Why do you like Kirino? I'm actually curious. what about her character is even remotely likeable? I cannot think of a single solitary thing.
She's loud. She's funny. She's cute.
I think Kuroneko is boring.
In other words: Opinions.
Why do you like Kirino? I'm actually curious. what about her character is even remotely likeable? I cannot think of a single solitary thing.
Kirino is smart, athletic, hard-working, dedicated, loving, pure and passionate.
Just because she treats the MC like shit doesn't mean she doesn't have good qualities.
Series Coordinator
JJBA 26 (end)
I even stopped the episode then, turned it off, and came back an hour later as it was just frustratingly and offensively bad.
So that's what happened to the second half of Death Note.
Fuck Inoue. He ruins everything he touches.
Sorry, I think I hate her more than almost any other character in anime.
She's loud. She's funny. She's cute.
I think Kuroneko is boring.
In other words: Opinions.
What? :lol
So rumor is that MBS is blocking all Shingeki simulcasts, other than France.
Source is Humberto Saabedra,Associate Editor for Crunchyroll News.
I appreciate your words Nafe... although Ultimadrago is the responsible one for making me do it!![]()
I get to report on stacked loli boobs for 12 weeks? This is a dream come true!
This season has the best character designs since Heartcatch Precure and Panty & Stocking in 2010!
Thanks for the impressions guys! I don't think I'll be touching Flowers of Evil with a ten foot pole any time soon. Those screens look fairly repulsive, backgrounds aside.
I'm pretty sure it would be even better if they pulled a Goldeneye 64 glitch instead.
Chihayafuru 2 13:
The photography nerds are starting to really grate on me, though. Enough of these losers.
I don't think either of them would want to suffer through every first episode of a season. Probably for the best. lol
Speaking of which...
Even scrubbing through OreImo S2, I was reminded that I fucking hate all the characters and the entire premise. The fact that they did what amounts to a premise sophomore season premiere episode and kept everyone in stasis makes me hate the show even more.
The shitty thing is that in a post-SAO world, OreImo isn't really the worst piece of otaku excrement out these days. In fact, it almost feels quaint and obsolete. Like a Playboy from 1960 or something.
JJBA 26 (end)
Unfortunately this episode just wasn't that good. I had hoped the writer had learned from his past blunders with the part I ending but I guess that wasn't the case. He just cant write an ending for beans. The first three minutes were the best part of the episode but then after that it was like everything just collapsed and fell apart. I even stopped the episode then, turned it off, and came back an hour later as it was just frustratingly and offensively bad.
Seeing those Little Witch Academia designs and also seeing Heartcatch and Panty & Stocking mentioned makes me wonder what it would be like if Yoh Yoshinari, Umakoshi and Imaishi all got together to work on an anime. Not like that would probably happen though but still interesting to think about.
I know you're being you, but sometimes the shit you say just makes my blood boil.
Yoshinari and Imaishi work together all the time...
But has Yoshinari, Imaishi and UMAKOSHI worked together on one product?Yoshinari and Imaishi work together all the time...
But has Yoshinari, Imaishi and UMAKOSHI worked together on one product?
oreimo 2 -
Lasted about five minutes. Oreimo is finally out of my life. No more rage. Only relief.
Muromi-san 01
Oh hey, this was a lot better than I thought it would be. Also, being 12 minutes help a lot.
Fun jokes, silly gags, the main guy isn't really a wimp and this show does have good timing with the jokes. Hopefully it doesn't devolve into romance and I'll stick with it.
Muromi-san 1
This is pretty fun. Not a lot happened, but based on the OP and preview, seems like things will get really crazy. Also love the art style and animation.
Muromi-san 1
This was more fun than expected, and has the mermaid voiced by the great Yukari Tamura. Will probably only continue watching because it's 12 minutes.
But has Yoshinari, Imaishi and UMAKOSHI worked together on one product?
Believe in the power of instrohype.
It took me about as long to scrub through the entire episode anyway. The almighty right-key is the best key on the keyboard.oreimo 2 -
Lasted about five minutes. Oreimo is finally out of my life. No more rage. Only relief.
The meta isn't really funny anymore though. Oh look, the characters like an anime that's a bit like this real world anime? So it's basically an episode of The Big Bang Theory.I haven't gotten around to seeing the first episode of OreImo S2 but while I wasn't really a fan of the fan service type stuff or maybe the incest type undertones in the first season, I did like the show for it's kind of meta like moments. It was kind of funny reading different things here in the thread and seeing something similar in the show or vice versa.
oreimo s2 1
So boring... Think ill hold off and just marathon it with a few beers.
team cats
Kuroneko is cool with me, it's Manami who's the boring as fuck option.
Kirino > Kureneko/Ayase >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Manami
Believe in the power of instrohype.
oreimo s2 1
So boring... Think ill hold off and just marathon it with a few beers.
team cats
For whatever reason, women's association football is just not very popular outside of a few isolated countries.Heartcatch Precure 3
Yeah, I was asking myself why that girl didn't just join the girls' soccer team during that episode. But apparently, there wasn't one. I'm not sure how that school went without a girls' soccer team all that time, but it seems they did.
