Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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Hopefully it will end in the middle of a tense Karuta match and we'll never know who won.


Bad memories, man. Bad memories.

Glass Fleet 1-2

This show is pretty ugly in that I don't care for the character designs, and the CGI spaceships are hideous.

I'm also pretty sure the episode starts with Michel claiming there's no wind in space, only to end with Michel's hair blowing in the outer-space breeze.

Plot is kind of blah so far.

I think you're watching this with the wrong mindset.
Daily Lives of Nichibros 9

This episode was pure gold from beginning to end. I honestly didn't even notice
Tadakuni was missing
till they pointed it out.

Someone should cut him out of the OP Yuru yuri style.



It was literally a character introduction episode for Yunoha to enter the main cast. Remember what most of the episode was about. Notice the only reason she reveals herself is to fix a misunderstanding in the love triangle but not any form of character development on her part.

They didn't even know she existed until she jumped into a mecha. lol

Hiiro no Kakera - 01

Well that wasn't very promising.

To describe the premise it seems like Natsume except the main character is a girl, with a harem of bodyguards. The animation or camera cuts were god awful 0.5 second closeups of face parts actual missing animation. And oh my lord have we devolved into making awful PS2 level CG Youkai/Ayakashi's now? WHEN WILL THIS MADNESS STOP!!


I'm hoping for trainwreck, honestly. So far it's been fairly normal, though. Aside from Mr. wind Generation.

If you're hoping for a Code Geass level trainwreck then it never does get that bad sadly.

Nevertheless the show becomes thoroughly entertaining once all the characters are introduced and doing their thing. Episode 4 is when the silliness starts to ramp up.


This one still blows my mind. The heads don't even look attached to the body thanks to the color scheme and that stupid cross shaped piece.

I'm still trying to figure out what the hell that thing on Rachel is. Is it paper mache or something? Clay? Wireframed like a hoop skirt?

What the hell is it?

For those not following on the gaming side, Shaft is handling one of the Kid Icarus shorts. It's directed by Sir Shinbo. And the head-tilt is in.

4c and P.IG are handling the other two, but who cares.


Hook it up to my veins.


Shaft knows exactly what they're doing. They wouldn't have released that exact specific shot for the promo if they didn't.

My body is ready.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Studio 4C AND Shinbo?

Best collection ever confirmed.


Paulenta and headtilts?

All over my body.

Haha, exactly. And from the released clips of the game, she sounds like a character that'd work the head-tilt just fine.


4C one could be good.

Yeah, P.IG's looks crazy lazy from that pic, but they might be going for something with the 3D/depth so it might not be fair to write it off just yet. And yeah, Shinbodom aside, 4c's may actually look the best atm.
Hmm.....finally watch Blood-C this weekend or hold out as long as possible for complete series on Blu-Ray & Uncensored?

What say you AnimeGAF?


In case anyone cares, Miyazaki Goro announced at an event today that his movie Kokuriko no Zaka kara (From Poppy Hill) is going to be released on Blu Ray and DVD on June 20.

What's actually waaay more interesting to me is an NHK documentary behind the scenes at Ghibli titled (roughly) "Poppy Hill, 300 Days of War Between Father and Son, Hayao Miyazaki x Goro Miyazaki" which is getting a BD/DVD on May 16 (This might have already been broadcast and is just the BD/DVD version). It supposedly shows Hayao and Goro fighting over this project.


The real tragedy here is that they're supposed to be 3min episodes, and P-IG's lazy CG thing gets THREE episodes (9mins!), while Shaft's silly moe thing gets TWO episodes (6mins!!!), yet the really cool one by 4C and Kazuto Nakazawa only gets ONE episode (3mins!? :/).



Is this what they call posting?

Is this?
god fucking dammit now I have to watch the rest of Prétear :mad: i dont wanna

You must!
For those not following on the gaming side, Shaft is handling one of the Kid Icarus shorts. It's directed by Sir Shinbo. And the head-tilt is in.

4c and P.IG are handling the other two, but who cares.


Good stuff. I cant wait.
Paulenta and headtilts?

