Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 3 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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An okay episode with some nice comic relief in it, awful ending. Hodor, Podric and Ramsey bringing the laughs. Nice of Yara to finally show up this season. I can't believe they ended the season on that Dany scene though, makes me hate her and her stupid fucking story. Should have ended it with Yara or expanded on Stannis' scene more than end on that stupid fucking Dany ending.


come in my shame circle
So leading up to next season:

  • The whole realm knows the white walkers are back
  • Jaime has returned to King's Landing
  • Bran is now north of the wall
  • Jon Snow has returned to the Night's Watch
  • We now have final confirmation it is Roose Bolton's bastard who has Theon


Really Really Exciting Member!
So many things to look forward to next season(?)... Theon's sister trying to save him, Jaime coming back to his family, Arya becoming a killer with the Hound as a teacher, the White walkers and wildlings attacking the Wall(i guess? they're both pretty damn close), Dany reaching God status, and so many other things.

Do new seasons always start at the end of March? So far away... :(
davos is the best character! love that guy.

hopefully by next season i'll be one of them . . . . a book reader. i really can't just wait for this show to come back.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I wonder how Brienne will react when she'll learn that Tywin is behind Cat's murder now that she is in King's Landing and presumably in the castle too with Jaime.


come in my shame circle
The night's watch told them all back in season 2 when the wights showed up but nobody cared. They had a small council meeting, but only Tyrion believed Mormont's plea

Oh right forgot about that.

But this one seems at least they may believe in more with Mormont dead and a survivor swearing by what he saw. Seems the Watch said fuck it and sent a crow to every single lord and king in the entire realm to show how serious this is.


Unconfirmed Member
I hope Jaqen returns now. Also there was some heavy foreshadowing about Frey pissing off the gods, hopefully we see him suffer soon.


Man the reveal of Theon's torturer was pretty damn great, even if him stripping Theon's name away was bloody awful. I really hope Ramsay has more to do than just poking Theon with a stick next season.


Lol as Stannis' quick turnaround. Melisandre rightfully guessing the White Walkers and Wights the real threat. Who is this Lord of Light?

Hopefully they give Dany some better storyline than going around freeing slaves. I saw on the Essos map at HBO, there is another one of these slave cities, Mereen to the North of Yunkai. They'll probably have her liberate that place too, putting her return to Westeros on the backburner. They'll probably bring her over when White Walkers and Winter invade the South. Probably that's why it was snowing in Kings Landing during her dream. She'll arrive when everyone is dead.

I'm so glad Bran got to meet Sam. Can't wait till he tells Jon he met his younger brother. Ygritte is a lover scorned. At least she only shot him with three arrows and not cut off his cock like she said she would if he betrayed her. But damn, I didn't think she would do it.

I wonder what Cersei and Tywin will do not that Jaime is back but without his hand. I can just imagine Joffrey giving his uncle shit for losing his hand. Imagine what Cersei would do though if he mocks him as weak compared to Robert Baratheon.

I'm glad Arya and the Hound are getting along. Maybe he can teach her to fight, and she can teach him to be a bit more compassionate and good. But little good do those virtues do in this world.

And finally, Yara. I can't believe they didn't know where he was this whole time. His father is a heartless prick but at least Yara loves Theon. Can't wait to see her in action. Hopefully she gets to cut off Ramsay's cock when she finds him.

On a side note, going to be a brutal year long wait for season 4, anyone think that there is no way Westeros won't find out about Dany's exploits? Not only does she have 3 dragons, a huge army, but now a whole city population of former slaves devoted to her. Word has to reach them back.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Man the reveal of Theon's torturer was pretty damn great, even if him stripping Theon's name away was bloody awful. I really hope Ramsay has more to do than just poking Theon with a stick next season.

Meh, nothing will stop Theon from callling himself Theon again if his sister succeed in rescuing him.
Man the reveal of Theon's torturer was pretty damn great, even if him stripping Theon's name away was bloody awful. I really hope Ramsay has more to do than just poking Theon with a stick next season.

Well he knows about Bran and Rickon and specifically talked about hunting them or whatever, so that could become his next task after dealing with Theon. Especially because his father is now Warden of the North and Bran is the rightful heir.


Episode wasn't the best, but I expected that. Giving the audience a breather and setting up for next year.

Maybe I'll listen to the audiobooks or something.


I hope Jaqen returns now. Also there was some heavy foreshadowing about Frey pissing off the gods, hopefully we see him suffer soon.

That's just it though, there are no 'gods'... The only one who actually does anything is the Lord of Light. The rest are just bedtime stories kids like Bran grow up reading.


Great episode. Heavens knows we needed some milk of human kindness to wash away the poisonous gulp we all got last week.

I don't get the hate for Dany. She's got a lot of big-idea cheese in her storyline, but honestly it's a great foil for the moral vacuum on the other side of the sea.

I also like how the show has lots of women of decisive action. Arya, Brienne, Cersei, Dany.

See you guys next year.
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