She never had to wear glasses in the first place. She just used them as a way to distance herself from other people because of her shyness.Why'd Tsubomi ditch her glasses? Glasses rule. She just needed a better looking pair. And how does she see now? I highly doubt she went out and got contacts in the span of, like, a couple of days. She just said "Oh yeah, I'm gonna stop wearing my glasses". You can't do that.
CHANCE CHANCEOh, and that CG ending is still jarring as hell to watch. Especially when they start doing the monkey. But I like the song better than the song in the OP. The OP isn't as snappy as I'd like it to be.
Mobile Suit Gundam 00: A Wakening of the Trailblazer
I know you're being you, but sometimes the shit you say just makes my blood boil.
Someone out there on the Internet seriously needs to explain that space flower bullshit.Mobile Suit Gundam 00: A Wakening of the Trailblazer
dtl delivered!JJBA 26 (end)
Unfortunately this episode just wasn't that good. I had hoped the writer had learned from his past blunders with the part I ending but I guess that wasn't the case. He just cant write an ending for beans. The first three minutes were the best part of the episode but then after that it was like everything just collapsed and fell apart. I even stopped the episode then, turned it off, and came back an hour later as it was just frustratingly and offensively bad.We go through this huge life or death ordeal and finally after finally managing to throw cars into what should be his grave, he just suddenly pops up and slashes Josephs arm off? What even, that is not how you end a story. Worst yet it was just bad thing after bad thing and made it too depressing. Then the death card was played, why? Fortunately there was a glimmer of hope as Joseph survived (albeit he did make another huge mistake of lead characters in a genre there), but I am glad that the writer at least left with some sort of joy after the big moment earlier this arc. Playing with my emotions is just not good and not how an ending should be.
Mobile Suit Gundam 00: A Wakening of the Trailblazer
THIS IS THE WORST GUNDAM EVER FUCKING WRITTEN AND I AM NOT SORRY TO SAY SO. Thank you, God of Mecha, for letting me start with Wing, so that I would never feel nostalgic over this shit.
I started it! I'm 1/2 this season!
Someone out there on the Internet seriously needs to explain that space flower bullshit.
I feel like I'm gonna die one day of old age and I'll still be wondering how Setsuna turned into a space flower.
Actually, did you watch post-credits for Mecha-Setsuna to come from the future to talk to old Princess Marina Ismail?
This sad feeling I feel when someone doesnt like one of my favorite anime![]()
This sad feeling I feel when someone doesnt like one of my favorite anime![]()
JJBA 26 (end)
Unfortunately this episode just wasn't that good. I had hoped the writer had learned from his past blunders with the part I ending but I guess that wasn't the case. He just cant write an ending for beans. The first three minutes were the best part of the episode but then after that it was like everything just collapsed and fell apart. I even stopped the episode then, turned it off, and came back an hour later as it was just frustratingly and offensively bad.We go through this huge life or death ordeal and finally after finally managing to throw cars into what should be his grave, he just suddenly pops up and slashes Josephs arm off? What even, that is not how you end a story. Worst yet it was just bad thing after bad thing and made it too depressing. Then the death card was played, why? Fortunately there was a glimmer of hope as Joseph survived (albeit he did make another huge mistake of lead characters in a genre there), but I am glad that the writer at least left with some sort of joy after the big moment earlier this arc. Playing with my emotions is just not good and not how an ending should be.
Battle Tendency as a whole was actually really amazing and I can easily forgive this episode just on account of the resolution. The soundtrack is great, the characters both protagonists and antagonists were good, well except for Lisa Lisa, and just everything in terms of interactions, commentary, skills, and even suspense and intensity were just really genre defining. I cant imagine if this can even be topped in later parts which I hope get animated just so I can experience more of the series. Though I bet there is no comparison to Caesar and Joseph. At least they can still live on forever in the fandom. 9 / 10
ಠ_ಠEpisode 53 of Space Brothers is also gonna be a
recap episode. :/
YepIs that rotoscope?
Pretty cool if so.
Yup, picking stuff up because of VAs is probably bad
It sounds like you and Chet should talk to each other more if you haven't been already.
The big deal was that there were a few of us who really liked the show, and almost everyone else who posted impressions really disliked it. Discussions were had.Majestic Prince - 1
I'm a bit confused what the big deal was about this show?
Anyway, I got a HUGE Final Fantasy VIII vibe during this episode. It reminded me of the SeeD exam, to be exact, and kinda developed in the same way now that I think about it.
What I like:
- 4 out of the 5 characters.
- Sawashiro in a Quistis-style role.
- That :chet on the lead engineer or whoever.
What I didn't like:
- The genki girl is damn annoying.
- The soundtrack feels really uninspired.
Mobile Suit Gundam 00: A Wakening of the Trailblazer
Also no way in hell did Aeolia Schenberg predict this bullshit.
Sawashiro's a good one. My other weakness would probably Itou Shizuka and possibly Kaori Mizuhashi. When I heard Itou was in Amagami on Tokyo Encounter it really made me tempted to pick up the series even though I know it's probably a dreadful show.I do it all the time, and it's usually unhealthy because sometimes shows are awful! I'll watch some pretty bad shit for Miyuki Sawashiro though.