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Microsoft Studios' creative director has some choice words about always-online

Diversion tactics.

He is trying to move the argument towards "I always have an internet connection so why do I care?"


"Microsoft can shut down their server and your games at any time and you can't do shit about it".


Microsoft's arrogance is delicious. The problem with always online isn't that the internet may or may not go out, it's that you could potentially be locked out of your games forever once the servers go down.

The phone suddenly starts to ring at the bedside. PR GUY rolls over and blindly reaches for his phone. He feels around for it and finally picks it up. Sitting up in bed, he puts the phone to his ear.

Uhhh huh...​

Gibberish is heard very loudly coming out of the phone.

Wait what...WHEN...you have got to be fucking kidding me​


There are still big swaths of the country using dial up, let alone having good stable broadband

Right, like I said in the last thread earlier today there's about a 30 million console gap between the total 360s sold number and the number of Live accounts. Even excluding the number of Live people you'd lose from this or some other bullshit, 30 million is a lot of people to leave in the dust.
Wow so it's happening? Sony, the ball is in your court.
Okay, here is the thing GAF....all of you are going to buy xbox when the next Halo comes out. They have probably done their calculations and they are fine with loosing some folks due to always online. They definitely make a lot of money with Xbox live and they want only those people who are going to pay for live and buy stuff online. That is their business model and I am willing to bet it's going to be more successful then Sony's model.

But as a consumer I really like PS4's model, at least what they have shown of it and also I am Playstation guy! But I would wager that come Christmas time, new Xbox out sells PS4 2 to 1, even with all the online crap! (in North America)

I played thousands of matches and spent thousands of hours on Halo CE, Halo 2 and Halo 3. Played Reach's single player campaign and I haven't even touched 4 since I got rid of my Xbox way before it even came out.

Never again lolz


Thanks for making my choice of what next gen machine to buy that much easier Microsoft.
I was planning on picking up PS4 over this regardless due to my distaste of Xbox Live's cost and the deterioration of MS' first party offerings, but this just solidified my stance.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
That response to the comment about living in small towns shows what an incredible douchebag this guy is. Screw this guy and screw an always-online console.

Also, LOL at everyone in the other thread saying we were crazy for believing the rumors.



If its happening... I can't get a new Xbox. Internet is way too shitty in Canada. Diablo 3 was a miserable experience, and if they're going to force that always online shit onto us with this console, I won't be there.


The arrogance on display here really is flabbergasting.

Shades of PS3 launch.

His responses are almost like a troll hacked his account or something.


There are reasons why certain people shouldn't be allowed on Twitter.
THIS is one of them.

My God... what hell has he unleashed upon the masses.

Fanboys of GAF. Alert your friends. Alert your neighbors. Alert your friends lists.
Microsoft is indeed all arrogant.
All of the rumors you have heard are indeed true.


I'm starting to actually like this guy. He's such an asshole that it's kinda refreshing in a "Fuck you, I got mine" way.

I don't consider some dude pissing on my face and calling it rain "refreshing," but whatever floats your boat.
I wonder if Sony do the same.

It won't be anywhere near as bad as people are worried about. I imagine it'll be akin to how the steam store operates. With an offline mode. MS can't be THAT stupid .. right? I bloody hope not or it may force me to switch platforms.

There's already been a story today I believe from sources who have said that if your internet connection drops you will still be able to play your game or use your apps, BUT only for like three minutes until it kicks you out to network diagnostic thing. So, essentially, if that's to be believed, there will be no off-line mode.


Vacuum cleaners to require always on internet connection confirmed.

What a dick. It's a shame the people in charge of reining this guy in probably agree with him.

My exact reaction. This is as close to confirmation as we're going to get until Microsoft make any official announcements about this topic (and I hope it's denied) but if this is the case they've pretty much removed the console as an option for me. While I do have an internet conenction in my house, the it is so tempermental and prone to disconnections, the effects worsened by my reliance upon WiFi as opposed to wired connections, that I simply wouldn't be able to use the console with any regularity. I hate both the concept of blocking used games and an internet requirement but, whereas I could, theoretically, begrudgingly accept the former if the rest of the console was good enough (but in most likelihood I probably would buy a competitor), the latter completely removes my ability to use it with any consistency. I really do hope Microsoft deny it as, if not, it simply won't be an option for me next generation (or at least for the first few years), regardless of the quality of everything else.

As has been suggested, I don't know why he thought commenting on this in the manner he has would be a good idea. It seems like it was an attempt to mitigate the criticism that people had been directing towards the idea (on forums anyway, I've not seen a mention of Microsoft's next console elsewhere so I've no idea how this would be received but, I have to imagine, it would not be received well) but his poorly thought out analogies have resulted in a complete backfire and given off an air of smugness and arrogance, particularly "Why on earth would I live there". The best thing he can do now would be to stop typing on the topic. EDIT: Also, I know it's been suggested that perhaps he doesn't know about the next Xbox and that could be the case but given his position he shouldn't really be commenting regardless of whether or not he knows (and with his position I find it hard to believe he doesn't), it just isn't a good idea. I do agree it's not definitive confirmation, but I do think it gives the most precedence to the rumours, solely due to his position, and that's why he shouldn't have commented in the first place.

...why would this even be a thing

bad pr move

This is what I'm curious about. The only 'benefit' (it's not a benefit for consumers unfortunatly) I can see to an always online requirement is to block used games and in an effort to prevent piracy. I cannot really consider any other option/feature that would, if Kotaku is to be believed, require a constant internet connection, opening the troubleshooter after three minutes of disconnected playtime. I'm definitely interested (although it's more of a nervous anticipation) in seeing what exactly Microsoft announce and how they do it because if the backlash on NeoGAF of this requirement is demonstrative of how it will be received elsewhere then it's going to be a very tough sell and the 'feature' that requires it (if there is an actual feature and it's not just the previously stated 'benefits') will have to be exceptionally good.


