adding more volume. Your squat is doing well, and depending on the number of resets you've done so far, your next stall may mean its time to switch over to a more intermediate program, ensuring smaller progress. Deadlifts are usually higher than squats, however that's not written in stone. Some people don't always have the best proportions for deadlifting or are able to squat more the squat is a lift that's easier to recover from.

So my deadlifts being so similar too my squat doesn't for sure mean I'm doing anything wrong? That's good to hear, as I feel like I'm progressing, I just keep worrying because of how close the numbers remain.

I suppose I'll keep the program as is and simply take down the volume/intensity of my squats on the day I'm really going to hit deads, see how that works out.


What would that mean if your squat progresses father than your deadlift? That you are a dastardly villain? Some people will fare better on the squat then the deadlift, me being one of them. Although, that didn't stop me from getting in the top 5 for the gaf deadlift challenge (Although many of the thread's strongest pullers were absent) The biggest concern is that you're cutting the squats high which may explain the squat out pacing the deadlift. That is an easily observable and fixable problem however.


What would that mean if your squat progresses father than your deadlift? That you are a dastardly villain? Some people will fare better on the squat then the deadlift, me being one of them. Although, that didn't stop me from getting in the top 5 for the gaf deadlift challenge (Although many of the thread's strongest pullers were absent) The biggest concern is that you're cutting the squats high which may explain the squat out pacing the deadlift. That is an easily observable and fixable problem however.
No, I definitely go deep enough. My squats are atg or close to it. I guess I'm just built for squats.


Just switched up my workout routine completely. I would normally do a full body workout.

On A Day I'd do a bench, row, skull crusher, bicep curls, chest flys, etc. On B Day I'd do a squat, military press, deltoid fly, abs, etc. I'd go to the gym 4-5 days a week and by the end of the week even after all of my revisions, I'd have a rough time with my workouts.

When I went to visit my best friends this weekend, they all are doing a two muscle group a day routine and I got to say they all have the type of body I'm looking for and my routine isn't taking me places. Today I started with a chest and middle back routine. I did a bench, incline, dumbell flys, cable row, upright row, overhead row, and HIT training. Tomorrow I'm going to do shoulders and legs.

Any suggestions?


Just switched up my workout routine completely. I would normally do a full body workout.

On A Day I'd do a bench, row, skull crusher, bicep curls, chest flys, etc. On B Day I'd do a squat, military press, deltoid fly, abs, etc. I'd go to the gym 4-5 days a week and by the end of the week even after all of my revisions, I'd have a rough time with my workouts.

When I went to visit my best friends this weekend, they all are doing a two muscle group a day routine and I got to say they all have the type of body I'm looking for and my routine isn't taking me places. Today I started with a chest and middle back routine. I did a bench, incline, dumbell flys, cable row, upright row, overhead row, and HIT training. Tomorrow I'm going to do shoulders and legs.

Any suggestions?

Instead of isolating your... middle back(?) why not just do heavy rows - either 1 arm or with a barbell and have a whole day for back (and biceps)? Throw some pullups, lat pulldowns or deadlifts, and maybe a seated cable row on top and bam, there's your whole back roasted. 12-15 sets once a week for your back.


or throw shoulders in with chest/tris if you want a 3-day split and take an extra day off.


Is there a site or anything that could help me out with cooking healthy meals? I can cook well enough for myself, but lack any knowledge on just what to buy and recipes.


Had next to no sleep last night due to work, and am debating whether to go boxing tonight on only 2hrs sleep. I've got enough food to keep me going, and some pro plus too so might have to man up and go through it.

I've increased my running volume too, doing a few km as a warm up each session then a couple of miles road running on friday and saturday night after work. Hoping to get my fitness up massively over the next month by gradually increasing the distance/speed I do.

Had some guy swapping with me between sets as I did some Power Cleans the other day, he was impressed with my form for 60kg. It was only warm up sets too, i'm looking to push on to 70kg in the next couple of weeks hopefully.

Feels good, starting to feel like I did when I trained every day half a year ago to get where I am now - ambitious and determined.


good credit (by proxy)
So, I'm getting back into working out after like 10 years of not working out. Noticably there is a lack of supplements section in the OP.

Upon doing research on some stuff that I used to take (ZMA, Glutamine, etc) it seems a lot of this stuff is thought to not really do anything. Is there any supplements besides protein and creatine, which I just bought, that I might consider?

I'm going for power and size.


So, I'm getting back into working out after like 10 years of not working out. Noticably there is a lack of supplements section in the OP.

Upon doing research on some stuff that I used to take (ZMA, Glutamine, etc) it seems a lot of this stuff is thought to not really do anything. Is there any supplements besides protein and creatine, which I just bought, that I might consider?

I'm going for power and size.

If there were we'd all be buying them. Fortunately that means you get to keep your hard-earned money


Friend/fellow gymer ruptured a pec this evening. Mentioned that he was pretty wrecked/tired and would push on, felt a pop when benching and had immediate pain.. lucky he had a spotter. Scheduled for emergency surgery tonight.

Rest is really fucking important guys.
So, I'm getting back into working out after like 10 years of not working out. Noticably there is a lack of supplements section in the OP.

Upon doing research on some stuff that I used to take (ZMA, Glutamine, etc) it seems a lot of this stuff is thought to not really do anything. Is there any supplements besides protein and creatine, which I just bought, that I might consider?

I'm going for power and size.

Fish oil is actually healthy if you need more omega 3 in your diet. The OP ignores supplements because they're not worth worrying about.
Just switched up my workout routine completely. I would normally do a full body workout.

On A Day I'd do a bench, row, skull crusher, bicep curls, chest flys, etc. On B Day I'd do a squat, military press, deltoid fly, abs, etc. I'd go to the gym 4-5 days a week and by the end of the week even after all of my revisions, I'd have a rough time with my workouts.

When I went to visit my best friends this weekend, they all are doing a two muscle group a day routine and I got to say they all have the type of body I'm looking for and my routine isn't taking me places. Today I started with a chest and middle back routine. I did a bench, incline, dumbell flys, cable row, upright row, overhead row, and HIT training. Tomorrow I'm going to do shoulders and legs.

Any suggestions?

Kyle alreadly mentioned a lot of what I was going to say. If your pull ups are high, do weighted pull ups. I usually do them twice a month, and that's all the back workout I do. You can do wide grip, close grip, and chin ups. If you want a finisher, you can do that exercise where you lay your back on a bench and grab the DB head and do that pullover move.

Also, find a smith machine and lower the bar to near the ground. Get underneath it, legs extended, feet together, and pull your chest up to the bar. Your back and biceps will be on fire.
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