Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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Official site for Lupin The 3rd: A Woman Named Mine Fujiko is open.







Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world

The Guilty Crown Lost Christmas First Press LE will include a DVD containing a 12 min anime OVA where the contents of Lost Christmas is animated by Production IG. I guess Aniplex couldn't afford to give the series a theatrical feature, and this is the next best thing! Lol.
Great. The events of Lost Christmas definitely needed to be gone over a fourth or fifth time.
One Bites the Dust

So I decided to catch up on this. Now I know horror stories don't have to make much sense, but this really takes the biscuit. Why anyone would apply for a school that has a known curse that kills in beyond me. I wouldn't even put it down as a joke. The atmosphere was quite interesting at the beginning even if it was using all the obvious tricks in the book to make it seem scarier than it is (random cuts to creepy dolls, sound effect are extra loud, sudden crescendos in the music). Then it takes a nose dive into the final destination. At least the main girl is cute.

Is it really known though?


Is it really known though?

Only by the people living there, and they don't like to talk about it. Can't blame an outsider for applying there, or the people living there that would have to move every time their kids reach the third year... the real blame should fall squarely on who keeps that class open, at most!


Milky Holmes 3

The rival team appears!

I looked out my window after watching the first-half of this episode...


Dat Twister tension

Wonderful reaction from Cordelia.

But so far, I think I'm still liking Nero the bestest.

And Twenty's Engrish never fails to get a chuckle. He is also a funny creep.
And Herc gets her powers back for a second.
Coolio. I wonder who's next.

brb watching guilty crown

Aaaah snap!
Alright Guilty Crown, it's time we finish this hellish dance.

My god. Those are some of the best designs the series has seen! Now I am hyped.

Cwarrior said:
-reworked intro would lead to believe the studio stepping there game up and that they did

Around episode eight or so, the series changes quite drastically. It'll be interesting to see what you think. Quite honestly, I didn't enjoy some of the early episodes myself. It gets much better IMO.


I think I'll celebrate the website's birth (and cool designs) by watching some of the Lupin movies I have waiting for me right after class.


oh man, i can almost feel the tears coming :(
I won't lie, I got a little nostalgic and misty-eyed at the end.

My brain says to heed all your warnings and not watch something that doesn't exist, but my heart wants to HNNG.
It's choices like these that are the hardest to make.

Guilty Crown end

This has already preemptively won worst ending of the year!

actual spoilers:

Reset ending! Someone just won some money in animegaf!

Shu X Ayase end, Inori dies

someone called Arisa survived
What the fuck, my predictions came true? I dropped it at episode 8, but now I feel the need to finish it.

Even everything I wanted to happen happened. What the fuck :lol



- The DYRL blu-ray contains both the theatrical version and the complete edition.
- The soundtrack is available in the original stereo as well as a new 5.1 track.
- DYRL itself is a HD remaster using the original 35mm negatives. But for the complete edition ending using elements of Flashback 2012, those ending portions are upscales from the best master they could find, because the original master film no longer exists.

How many millions of yen are they going to sell this for?


Just highlight them. I mean its Guilty Crown. Who really gives a fuck what happens?

That's what I thought, but then if it's a memorable ending like Blood C or School Days then I like to be kept on my toes, if it's a average cliche'd ending, then no harm in not clicking on the spoilers.


I feel like I've been missing out.

I don't really know about that. BRS TV may be extremely stupid throughout but only a certain type of person will be able to extract entertainment from terrible writing.

By which I mean: while I find it to be extremely entertaining, you might just find that it's terrible writing in which case watching it would be an excessive in masochism.

If you do try watching the first episode, and you do find something enjoyable about the scenario and characters than I have good news for you: it keeps getting worse/better every episode.


Apparently the newly announced manga adaptation "Aoi Sekai no Chūshin de" (In the Center of Blue World) is a system wars parody.

All the characters are parodies of Nintendo or Sega games such as Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda etc. Segua Kingdom has been losing the war against Ninterdo Empire but the tables are turned by the appearance of a boy called Gear (a parody of Sonic the Hedgehog).


Characters on the cover: Link and Kirby.


That's Marx, the Ninterdo emperor who was once a plumber.


A Good Citizen
- ending using elements of Flashback 2012, those ending portions are upscales from the best master they could find, because the original master film no longer exists.
Does it explicitly state that it's an upscale in Japanese or something about lower quality elements? I find it hard to believe that they would lose all possibly elements for an HD transfer (OCN/interpositive/internegative/generational archival prints)

I know some companies put notices up in the announcements about older shows that were shot on 16mm so people can know it's going to look gritty and soft in HD before buying.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Apparently the newly announced manga adaptation "Aoi Sekai no Chūshin de" (In the Center of Blue World) is a system wars parody.
I'm on Team Kirbyko.
Guilty Crown end

This has already preemptively won worst ending of the year!

actual spoilers:

Reset ending! Someone just won some money in animegaf!

Shu X Ayase end, Inori dies

someone called Arisa survived
So I did not miss anything by jumping out of the ship in episode eleven?


I don't really know about that. BRS TV may be extremely stupid throughout but only a certain type of person will be able to extract entertainment from terrible writing.

By which I mean: while I find it to be extremely entertaining, you might just find that it's terrible writing in which case watching it would be an excessive in masochism.

If you do try watching the first episode, and you do find something enjoyable about the scenario and characters than I have good news for you: it keeps getting worse/better every episode.

And only 10 more episodes after.

I don't know if the promise of spectacular failure is as high with BRS TV. I mean, Guilty Crown had its "all star" line-up so seeing it crash and burn had it's own allure. Does BRS ever shows shades of competency like GC does, which makes the inevitable awfulness all the more beautiful?


Is there going to be a Sakura Taisen revival?

I would be ok with this. Even though I didn't enjoy the original anime series particularly much, it is still a fun concept. It definitely looks like it got better in subsequent games, and characters like Erica would be soooo HNNNNNNNG. I know several OVA's were released as well as a movie, which I haven't fully seen so someone correct me if Erica is indeed in some animated form.
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