STEAM announcements & updates 2012 Thread - Summer sales usually last week of June

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I'm on an i5 2400 with 8gigs of ram and a Radeon 6870. I'm on Catalyst 12.1. I know there's a newer driver that came out one or two weeks ago but still, I'm not on super old drivers.

It's clearly not a performance issue strictly speaking. It's not like the game isn't running smoothly, it's more like the game doesn't run at all. It's not even remotly close to be playable right now.

Damn and I thought my problems of 10-20 seconds of lag when changing zones was a pain in the ass. Wish I was more familiar with AMD gpus to help out. Hopefully you can resolve it soon.
Does anyone have a link to the thread where people can help out Steam GAF buy games that are region restricted? I really need to get Rage at that price.


I'm on an i5 2400 with 8gigs of ram and a Radeon 6870. I'm on Catalyst 12.1. I know there's a newer driver that came out one or two weeks ago but still, I'm not on super old drivers.

It's clearly not a performance issue strictly speaking. It's not like the game isn't running smoothly, it's more like the game doesn't run at all. It's not even remotly close to be playable right now.

9800 Pro was the shit back in the days! lol

one thing i noticed with Rage is that if u start a game and then later make drastic graphics changes, the game will look and run terrible. its like it can't recover properly. (maybe i didn't let it run long enough to clear itself up)

but anyway, starting a new game clears that shit up.

example ...i'm running 2 gtx560 cards. i start Rage with SLI disabled'll run fine. if i later start the game up (load my save game) with SLI enabled, it was a mess. had to either disable SLI, or start a new game.

weird shit.

i'll have to check it again, but yeah ...that was some strange stuff.
After Machinarium I wanted to continue Gemini Rue but I just found out It's having another problem.

Apparently some Wadjet Eye games are having problems with the achievement system, and are not unlocking properly. It's not a game breaking deal, but it's still annoying.

I still love you Wadjet Eye, and I know the problem has to do with the engine (which you didn't make), but I would really like to finish your games without any problems :(


After Machinarium I wanted to continue Gemini Rue but I just found out It's having another problem.

Apparently some Wadjet Eye games are having problems with the achievement system, and are not unlocking properly. It's not a game breaking deal, but it's still annoying.

I still love you Wadjet Eye, and I know the problem has to do with the engine (which you didn't make), but I would really like to finish your games without any problems :(
Beaten all the Blackwell games and Gemini Rue and never managed to get the achievements working. I think I got a few in Gemini Rue, but I don't know what I did. It is pretty annoying :p

Impulse resisted, no Rage for me...


All retail Steamworks games activate on Steam, but Steamworks also implies that it uses other Steam features like VAC, Steam achievements, Steam cloud, etc (it doesn't have to use all of them). Almost all (if not all) games that activate on Steam are Steamworks now, but some games were released before Steam released Steamworks (like The Last Remnant) so they don't have any unique Steam features.

Then you have games that are just "on Steam"; games that you can buy on Steam and play, but they don't have any Steam features and retail copies don't register on Steam.
Steamworks is a suite of things that integrate into steam like achievements, stat tracking, server browsing, DRM.

When most people ask "is this game steamworks/does it activate on steam", they really mean, does this game have retail support, which is another part of Steamworks (i.e. activation). I wish the term "Retail Support" would feature more on store game pages or somewhere but I guess that'd be a terrible idea and would mean people would just know where to buy their games from and then use the key to activate on Steam.

Retail support typically entails at least achievements if not anything else, which is usually the standard for "can I activate it on Steam?"


Thankfully the Puppygames dev showed some mercy and returned the first game we bought, to all of us we exploided the BIRTHDAYBOY code. I was pissed when I saw that Titan Attacks was removed from my library (I already had ROTT), but there it is again. :)

Mine did not return, but his blog post says to register the game via email first and then try it. We'll see if it works.


After Machinarium I wanted to continue Gemini Rue but I just found out It's having another problem.

Apparently some Wadjet Eye games are having problems with the achievement system, and are not unlocking properly. It's not a game breaking deal, but it's still annoying.

I still love you Wadjet Eye, and I know the problem has to do with the engine (which you didn't make), but I would really like to finish your games without any problems :(

Thanks for the heads up, I was playing through it myself and had wondered why I wasn't getting any of them.


Mine did not return, but his blog post says to register the game via email first and then try it. We'll see if it works.

I had gone through the initial order process but I never did get my Steam code. Tried again today through the email registration process and got my Steam code within 30 seconds, about a minute later I had activated it and was playing on Steam.

Really nice of him to come through like this. I only tried to register one game though, maybe that is the factor in which ones go through?
Mine did not return, but his blog post says to register the game via email first and then try it. We'll see if it works.

You have to download the demo from their website, punch in the email address you used for the purchase back on the day, the game will unlock, and then go back to their website, request a Steam key for the game (obviously with the same address) and you're set.


