Diablo III |OT2| Queues Rise. Servers Fall.

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Lord Phol

Not to get into one of those discussions, this is more of a curious question.
But does anyone here who play Barbarian enjoy Inferno mode atm?
Not talking about it being hard or easy, just wondering if you find it fun?

I'm only on hell myself, but I've had to change my gameplay so much that it's barely the same class anymore for me. There's like 1 build with minor changes that I can use while slowly making progress.

This might apply to other classes as while, but I wouldn't know since the Barbarian is the only one I've gotten that far with.


Not to get into one of those discussions, this is more of a curious question.
But does anyone here who play Barbarian enjoy Inferno mode atm?
Not talking about it being hard or easy, just wondering if you find it fun?

I'm only on hell myself, but I've had to change my gameplay so much that it's barely the same class anymore for me. There's like 1 build with minor changes that I can use while slowly making progress.

This might apply to other classes as while, but I wouldn't know since the Barbarian is the only one I've gotten that far with as of now.

My buddy does. We group with him though for our 4 man stuff. (I use my other account for this)


Not to get into one of those discussions, this is more of a curious question.
But does anyone here who play Barbarian enjoy Inferno mode atm?
Not talking about it being hard or easy, just wondering if you find it fun?

I'm only on hell myself, but I've had to change my gameplay so much that it's barely the same class anymore for me. There's like 1 build with minor changes that I can use while slowly making progress.

This might apply to other classes as while, but I wouldn't know since the Barbarian is the only one I've gotten that far yet.

I'm in act II of Hell right now, and it's way more fun than the normal/nightmare difficulties ever were. Getting some excellent drops and doing crazy damage.

My entire normal/nightmare experience can be summed up with "Leap-Ground Stomp-Whirlwind-Repeat". I'm learning to use spells now that seemed completely useless before, but are actually insanely powerful.


Maybe you actually have to stack more points into defensive attributes now like %dodge and resists, instead of dumping it all into DEX and VIT, which is what I see most Demon Hunters do.

DH's go Dex/Vita out of necessity. Things hit like a truck in Inferno, and I'm not sure that there is enough resistance stacking in the world to overcome the sheer amount of damage being delivered. Dex is important because you need things to be dead by the time Smoke Screen wears off, and you aren't going to live through their attacks if they aren't (and the enemy is fast). Slow enemies can be kited. Fast enemies run right through caltrops and laugh at your feeble attempts.


I for one welcome all these nerfs as what they nerf clearly wasn't intended from the beginning. Inferno shouldn't be possible to clear without the most exceptional gear in the game and every way they make it so for each and every class is all good.

Will it hurt my monk? Definitely. But instead of crying about it I'll adapt. And grind some more.

And to someone (that I forgot who) who complained about the meaning of how they nerfed the skills: they are hotfixed because that is what they can do in such a short notice. The skills will be remade but that will require a real patch and probably some work from their side.

I rather see they make a skill temporarily suck than still giving some classes easy mode.


You guys weren't joking about the dickishness of the rare enemy combos in Hell:


And yea, that's right next to the entrance, so I got jumped and killed even before I had time to react.


Oh god, not this shit again? I hated it in vanilla WoW; every other Wednesday after server shutdown when the forums and general chat would fill up with fucking cry babies moaning about how "their class" is broken.

And now it seems the same whingers are inhabiting Diablo? Blimey.


Thanks to some nice advice from GAF I've been playing nightmare on my witch doctor (now level 36 with 750 or something dps on the meter), and getting to figure how to play wizard on the side. Now I'm hearing all this stuff from the horrible inferno difficulty and I'm wondering how my WD will play on there? I originally picked the class since it sounded like a class that can support others (maybe it was the doctor part) but I'm not really seeing it yet from the skill selection. Is there working supportive playstyle or will it be dire bats until the cows come home? I have no idea for example if the hex runed for heal actually heals others.


Thanks to some nice advice from GAF I've been playing nightmare on my witch doctor (now level 36 with 750 or something dps on the meter), and getting to figure how to play wizard on the side. Now I'm hearing all this stuff from the horrible inferno difficulty and I'm wondering how my WD will play on there? I originally picked the class since it sounded like a class that can support others (maybe it was the doctor part) but I'm not really seeing it yet from the skill selection. Is there working supportive playstyle or will it be dire bats until the cows come home? I have no idea for example if the hex runed for heal actually heals others.
Big Bad voodoo is probably the most supportive ability that a WD has. It increases attack speed by 20% for 20 secs and around level 45 you get a rune that also increases damage by 30% for that time.


