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Halo 4 |OT| Spartans Never Die


Looks like Chrome and Waypoint don't play well together. I can't get any movie to play in chrome, yet works like a charm in IE 10.


There was a guy sitting outside a nearby GameStop already waiting. He had a book and a laptop plus 3 chairs next to him lol. That was at about 1pm. I went to the Halo 2 and Halo 3 midnight launches and I recall being able to show up at 11pm and I was fine...although I had them preordered too.


Waypoint has been really solid for me in Firefox. Everything loads quickly and all the transitions are smooth. My only gripe with it is that it's using a non-native scrolling system, which is just really terrible and makes it feel artificially slow.


tagged by Blackace
This is so weird. This feels like a new Halo launch. I never thought that that feeling would happen again after how grand Halo 3 was and how things tapered off afterwards in terms of pre-release hype, but I'm genuinely excited about this, like it was Halo 1 all over again but this time with a bit of context to that mystery.


Halo 4 isn't bad at all, it's actually pretty good, however it's also without a doubt the worst Halo game ever.

I've only played around 5 hours of the MP so far and it's a ton of fun. It's got some fantastic new ideas while retaining the classic feel of Halo. I can see myself putting a lot of time into it over the coming months. Just awesome.

The campaign on the other hand is Halo 2 all over again, all day long, but worse. Linear, short, boring, and dragged down by an awful, weightless story. The great dramatic stuff from promotional like material like FUD doesn't translate to the actual game at all. The level design is a series of long, narrow staight lines, that expand every now and again into slightly more open areas. The music, while not bad unto itself, is used extremely poorly throughout the campaign. It's dull, monotonous and curiously absent whenever it's needed most. It doesn't sound like Halo at all and most of the time I wanted to turn it off. Microsoft, whatever you need to do, however much money or sweet talking it takes, you need to get Marty O'Donnell working on Halo 5. The new weapon sounds mostly suck IMO (though a couple of them are meaty and awesome). The graphics have some nasty pop in in certain areas, and Master Chief's FOV is awful (MP looks much better without the Metroid Prime visor). Also I'm pretty sure the main villain is
Denis Dyack
, or at least that was what kept going through my head every time somebody said his name.

Spartan Ops is no replacement for Firefight mode.

Interesting seeing as how I've heard nothing but great things about the story and audio.
Stuff like this is why I don't really care about reviews nowadays.

But I mean things like this:

My three word review for the campaign is "Call of Halo" or "Halo of Duty." Either or.

And as for someone sucking it up and driving? NAW. I'M NOT JUST GONNA SIT THERE DEFENSELESS!

It is not from a review. I have read some other people (here and on another forums) and they have said that it is like Halo CE and Halo 3 (just like the reviews, "another Halo"), not "it is a Call of duty".

Who is saying the truth? I will know tomorrow xD


This is so weird. This feels like a new Halo launch. I never thought that that feeling would happen again after how grand Halo 3 was and how things tapered off afterwards in terms of pre-release hype, but I'm genuinely excited about this, like it was Halo 1 all over again but this time with a bit of context to that mystery.

i hope they take 3 years for halo 5 and dont release 2-3 spinoffs in between (except halo wars 2 ;)


Cross post from Community:

Does anyone have any Halo 4 related downloadable codes you're willing to spare? Not for me personally, just doing something for a group of mine and wanted to help them out a bit. PM me if you have anything to spare.



Waypoint has been really solid for me in Firefox. Everything loads quickly and all the transitions are smooth. My only gripe with it is that it's using a non-native scrolling system, which is just really terrible and makes it feel artificially slow.

Really solid in IE10.


because its wrong. h4's campaign is nothing like cod, at all. there are some sections that are linear/tuby, but every halo game had theese.

The first ten minutes had me worried it was going to be COD ("press RB to kill
"), but it isn't all. It quickly becomes familiar Halo, just not very good familiar Halo.

Interesting seeing as how I've heard nothing but great things about the story and audio.

All the sound stuff is pretty subjective, I didn't find it very impressive myself. The new single fire sound for the Plasma Pistol just sounds wrong, the UNSC weapons all sound terrific though, and the Lightrifle unscoped shot is probably my fav new Halo sound.
lol at everyone freaking out about their pre-orders.

