STEAM announcements & updates 2012 Thread - Summer sales usually last week of June

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In contrast to that, companies making games streaming-only could both be feasible (Gaikai and onlive) and desirable (eliminates used game sales like Steam already has, also eliminates piracy like Ubisoft always-on DRM, solidifies control of publishers over games) for publishers. I don't think it's some crazy thing that no one would consider.

Until there's any proof at all these guys are making any money (instead of hoping for a lotto payout from some sucker who buys them out), I'm not losing any sleep over this.

And even if they were, publishers abandoning retail/DD for this? Plenty of people would never touch a service that destroys PQ the way these services do. So they'd still support PC for the same reason they do now: money. It's not like consoles have caused them to cut PC sales off. And that's a much bigger market they could support exclusively. They're scrounging for nickels under any couch they can find.

I was thinking of getting Shadow Planet, but dammit it uses GFWL?

If it makes you feel any better, MS owns the developer. It could have easily never come or been designated exclusively to the Live store.


Axel Hertz
Hm, reason steam always deletes my non-steam games from the library? :(

as I said here :

Steam keeps all shortcuts on a file named "shortcuts.vdf", that sits on the 'Steam\userdata\<userid>\config' folder.

Recently, I lost mine as well. That file had 0 bytes. HOWEVER, for some reason I'm not aware of, Steam placed a copy of it on 'Steam\config'. I just copied that version over to 'Steam\userdata\<userid>\config' and my non-steam shortcuts were back after a Steam restart.

now, from time to time, I just backup that file on 'Steam\userdata\<userid>\config'

I don't really remember if it happened exactly like that or if it's the other way around. Anyway, check both folders and, if you're lucky, a valid copy of your 'shortcuts.vdf' will be in one of these folders. Just copy it over to the other folder and restart.

I first read about it on this thread, so maybe they can explain better than I can:

Maybe Valve should just save that file on the cloud....


erotic butter maelstrom

dave is ok

aztek is ok

Reminding everyone I still have these two give aways still for the next three days on steamgifts. Tell your friends I'm giving away 17 copies of a Penny Arcade skin for Dungeon Defenders, and 78 copies of Magicka.

That's right, 78 copies of Magicka.

I had no clue you were a GAFFER, I showed my girlfriend the picture of the 78 Magicka codes yesterday

How does one come across 78 Magickas?

I'm guessing he worked at PAX East or something. There were codes in all of the registration line swag bags.


haha welcome back Flunkie :D

Thanks. :D I r excite.

I'm downloading so much shit between Steam/Blacklight/Vindictus and Xbox my internet is maxed out and can barely handle browsing, lol.

Flunkie you're back after killing your GPU!!! YAY! Can I help you kill this GPU too?

Yes you can since my laptop was still under warranty, I got prettymuch EVERYTHING replaced - so it's like a brand new.. two year old computer.. and since I'm probably going to invest in a new desktop (because screw gaming laptops..) this summer.


How does one come across 78 Magickas?
First you go talk to the dev of Magicka, you get on your knees and close your eyes and open...

Oh. Oh you're asking about how I got the games.

Well the thing is, I was an enforcer at pax east, and the exhibitors do this thing where they give away their shit they dont want to carry home with them to the enforcers, who give them away to those people.

After everyone had been vultures and ran off with lots of shit, there was still a huge pile of copies lying around. So, like any good Samaritan I grabbed the whole lot and posted them on steamgifts.
So let me get this straight -- it's a sniping game, but the only way to kill Hitler is by prepurchasing it (at $45)? :(

*edit* Oh yeah, this was the testicle-shooting game. I'll pass!

if you like sniper games, it doesn't get any better than this, the first one was and it probably still is the best sniper game out there, forget about the sniper ghost crap.


I've started installing DOTA 2 again, although I have no fucking idea on how to play, I checked the OT and there was no link for beginners who are new to LOL/HON/DOTA on how to play the game :|


if you like sniper games, it doesn't get any better than this, the first one was and it probably still is the best sniper game out there, forget about the sniper ghost crap.
Maybe, but it sounds like there are far too many testicles in the game!

But seriously, I mainly just think it's kind of disappointing that a mission is preorder only. That sort of thing is normally reserved for the likes of GameStop. How am I supposed to wait until it's $5 on a Steam sale if there's a preorder mission!
I've started installing DOTA 2 again, although I have no fucking idea on how to play, I checked the OT and there was no link for beginners who are new to LOL/HON/DOTA on how to play the game :|

You can spectate matches, might want to try that until you feel comfortable.

Yes you can since my laptop was still under warranty, I got prettymuch EVERYTHING replaced - so it's like a brand new.. two year old computer.. and since I'm probably going to invest in a new desktop (because screw gaming laptops..) this summer.

Alright, lets see what did we do last time. Oh yeah INSTALL SKYRIM! get to it.
I've started installing DOTA 2 again, although I have no fucking idea on how to play, I checked the OT and there was no link for beginners who are new to LOL/HON/DOTA on how to play the game :|

My problem with the game is that I have no idea what to spend gold on. I could figure everything else out by playing a lot, but it's hard to start if you have no idea what to buy and when to buy it.


I've started installing DOTA 2 again, although I have no fucking idea on how to play, I checked the OT and there was no link for beginners who are new to LOL/HON/DOTA on how to play the game :|
I'm pretty newbish myself, but pick one of the easier characters that goes well with your tastes (both aesthetic and gameplay-related), play a few matches against bots (I dunno if there's bots in Dota, though) to try out the skills and see what items you can buy, then hit and just read the most upvoted guide for your character.

Then join a few matches, ask the other players which lane to pick and defend it while getting the ropes of your character and the game. You'll lose a few matches but you're meant to, since mastery of the game's all about experience.

This might be useful too:
My problem with the game is that I have no idea what to spend gold on. I could figure everything else out by playing a lot, but it's hard to start if you have no idea what to buy and when to buy it.

Buy regen + some stats ex. Slippers or mantles + branches to fill (courier if you're a support), then boots, then second tier boots, then up your stats items (slippers to wraiths or gauntlets to bracers etc.). Then just situational stuff depending on your hero/role/situation. That last part is the most important and what you'll just figure out through playing.

Near the end of the laning phase make sure you always have a tp, and don't buy back (you'll know when you need to).


Steam just popped up a News Update that I had a CS:GO invite but there's nothing in my inventory; restarting didn't add it either. Damn you Steam for being such a tease!


So for people who have Rage. Anybody knows how high I'm supposed to score in the in-game benchmark? I have an i5 2400, 8gigs of ram and a Radeon 6870

I run the game at 60fps with everything set to max in-game except transcode which is not availalbe on my hardware so that ok but I only score 33 on the benchmark. My frien who has a very similar PC but with a 560TI gets 191 score in the
What the? Isn't that unlike Capcom on Steam?

For Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition, Capcom charged $39.99 for the game and had discounts which brought the game down to around $29.99. It was also mistakenly placed up on the Steam summer sale for 50% off prior to release.

They do discounts for pre-released stuff on Steam, but it's not always guaranteed.


Thanks. :D I r excite.

I'm downloading so much shit between Steam/Blacklight/Vindictus and Xbox my internet is maxed out and can barely handle browsing, lol.

Speaking of which, why is Vindictus not on Steam yet? It's a frickin' Source game for cryin' out loud!

Whatev. Glad to see you got your laptop sorted.
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