No this is no longer the case. If you net drops you can restart steam and be in offline mode. Be aware that there is a difference between "being online and can't connect to steam" and "being offline".

Note that of course there are still "always online" type games on steam.

I don't believe so. At least the games I play, I have been able to play offline if my connection has shat out for a day or two. The report from Durango today claimed games wouldn't even boot without a connection and last only three minutes with offline play.

Nope. For example, if I shut off my internet right now and then try to connect to steam, it will fail and then give me the option to retry or start in offline mode.

I stand corrected then, my apologises =] I'm glad to hear Steam's offline mode has improved so much.

If Microsoft do the same as Steam then that would be cool. If it's this 3 minutes crap then Microsoft should look at how well that has gone down with Sim City (albeit 30 minutes on Sim City)
I've favored 360 this generation. I will not buy an always online system. At least not at launch. Ive been at launch of every system since Sega. Nothing on PS4 seems too interesting to me and a always on 720 doesn't give me too much confidence. I'll be on PC for a long time it seems. I'm okay with that.
Okay, here is the thing GAF....all of you are going to buy xbox when the next Halo comes out. They have probably done their calculations and they are fine with loosing some folks due to always online. They definitely make a lot of money with Xbox live and they want only those people who are going to pay for live and buy stuff online. That is their business model and I am willing to bet it's going to be more successful then Sony's model.

But as a consumer I really like PS4's model, at least what they have shown of it and also I am Playstation guy! But I would wager that come Christmas time, new Xbox out sells PS4 2 to 1, even with all the online crap! (in North America)

Couldn't give a shit about Halo and I'm someone who has used Xbox more than other platforms over the past few years
As someone who was a big fan of Xbox this gen over PS3, it seems like I'll be switching over. Sony's gonna take it if Microsoft keeps this attitude up


Well that is that. Wii U, PS4, and my PC for the next gen. I hope Microsoft's gaming division goes out of bussiness over this move. I was debating renewing my Xbox live gold subscription that is up in 2 weeks, but fuck that I am done.

After 2 RROD consoles after the warranty was up, and this shit Microsoft as a game company is dead to me.


Membero Americo

If its happening... I can't get a new Xbox. Internet is way too shitty in Canada. Diablo 3 was a miserable experience, and if they're going to force that always online shit onto us with this console, I won't be there.

Well, not EVERYWHERE in Canada. Unless you mean unlimited download caps (though that's also making a comeback.)
My ISP likes to do spot maintence work around midnight to 2am, it's random and sometimes only lasts 30 seconds or up to 5 minutes, it's something I can't avoid.

I work late in the day and get home at midnight, have a few hours to go online then sleep so I am fawked?


A Good Citizen
He expressed it like a douche, but he has a point. I don't think this will create the kind of outrage and backlash people are expecting. Most people do have fairly stable internet connections, and most people are used to being connected all the time to use their phones/laptops/tablets.
lol, no.

A decent amount of people on GAF have a seriously deranged view of what "most people" care about between this and the BC ordeal. People can deal with their 3G, WiFi connections getting dropped or even going down for a while because they can do other things on them while they go back up.

Guess what happens when they can't do that? They start caring.
The sad part is that people will accept this too.

SimCity still sold pretty well right?

Unless Sony truly doesn't do the same shit ( I know they say there is an offline ode...but what about pay to play or no used games) then Mircosoft will get away with this easy.....and even if Sony doesn't....people gotta have their Halo or COD bro.

I'm still mad that people accepted paying for shit twice (online and apps like Netflix) because reasons.

People will probably let this slide too and have it become a shit standard too.


Man, I reaaaaally hope this blows up in MS's face. People - not just those who post on Gaf - need to refuse this idea of always online for content that does not require it.

Force companies to create devices and services that are more flexible, consumer friendly and not tied to a company's server reliability to play (and their desire to sell you new content and close old servers).

I'm not a fool to think MS will leave this space. but I'd love to see this experiment land DOA and a new machine to arise that will not impose such restrictions.

I'm sure even if this system catches weight some group will simply hack and circumvent the online service. There is a big issue for consumers in regards to contents in an always online, digital only ecosystem this industry wants to turn games into services for, and I can only hope that there are enough people who don't want none of that shit to have the chutzpah to circumvent these systems and tell these companies to fuck off. Consumers should be leading the trends, not companies who want to further monopolize it.

Or they could not buy it, but the masses at large often buy things out of impulse, and the gaming community is a very potent example of this. You'd have to give me Durango for free if it has always-online, and I still wouldn't fucking touch the thing.


We don't have "get out of jail free" cards, but if we did, she'd have one.
Truthfully, I'm not sure there'll be enough 720 exclusives for me to consider buying the console given that Cave doesn't seem to be doing well and I don't think MS cares about Japan anymore, so I can't be all OMG NO SALE because I was never a guaranteed customer

but man, this is still stupid and discouraging if he's not just trolling :|


It's like Microsoft is purposefully destroying their only profitable division. I can only imagine how dysfunctional the organization must be to commit to this strategy.


Right, like I said in the last thread earlier today there's about a 30 million console gap between the total 360s sold number and the number of Live accounts. Even excluding the number of Live people you'd lose from this or some other bullshit, 30 million is a lot of people to leave in the dust.

I wouldn't necessarily associate 30 million with 30 million different households. That said, yes they are leaving a lot on the table.
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