Gonna go buy this tomorrow, but just want to know one thing. Is the worst reviewed Halo game really the worst Halo game?
Holy crap! My copy of Halo 4 IS going to delivered tomorrow. Typically, I order from Amazon because I love the release date delivery. But, Microsoft Store offered a better preorder incentive so I opted for them. The problem though is that the included free shipping is "3-7 Business Days" their F.A.Q. said that they don't ship preordered items till the day of release. By doing simple math that puts me at starting Halo 4 sometime around Friday. That sucks! I was ready to head to a Redbox machine and rent Halo 4 (for free using codes) till my delivery. But, when I checked my e-mail tonight I see it shipped today and is scheduled for tomorrow by "End of Day". This is my first Microsoft Store purchase and so far I don't have a negative comments regarding the experience.


Interesting seeing as how I've heard nothing but great things about the story and audio.

i can see why someone would complain about the story. and the soundtrack is REALLY, REALLY underused. its like the soundesigner was afraid to use the music in the game.


The first ten minutes had me worried it was going to be COD ("press RB to kill
"), but it isn't all. It quickly becomes familiar Halo, just not very good familiar Halo.

i disagree. its a great halo game wih small issues (like every halo).
Halo 4 isn't bad at all, it's actually pretty good, however it's also without a doubt the worst Halo game ever.

I've only played around 5 hours of the MP so far and it's a ton of fun. It's got some fantastic new ideas while retaining the classic feel of Halo. I can see myself putting a lot of time into it over the coming months. Just awesome.

The campaign on the other hand is Halo 2 all over again, all day long, but worse. Linear, short, boring, and dragged down by an awful, weightless story. The great dramatic stuff from promotional like material like FUD doesn't translate to the actual game at all. The level design is a series of long, narrow staight lines, that expand every now and again into slightly more open areas. The music, while not bad unto itself, is used extremely poorly throughout the campaign. It's dull, monotonous and curiously absent whenever it's needed most. It doesn't sound like Halo at all and most of the time I wanted to turn it off. Microsoft, whatever you need to do, however much money or sweet talking it takes, you need to get Marty O'Donnell working on Halo 5. The new weapon sounds mostly suck IMO (though a couple of them are meaty and awesome). The graphics have some nasty pop in in certain areas, and Master Chief's FOV is awful (MP looks much better without the Metroid Prime visor). Also I'm pretty sure the main villain is
Denis Dyack
, or at least that was what kept going through my head every time somebody said his name.

Spartan Ops is no replacement for Firefight mode.

Huh, eager to get my hands on it, GOD.

Curiously, the vast majority of others playing it have the said the exact opposite. Anyway, that's fine by me, as I loved Halo 2. Guess I'll be the judge tomorrow.


The campaign on the other hand is Halo 2 all over again, all day long, but worse. Linear, short, boring, and dragged down by an awful, weightless story. The great dramatic stuff from promotional like material like FUD doesn't translate to the actual game at all. The level design is a series of long, narrow staight lines, that expand every now and again into slightly more open areas. The music, while not bad unto itself, is used extremely poorly throughout the campaign. It's dull, monotonous and curiously absent whenever it's needed most. It doesn't sound like Halo at all and most of the time I wanted to turn it off. Microsoft, whatever you need to do, however much money or sweet talking it takes, you need to get Marty O'Donnell working on Halo 5. The new weapon sounds mostly suck IMO (though a couple of them are meaty and awesome). The graphics have some nasty pop in in certain areas, and Master Chief's FOV is awful (MP looks much better without the Metroid Prime visor). Also I'm pretty sure the main villain is
Denis Dyack
, or at least that was what kept going through my head every time somebody said his name.

Completed the game 20 mins ago and I thought the campaign story wise was
pretty damn weird, and having read the books I was expecting weird. Not sure what to think of it really.

While I did enjoy the campaign (though for the record I have enjoyed them all), I do agree with you in thinking the level design was rather lacking and needs much improvement for Halo 5 or whatever game they have coming next.

I only noticed pop-in once myself which was when I quickly walked backwards to cower behind a box. As someone who thought the pop-in in Halo anniversary was constant and thus atrocious, I'd call that a massive improvement. I did have disc 1 installed to the hard drive for what it's worth.


My three word review for the campaign is "Call of Halo" or "Halo of Duty." Either or.