Big Bad voodoo is probably the most supportive ability that a WD has. It increases attack speed by 20% for 20 secs and around level 45 you get a rune that also increases damage by 30% for that time.

Ooh, nice! That'll probably work with vision quest too....
People shouldn't be surprised by nerfs, as the same thing happened with D2 after launch because of lance barbarians and CE necromancers playing the game like all they had was an "I Win" button, and I think Blizzard should tweak things, though I wish they weren't always so hamfisted and bumbling about their balance changes.

That being said, it's depressing to sometimes see the hints here in this thread of the kind sycophancy that is so rampant in the bnet forums, and I feel that anybody who believes the lies that Bashiok spits are cluelessly naive.


People shouldn't be surprised by nerfs, as the same thing happened with D2 after launch because of lance barbarians and CE necromancers playing the game like all they had was an "I Win" button, and I think Blizzard should tweak things, though I wish they weren't always so hamfisted and bumbling about their balance changes.

That being said, it's depressing to sometimes see the hints here in this thread of the kind sycophancy that is so rampant in the bnet forums, and I feel that anybody who believes the lies that Bashiok spits are cluelessly naive.

Corpse Explosion was the best thing ever, so broken. Even after the huge nerf it was still a pretty useful skill.

Lord Phol

I'm in act II of Hell right now, and it's way more fun than the normal/nightmare difficulties ever were. Getting some excellent drops and doing crazy damage.

My entire normal/nightmare experience can be summed up with "Leap-Ground Stomp-Whirlwind-Repeat". I'm learning to use spells now that seemed completely useless before, but are actually insanely powerful.

My buddy does. We group with him though for our 4 man stuff. (I use my other account for this)

Thanks for the replies!
Guess I shouldn't give up on the barb just yet, maybe I just need to gear up.
I play melee, but I got this item below and I'm wondering about it.


So how does magic damage work? When this spear says +62-109 damage

a) Is that on top of the 148-196 on the base?
b) Does it even count towards magic damage at all or is it physical only?
c) Does the 206.4 number mean that magic dps is 206.4, or does it not apply to casters?

Trying to figure out if this item is really good, or really terrible.


God damn i knew the smoke screen nerf was coming but i wasn't expecting it to get hit that hard. I admit it was way overpowered, but like.... what else do we have exactly that will keep us alive? Answer: nothing. You can't nerf the only defensive move thats worth a damn without making something else useful. I can't wait to die a billion times tomorrow.
I play melee, but I got this item below and I'm wondering about it.


So how does magic damage work? When this spear says +62-109 damage

a) Is that on top of the 148-196 on the base?
b) Does it even count towards magic damage at all or is it physical only?
c) Does the 206.4 number mean that magic dps is 206.4, or does it not apply to casters?

Trying to figure out if this item is really good, or really terrible.

b & c) It counts towards magic, yes. All of Wizards and WDs skills do damage based on a % of their weapon damage. Nukers would want that weapon.


God damn i knew the smoke screen nerf was coming but i wasn't expecting it to get hit that hard. I admit it was way overpowered, but like.... what else do we have exactly that will keep us alive? Answer: nothing. You can't nerf the only defensive move thats worth a damn without making something else useful. I can't wait to die a billion times tomorrow.

I can't really tell if you're being serious or not. I mean it went from a 2 second duration with a 2 second cooldown to a 1 second duration with a 3 second cooldown. It shouldn't change how you use SS at all.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
I for one welcome all these nerfs as what they nerf clearly wasn't intended from the beginning. Inferno shouldn't be possible to clear without the most exceptional gear in the game and every way they make it so for each and every class is all good.

Too bad that exceptional gear can only be found in Inferno. The drops in Hell are complete and utter shit.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
I play melee, but I got this item below and I'm wondering about it.


So how does magic damage work? When this spear says +62-109 damage

a) Is that on top of the 148-196 on the base?
b) Does it even count towards magic damage at all or is it physical only?
c) Does the 206.4 number mean that magic dps is 206.4, or does it not apply to casters?

Trying to figure out if this item is really good, or really terrible.

a) It adds that much to your total damage, which is significant because raising your damage rating is the best way to raise your overall dps rating.
b) All damage. But the damage won't always be the same since the damage equations for each skill are all different.
c) see b

It would be a really good weapon for int-based classes for when they're on their way to 60, so you should probably sell it while you can if you don't need it.


