Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 3 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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HBO Go does not have E10 right now. Last week they had E9 while it was broadcasting for the first time... boo. :|

I see it on there. I think they had the whole season live. Surprised people haven't been skipping ahead during the episode to spoil
He's apparenly cranked out like 300K+ words of backstory and lore for that Westeros encyclopedia they're doing though, so much that some of it apparently branched off and became its own novella, so he's been writing something, and maybe now that it's done he can move on and dedicate that same time to writing the book? Or now that he has written all of this lore the book will just double in length as he tries to cram allusions to all of it into the story and it'll take even longer. Yeah, probably that one.
Which is ridiculous, why do we need that? Make that kind of thing after the main series is finished

He wasn't been writing full time on the book until the beginning of this year, so it's only been about six months of committed writing.
So he takes a year and a half break after writing the last book? Will he do that again after TWOW is done?

Seems like 6 year turn arounds between novels are to be expected.


come in my shame circle
That first 5 minutes or so made me feel so sad.

But overall solid last episode of the season. Once again sets up things and looks like Stannis the Mannis is going to save the day yet again!
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