Yes.Actually really truly your No.1?
They're doing the work Hollywood won't. They're reaching out to our people in ways that greedy studios would never even think of doing!Why does everyone choose what could possibly be the two worst bands to back every fight/action /AMV on youtube?
How do you feel about Daft Punk?
Nice prices there, I might have to pick up Paranoia Agent for that. I don't think MVM are quite dead yet, but given the BOMBA's I'd imagine it's only a matter of time.
That said, most of my MVM full series boxsets come from Amazon UK. I think I got Shakugan no Shana and Elemental Gelade for around 13-15 pounds each (among other things). With added advantage of surfing a website that was designed for browsers other than IE6. Only the latter was worth it though.
Why does everyone choose what could possibly be the two worst bands to back every fight/action /AMV on youtube?
I'm pretty sure that MVM are just a name on a street somewhere + a warehouse of titles at this point.
The funny thing about precures is that you can blast through a season fairly quick if you fastforward past all the stock footage stuff.
Why would you skip the best part of the show?!?!?
So, it removed your ability to write about it any informative manner?
I'm honestly not sure what to think about it. It hovers right on the line between creative genius and wanton self-indulgence in randomness. There are impressive scenes, both of the tender and touching variety and of the vibrant and extravagant variety, but I'm not sure they gelled into a coherent whole. The pacing is kind of wonky -went on way too long, for instance.the ascent out of the whale's mouth
Fortunately, if I wasn't sure what the theme of the film was supposed to be, it's spelled out at the very beginning:
Thanks, Yuasa.
Going by this video, both Kenichi Yoshida and Yoh Yoshinari are doing designs for the Mass Effect anime.
I was wondering the same :/
Henshin scenes are THE BEST PART
It's the anime equivalent of this:
How do AMVs still even exist in 2012? I would have thought that the teenage Naruto fans that loved this shit would have grown up by now and stopped making them.
oh? I mean only the stock footage finishers =P Those tend to go on a bit too long.
Speaking of which Suite Precure movie reminded me of how awesome their henshin sequence was. Great theme. Shame the show was kinda bad =/
oh? I mean only the stock footage finishers =P Those tend to go on a bit too long.
Speaking of which Suite Precure movie reminded me of how awesome their henshin sequence was. Great theme. Shame the show was kinda bad =/
I'm never a fan of the finishers just because of the plastic toy pimping, but the more complex ones that we get later in the series tend to be better.
I hope you're prepared for Geneijin's wrath.Suite has the best transformation sequences.
A bit lame that they don't have some unique henshin sequences when they henshin as a group =/
Fixed that for you.I never understood why AMVs are so popular, if I was given a penny for every Naruto x Linkin Park video..
Fixed that for you.
Someone make a Hamtaro x Linkin Park AMV!
edit: Dear lord, it already exists:
Fixed that for you.
Someone make a Hamtaro x Linkin Park AMV!
edit: Dear lord, it already exists:
It kind of sounds like you maybe kinda liked it. A better question might be: are you glad you watched it?I'm honestly not sure what to think about it. It hovers right on the line between creative genius and wanton self-indulgence in randomness. There are impressive scenes, both of the tender and touching variety and of the vibrant and extravagant variety, but I'm not sure they gelled into a coherent whole. The pacing is kind of wonky -went on way too long, for instance.the ascent out of the whale's mouth
Going by this video, both Kenichi Yoshida and Yoh Yoshinari are doing designs for the Mass Effect anime.
Perhaps this is the equivalent of Vinny's law. Instead of any game that allows you access to tools will result in World 1-1, any anime that exists has an AMV paired with Linkin Park or will have one made.
It kind of sounds like you maybe kinda liked it. A better question might be: are you glad you watched it?
I'm beginning to wonder how deep the rabbit hole goes.I've seen things.
Horrible things.
Gurenn Lagann pretty much slams you in the face with awesome from the very beginning and doesn't ever seem to let up, so I could see why you'd like it a lot. It is really, really, really fun.
Chihayafuru doesn't seem to have one yet! Maybe it is safe. I mean it can't be that popular to 12 year olds right?
Chihayafuru doesn't seem to have one yet! Maybe it is safe. I mean it can't be that popular to 12 year olds right?
Chihayafuru doesn't seem to have one yet! Maybe it is safe. I mean it can't be that popular to 12 year olds right?
No words can describe my rage of Justin Beiber, don't get me started on an association to something I like.
Excuse me, I have some houses to burn.
Actually really truly your No.1?
I wonder if the bonus scenes are MORE RAPE.