All over my body.

Omg yes
It's finally happened. Nintendo characters getting SHAFTed.

The future of anime is saved.
Hmm.....finally watch Blood-C this weekend or hold out as long as possible for complete series on Blu-Ray & Uncensored?

What say you AnimeGAF?

Watch it in full troll mode. Its absolutely delightful.
Miami Guns 1-6 - This show is often hilarious. The manga was great stuff, and I'd watched some of the TV show years back and vaguely remembered it, but yeah, it's mostly good. However, ep. 5... no. That was just wrong, this episode should not have been made as is, not in this series. Apart from that though, I'm liking it a lot. I do think the manga is better, but it's good.

Miami Guns may at first sight seem like a You're Under Arrest knockoff, but it's not really. Yeah, it's a police show from the '90s starring two female characters, but the similarities don't go much beyond that. No, Miami Guns has three main focal points -- action, comedy, and fanservice. This show has lots of skimpy costumes and stuff blowing up, that's for sure, and is often pretty funny too. I wrote a review of the manga a few months back in the manga thread, so I won't repeat my thoughts on it here, but this is not an exact adaptation to film. Instead, the anime is its own thing. The same characters appear, and many episodes are based on scenarios from the manga, but they don't happen exactly the same, and other parts are new for the anime. As I said, I think that the new parts have some weaknesses, but still, it's mostly funny stuff. The anime has a bit less fanservice than the manga, but that's pretty normal, and there is still some. The action's just as over-the-top, but maybe is a bit less violent at times. There's still quite a bit of it though.

The main character in the series is Yao Sakurakouji. She's the daughter of an incredibly rich industrialist in the country (I think?) of Miami. Miami may have police uniforms and badges that look American, and also have the occasional alligator or palm tree, but don't mistake this for America -- this "Miami" is an invention entirely its own in some of the most absurd of ways. I've commented on this part before, because I remembered some of the absurdity -- ep. 4 for instance has things such as mountains right near the city complete with cliffside roads, tofu delivery shops with their own delivery trucks, and, apparently, plenty of takeout ramen joints. Oh, and have I mentioned that nearly everyone in the series is Japanese, despite this happening in "Miami"? Yeah. And they drive on the left of course.

But anyway, Yao is pretty awesome. She's got an incredibly high opinion of herself and thinks that she's both beautiful and the greatest at everything, but she actually has a lot of the skill to back it up. She's quite rash and doesn't think much before doing things, and has absolutely no problem causing mass property destruction or doing things that by all rights should kill random guilty and innocent people (but through the magic of animation "doesn't"). She joined the police because she wants to be in car chases and gunfights, pretty much. Her father didn't want her to, but she passed anyway. Her partner, Lu, is the quieter one. She's the chief of police's daughter and is the smarter of the two. She's usually saner too, though Yao can have an influence on her sometimes... They make a pretty entertaining pair, overall. The chief keeps trying to come up with reasons to not let Yao do stuff (because of her father's influence against it, mostly), but she always manages to convince him anyway. She has no interest in normal police work, only stuff that's fun and exciting, and always gets into that. How she gets out of it... um, sometimes through skill, other times through luck. It's some of each. Oh, and due to her wealth, she has no conception of money, pretty much.

Ep. 1 starts off right in the middle of the action. The intro chapters from the manga are dropped in favor of a new episode, about a guy holding a hostage in a bank. Yao isYao and it ends in, well, mass property destruction, like usual. Good stuff. :) Poor, stupid bank robber...
At the end, Yao calls her father to have him buy the bank building here (and this is a large, tall building) just so that she can then destroy it with a series of time bombs she sets throughout, in order to take down the villain. It works.
Oh, and did I mention them bringing a tank up the stairs of the building, for a direct frontal assault on the hijacker's room? That happens too! :)

