So £425 and 9 months later?
If it's not going to follow the WiiU into trouble, it's got to be $300 or less at launch.
Then it won't sell, since everyone will buy smartphones and/or tablets instead.
Then it won't sell, since everyone will buy smartphones and/or tablets instead.
$449US or $499
i completely agree, it needed to be within the area of where a consumer would look at the two and see them as being equals. at $450 to nintendo's lowest $300 - it's not even close. nintendo is gonna win the price war easily.
So in 2015/6 for you confirmed?
This is too funny.
If it's not going to follow the WiiU into trouble, it's got to be $300 or less at launch.
I bet the morons at Sony UK will release it for £400, whoever is deciding the prices for PS in the UK needs to go, they can't do their job.
It's funny I said as much this regarding the PSP and got banned once around here. But yeah making Europe wait this time, especially if Microsoft can get there first will be a significant issue.
2013 and adequate pricing (i.e. not 1:1) would be awesome. I'm expecting neither.
US$ 449.00
That's expensive
Hasn't Sony learned? The 'basic' PS3 was sold at $499...
Yeah - "over" 40k probably means closer to 45k at a minimum.40k yen would bomb so hard in japan. And then the article says over 40k yen.
Yep. I would pay $500.I would pay $400 for a PS4.
I think their stances on Vita when they released it show they haven't learned anything.
And probably 3-5 months later to boot.
If it's 399 I think I'll bite at launch (depending on the games they offer obviously). If it's over that price I'll have to think about it.
no, it's totally true. consumers have a tighter electronics budget than ever with tablets and smartphones becoming required-to-own devices. you're living in imagination land if you think otherwise.