Bioshock Infinite, Crysis3, Dishonored, which one should I play first?

Currently working on my 4th playthrough of bioshock and its a fantastic game so I say go with that first. Its honestly pretty shocking to see people suggesting dishonored over it. Dishonored is good and worth playing but I enjoyed my time with infinite more.


I had to, sorry
Skip Crysis 3, play BioShock Infinite first. You'll feel more restricted if you play Dishonored and then Infinite. Crysis 3 is simply a mediocre game.


Currently working on my 4th playthrough of bioshock and its a fantastic game so I say go with that first. Its honestly pretty shocking to see people suggesting dishonored over it. Dishonored is good and worth playing but I enjoyed my time with infinite more.

How is it shocking? They're both completely different type of games.


Currently working on my 4th playthrough of bioshock and its a fantastic game so I say go with that first. Its honestly pretty shocking to see people suggesting dishonored over it. Dishonored is good and worth playing but I enjoyed my time with infinite more.

I can't ever see myself playing Infinite 4 times. Heck..even two times in such short time span. Since it's terribly linear and every playthrough is just the same.

I've replayed Dishonored three times already, but each playthrough was completely different, so it made sense.


Gotta agree with most of Gaf on this one: Dishonored.

I feel like it was a game that got somewhat overlooked, but really shouldn't have.


Neo Member
Currently working on my 4th playthrough of bioshock and its a fantastic game so I say go with that first. Its honestly pretty shocking to see people suggesting dishonored over it. Dishonored is good and worth playing but I enjoyed my time with infinite more.



Dont listen to the hate, Crysis 3 is nice gameplay wise, especially if You like to mess with AI with different tools, also best looking game on the market. Dont listen to the story though, just watch cutscenes from pure visual standpoint :)

Havent played Bioshock, but its definitely great story and art wise.

Dishonored is amazing game, with good and open gameplay, good story and amazing setting, so You have to play it. Remember to read books, they are awesome.


I loved crysis 3, people seem to be brainwashed and want nothing else but cinematic linear shooters. crysis 3 has great, tactical gameplay that makes you feel like a high tech hunter. some levels are huge, gameplay is very diverse, play it on the hardest difficulty though, its still easy but good.

you made a good deal, all three games are very good, but dishonored is clearly the best, despite its flaws, was my GOTY2012


Of those three, Dishonored is the only *MUST PLAY* because it is to me, the most complete game of the lot. Though without a doubt, Bioshock Infinite is the most "impressive," super blockbuster style game and has a decent story to it as well.
I would play Dishonored first but not because of the overall quality of the game (that's not to say it isn't an excellent game, I feel it is) but because I think that if you were to play Crysis 3 first, followed by Dishonored and then Bioshock Infinite you may become fatigued with the art style and power-based gameplay (the gameplay of Infinite and Dishonored are not hugely similar so hopefully you don't get that impression from my comments it's just that the two games are more comparable than either of them and Crysis would for example). If you play Crysis 3 in between Infinite and Dishonored you will at least encounter a change and acquire a break preventing fatigue. Personally I would play Bioshock Infinite first for the reason DancingPhlower cited (you'll feel more restricted in Bioshock Infinite if you play it soon after Dishonored) but since you've already stated you're going to keep that for later, I would go with Dishonored. Either way, it doesn't really matter, they're both great games (I haven't played Crysis 3 so cannot comment on its quality).

As for the actual games themselves, both Dishonored and Infinite are excellent games. It is hard for me to decide which I enjoy more but Dishonored is undoubtedly the most replayable and 'open' game of the two. The level design is magnificent (although, I will be honest that there are sections later in the game that I do quite dislike) as it allows for a plethora of approaches to each mission and no playstyle is discouraged. If you want to sneak through the game without upgrading/purchasing any powers or killing any enemy, you can. Alternatively if you wish to buy as much lethal items and powers as you can to slaughter your way through the game it is entirely possible and while the game will alter depending on your hostility it never feels as if the developer is trying to discourage you from playing as you wish. In the beginning it feels slightly clumsy to effectively utilise all that is at your disposal but by the end of the game you will be effortlessly navigating the environment. Some may comment that you end up overpowered or that the power 'Blink' trivialises the game and, to some extent, it is true due to the lower power consumption but I don't belive that it detracts from how enjoyable the game is. While I felt the atmosphere, world building and storyline was lacking personally I can certainly recognise the amount of detail that was included. I thought it was quite a unique game; it's not without its problems, but very enjoyable. You certainly made a good choice with Dishonored in your gamble.


