Calm down and have some guimauve.
I actually want to try that, one of these days.
Calm down and have some guimauve.
You find out after the Vermouth arc that the setting is actually dystopian and the planet earth has gone through radical shifts that force the climate to rapidly change. This, of course, gives them about 15 summers a year.
It's just one of those it's not about what you want, but about what your customers want" episodes anime throws from time to time.Heartcatch PreCure!
Episode 17
I'm also not sure the problems for the person in this episode were really fully solved.He seemed to be trying to imitate his fathers recipe which the father claimed was no good. Erika really liked his daifuku which he hoped everyone else had the same reaction to. Later as the kind of conclusion it's mentioned he should just try to make the customers happy instead of trying to imitate. I can kind of see that he shouldn't worry about the imitating side but I thought his daifuku was technically good even if he can still improve. It just seemed kind of weird how he wasn't being accepted but then didn't really seem to change anything and was now accepted. I don't know, it kind of felt like one of those there wasn't even a problem in the first place or just another example of the Japanese and their weird, vague, roundabout ways of trying to say something.
Calm down and have some guimauve.
Just eat a bag of flavored marshmallows.I actually want to try that, one of these days.
Ayana Taketatsu proves to have a slight edge voicing guitarists over bitchy little sisters.
The eternal battle between Taiga fans and Mio fans rages on.
Voters preferred delusions over curiosity in their KyoAni heroines.
Don't expect highlights every round unless there's a match result that I think GAF would find amusing.![]()
lololol like anyone expected anything else
This is an illness I've been trying to cope with since 2011.Blood-C 3
Stupid show. I could have watched Heartcatch, but nooooooooooo.
1st day of ISML results. Don't feel like stiching together a big image this year, just go check them out yourself if you're interested.
A few matches of note:
gee i wonder![]()
I'm curious as to how ISML voters can have such terrible taste.
Blood-C 3
Stupid show. I could have watched Heartcatch, but nooooooooooo.
1st day of ISML results.Don't feel like stiching together a big image this year, just go check them out yourself if you're interested.Okay I lied.
A few matches of note:
Animegaf waifu tournament would split this place apart.
Animegaf waifu tournament would split this place apart.
What are we waiting for? LET'S DO THISAnimegaf waifu tournament would split this place apart.
The movies are pretty accessible. From what I hear, they're pretty much blockbusters over there, so they'd kind of have to be in order to not confuse and bewilder the casual movie goer.I will never doubt the show again.
Honest question : can you follow the newer movies if you not got updated with the series anymore?
1st day of ISML results.Don't feel like stiching together a big image this year, just go check them out yourself if you're interested.Okay I lied.
A few matches of note:
Those were awesome, indeed! They had this regal je ne sais quoi that not only dignified the school, but also brought back fashion to the school uniform. Other examples:First to come to mind was the one from Daten City's High School, when it was under the "rurus" of the Demon Sisters... one thing I usually like to see about uniforms is the use of a tie and double-breasted blazers for both genders.
The Evangelion. It's probably the most realistic, jumper and all. I never liked the colour combination, though. It also doesn't leave much to the imagination. It's a pretty dull uniform.
The Bunguster. How sexy is that? So sexy. Look at the little slits by the side, allowing for better aerodynamics and helping the student freshen herself up when in high performance activities. If I had to save the world from the threat of space aliens I would not hesitate to wear this to battle!
I like the CLAMP, too. The tones of red and black make it stand out above all the rest, and the use of the tie even in the girl's uniform tells us that gender wardrobe doesn't have to be immediately discriminatory. It even has space for accesorising with the necklace/dog-chain thingie around the neck. I only wished someone wore their collars popped to see it in its full glory.
My favourite has to be the Heartcach. A simple one-piece brought to life by a vibrant red ribbon. It's elegant, but minimalistic. The 2.0 era of school uniforms!
Girls Und Panzer bringing the diversity angle! I liked the United Statesian uniform one, too, if only because of Blonde girl rocking dat "i'm a rebel without a cause" style!