Ep. 2 is a faux "recap" episode. Yao and Lu introduce the shorts, and act like this is a recap episode about the events in a prior series in the franchise. Of course, no such series exists; this was all invented for this episode. It's a clever concept and it works well. They introduce some parts of the origin story form the manga here, but a lot of this stuff is new. It gets ... kind of weird .. at times, and I don't know if all of this is entirely canon either.
For instance, one part explains a sci-fi backstory for the franchise, about how this is set in a post-apocalyptic setting, and the ruling class had left in spaceships while the masses had to suffer on the polluted earth until things were calm enough for them to return... but not a word of this exists in the manga, and the series is otherwise entirely in its '90s setting, so I have no idea if this part is supposed to be taken seriously.
I assume ... I don't know, but it was funny anyway. Good stuff. The explanation for why the chief (as Japanese as the rest of the cast) has an afro is kind of amusing too. :)

Ep. 3 is a much straighter adaptation of a manga chapter than most of these episodes here. It's a chapter where Yao and Lu infiltrate a girls' high school, trying to figure out why some girls are going missing. It's a funny, well-done episode, very much like the manga chapter. Yao never does things by half measures... :)
The theme that "Yao never realizes that this other girl is trying to defeat her and only ever recognizes her as a friend" is something the manga kept up with throughout the series. It's just as amusing here as ever. :)

Ep.4 is another manga adaptation chapter, but it takes a few more liberties than the last one. The basics of the plot are similar, but it's not the same. This episode is a car chase focused episode, as Yao and Lu try to uncover the mystery of who is forcing cars off the road on the Miami Mountain Pass cliffside road. (Yes, I find that kind of hilarious... Miami mountain pass? What? :lol) Cue driving scenes! :) Good episode, lots of fun as always. Yao's a pretty good driver, and those gadgets in her car are clever. The villain turns out to be
a disgruntled tofu delivery shop owner. He was made fun of in school and called "slow" or "turtle" or something, so now he gets back at society by dressing as a rabbit and outracing cars on the pass, and then pushing them off the side. How pleasant. Funny, though. :)
The manga chapter of this is somewhat different, as I said, and has a different ending too, but in terms of overall quality they're pretty close. This is a good episode. :)

Ep. 5... as I said, I really dislike what they did to this story. This is based off of a chapter from the manga, but essentially, they reversed a lot of key plot elements in the episode, very much to its detriment. The resulting episode is not something from Miami Guns; instead, it's some generic western show episode. Why did they think that dropping the series' key characteristics was a good idea? It was an awful one!

The episode is, as I said, the "western" episode. In this episode, Yao and Lu are driving through the desert to the Miami Western Village, the requisite Old West town near the city. It's in a desert of course, as expected, and the people are dressed like Old West people should (of course!). Some assassins, the "Maria Rose Sisters", have been killing bounty hunters and police and the like, and their bounty has gotten high. They're rumored to be in town, so a lot of bounty hunters are there. However, naturally, this just means more targets, and several are killed. Now, this is entirely different from the setup in the manga -- the town's name and theme are identical, but the manga doesn't have the grouping of bounty hunters, or the murder-mystery plot; it's entirely different and a whole lot more fun too, in ways that fit Yao and Lu's characters perfectly. The manga story is like this:
Essentially, Yao accidentally spoils a sting for the Maria Rose sisters in Miami, so she decides to go on a crime spree using their names in order to draw them out. :lol, oh Yao... of course she is successful, and the chapter ends with a duel, two on one, in the Miami Western Village. Yao shoots both of them with one bullet thanks to a tactic Lu thinks up, and while as always the series doesn't say either of them died (shot/blown up/crushed/set on fire/etc. villains in this manga never actually are said to be dead!), they cough up blood and then collapse to the ground, so it sure doesn't look good. There's also a male FBI agent involved who's also after the Maria Rose sisters (he was involved in the sting in the beginning, and appears here and there through the chapter). He's a somewhat minor character, but Yao clearly likes him.

