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Announced/hinted at PC ports that disappeared


Dudebro, My Shit is Fucked Up So I Got to Shoot/Slice You II: It's Straight-Up Dawg Time
The sequel got a trailer a year ago for PC/iOS ports and nothing came of it :(
I think only one or two people are working on that port, which is probably why it is taking so long. Twisted Pixel is only like 40 people tops, and most of them are on new games.


The story I always heard about Red Dead Redemption was that the game was in such a mess of a state in terms of being cobbled together to just work that a PC port simply wasn't worth the cost.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Was Read Dead Redemption ever talked about for PC?

It seems like a great game for the mod scene.

R* practically ignored requests for information on a PC version only to ultimately say a port is "not viable".

The story I always heard about Red Dead Redemption was that the game was in such a mess of a state in terms of being cobbled together to just work that a PC port simply wasn't worth the cost.

I've always considered this rumour questionable at best. After all, GTAIV's belated PC port was little more than a dump of the X360 codebase so why not just make the same amount of effort with RDR?


Gold Member
That walking dead game from Activision was announced for PC but they canceled it a few days ago.

But yeah, no one would buy a zombie shooter on PC....


What exactly is the story with Rising? Are Konami just pretending they didn't announce it? Have they canceled it or said anything about it at all? I also expected to see Dragon's Dogma by now.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
What exactly is the story with Rising? Are Konami just pretending they didn't announce it? Have they canceled it or said anything about it at all? I also expected to see Dragon's Dogma by now.

Konami said late last August that it would "contemplate" a PC port after the release of the PS360 versions. So a PC port was on the cards, then wasn't, but may soon be again.


Vanquish - nothing ever came of it sadly.

MGS: Rising - originally announced for PC/X360/PS3 when KojiPro was making it, Plantum hinted it may still be possible.

Shadows of the Damned - PC port was cancelled but was originally planned.

Ahh, so the old KojiPro version was what was officially announced and they're pretending the PG version is a different game? I knew those PC product pages and tags on game sites came from somewhere.


Ahh, so the old KojiPro version was what was officially announced and they're pretending the PG version is a different game? I knew those PC product pages and tags on game sites came from somewhere.

The PG version is a different game, different engine and everything.
isn't that (or one of) the upcoming metal gear solid game hinted for pc too?

wasn't ff13 hinted to might be on pc due to crystal tools a long ass while back?


isn't that (or one of) the upcoming metal gear solid game hinted for pc too?

wasn't ff13 hinted to might be on pc due to crystal tools a long ass while back?

well there is this

And the trailer/tech demo or whatever they showed of Ground Zeroes was apparently running on a PC. But the trailer had PS3 and X360 logos but nothing mentioning PC so who knows at this point.


I find it amusing that Rockstar didn't put RDR on PC, but instead gave PC gamers LA Noire. Uh, okay. Maybe it was just easier to port.


I doubt Microsoft's gaming division sees Windows as their platform, to be honest.

That ended when they weren't able to successfully get people to pay for Live on PC.

It's not just that. At least until very recently, Windows didn't need any help dominating the market.

Putting Halo 3 on Windows would sell .0000001% more PC than were already being sold. By contrast, the value of Halo as an exclusive franchise to the Xbox dramatically increased the platform's appeal.

I think this is less true than it used to be. Windows is now more vulnerable than it was in 2007. Of course, Microsoft is also reinvesting in Windows gaming, so that certainly reinforces my hypothesis.



August 2010: http://kotaku.com/5618460/mortal-kombats-post+launch-balancing-add+on-character--pc-plans
Boon says that the Mortal Kombat team may also follow in Street Fighter IV's footsteps and will think about releasing a version of the game for the PC.

"We're definitely considering it," Boon says. "I've thought 'How many fighting game players are PC guys?' Apparently there seems to be a market for that in Europe. Since we're on the Unreal Engine, I guess it's not that much of a change from the console versions."