Out of curiosity, is there anybody out there who doesn't have the beta to DOTA2 who's still looking for it?

I ask because I have been checking out the trading forums over on SPUF and there seems to be a shit load of copies up for trade. It's really devalued any market price that the beta might have had. I'm seeing people offering it for a copy of Half Life 2 (which has almost no trade value).

With this many copies floating around out there, is there any poor soul who's still waiting for Valve to send them an invite? Unfortunately, I don't have a copy if anybody needs one. I'm just curious.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
It doesn't really interest me but some of kpop-gaf plays it so I might like to try it out with them. I'm more interested in trying out cs:go.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I've been in the CS:GO beta for around 4 weeks now, and the Dota 2 beta for a week longer, but haven't received a spare invite for either. Though, in the case of Dota 2 I can understand as I have barely touched it.


The Walking Dead Preorder page up


$22.49 -10% off

Steam achievements, controller support


Corporate Apologist
The store page of Super MNC shows the "play now" button, although the game is listed is in the "soon available" tab. So, it is already released!

A reusable beta key got leaked, Uber decided to just say fuck it and made the game Open Beta without formally announcing it.


You have to download the demo from their website, punch in the email address you used for the purchase back on the day, the game will unlock, and then go back to their website, request a Steam key for the game (obviously with the same address) and you're set.

Late reply, but thanks! Got it set up again. :)


I've been in the CS:GO beta for around 4 weeks now, and the Dota 2 beta for a week longer, but haven't received a spare invite for either. Though, in the case of Dota 2 I can understand as I have barely touched it.
When did you get a Dota2 invite? I got mine during the winter sale (from valve) and I only just got my 2 extra copies maybe a few weeks ago. Guess they are on a delay now?


Super Hyper WTF?:

So my net is running a bit sluggish, can't figure out why so I reboot the router. I glance at it after a reboot and see the downloading light flickering like mad, so I check my system tray and the Steam icon is showing as downloading, so I check it...'s downloading MW3, the whole 10gig or whatever it is.

I own the game but it's been un-installed for months, not touched it and not requested a re-download at any point.

So Steam has taken it upon itself to start downloading games on it's own?


Super Hyper WTF?:

So my net is running a bit sluggish, can't figure out why so I reboot the router. I glance at it after a reboot and see the downloading light flickering like mad, so I check my system tray and the Steam icon is showing as downloading, so I check it...'s downloading MW3, the whole 10gig or whatever it is.

I own the game but it's been un-installed for months, not touched it and not requested a re-download at any point.

So Steam has taken it upon itself to start downloading games on it's own?
I don't think I've ever seen Steam download a game that's not installed/required -- are you sure you didn't accidentally click install or something?


Super Hyper WTF?:
So Steam has taken it upon itself to start downloading games on it's own?

There was a free MW3 weekend and MW3 started to download by itself (at least for me and some friends). Maybe for some weird reason your download crashed and continued when you rebooted your router?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
When did you get a Dota2 invite? I got mine during the winter sale (from valve) and I only just got my 2 extra copies maybe a few weeks ago. Guess they are on a delay now?

The congratulatory e-mail is timestamped 21st of March at 4:11 AM local time (GMT/UTC+8). 4 weeks ago to the day.

Edit: March, not April, haha.


I don't think I've ever seen Steam download a game that's not installed/required -- are you sure you didn't accidentally click install or something?

Strangely this has been happening with me for Mass Effect 2. I started downloading it some time ago, about half way through the download, I decided I don't want to play it anymore, so paused it and then deleted it via steam. Now every now and again it creeps up in my download queue.

At this stage, if it pops up again, I'll just finish the download. and then delete it :/


Actually I may have had that with outdated demos. It's probably something where you need to make sure the (Mass Effect 2 files) are manually deleted from the Steam folder, then delete clientregistry.blob, then restart Steam.


Gold Member


Don't worry guys, it's not like Valve is going to cancel Half-life 3, make Steam exclusive to the AppleGabeBox, and make all games streaming-only for DRM purposes.

Or ARE they, dun dun dunnnnn. *ominous organ music plays*


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Please stay away from cloud gaming Valve :(. Use it for save files, but nothing more. That´s taking DRM several steps too far.

There's nothing to worry about. They'll just use this to make free demo versions of every game on Steam.


As long as they offer non-streamed versions of the games as well I can't see this as a problem. It would be great for Mac users who miss out on far too many games.


Actually I may have had that with outdated demos. It's probably something where you need to make sure the (Mass Effect 2 files) are manually deleted from the Steam folder, then delete clientregistry.blob, then restart Steam.

I actually need to try this. I've mostly just deleted the stuff it creates in the steamapps folder. Steam has been stable as of late for me, so have not had an issue with login problems, hence not deleting that file.
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