Now, what did they do in the anime? First of course, they have that murder-mystery setup I mentioned before. However, then more of the truth is revealed, and it's stupid.
See, Yao and Lu are in town, along with the bounty hunters. They do some stuff from the manga, like Yao winning a drinking contest against one guy. The FBI agent is there too, as a suspicious guy secretly investigating the situation. However, then it is revealed that these aren't Yao and Lu at all -- these are actually the Maria Rose sisters. The real Yao and Lu don't make an appearance in the actual plot of this episode; they're out in the desert the whole time. This is Not Okay in this franchise -- having an episode of a series without the main characters doing anything relevant, by reversing the plot of the manga and giving everything they did there to someone else instead? See, here it's the FBI agent guy (who's actually not one but is just pretending, because he really hates the Maria Rose sisters for killing some people he cared about) be the super awesome gunslinger who defeats the Maria Rose sisters in that two-on-one duel, using that same tactic from the manga except without any of the strategizing beforehand - he just says "I'm that awesome" and it's left at that. He just shoots them in the arms too, to make them drop their guns; none of that maybe-killing here. It's really, really stupid. The whole point of the series is to have Yao manage to actually back up her boasting and insanity with enough success and shows of skill to keep things working, and by giving her role to someone else you really do hurt the plot. And besides, this murder-mystery story isn't as funny as the manga's blown operation and crime spree, anyway. In the anime, Yao and Lu only show up at the end, to have a scene where Yao falls in love with the guy (like in the manga) at first sight pretty much, the end as he leaves.
Yeah, I have no idea what they were thinking there, but this episode should not have happened like that. It was okay, but it could have been so much better. Oh well. Some elements of this "reversal" concept are clever (
like having the villain women dress as Yao and Lu, instead of Yao and Lu dress as them, most notably
), but the overall product just doesn't work as an episode of Miami Guns.

Ep. 6 - Now this is more like it... the series is nicely back to form here. :) This episode is about a serial bomber who spread 100 watermelon bombs around the city. It's a new story of the anime, mostly, but it's pretty funny and entertaining. Silly, semi-incompetent villain, entertaining bomb expert guy visiting from the FBI ( :lol, he's entertaining... blowing yourself up that often can't be healthy... :) ), and more. Yao gets into trouble again thanks to her giant ego, and with Lu and Kaken (the police scientist woman) has to figure out a way to get out of it by finding the bombs again before they blow up an arena full of fans watching a wrestling match -- Watermelon Man vs. Sumo Man! :) Yao ends up
not only competing in the match as Sumo Man (Woman), but winning. Naturally.
Oh, and yes, the bomb threat ends with the requisite wire-cutting with barely over a second on the clock. Of course. :)
In the end, Lu and Kaken bail out Yao for her actions that set off the whole mess, by making up a story about how she did it all in order to catch the villain. Of course in truth catching him was just a complete accident, but this way they get to split the reward money, so why not fudge a bit... :)


In case anyone cares, Miyazaki Goro announced at an event today that his movie Kokuriko no Zaka kara (From Poppy Hill) is going to be released on Blu Ray and DVD on June 20.

What's actually waaay more interesting to me is an NHK documentary behind the scenes at Ghibli titled (roughly) "Poppy Hill, 300 Days of War Between Father and Son, Hayao Miyazaki x Goro Miyazaki" which is getting a BD/DVD on May 16 (This might have already been broadcast and is just the BD/DVD version). It supposedly shows Hayao and Goro fighting over this project.

Oh FFS, Miyazaki family! if Hayao is such a control freak, then WHY IS HE LETTING HIS SON DIRECT FILMS?

I suppose, any publicity is good publicity? Maybe?

zeroshiki, you saw this in the cinema didn't you? Was it okay? I don't hate Earthsea as much as most people do (its main crime is being a bit dull, really) so I'm tentatively excited for the eventual English language release of this.


What's actually waaay more interesting to me is an NHK documentary behind the scenes at Ghibli titled (roughly) "Poppy Hill, 300 Days of War Between Father and Son, Hayao Miyazaki x Goro Miyazaki" which is getting a BD/DVD on May 16 (This might have already been broadcast and is just the BD/DVD version). It supposedly shows Hayao and Goro fighting over this project.
Yeah, it aired this previous August. From this documentary people collected evidence on The Wind Rises possibly being Hayao Miyazaki next movie (
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