Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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Bodacious Space Pirates 1

This feels like false advertising, given that they are neither actual pirates, nor are they particularly bodacious, unless you count green lipstick. Still, they do indeed go into space, and there seems to be some actual thought put into some of the sci-fi aspects. Plus it has Chiaki Omigawa.

It's pretty bland visually and aurally, with ugly CGI ships and cars, but that seems to be the norm these days.

It gets a lot better.

All you need to know is Shiranui:



i love troll characters :3



Expelled From Paradise is the official English title.

Edit: The producer is Koichi Noguchi. Erm... isn't he a CG director? I wonder if this will be another Toei CG movie project lol.

plot-mining the garden of eden confirmed.

Besides KoikeLupin does anybody know of any series that are airing this spring and aren't on this chart? I figure that it's about time that I get my procrastinating ass to that monster thread, and need to make sure my info's correct.

-don't embed 10 meg images-


Waiting in the Summer 2


Shinkai's scriptwriter

The problem with this show is that the two leads are pretty boring. Toradora had much stronger character interaction between the protagonists.

The second half of the episode was a lot better due to the supporting cast showing up. Their interactions are the main draw for me right now.


Lemon is the best character.


Dude, that image is really, really huge, and it's causing my browser to lag while I scroll through this thread. >_<

Can't you just list stuff instead of embedding a 600 meg image?
Besides KoikeLupin does anybody know of any series that are airing this spring and aren't on this chart? I figure that it's about time that I get my procrastinating ass to that monster thread, and need to make sure my info's correct.

One Piece High Resolution Special Edition if that counts.
Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom 1-3

Pretty neat so far. It feels like a combination of Monster and Darker Than Black.

The scientist dude seems like a pretty lame villain so far. Sure, he's a total bastard, but he's a boring one. Speaking of which, what was the deal with him rubbing Ein down with oil before her mission? Other than offering gratuitous, creepy fanservice, I mean.


Waiting in the Summer 2

The problem with this show is that the two leads are pretty boring. Toradora had much stronger character interaction between the protagonists.

The second half of the episode was a lot better due to the supporting cast showing up. Their interactions are the main draw for me right now.

I actually like Kaito for certain reasons later on, but yeah, this show really succeeds on the strength of the side characters more than anything else. Ichika's entire character is just zzzzzz

L/Remon is the best character, yes
Besides KoikeLupin does anybody know of any series that are airing this spring and aren't on this chart? I figure that it's about time that I get my procrastinating ass to that monster thread, and need to make sure my info's correct.

Besides Shiba Inuko-san, just some insignificant kids' shows no one here will care about.


Dude, that image is really, really huge, and it's causing my browser to lag while I scroll through this thread. >_<

Can't you just list stuff instead of embedding a 600 meg image?

Listing would have taken too much time, and get away from windows 95, yo. But, yeah, noted, lol. I didn't even realize the filesize.

One Piece High Resolution Special Edition if that counts.

It should. Thx. noted.

Besides Shiba Inuko-san, just some insignificant kids' shows no one here will care about.

also noted and appreciated.

E: You added the pic after the fact, drago. didn't notice. thx.
Phi Brain 24

I am wondering what will happen in the next episode to finish season one, and if there will be any introduction to season two.

The only hypothesis I have is
Rook and Kaito get mind crushed, friends go on some quest or something to try to get them to recover? Or maybe Rook loses gets reformed and integrated to the main team, some entity in POG takes over to get the organization back on track for god scrolls. The episode seemed to indicate internal issues as a result of Rooks breakdown over his Kaito
Katekyo Hitman Reborn 196-200

Will try to finish the last three tomorrow, putting me at the slowest Ive finished a 200 episode series at just about 7 or so months for about 5 episodes a week

Anyway totally forgot about the minor details of the arc especially with
Ghost sudden arrival and the defeat of many characters yet Tsuna being pretty epic with it, as well as that kick to Byakuran. I also enjoyed Chrome and Mukuro and Mukuro and Flan, Mukuro definitely one of the best in the series.

Hope it ends well.


Bodacious Space Pirates 1

This feels like false advertising, given that they are neither actual pirates, nor are they particularly bodacious, unless you count green lipstick. Still, they do indeed go into space, and there seems to be some actual thought put into some of the sci-fi aspects. Plus it has Chiaki Omigawa.

It's pretty bland visually and aurally, with ugly CGI ships and cars, but that seems to be the norm these days.

Some people say it gets better, but i've felt it only gets more inconsistent as it goes along due to the poor buildup to the second arc of the show not properly using it's own rules that they established for their universe. It makes sense though given that originally this first arc material was practically only a series of flashbacks. (There's a huge writeup some pages back so I won't even go into total detail)

There's a few good singular visual scenes scattered (like 3-4), but it's pretty much like that for most of what's already out.
Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom 4

Okay, what the hell?
"We can't assassinate him in the shopping mall because it's too public. What we need to do is ambush him in front of the mall while he's surrounded by guards and civilians, then escape via a neon red convertible with the top down after an intense shoot out in broad daylight."
If these are the best assassins they have to offer, Inferno is screwed.


Irresponsible Captain Tylor 9-13

Every episode is a blast, though some are better than others. I really liked 12 and 13, 12 because Tylor and Yamamoto irresponsible behavior managed to
depress an angry ghost and made it stop haunt the ship
and the face Tylor made to Yamamoto when giving him the order to investigate.
13 because it emphasized how this isn't a war between the Raalgon Empire and the UPSF, it's a war between the UPSF and Tylor, plus it shows once again how the most important factor in battle, at the end of the day, is and always will be, luck.