Crysis 3 is a really good game. I loved it.
Bioshock infinite is awesome, but it feel a bit a corridor shooter.
Dishonored is the best out of those games. It's a "real" game that need some skills to be enjoyed.

If you really plan to play all those games, start from the "worst" : Crysis, then Bioshock, then Dishonored (the best one).


Unlimited Capacity
I still remember going through the first actual mission in Dishonored. Level design was so incredibly good and it was like a third as long as the entirety of BI, half as long as Crysis 3.


Dishonoured first, imo. Bioshock is great, but doesn't have as good of gameplay
. Haven't played Crysis 3, so couldn't tell ya.
Wow, good to see a lot of Dishonored love here, even up against Bioshock Infinite. Truely a great game, well they both are, but Dishonored for me brought back a lot of old memories from Thief. Crysis 3 should be played just to see the next-gen graphics, besides that there's very little game and it's the worst in the series.


Bioshock's combat systems aren't very good, and the majority of its powers are just reskinned stuns. Whoop de fucking doo.

The setting is also horribly squandered as it takes a backseat to the Booker/Elizabeth story, which you may enjoy but what a fucking waste of a setting.


I've not played the others, but Dishonored is a cracking game with multiple ways to play it. Heard good things about Bioshock though.
I liked all gun related combat more in Crysis 3 than in Bioshock(more choice and more variety of weapons; not to mention that you can carry more than two weapons) , but I had good fun with the vigors.

I'll say leave Crysis 3 for the end, it is the less polished game, and the story is a bit of a mess. So it can be the desert, just for eye-candy. A bowl of Ice cream after the meal.


Never played Crysis and never planning on doing so, but here are a few key points to both Infinite and Dishonored.

- Gameplay is fantastic.
- World building is very well done.
- Sound design is good.
- Storyline is awful.
- Characters are mechanical and terribly written.
- Morality mechanics are oddly executed and the general morals of the game are incredibly questionable and occasionally sexist.
- Voice Acting is awful.

Bioshock Infinite
- Setting is unbelievably good
- Music and overall sound design is excellent.
- Story is despite its fair share of flaws interesting and the main characters are well written. Both of these aspects are still far, far, FAR above average, so don't mind the genuine hate it's been getting as people often lash out against popular things.
- Gameplay is very repetitive and it clashes with the overall setting of the game. It does not clash with the story or characters (unless you miss the entire main theme of the game), but it does still feel weird.
- Side characters are never fleshed out well.
- Way too huge emphasis on looting and linear level design.

So basically, Dishonored is little more than a fun game. And that's good, we need more of that. Just don't expect it to be anything amazing. It's riddled with glaring mistakes that prevent it from being anything near a GOTY-level game. Bioshock Infinite may work for you or it may not, depending on how you handle the gameplay. There are many that find it incredible and there are those that dislike it or find it overrated. Personally, I enjoyed Infinite infinitely more than Dishonored, but whatever. Both are worth playing. People tend to overreact and call Infinite an awful or mediocre game not worth playing and I find it absolutely hilarious to see such hyperbole's.

This is almost exactly how I feel about those games. But I disagree on Bioshock Infinite being too linear, I felt it was open enough for a linear story. Also, the luteces side characters were covered very well, me-thinks. And that one character, that I shouldn't name for spoiler reasons too.

I can't ever see myself playing Infinite 4 times. Heck..even two times in such short time span. Since it's terribly linear and every playthrough is just the same.

