I like 'em too brother, not in the same league as the older one's but still it has it's own charm.Am I the only one who thinks that the medals look pretty good? I like them.![]()
I like 'em too brother, not in the same league as the older one's but still it has it's own charm.Am I the only one who thinks that the medals look pretty good? I like them.![]()
i hate them. it was much easier to tell apart the ones in halo 3 , reach. now they all look the damn same, not to mention appear for the shortest amount of time and in splitscreen especially are tiny as fuck.
and to top it off, the medals now count towards the train wreck that is personal ordnance. assist! distraction! vehicle destroy assist! take a step! here's your SAW!
BTB has:
I dont think BTB needs so many maps, Vortex and Meltdown hardly pop up - I just wish those maps didnt exist and where instead 4v4 maps to make things less repetitive in the majority of the other playlists.
I was just reading through this list of Halo 4 medals. I didn't realize some of these existed! I wish they were more "in your face" like previous Halo games, rather than the central white text, although with as many medals as there are, I understand the decision to simplify it with text on screen.
The thing about the BTB maps is that you can quite clearly see that they would be best in a BTB objective environment, it's frustrating that we have to wait to get objective into that playlist.
BTB thrives on objective, not crappy IS.
I am going to do nothing but go camo and destroy shield doors. I will be ranked number 1 on HaloCharts for getting killing spree's against shield doors. I will be a level 50 door destroyer and the general shield door population will fear me.
I will be ranked number 1 on HaloCharts for getting killing spree's against shield doors.
i hate them. it was much easier to tell apart the ones in halo 3 , reach. now they all look the damn same, not to mention appear for the shortest amount of time and in splitscreen especially are tiny as fuck.
and to top it off, the medals now count towards the train wreck that is personal ordnance. assist! distraction! vehicle destroy assist! take a step! here's your SAW!
The thing about BTB maps is that its one single playlist and that all the other playlists suffer when half of the maps in the game are dedicated to it.
I do agree with you about BTB being best in Objective btw - I just wish that 4v4 was given a higher priority over it.
Complex doesn't support any Dominion objects.
True that.
Also Complex is way to big for 4v4. I wonder if that map could work in Dominion 6v6.
Idle players can get Distraction medals.How dare they reward players for playing the game!
Idle players can get Distraction medals.
Idle players can get Distraction medals.
>tries to think of witty response
>got nothing
But it's like the only medal that you can get for not doing anything.
How often does that actually happen..?Idle players can get Distraction medals.
1. You put a lot of faith in scrubs, to not only find out and remember each power weapon spawn on each rotating map on each playlist, but to track their respawn timers as well. Thats dedication right there, and investment, and time, put in from day one, and not to be rewarded quickly or easily. Its an e-sport mentality - not something you can expect from most players at all. So what you eventually end up with are hardcore players in groups, consolidating and sharing information, and running over everybody else. New players get discouraged and don't keep playing, nor do they learn the ins and outs of the game fans hold to be so sacred. Populations dwindle as players move to other games with more accessible objectives.
Also, what are the chances that new players will get enough quality time with the power weapons to learn to use them effectively? We're talking from scratch here, and no, campaign doesnt count one iota, as the covenant AI doesn't hold a candle to other players. So, a new player who wants to learn and get some hands on time with rockets or the sniper has to rush one of the power weapons and deal not only with beating the enemy to the weapon, but other hardcore players on their own team who would betray them to grab them, or talk shit to them when they did acquire them, or just try to grief them afterwards because "they called it" and "K/D ratios" and all the other bullshit that surrounds these games. Play to win, right?
One of the best things to happen to Halo in terms of introducing new players, and allowing interested players to hone their skills is personal ordnance. Now everybody that plays Halo 4 is going to get some quality time with the power weapons without interfering with the rest of the team or subjecting themselves to grief, and without having to keep track of map properties and respawn timers. This is a good thing. It leads to better teamwork overall, since the skill floor is being raised.
2. Dynamism or clusterfuck, depending upon your perspective. If you want to see a clusterfuck, play MAG on PS3 - Halo 4 is far from it. Halo 4 rewards teams that take the best advantage of circumstances as they present themselves, in terms of global ordnance, personal ordnance, and loadout matchups. Some that see only chaos aren't seeing or appreciating the different dynamic at work here - just painting it as broken and bad, and that's a purely subjective viewpoint.
I like them more than Reach's.I like 'em too brother, not in the same league as the older one's but still it has it's own charm.
I had not seen this previously.
Megatron must be stopped.
Scout and Oceanic are pretty cool.
I use Mark IV all the way. Been that way since 04 with Halo 2.
However, if i were to ever get the web skin id use it in a heartbeat. Black primary, white secondary...
Venom?? Shit would be money.
thanks to halo 4s brilliant matchmaking system i played a regicide game pretty much 1v1 the whole time. and almost lost it too, even though I went +10 to his -10. nice!
- Why is Snipers being removed?
- Why is camo still in the game?
- Why is Hardlight sheild in the game?
- Why are all of these maps huge?
- Where is the classic playlist?
- Who created Regicide?
I could go on...
- Why is Snipers being removed?
- Why is camo still in the game?
- Why is Hardlight sheild in the game?
- Why are all of these maps huge?
- Where is the classic playlist?
- Who created Regicide?
I could go on...
I still have not had that much of an issue with the Hardlight shield.
It really is. I have no idea how Aggro(?) got it so fast. I'm only on the 3/5 commendation for it. It also doesn't help that Ragnarok is the worst map for it.
Couldn't be worse than my wonderful 2v8 Ragnarok experience!
This green visor grinding is the worst...
I still have not had that much of an issue with the Hardlight shield.
It's far from perfect, but I tried. I still want to redo the smoke sometimes.
- Why is Snipers being removed?
- Why is camo still in the game?
- Why is Hardlight sheild in the game?
- Why are all of these maps huge?
- Where is the classic playlist?
- Who created Regicide?
I could go on...
"Load up a Warthog with 2 teammates and go for a drive. "
It't really annoying when you shoot a guy one-shot from long range, only to have him pull a hard light shield out of his ass and walk behind cover.
Probably my favorite medal in Halo 4. The way the announcer says it is just awesone.![]()
"Load up a Warthog with 2 teammates and go for a drive. "
It's actually a splatter with a loaded Warthog or Mongoose. It's also hilarious.
Pulse Grenade will fix that shit right up. They move too slowly to get out of the EMP field in time if they're one shot, meaning that they either have to drop their shield (and die) or keep their shield up (and die).
It's far from perfect, but I tried. I still want to redo the smoke sometimes.
Am I the only one who thinks that the medals look pretty good? I like them.![]()
It's far from perfect, but I tried. I still want to redo the smoke sometimes.
It really is. I have no idea how Aggro(?) got it so fast. I'm only on the 3/5 commendation for it. It also doesn't help that Ragnarok is the worst map for it.
They're awful in my opinion. There is no contrast between them in both design and colors, when you glance at them in-game, you can't tell which is which or what they are for.
These are actually two different medals in this game:
Also, as long as I'm ranting about medals, why did they take out weapon specific sprees?
They're awful in my opinion. There is no contrast between them in both design and colors, when you glance at them in-game, you can't tell which is which or what they are for.
These are actually two different medals in this game:
Also, as long as I'm ranting about medals, why did they take out weapon specific sprees?
Wait, they did? I got a Tommy Boy for 15 kills with the SAW without dying early on, I'm pretty sure.
It's an open invitation.Her butthole keeps staring right at me![]()
Crimson MapPack = December 10