February 2012: http://www.dsogaming.com/news/warne...c-but-we-have-been-gauging-interest-about-it/
In the press release, Warner Bros stated that although there are no plans for Mortal Kombat PC, the developer and the publisher has been gauging interest about this
mostly I just wanted Twisted Pixel to make the jump already. It'd be great for them (and us)

I think that's totally gonna happen. First Platinum PC title after their visit to Valve and all that. Book it.

It's why I'm holding off on Rising for the time being. Got enough games to be getting on with, so I'm going to wait and see if it gets a port somewhere down the line. If there isn't one announced by the end of the year, I'll pick it up for cheap in October-December.


Fuse - Insomniac has the game running on the PC, they're even demoing the game on the PC, but only the 360 and PS3 versions will be released.


I still believe that we will see Dragon's Dogma on PC after the 'Dark Arisen' expansion has been released for consoles.

This is what i want. Vanquish, Rising and even Bayonetta. Come on Platinum.

We should do a petition. Wasn't there a fellow Gaffer that was going to do a petition for Bayonetta? I think he was involved in the Dark Souls petition as well.


Yeah, count me in the boat that's expecting the Rising PC announcement any day here. Especially with the good sales.

God I hope it's true. I haven't bought a copy yet because I'm waiting for the PC announcement. I've been playing the hell out of the demo though. Maybe I'll rent then buy when it's on PC.


Wasn't Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 supposed to be on PC at some point? Was pretty bummed about that one.


Wasn't Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 supposed to be on PC at some point? Was pretty bummed about that one.
The first one was on PC, but as far as I can remember the second one was always announced as a console exclusive.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Pretty much any game on UE3 should have been very easy to port to PC. Red Dead Redemption has always been a sour spot, too. Not all of them have come to PC, but a majority have, and there's a huge sandbox audience on the platform. I find it very hard to believe that no matter the difficulty of porting profit wouldn't have been made.

What exactly is the story with Rising? Are Konami just pretending they didn't announce it? Have they canceled it or said anything about it at all? I also expected to see Dragon's Dogma by now.

Kojima Productions announced Metal Gear Solid: Rising. It was using FOX Engine, and was their own game and story. This was Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC. The engine was probably a big factor in this, as FOX was on target to support all of these platforms (and still is, to my knowledge).

That game failed. When it was handed to Platinum they switched to their own in house, probably to better accommodate their internal pipeline (no point learning a new engine and tools on a tight schedule) and ensure 60fps. Platinum's engine currently only supports Xbox 360 and PlayStatation 3 (as well as Wii, if MadWorld was running an early version), so a PC version was taken off the table.

They did say they'll look into it post-release though, and Platinum has expressed interest in PC releases for their future games.


I still believe that we will see Dragon's Dogma on PC after the 'Dark Arisen' expansion has been released for consoles.

We should do a petition. Wasn't there a fellow Gaffer that was going to do a petition for Bayonetta? I think he was involved in the Dark Souls petition as well.

I considered doing it, but it's hard to get any momentum with a petition, even after the succesfull Dark Souls one and the Operation Rainfall stuff.

From my thread about this on the Platinum Games forum: http://community.platinumgames.com/showthread.php?51-PC-version-cancelled:

I'm a moderator on this forum. I don't work at PG though.

If you are actually asking if PG is aware of this request, then the answer is yes. However, as has been said before and with many of their past projects, PG does not make the decision to create a game on a system. That depends on publishers. Publishers fund it. If you really want a PC version of the game, you have to start bugging the right people (in this case, that would be Konami).

And from this interview:

With the PC version seemingly cancelled, Eurogamer asked Kojima Productions creative producer Yuji Korekado for an update.

"Right now, honestly, we are doing our best to complete at the same time the PlayStation 3 version and the Xbox 360 version," he explained. "For the PC version, we will contemplate making it or not once we reach this goal of completing the PS3 and 360 versions."

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Microsoft bought Twisted Pixel, that was when the 'Splosion Man ports vanished.