Too bad that exceptional gear can only be found in Inferno. The drops in Hell are complete and utter shit.

The only difference should be the level requirement of the gear is dropping. What makes you think that the only loot dropping in Inferno are good rolls of random stats on items? All difficulties have plenty of shit items. The key to good items is either AH or continuous farming.


They really seem to be incapable of nerfing properly. Smoke screen didnt need a 33% duration nerf. It just flat out needed a 15 second cooldown or more.

Leave it at 3 with a rune, but make it completely unspammable. This change is dumb because it really hits the effectiveness of the skill hard, mobs dont even stop chasing you until 2 seconds until the screen. They can still 'see you' they just dont attack. Why make it 2 second total and still leave it nearly spammable with such a short cooldown? How is that more effective than just slapping a 20second cooldown on it or something?


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
Thanks to some nice advice from GAF I've been playing nightmare on my witch doctor (now level 36 with 750 or something dps on the meter), and getting to figure how to play wizard on the side. Now I'm hearing all this stuff from the horrible inferno difficulty and I'm wondering how my WD will play on there? I originally picked the class since it sounded like a class that can support others (maybe it was the doctor part) but I'm not really seeing it yet from the skill selection. Is there working supportive playstyle or will it be dire bats until the cows come home? I have no idea for example if the hex runed for heal actually heals others.

I'm slowly soldiering through Inferno with a Witch Doctor at the moment and I think the class is pretty viable on the difficulty, though the range of viable builds doesn't seem to be all that broad. I haven't really played any other class so my actual first-hand knowledge with which to compare is pretty much nil, but from this thread I don't get the impression that a limited number of builds being Inferno-viable is at all limited to the Witch Doctor.

One of the important things to keep in mind about Inferno is that there's a minimum DPS threshold you have to attain to really be able to function because of the time limits on the bosses and elite monsters, so any build that focuses primarily on survivability and sacrifices DPS to attain it is going to hit a nigh-insurmountable wall at the end of Act 1, if not earlier. I learned this firsthand and had to heavily re-configure my build as a result.

The need for DPS makes Vision Quest builds highly attractive, though getting by with Splinters seems pretty possible. The other primary attacks just don't seem to do enough damage to warrant their use. You could probably make do with one of them, but they'd be sub-optimal at best, I think.

Pets decline in usefulness as the difficulties go on, but as of Inferno they pretty much fall off a cliff. The Gargantuan still retains some utility as a distraction and a stunner, but any serious tank functionality he offers begins to dwindle dramatically. Zombie Dogs are a sick joke, frankly. I still use them because I'm mule-headed like that, but I highly recommend that you do not follow my example. Apparently some guy did some testing and discovered that pets benefit from raw armor and resistances, so I'm currently trawling the Auction House to get both of those up as high as I can to see if that improves their lot any. I sincerely doubt it'll make a meaningful difference, but I suppose it's worth a shot.

The non-percentage healing skills get to be pretty useless when you reach Inferno. Hedge Magic just doesn't heal anywhere near enough to cut the mustard come Inferno, and Haunt's healing capabilities are so paltry as to be meaningless. The only healing abilities you have that scale with gear are the Leeching Beasts rune for the Zombie Dogs and the Healing Journey rune for Spirit Walk. Leeching Beasts is useless because Zombie Dogs is useless, and Healing Journey is fantastic because Spirit Walk is the Witch Doctor's single most important skill on Inferno.

That's sort of the long and short of what I've gleaned from Witch Doctoring Inferno so far. It's pretty rough going at times, but the class seems to be able to handle it with at least some semblance of aplomb. I haven't really managed to put together a build I find really genuinely satisfactory, but I've been managing to make somewhat steady progress on the whole.


God damn i knew the smoke screen nerf was coming but i wasn't expecting it to get hit that hard. I admit it was way overpowered, but like.... what else do we have exactly that will keep us alive? Answer: nothing. You can't nerf the only defensive move thats worth a damn without making something else useful. I can't wait to die a billion times tomorrow.

Well currently that's the case for most of the classes like Monk or Barb. Join the club. Doesn't matter if you have 9k or 45k hp when you get instakilled by a mob. I like the fact people can't clear Inferno yet (hopefully) after some of these changes as I want it to be that almost unreachable level
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