And as for someone sucking it up and driving? NAW. I'M NOT JUST GONNA SIT THERE DEFENSELESS!

I wouldn't say that's accurate. I'd say: "halo reach but fun".

some gripes:

1) prometheans are fun but aren't fleshed out enough. Every encounter is either crawlers or knights and there isn't much variety therein.
2) Elites, hunters jackals and grunts seem to have been copied and pasted from Halo: Reach gameplay-wise, which is a shame as bungie always made substantial changes to the covenant between sequels.
3) Weapons and corpses disappear almost instantly after you walk past them (probably a memory-saving technique), meaning I've found myself in firefights on heroic without a weapon more times than I'd care to remember.
4) absolutely no levels on the scale of the ark or the covenant from halo 3.

Ein Bear

Finished the campaign, thoroughly enjoyable game and absolutely beautiful to look at. Never quite hits the highs of Halo 1/3, but it's by far better than 2/ODST/Reach.


- New enemies are fun to fight, and feel really fresh after so many games of the same Covenant.

- It feels like Halo. Big open environments, crazy architecture, it's all in there. It's a lot like Halo 1 in tone.

- Greater emphasis on the actual characters of Chief and Cortana. I swear the Chief has more lines of dialogue in a single mission in this game than he did in all the previous Halos put together.

- Looks beautiful, obviously. I didn't like what Reach did with the Halo art style, but this is much more faithful to it.


- 343 have the gameplay and the visuals down, but their sound design doesn't live up to Bungie's. Quite a few of the sound effects are just... off. Covenant voices sound all weird, half the guns sound a bit crap (although the AR sounds incredible) and the Warthog has the most irritating engine noise in the world. The OST is good, but doesn't really feel like a Halo soundtrack, and the lack of the main theme is criminal.

- The new, Promethean weapons are a bit disappointing. They're basically just a third skin for AR/BR/Shotgun.

- The story can be a bit hard to follow sometimes. Feels like a couple of scenes might have been cut.

Still, altogether a fantastic game. The franchise is in good hands, and it's nice to have a big title release that actually lives up to it's hype after some recent disappointments. Now to dive into multiplayer! :D


No way is the level design as linear as Halo 2. There are plenty of open areas but each level so far tends to mix it up. There's no immediate level where you can consider it a 'a vehicle level' because each level so far is varied. I'm really enjoying it.
There was a guy sitting outside a nearby GameStop already waiting. He had a book and a laptop plus 3 chairs next to him lol. That was at about 1pm. I went to the Halo 2 and Halo 3 midnight launches and I recall being able to show up at 11pm and I was fine...although I had them preordered too.

lol, wow
Oh good, someone on my Facebook just spoiled the ending for everyone else because he doesn't like Halo anymore. What fun! What a joker!
So I just looked at the updated Metacritic and wow, if anything that just proves how incredibly useless that website is. There is a 55 and a 20 score in there! (Lets ignore the EGM one for now) While it is true that I have not played Halo 4 yet, the fact that two reviewers rated this game so low just proves that they are fishing for hate-views. If a game gets a 50 or lower than it generally means it is unplayable. If I insert a disk into my console and I can only get to the third level before it glitches and wont let me progress further then I would rate it a 20.


So I just looked at the updated Metacritic and wow, if anything that just proves how incredibly useless that website is. There is a 55 and a 20 score in there! (Lets ignore the EGM one for now) While it is true that I have not played Halo 4 yet, the fact that two reviewers rated this game so low just proves that they are fishing for hate-views. If a game gets a 50 or lower than it generally means it is unplayable. If I insert a disk into my console and I can only get to the third level before it glitches and wont let me progress further then I would rate it a 20.

Precisely my thinking as well.


the Warthog has the most irritating engine noise in the world.

Haha yeah, I have no idea what 343 were thinking with regards to the Warthog's engine noise. Considering this is one of my biggest issues with the game, I expect most people will be very happy with Halo 4 when they get their hands on it tomorrow.

Oh good, someone on my Facebook just spoiled the ending for everyone else because he doesn't like Halo anymore. What fun! What a joker!

How very classy of him. :(


Over 8 million views on FuD part 1. Hopeful for an ODST mini-series now :)

I'd much rather see a few ~60 minute long episodes or something than blowing a budget on a single blockbuster style movie.