Sailor Moon R 67

Cute little episode. It reminds me a lot of their last little vacation in that the antagonists weren't present and it was more a focus about Usagi's group, Chibi-Usa in particular.

Emulating depth of field now?

Sailor Moon R 68

Last Ikuhara ep for a while but man it was a great one. Wonderfully intense and the chitchat Chibi-Usa had with Puu (and accompanying music track) worked as a great hook. 68 had one of the funnier openings so far too and the big showdown was impressive.


Sailor Moon R 69

Jupter had this unexpected little flip when arriving in this episode. I'm enjoying these little touches. God, Luna's plea to Mamoru was so damn sad.

Another thing I'm enjoying is how well Artemis and Luna play off one another. They tend to give a scene more personality especially when interacting with someone like here where Ami has shared her ice cream.

Sailor Moon R 70

This is the kind of episode I wish the sisters had earlier on. A bit more focus on the individual a la the Dark Kingdom generals rather than shallow bickering amongst themselves or small business ventures. Koan picked the wrong Sailor Senshi to fuck with though. God damn at that ending. This series of episodes illustrates my tendency to pick the worst times to take a break, intentional or otherwise.



Sailor Moon R 71

Is there some sort of rule that the even numbered OPs be this damn good? Something about the episode itself didn't sit well with me visually though. Overlarge eyes (even by SM standards) and Ami felt off model early on.

Sailor Moon R 72

It's a shame the sisters weren't given more time to develop their characters before their character shift. Maybe it's fiting if they were as shallow as they appeared.

Sailor Moon R 73

Mamoru owns Tuxedo Mask merch? That's unexpected. Really like that Luna P transformation reused animation though.
Fucking Rubeus though.

Sailor Moon R 74

Rubeus was rather petty in the end.. Glad he bought the farm.
Love these big showdown eps. They've been entirely satisfying thus far.

Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki 1-11

I thought I could say I lived but I would have been lying to myself had I said it before watching this. I identify entirely too well with the father's reaction to Poyo.


What is the consensus on the re-release of Grave of the Fireflies that came out a couple weeks ago. I have the original Central Park Media DVD and just want to know if this is worth upgrading.
Genius Party Beyond

As a collection, I felt this was even stronger than the first Genius Party. There wasn't a single short I entirely disliked.



Mahiro Maeda has a thing for pointed ears.

This had the joie-de-vivre of Maeda's AniKuri15 short, spread out into a longer timeframe. You can tell he had a lot of fun coming up with the many varied fantasy creature designs. The pacing isn't as tight as it could be, and the few character interactions are bizarrely artificial. What holds the piece together is the soundtrack: Ritmica Ostinata for piano and orchestra by Akira Ifukube, who composed the scores for many classic Godzilla movies. It's a simple but powerful piece that Maeda uses to great effect in expressing the power of music. The music is carefully matched with the visuals - oddly he matches the instruments of the Western symphony orchestra in the score with traditional Asian instruments, which is jarring at first, but quite effective once you get used to it, especially using a koto to represent the piano. The climax is orgasmic, an irresistable overflowing of joy. The final scene is both a good way to let the audience relax after the frenzy we've been whipped into and a clever revelation.


A silly adventure of a band of ruffians. I liked the general feel of the narrative and setting, but not the random violence and sexual humor. The single female existing for the sole purpose of sexual exploitation makes me uncomfortable.

I really like the look of the backgrounds, with their rugged paper style. It's thematically appropriate for a story focused on a treasure map.

The character designs, on the other hand, are not to my tastes. Neither was the animation style.

Wanwa the Doggy

The surreal dream fantasy of a child. The visual style is extremely unusual but successful. The world is constantly in motion and the characters are animated fluidly, as if only the thinnest barrier is keeping them from spilling into a puddle. There's an overabundance of ideas, but there's a clear emotional arc and thematic structure to keep the short unified. It's a singular creative and cohesive artistic vision, which ends up being the best-made out of all the Genius Party shorts. Shinya Ohira is a great talent.

Toujin Kit

In a washed-out, grimy dystopia, a solitary woman creates animate dolls out of a mysterious substance. The murkily glimpsed-at setting is made believable by sustained atmosphere. The visual look is consistent (with a significant exception), and the long static shots strongly establish a sense of place within the small environment this film focuses on. The reoccuring perspectives highlight the subtle or not-so-subtle changes that take place over the course of the film. The generally slow pacing makes the violent interjections that much more shocking. Really liked this.

Dimension Bomb

Ranges from mostly naturalistic scenes with discordant elements that throw them off-kilter to the completely abstract. It's difficult to understand the connection between scenes or whatever meaning may lie behind the repeated imagery and sentences, but there's no denying it's an impressive experience, like I imagine an acid trip would be.


Gintama 129-130


Character rankings from the latest Nichibros chapter are... interesting.
Karasawa still a PIMP.
ringo and yassan got robbed

What is the consensus on the re-release of Grave of the Fireflies that came out a couple weeks ago. I have the original Central Park Media DVD and just want to know if this is worth upgrading.
seems to be a much better re-release using the R2 master:


You guys should probably wait. Ghibli has been re-releasing all their stuff on Blu-Ray.

We've already gotten Howl's, Gedo Senki, Ponyo and Arrietty. According to pizzaroll, Totoro might be up next.
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