I've replayed Dishonored three times already, but each playthrough was completely different, so it made sense.

If you play Bioshock Infinite again knowing the ending, you'll love all the hints throughout the story.


I can't ever see myself playing Infinite 4 times. Heck..even two times in such short time span. Since it's terribly linear and every playthrough is just the same.

I've replayed Dishonored three times already, but each playthrough was completely different, so it made sense.

I have had a lot of fun experimenting with the different vigor combos. Sure its linear but every playthrough will be different depending on how you gear and what vigors you specialize in. Dishonored did not grab me the same way that bioshock infinite did. Its a great game but imo bioshock is the better game and the one I enjoyed more.



Crysis 3 was so bad, I quit in the middle and sold it to Amazon.

Bioshock was sooo good for the first third, got mundane in the middle, and by the end, I wanted to kick the developers in the balls.



Wait, GAF like dishonoured? Why? It's one of the few games I abandoned out of boredom.

Blink, blink, kill.
Blink, blink, kill.
Do that for 10 hours.


Infinite is a really lousy game as far as playing it goes, but you might like it if you're one of those people who place a high emphasis on narrative and aesthetics over core gameplay mechanics. Really on the gameplay in infinite I feel Campster over on YT summed it up best:

[Bioshock Infinite is] "You took a series of interesting systems and turned them into a stock shooter - worse, a *terrible* stock shooter. Feel bad about yourselves."

Dishonered is pretty much the opposite. Outstanding core gameplay and level design, while the narrative leaves a lot to be desired in some aspects.

Depends on what you want at the moment. I have Crysis 3, but have only played an hour of it. Didn't really like it, but the gameplay feels solid if not compounded by feature creep.


I have had a lot of fun experimenting with the different vigor combos. Sure its linear but every playthrough will be different depending on how you gear and what vigors you specialize in. Dishonored did not grab me the same way that bioshock infinite did. Its a great game but imo bioshock is the better game and the one I enjoyed more.
I liked BioShock: Infinite and will play it again once my memory of it fades enough, but I just felt Dishonored was a lot better. I even enjoyed the setting more. But then again I always prefered Deus Ex/Thief/Looking Glass Studios-like games over pure FPSes.

I've had a lot of problems with BioShock: Infinite. I found the story to fall apart near the end (storytelling wise, the plot itself was pretty awesome), the setting was wasted and Elizabeth fell a little flat. I think the biggest problem with BioShock: Infinite was people expectations though. The videos they've shown before painted something more ambitious and organic. Plus the game lost all of it's SystemShock roots and turned into pure FPS.

Overall the game's strenghts were enough to overcome it's problems to me though. It just didn't blow me away, while Dishonored did.


BioShock Infinite might think it's a much more impactful experience than it actually is, but the story is still thought-provoking and the setting absorbs you into the world immediately. The gameplay has a decent amount of variety with all the powers and abilities that the game provides you, even though the Vigors don't mesh very well with the narrative.

I still need to play Dishonored, as I've mostly heard nothing but good things about it.


All of the Infinite hate devolves into."Herp derp, shooters are stupid and I don't like them."

Hate? Sure. But the biggest valid criticizm is that it's not actually a very good FPS. There's nothing wrong with removing RPG elements and focusing on purer FPS experience, but if you do that you absolutely need to nail the FPS part down. Infinite didn't.


All of the Infinite hate devolves into."Herp derp, shooters are stupid and I don't like them."

Well, maybe for some. My dislike of Infinite derives from it being a banal, badly designed shooter that by every metric is ludically worse than its predecessor (that is, BioShock 2).


Nose how to spell and rede to
I still need to play Dishonored, as I've mostly heard nothing but good things about it.

Here's something bad; story is meh, art direction is suspect, graphics are meh, game play is fun but gets repetitive, and I felt like focusing on stealth actually made my play through less fun, even though whether or not you focus on stealth affects your story outcome or world tendency or whatever.

You're welcome :p (I was really excited for it cause I like stealth it got such a good reception. I was disappointed)
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