Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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I actually like Kaito for certain reasons later on, but yeah, this show really succeeds on the strength of the side characters more than anything else.
Even the side characters aren't all that much stronger. There's a little more to them but not much. I love the show but it's scene-driven rather than character-driven. Compared to Please Teacher, it feels like they traded out character development for more time to spend on dramatic coincidental overhearing of other people's conversations.

That's not a complaint, though--I love that kind of stuff and I'm OK with this show being a pure distilled delivery of romance melodramedy in 12 episodes. I might get tired of it if it were common but this kind of anime is rare.

But most importantly, the character designs are pretty!


HidaSketch 12 END


A very nice end to a very, very good series. Sae's little sister's pretty damn cute, hopefully she makes more appearances in the show. Next stop, the specials and then the second season!

Oh wow, so the remaster is a step up to the other two releases of Grave of the Fireflies.

No problems dude! That forum's a pretty good resource for when it comes to the quality of new anime DVD & BD releases.

You guys should probably wait. Ghibli has been re-releasing all their stuff on Blu-Ray.

We've already gotten Howl's, Gedo Senki, Ponyo and Arrietty. According to pizzaroll, Totoro might be up next.
I wish they'd hurry up so I can rewatch their stuff in glorious HD.


Brain Powerd 5


This show has so many goofy designs.

Tomino is good at naming:

I still don't understand what the deal with Yuu's sister and her bizarre insistence that everyone call her Quincy is about. This episode also features someone changing out of a Yukata and into their normal clothes offscreen, when time is of the essence and they need to get into their mecha? Why? I have no idea.
Bodacious Space Pirates 1

This feels like false advertising, given that they are neither actual pirates, nor are they particularly bodacious, unless you count green lipstick. Still, they do indeed go into space, and there seems to be some actual thought put into some of the sci-fi aspects. Plus it has Chiaki Omigawa.

It's pretty bland visually and aurally, with ugly CGI ships and cars, but that seems to be the norm these days.

The pirate thing isn't the focus until episode six, but it gradually gets more and more bodacious and certainly is always about space... but yes, the show gets a lot better than the first episode.

I have no idea what Medaka Box actually is except Nisioisin is involved so I'm expecting lots and lots of words.

Pretty generic action shonen manga, pretty much, except with some actually really strong female characters as well as male ones.

It's also got stupid stuff like normal humans running up the sides of four story buildings, people hanging on ceilings with their toes (through their shoes, somehow) without using any special powers, and dumb stuff like that. Sure, some characters have legit superpowers, but why the "normal" ones also can do superhuman feats is entirely unexplained, as far as I've read so far (45-50 chapters). You can't do that even with practice, sorry. :)

Overall, I kind of wish it'd stayed as the comedy series it is for the first couple of chapters; I like that kind of thing a lot more than the action series it quickly becomes.

The anime is going to adapt the entire manga, so I would say just watch the anime first.
But the manga's not over, so will it just make up an ending or something? Also, if it's going to do the whole series, then it'll be a long anime I'd think...

Milky Holmes 1

Okay, the one insult the classmate told the gang got me (not sure if I can say it). Besides that, it was a vanilla intro episode.

I don't really remember the first episode, so I don't remember specific insults...

Birdy the Mighty: Decode 1-2

Tsutomo complains too much for being able to possess the body of a hot alien chick. I mean yeah, she did kill him and all, but at least they're nice enough to repair his body. Would definitely break up the monotony of a typical boring life, especially when inhabiting someone like Birdy is like a roller coaster every day. Tute seems cool too.

This is going to be fun.

Tsutomu is a complete pain and the worst thing about the franchise. I stopped watching the anime in large part because of how insufferable his whining is... it's a bit more tolerable in manga form where I can sort of ignore it. The series would be so much better if it was just about Birdy and not Tsutomu too, darnit!

They're both post-apocalyptic settings featuring girls trying to find a place for themselves. They both also feature villains with the same motivation - using war in order to help save the world. They just seem much more similar than they are different.
They are similar in those two ways, and in having female leads and main casts, but the differ so dramatically in just about every other way that I just don't see them as being THAT similar. The tones, styles, genres, technology, styles of combat, etc... all very different.

They already gave up two episodes with a recap and another with a flashback. Giving up another 10 episodes shouldn't be too much of a problem, considering a lot of the exposition... the battles have become a lot less impressive as well - especially since the last one was basically fought in a storm.[/QUOTE]

There's a difference between two episodes and ten or twelve, though... and even though ep. 18 was stupid, do you really think that an entire half of the show could have been cut and it'd actually be better? I don't.


