Playstation Meeting trailer: See the Future. Feb. 20th [Will Be Livestreamed]

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it's pretty obvious stuff :p

Well, not really. :p

As you can see with this thread, I wasn't even sure if we would see something about real games there.
And I was just esspecially excited about the "100% locked" for Epic, SE & Kojima. But even if you think it's pretty obvious, I better won't get too excited about that to not get disappointed. ;)

But thanks for the first-party tease. :)


Neo Member
This thread has already reached legend status no doubt.

If anyone could Kazify my avatar that would be amazing!


Sooo...Gran Turismo?

Well, we know that people from Polyphony have been visiting race tracks around the world since GT5 shipped in 2010, and they said that many of their models in GT5 were supposed to be "next-gen ready," right? It wouldn't surprise me if they have something like a GT prologue available very early in the PS4's lifetime.
Why did no one suggested that this is a perfect timing for a ps vita-phone hybrid?
The technology is here and as it is the system is almost death.

Because the vita OS is nowhere near mature enough to support a smartphone like machine. It's WAY behind android, iOS, blackberry in terms of features and functionality, plus the lack of a general app store, mp3 store, book store etc would just kill it. It would get smoked. A vita XL/tablet is another story though as it can be pretty much a gaming tablet and the features/apps can be added through iterations without much of a backlash.


Can someone Kazify Vincent in my avatar? :p

Further along than anyone believes.

Kagari don't do this to me , GT6 coming out early next gen is all i need to go into hype overdrive .
Still i guess we should have expected something like that .

Edit comes on guys i know PD mess up this gen but i don't expect that to happen again .
It's even better since they can reused cars and tracks for GT5.
It's not.

Yeah I know about that :D

So excited lol

@ Kagari and GT6

I believe it's really well advanced in development due to their work with GT5. They had so much data to work with on GT5, but the hardware simply wasn't there. Also, they had to start development tools from the ground up with the PS3, but with PS4 they already have very friendly tools in their hands. Just an assumption. :p
Why not? :D There's a reason why Polyphony has skipped their second game on PS3.

Further along than anyone believes.

All I needed to see. Some of us were worried that Sony was going to push for it it to be a PS3 game. I guess it just shows how serious Sony is taking next-gen with them positioning GT to be too far of from launch like they did with GT3. And that paid off in a huge way for them (nearly 15m sold).


quick translation

February 20 :
- Announcement of the "next generation playstation" no name announcement
- Orbis won't be the name of the next PS
- The pad will not be revealed until E3
-Guerrilla will show a lot of things
- 4 games will be unveiled first part only (clip not finalized)
- No visible third party publlisher
- no third party games at all
-PS+ for the next ps will be unveiled at E3 and should be suprising


I expected 3rd party madness @ E3.
Remember how just to model one car to completion for GT5 took approximately one month. Why oh why would they spend those kinds of resources when the in-game model could never look like that.
Remember how just to model one car to completion for GT5 took approximately one month. Why oh why would they spend those kinds of resources when the in-game model could never look like that.

It's actually 6 months. And the spent that time because they never have to remodel them again. They'll be good to go for future GT's because they were built at such a high quality.


Assuming that they haven't been able to get Miyazaki to head up Demon's Souls 2 (and I doubt From would even allow him to work on it), i'd say that they should go after Valkyria Chronicles. Fund/co-publish it with Sega, but make sure to get it locked under some contract so it can't be released elsewhere. That's a series that has potential to do well in the west, but it needs more marketing.

I really wish that the folks at Sony thought like you.

Or that you ran Sony. That'd work too.
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