Shao Kahn Brewing a Stew
Is this THE David Siegel, the guy who said he's responsible for George Bush being elected via illegal means? Yeah... what a nutjob.
Uh, shouldn't this be illegal? He is basically forcing his employees to vote for Obama, or else lose their jobs.
Uh, shouldn't this be illegal? He is basically forcing his employees to vote for Obama, or else lose their jobs.
Uh, shouldn't this be illegal? He is basically forcing his employees to vote for Obama, or else lose their jobs.
Guy is a class act. In multiple ways.
Man, this reads like something from a villain out of a bad movie.Of course, as your employer, I can’t tell you whom to vote for, and I certainly wouldn’t interfere with your right to vote for whomever you choose. In fact, I encourage you to vote for whomever you think will serve your interests the best.
However, let me share a few facts that might help you decide what is in your best interest.
"If any new taxes are levied on me, or my company, as our current President plans, I will have no choice but to reduce the size of this company."
But you do have a choice. If your personal taxes go up for a few percent you have "no choice"? That is complete bullshit.
You are really just an asshole. You are child throwing a temper tantrum. Do us all a favor and hold your breath until Obama promises not to raise any taxes.
This is a good analogy of what's happened in America. The ones with the money taking the rest of the country hostage.
I wish they could all just quit in protest. Unrealistic of course but it would be interesting.
Yeah, that part was some next level disconnect. Maybe he thinks that things are getting too good and if they get better it will just loop around and become worse? I don't know!
Meh, no different than unions telling its members how to vote.
That would be an amazing end to the story.
Not really... since there will be hundreds, if not thousands ready to take those jobs in less than 24 hours.
Hey, at least this guy isn't dancing around the idea of using his money and power to his advantage. Personally, I find it refreshing.
If the employer was dumb enough to tell anyone that was his reasoning, I sure as hell hope people would sue his ass for some form of discrimination or something. Likely, though, the employer is smart enough to blame it on something unrelated.
Training those new employees would cost millions more than any tax.
"Our company is doing great under Obama, so we're fucked if Obama gets elected."
Tell me more about how unions are an outdated concept.
This is a good analogy of what's happened in America. The ones with the money taking the rest of the country hostage.
Someone should fire that CEO asshole
.Timeshare companies are the scum of the earth and their executives should be chased like vermin.
That's all I have to say.
This is borderline illegal. Like very, very close to constructive electoral fraud.
Sounds like he's not filing as a corporation. He's filing under the individual tax code. And he might be serious about having to let people go if they suddenly fall into a different tax bracket.
But to send out a message to all the employees stating this fact to sway their vote should be illegal imo.
Is this not illegal?
Obama's election pretty much forced many racists to come out of the closet.I really do wonder what's going to happen in this country during the next decade or so as more and more events like this go public. Seems like ever week a story comes out like this.
Does anyone else feel like the country has gotten a lot more rude since Obama was elected? Publicly I mean. It's like his election was some sort of pass to do and say this type of thing. I don't know but it seems strange to me. I remember way back when, someone pretty much interrupted the him during a speech and called him a liar. This all doesn't seem very typical.
This is a good analogy of what's happened in America. The ones with the money taking the rest of the country hostage.
It doesn't make sense on any economic level.So because the company is the most profitable it has ever been in the past, if profits in the future decrease (but is still profitable), then employees need to be let go. WHAT?