Shuffle! 21

Watching Kaede try to keep Rin inside the house with all her might and Rin still resisting is like watching a married couple split up right in front of the child. The child being Primula of course. I know Kaede isn't exactly in the right on this situation but I can't help but feel that Rin is the bad guy. He comes off as the husband who finds another woman but that was really never the case as Rin and Kaede were never together. Rin also doesn't really owe Kaede anything. This sucks.
-It's probably because I was Team
from the get-go (also part of Team Mayumi).
-Man, this episode = :(
-I still can't believe he chose
Asa Shigure
. This has got to be the most disappointing choice of girl I've seen a harem lead make. I mean, what in the world does he see in her? Someone that needs help? Don't all these girls need help?
-Rin needs to stop launching these Ballistic Friendzone Missiles at


As far as I'm concerned, this show ended at this episode for me. Operation Friendzone Thunder is done, send the troops back home for the Times Square parade people.

Shuffle! 22


Shuffle! 23


Shuffle! 24 (END)


Asa's logic these past episodes has been so stupid that even Rin threw his hands in the air basically said, "Time to fight stupid with stupid."
An unbelievably contrived and anti-climatic ending. The wrong girl won the heart of the harem lead. Add to this, it seems like the animation budget got cut on this episode.* smh. I leave this show: Disappointed.

*What's wrong with your HAND?


More nuggets from crazy old Miyzakai, in 1991,

We can no longer overcome inferior working conditions by staff spirit alone [Slave Labour - Ed]. Since we have some financial success, we have to take the risk and reinvest what we have acumulated. We need to hire new staff, train and nurture them, and we also need to improve work conditions for our experienced staff...

In addition, I think it's false to assume that just because animators love their work we can keep their wages low. That just isn't right.

Ghibli has created more than three projects and has become stale. Our finances are solid, so we are in good shape, and we don't have to disband one work group only to create another new one. These three reasons have led us to form a real company, to hire new staff and nutrutre them through a training program and at the same time, to turn the staff members...into secure employees...For instance, unless new directors emerge, we won't have a future. This is why I want Ghibli to be an effective workplace for our staff, so they can do good work. I am not intending to commandeer the entire studio, I'm all for having someone pitch a script, and would be happy to give a chance to those who want to direct. While we are not interested in people with no experience, we don't mind having people who can say "I've made this kind of film" knock on doors.

We are still apt to be rather conservative, but we are making an effort not to be and to be humble as we evaluate new personnel.

...But I do think we should stay the kind of studio that makes good movies for children to watch...I think it is vain to confront problem of the adult world through on animated films.

My first thought is, in the 20 years since this was written, where the hell is the new crop of Ghibli directors? The only person whose made two films there recently is Goro Miyazaki, someone with "zero experience".


Well they tried with Kondo (Whisper of the Heart) and he, err, died.

Yonebayashi (Arrietty) seems to be doing well.

I think Miyazaki recognizes the need to train new people but his standards are too high and he sticks his nose in to too many things for all this to be feasible.


Well they tried with Kondo (Whisper of the Heart) and he, err, died.

Yonebayashi (Arrietty) seems to be doing well.

Obviously they tried with Hosoda as well, but Ghibli proved to be "to conservative", right?

There's only a fifteen year gap between Whisper of the Heart and Arrietty, it's not like that's long enough for all the major talent at the studio to retire or die...


The Ghiblies shorts that they show in the museum are very nice as well. Those have nothing to do with Miyazaki and allows some of their young animators a chance to be creative.

I think I read that Ghibli's new business plan is the 3-year cycle. 1 movie a year with every 3rd one being a Miyazaki movie. This of course means that they're bound to announce Miyazaki's next movie soon :O


Kamisama Dolls SP6 END

the lack of utao severely weakened this throwaway extra.

Brain Powerd 5

Tomino is good at naming:

I still don't understand what the deal with Yuu's sister and her bizarre insistence that everyone call her Quincy is about. This episode also features someone changing out of a Yukata and into their normal clothes offscreen, when time is of the essence and they need to get into their mecha? Why? I have no idea.
damn, i gotta see this show

The Ghiblies shorts that they show in the museum are very nice as well. Those have nothing to do with Miyazaki and allows some of their young animators a chance to be creative.

I think I read that Ghibli's new business plan is the 3-year cycle. 1 movie a year with every 3rd one being a Miyazaki movie. This of course means that they're bound to announce Miyazaki's next movie soon :O
but what if they're talking about goro?!


