Dammit, somebody posted that infernal pic over on gaming side? Aaaaaaaawwwwwww maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. What a mess that must've been.
That thread was fun. but really, why are a bunch of sweaty gaming nerds who play embarassing videogames making fun of a bunch of anime nerds who watch an embarassing anime?
That Oreimo thread is starting to hit critical mass.
It was just getting good too
Its all Kirino's fault. she ruins everything.
I dunno. It's always the same old crap every time one of these kinds of threads gets made on the gaming side.
Though seeing that Senran Kagura gif again did make me smile.
Misa is the only correct choice.
The SK gif just made it go critical mass. It was a stroke of brilliance.
Of all the fucked up shit that gets made as videogames and such, why is it always Oreimo that gets closed?
Little Witch Academia really did save anime! Look at all the potentially cool stuff coming out after its wake!
-New Imaishi anime
-Yuasa short film
-Action KyoAni
-New Watanabe anime
-Mushushi S2
Anime was saved before LWA and will continue to be saved afterwards. The market itself is pretty fucked though.
-Houkago no Pleiades getting expanded into a movie
-Kyoukai no Kanata getting expanded into a TV show or OVA
-Swimming Boys anime
-Little Witch Academia theatrical trilogy
Yay! Full length Subie commercial!
Seriously though, I loved Pleiades, so I'm kinda excited.
Whenever I think of Magi, I always think of myself as Aladdin and DTL as Alibaba. Sometimes I say hurtful things because they are true, and it hurts his feelings, but I also do stupid things sometimes and it embarrasses him. But he's always smiling and looking ahead, optimistic and ready to fight the next battle. If he falls, he tries to get stronger, and together we BELIEVE in a better world out there. <3
When I think of Magi, I think of Ren Kougyaku and Mor and I feel like it wasn't totally wasted.
Little Witch Academia is like Mahou Shoujotai Arusu but condensed even further in a "good parts" way.
I mean, she even follows Arusu's Gospel.
It is a LOT like Tweeny witches, which is why LWA is so good.
Speakin of which, I lent that to my friend several months ago and I need to get it back >_