Calm Killer

In all media, only true fans who consume every book, film, game, or pog collection deserve to know what's going on.
My three word review for the campaign is "Call of Halo" or "Halo of Duty." Either or.

And as for someone sucking it up and driving? NAW. I'M NOT JUST GONNA SIT THERE DEFENSELESS!

I can't get anyone to ride gunner. I get in and beep. People just run by or shoot me.
FYI Amazon sucks now. Apparently I won't be getting my LE until the 8th. Just got off the phone with a rep and all she could tell me was "sorry" pretty much.


Completed the game 20 mins ago and I thought the campaign story wise was
pretty damn weird, and having read the books I was expecting weird. Not sure what to think of it really.

While I did enjoy the campaign (though for the record I have enjoyed them all), I do agree with you in thinking the level design was rather lacking and needs much improvement for Halo 5 or whatever game they have coming next.

I only noticed pop-in once myself which was when I quickly walked backwards to cower behind a box. As someone who thought the pop-in in Halo anniversary was constant and thus atrocious, I'd call that a massive improvement. I did have disc 1 installed to the hard drive for what it's worth.

It's very inconsistent, most of the time it's fine, heavy areas of foliage are atrocious, and some of the open rocky spaces were pretty bad (if you're looking for it).

By the standards of most modern FPS games the campaign is ok, it's just that Halo 2 is better and previously I'd held it as the worst.



Fans and spectators were treated to a spectacular aerial lighting performance, which was visible for miles over London. The “Halo 4” Glyph symbol is one of the largest and brightest man-made structures to ever fly over a capital city and measures 50 feet in diameter and weighs over three tons.



Does anybody care about the metacritic score, though?

Does anybody care about traditional reviews in 2012?

I fail to see how a single person spouting their opinion in a few hundred words matters in a time where there are so many other mediums available

e: and then arbitrarily assigning a number to express that opinion


Hipster Princess
Solo legendary done and dusted.

Started at 2am finished 10:30 am with a half hour worth of breaks.

I knew campaign was going to be amazing but I didn't think it was going to be that fucking good.

Let's just hope MP can live up to it.

Calm Killer

In all media, only true fans who consume every book, film, game, or pog collection deserve to know what's going on.
Halo 4 isn't bad at all, it's actually pretty good, however it's also without a doubt the worst Halo game ever.

I've only played around 5 hours of the MP so far and it's a ton of fun. It's got some fantastic new ideas while retaining the classic feel of Halo. I can see myself putting a lot of time into it over the coming months. Just awesome.

The campaign on the other hand is Halo 2 all over again, all day long, but worse. Linear, short, boring, and dragged down by an awful, weightless story. The great dramatic stuff from promotional like material like FUD doesn't translate to the actual game at all. The level design is a series of long, narrow staight lines, that expand every now and again into slightly more open areas. The music, while not bad unto itself, is used extremely poorly throughout the campaign. It's dull, monotonous and curiously absent whenever it's needed most. It doesn't sound like Halo at all and most of the time I wanted to turn it off. Microsoft, whatever you need to do, however much money or sweet talking it takes, you need to get Marty O'Donnell working on Halo 5. The new weapon sounds mostly suck IMO (though a couple of them are meaty and awesome). The graphics have some nasty pop in in certain areas, and Master Chief's FOV is awful (MP looks much better without the Metroid Prime visor). Also I'm pretty sure the main villain is
Denis Dyack
, or at least that was what kept going through my head every time somebody said his name.

Spartan Ops is no replacement for Firefight mode.

I would take about everything he says here and say the exact opposite. I think it's the best single player experience since halo CE. I completely disagree with this guys outlook of the game.


A Halo needs its distinctive epic battle music. And the Halo theme.

there is a great theme with "to galaxy" (actually, there are more songs from the ost that have a great theme in them) and the epic battle music is there, in spartan ops.

like i said many times: its like they where afraid to play up the music in the campaign, like marty did (remember the scene in halo 2, with the scorpion tank on the bridge? all you heard was the halo theme and it was amazing).

however, there are some great uses of music in campaign. just not enough.


Unconfirmed Member
To midnight or not. Hmmmmm. Haven't done one since the Wrath of the Lich King release.
Do it, especially if you plan on hopping straight into multiplayer. Add some GAFers and share the hype!
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