^these actually represent each school appropriately enough, the looks kinda matter here. maybe not the best uniforms, but one of the better uses of school uniforms.
They are unique, but I have to admit I don't like it. They look like the girls are wearing their blouses on top of their jumpers. Kinda like Superman wearing his underwear on the outside!I don't really like Yuru Yuri that much, but I have to admit their uniforms are pretty unique.
That is a rad uniform!Eyeshield 21
Ojo's uniform is sick.
There's an anime so it counts!
Like the Evangelion, this suffers from being too close to reality. It looks like something I would love to wear in real life as opposed to a cosplay convention, but it doesn't ooze any of the creativity of some of my previous examples. It's, like, yet another generic mecha design with tons of right angles and a boring white plus red colour palette. We've seen it plenty of times before!I really like the SYD uniform for some reason.
Nothing is too dumb.I refuse to believe. It's too dumb.
A panel where she's getting all flustered because the girl's touching her and saying "I-I'm totally not a l-lesbian or anything, baka!" is proof she's not a lesbian? You need to get your yuri goggles checked.
It's not up to Tsuiokuhen's level, but the Read Or Die OVA is the last great DEEN work.
What second season?
Cool. Anything to make the thread less toxic. I feel like it's gotten somewhat toxic over the past few months/weeks.
Blood-C 3
Okay, a few things. One, Saya, stop singing. You're singing the same fucking song every time except you're slightly changing the lyrics based on what happened that morning. It's boring. Second, what's the deal with that dog? And third, how dense can Saya be? Jesus, if that guy looked at her and said, "I want to put by throbbing penis in your wet vagina and bury my face into your tits", she'd be all, "Uhh...what do you mean?" I mean, there's airheaded, and then there's just completely living off in your own world.
Fight scenes are still the best. This one actually did a pretty good job building up tension, though I'm not sure what the deal with that guy who walked on the train was. I'm assuming he was the bakery owner, but he seemed to be in some trance as he entered the train, and then he all of a sudden came to just before the Elder Bairn had its way with him. And how high are these monsters' blood pressures? It literally starts raining blood when she stabs them.
And what's with this fucking narrator? "There are parts of us that can't be changed. But what if these parts could be changed? But the important question is, can you change them?"......FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.
Stupid show. I could have watched Heartcatch, but noooooooooo.
1st day of ISML results.Don't feel like stiching together a big image this year, just go check them out yourself if you're interested.Okay I lied.
A few matches of note:
Don't expect highlights every round unless there's a match result that I think GAF would find amusing.
1st day of ISML results.Don't feel like stiching together a big image this year, just go check them out yourself if you're interested.Okay I lied.
A few matches of note:
Don't expect highlights every round unless there's a match result that I think GAF would find amusing.
Hey, at least you got Suou out of it right?
How could I have already forgotten Vividred Operation's school uniform?
Hot pants mandatory for all female students, the principal of this school is a baller.
Suou is a super cutie, so it was somewhat worth it.
1st day of ISML results.Don't feel like stiching together a big image this year, just go check them out yourself if you're interested.Okay I lied.
A few matches of note:
Don't expect highlights every round unless there's a match result that I think GAF would find amusing.
Also important to note that Kuroyukihime and Asuna has some of the highest amount of total votes in that bracket. LOLOLOLOL.
Not just "some of", they had the 2nd and 3rd highest totals overall -- the only character to get more votes than either of them in round one was Kanade.Also important to note that Kuroyukihime and Asuna has some of the highest amount of total votes in that bracket. LOLOLOLOL.
1st day of ISML results.Don't feel like stiching together a big image this year, just go check them out yourself if you're interested.Okay I lied.
Hotpants and thigh highs.
Not just "some of", they had the 2nd and 3rd highest totals overall -- the only character to get more votes than either of them in round one was Kanade.
Suguha got cleaned out.
It sounds like I should watch this.Hotpants and thigh highs.
I'm curious as to how ISML voters can have such terrible taste. We most solve this horrific mystery.
It sounds like I should watch this.[IMG]
why gendo why