Cause you know, why would the creator of Windows want to release games on their own platform. Stupid fucks.

So that's what happened? Incoming in Win8 app store, then, lol?

I still don't get it though.. Mark of the Ninja is published by MS, it's on steam..


This as well:

While it could be the output of a devkit, he called it "PC". Combined with that Bayonetta in 3D Vision pic, I start to believe Platinum Engine games have a rough but native PC version like MT Framework games.

Ya when Bayonetta 2 was announced for the Wii U PG essentially said, 'we develop all our games on PC then port to the intended system. It really doesn't matter what system.'

I don't have the exact link, so I'm paraphrasing. But that is why you see all the shots of Platinum Games bring played on PC.



And Cliffy, in the process, all but categorically stating that us enthusiast PC gamers are pirates.

Game sells poorly because of some kind of DRM or a bad port.

Standard response: blame pirates.

In thus case GFWL was such a train wreck no one bought the game. Instead, they pirated it.

To be completely honest I was contemplating not buying BioShock 1 because of the garbage port, GFWL, and I believe Securom is on there too. That's a pretty difficult sell. Came with BioShock Infinite preorder though.
There were definitely hints of Dragon Dogma being ported or hints at interest in porting it to PC. One Capcom representative literally tweeted "it's coming" but Capcom quickly responded to questions about the tweet and said it was a mistake. They also pulled the, if-PC-gamers-beg-loud-enough-maybe-we'll-do-it card early on.


...The PC versions is already done, but it's not released. Sega, why
Every game made for most consoles has a 'PC' version. They don't built it straight to the dev kits, but that version only plays on very specific hardware. To scale the game so it'll play on the vast variety of PC configs, and then test all those configs, is a huge undertaking.

But there are companies like Nixxes that specialize in ports. So it can be done by passing it off, though the language barrier might be an issue.

No PC port of Dragon's Dogma is baffling though, since they were shooting for Dark Souls and Skyrim, both of which have sold gangbusters on PC.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Yeah, it is rather sad.

Wasn't the 'PC Gaming is dead' movement in full swing in 2008?

Yeah, it was a mantra that picked up steam ~mid-gen, when Call of Duty suddenly defined the console FPS and "casual" gaming had already dramatically proliferated.

...The PC versions is already done, but it's not released. Sega, why

"Done" is a bit of a stretch, but it clearly exists in some form.

Every game made for most consoles has a 'PC' version. They don't built it straight to the dev kits, but that version only plays on very specific hardware. To scale the game so it'll play on the vast variety of PC configs, and then test all those configs, is a huge undertaking.

He's playing it in 3D Vision, though, which means there's an actual PC build with actual PC hardware support.


Every game made for most consoles has a 'PC' version. They don't built it straight to the dev kits, but that version only plays on very specific hardware. To scale the game so it'll play on the vast variety of PC configs, and then test all those configs, is a huge undertaking.

But there are companies like Nixxes that specialize in ports. So it can be done by passing it off, though the language barrier might be an issue.

No PC port of Dragon's Dogma is baffling though, since they were shooting for Dark Souls and Skyrim, both of which have sold gangbusters on PC.

Yeah, I get you. I just figured if they're running stuff like 3D vision over top, the version they're sitting on can't be that rough.

I think Dragons Dogma is going to get announced in the form of Dark Arisen on PC. Capcoms been porting EVERYTHING lately.

Waiting Lord of Shadows 2 for PC is now vaporware?

I thought that one was confirmed.

That bums me out.

Lords of shadows 2 is confirmed. PC screens have even come out already. It's LOS1 that we're talking about in here
And Cliffy, in the process, all but categorically stating that us enthusiast PC gamers are pirates.

Yeah. Wow at this quote:

CliffB said:
Here's the problem right now; the person who is savvy enough to want to have a good PC to upgrade their video card, is a person who is savvy enough to know bit torrent to know all the elements so they can pirate software. Therefore, high-end videogames are suffering very much on the PC

Fuck you, buddy.
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