The Ghiblies shorts that they show in the museum are very nice as well. Those have nothing to do with Miyazaki and allows some of their young animators a chance to be creative.

Are you sure about this? I'm pretty sure Miyazaki writes and directors pretty much ALL of those shorts...
The Ghiblies shorts that they show in the museum are very nice as well. Those have nothing to do with Miyazaki and allows some of their young animators a chance to be creative.

I think I read that Ghibli's new business plan is the 3-year cycle. 1 movie a year with every 3rd one being a Miyazaki movie. This of course means that they're bound to announce Miyazaki's next movie soon :O

We already know Ghibli's next three films:

Isao Takahata, Legend of the Bamboo Cutter (due to be completed summer 2013)
Hayao Miyazaki, film about a Japanese man who developed "a weapon of the war" (due to be completed summer 2013)
Goro Miyazaki, samurai swordfight film (?)


Now you've learned why you should just play the visual novel of any eroge adaptations.
I dunno, Yosuga no Sora was fine but I suppose that doesn't count since the anime was already structured like a visual novel.

Kaede is my favorite.

Heh, heh, heh...

Exactly as I called it.

Heh, heh, heh.
How could you...


Profound sadness.

Edit: In fact, now that I think about it, when I started the show I was worried Rin wouldn't choose a girl. After finishing it, I think I'd prefer that to the actual ending.


Space Battleship Yamato 6

History be damned; I have better things to do with my time.

That bored huh? I found Space Battleship Yamato to be quite difficult to wade through - it actually took me two years to finish it. I'd like to tell you that it was worth it, but you should really only be watching it if you're interested in the history of anime. I did not find it entertaining or engaging at any point, unlike other works from the 70's.
Miyazaki said:
...But I do think we should stay the kind of studio that makes good movies for children to watch...I think it is vain to confront problem of the adult world through on animated films.

Funny he should say this, since that very same year Takahata proved him wrong with Only Yesterday.

That bored huh? I found Space Battleship Yamato to be quite difficult to wade through - it actually took me two years to finish it. I'd like to tell you that it was worth it, but you should really only be watching it if you're interested in the history of anime. I did not find it entertaining or engaging at any point, unlike other works from the 70's.

I'm interested in the history of anime, but if I'm going to watch 70s shows I think my time would be better served with Dezaki.


Miyazaki's always been adamant that his movies be about and for children. That adults also really like them is not something he expressly plans for.


Shuffle! 19

Oh fuck. Oh shit. Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. You guys weren't kidding when you said shit hits the fan. This shit is giving me School Days vibes
(I'm sure the latter episodes won't be that extreme)
. But fuuuuuuuuuuk at this episode.

That was the best part of Shuffle! because the only thing it did well otherwise was being a very boring show.


This is my problem with the show. It becomes self parody at some point.

Yeah. And yet there are still like... little bursts of artistry that somehow manage to escape its all-consuming black hole.

In fairness, I walked in halfway through episode 3 and watched 'till the end of 4 (i think). But still.

Well they tried with Kondo (Whisper of the Heart) and he, err, died.

I think Whisper of the Heart is amazing.


How could you...


Profound sadness.

Edit: In fact, now that I think about it, when I started the show I was worried Rin wouldn't choose a girl. After finishing it, I think I'd prefer that to the actual ending.

I'm sitting here at my desk laughing. I totally agree to some extent :lol

Shit got real.
That was the best part of Shuffle! because the only thing it did well otherwise was being a very boring show.

I couldn't even get through the first episode of Shuffle, but I kind of want to watch episode 19 now that I know it was directed by Ei Aoki.

I think Whisper of the Heart is amazing.

Who doesn't? Kondo's death was truly a tragedy.

Chihayafuru 2

Team Arata

I remember those days...
That bored huh? I found Space Battleship Yamato to be quite difficult to wade through - it actually took me two years to finish it. I'd like to tell you that it was worth it, but you should really only be watching it if you're interested in the history of anime. I did not find it entertaining or engaging at any point, unlike other works from the 70's.

Really? I've seen the "Death of the Space Battleship Yamato" movie and it was alright, too bad about the TV series.


I couldn't even get through the first episode of Shuffle, but I kind of want to watch episode 19 now that I know it was directed by Ei Aoki.

I'd say don't bother. It was a pretty awesome twist but I don't think it's worth trudging through those first 18 episodes just for that.

edit: Misread that, lol. I'd say go ahead and watch it if you're going to start from 19.
10 more eps of Eureka 7 left. I don't think I will be able to finish this...

Will Eureka ever look adorable again or does she stay as some freak moe mewtwo?
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