iOS Online Boardgaming Megathread (Carcassonne, Everything Playdek, & Many More)


Nice game Benny!
Niice little deception at the end. I did plan for it though :).

The Elven Warriors must be the most annoying unit in the base game. I know, I'm on the other side sometimes...

If you hadn't noticed all my unit placement was anti-Miti + haste. I had a few falters in the beginning where if you summoned Miti I would've been dead. If I turtle again, get ready the double haste plus Miti. Add Chant of Negation and I'm dead.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Bought it last night. Still need to run through the tutorial lol.

Also need to get started on the other league games I have to play for SW...

GW2 kept me from playing league games most of the weekend... Now back at work :(


Hail to the KING baby
It took like over a year hahah. TCM is sooooo slow. But then again Lost Cities kind of popped up out of nowhere (it was in the works for some time, but not much in terms of pre-release announcements) so fingers crossed.
Just picked up Lost Cities. Any Carc folks and others, feel free to add. I'm going to start going through the list and starting up some games.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
@TM24, that firebeast was a trap :)

Edit: I'm using Jungle Elves next No mirror matches please :-/

Uuuh, if you win the first game, you're not allowed to switch teams. Only the loser is allowed to switch. At least that's how i understood it?


Causal game :)

Can anyone do me a favor?

I want to gift Lost Cities to a friend in the States but I'm in Canada.

Can someone do it for me and I'll PayPal them back? Thank you.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Won my first game against zero/gatekeeper, can't edit the spreadsheet atm though... Re-sent invite with me keeping the orks as defined by the rules! :)

Edit: found it, i assume the left side is what matters and the top our opponent? Filled in both results... Hopefully correctly.


GG's definitely got outplayed both games but got to start somewhere. I need to familiarize myself with each deck more and strategize from there.

The Phoenix Elves is a tough deck to start as. You should try the Guild Dwarves/Tundra Orcs much more friendlier to someone new to the game.


Hey guys, I'm starting to do some work for a company that is interested in making board games for mobile platforms. Are there any specific things that you, the board game audience want from iOS/Android board games? What is currently missing in this market currently? I plan on doing a lot more research, but feedback would be amazing that way I can really understand what you guys want from a mobile game, that way we can head in a really positive direction. Thanks so much!


Hail to the KING baby
I am an async-focused gamer, and the async "market" is small compared to the total number of people who download an app, but I think it's huge because of the word-of-mouth that this community creates. Just look at the success of Carcassonne and all the Playdek games.

These are the biggest features to me:
-Async play.
-In-game chat.
-Persistent stat-tracking (W-L (see Summoner Wars), even Elo or similar persistent (see Carcassonne) rating if possible).


Being able to communicate in game is key. That's the thing I hate most about Magic 2013. There is literally no way to communicate with your opponent.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I am an async-focused gamer, and the async "market" is small compared to the total number of people who download an app, but I think it's huge because of the word-of-mouth that this community creates. Just look at the success of Carcassonne and all the Playdek games.

These are the biggest features to me:
-Async play.
-In-game chat.
-Persistent stat-tracking (W-L (see Summoner Wars), even Elo or similar persistent (see Carcassonne) rating if possible).

Adding to this (great) list:
-PERSISTENT ingame chat (the chat in Neuroshima Hex e.g. Only works if both players are online, messages don't
Get saved)
-working notifications (a lot of apps have problems with this and don't notify you if it's your turn)
-good UI. Look at e.g. Operation; Eradicate for an example of BAD UI, and Summoner Wars for good UI. Rather make 2 consecutive panels instead of putting it all up at once. Make sure to include verification or decisions/undo-features where possible.

Perfect examples of good ports are the CodingMonkeys&playdek games, and also NSHEX.


Adding to this (great) list:
-PERSISTENT ingame chat (the chat in Neuroshima Hex e.g. Only works if both players are online, messages don't
Get saved)
-working notifications (a lot of apps have problems with this and don't notify you if it's your turn)
-good UI. Look at e.g. Operation; Eradicate for an example of BAD UI, and Summoner Wars for good UI. Rather make 2 consecutive panels instead of putting it all up at once. Make sure to include verification or decisions/undo-features where possible.

Perfect examples of good ports are the CodingMonkeys&playdek games, and also NSHEX.

You are also going to need a half decent AI and tutorial if you are going to get any decent sales.


I personally don't consider AI THAT important, I only play online anyway :p I agree on the tutorial part though.

Maybe not us online gamers but to someone who is not going to play online, AI is everything.

I personally wouldnt have bought Summoner Wars if there wasn't any AI. Playing a few rounds let me determine if the investment was worth it.


Yeah, AI is huge, especially to fuck around with different strats. I'd rather not have my rating be affected by me doing crazy things and wondering if they're viable strats
One thing does well (web based async board game site) is to allow the option of training games which don't affect ranking.
This allows you to learn new games or try things out without it affecting your overall ranking. Probably not important but there you go.

With the big furore with goko and their 150 licences will there be any games left for you to implement :p

For iOS games, Game Center integration for multiplayer really helps. . Some games initially come out with clunky invite systems which makes it hard to get games going.

Async really helps. San Juan came out without async (games are short so why bother seems to be the rationale) and I haven't played it online. Lost Cities is a much simpler and quicker game but most of my games are async. It seems to be doing ok.


Gg hereafter. My GD counter pick didn't fare as well as I had hoped. You set up a ridiculous trap for all of my champs and took them out so easily lol

Edit: Bragg would stop me from summoning Thor?

Edit 2: Oh, for the freezes. Yeah I guess it did turn out alright... For you lol <3


Good game mercviper.

I wish I actually got Bragg out so you couldn't summon Thor but it worked out in the end. Grog is a tough mofo to kill :)

One more game with Got the Shakes and I'm done for group play. He has me cornered though... :-/

Edit: just read your post. I kinda forced you to summon Gror where I wanted him :). You know, Baldur vs Krung is not good for Baldur. If wild swing hits, Baldur gets hit too! So if I did t have freeze, I would've tried to hit the wall and hope for wild swing (50%) vs trying to hit Baldur directly (30%).

Edit 2: Bragg would've increase the cost of freeze by 1 therefore you wouldn't have enough magic for Thor.


It should be noted that just asynch isn't enough. It has to be implemented so that the notifications (the red circled numbers on the app icon) don't disappear. Games like Caylus have asynch, but because the notifications go unseen I have never successfully completed a game. That kind of asynch is worthless.


Well, I feel like an asshole:) After I bitched about screwing up (which I did!), the game had pity on me and I had dice roll after dice roll fall in my favor. I managed to extend the game and come back to win. Good game gazele, and better luck in game two:)

I need to send out all my next games before I go to bed...
Goddammit the UI in summoner wars has led to so many wasted turns. The needs to be some kind of dialogue box that opens when I want to use my summoner's abilities.


Good games, Got the Shakes. I think if you pushed more in the beginning I would've had a tougher time.

And I'm done for round 1. Good luck to everyone!


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Goddammit the UI in summoner wars has led to so many wasted turns. The needs to be some kind of dialogue box that opens when I want to use my summoner's abilities.

yeaaaah I saw you did raise the dead but then didn't actually raise anyone, is that what you meant? happened to me quite often too :( FK is the most error-prone of all the factions :/


Eznark, hate to call foul, but you won our first game with Guild Dwarves. I think you are supposed to stick with them for our second.
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