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Summer 2013 Anime Thread Zero: grown men playing with dolls/who but WB Masochism

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sealed with a kiss
Grave of the Fireflies and Princess Monoke are my favourite ghibli films.

I haven't watched Spirited Away yet and Howls Moving Castle always comes on Channel 4 but I can never be bothered to watch it.

Definitely give Spirited Away a watch, I have a soft spot in my heart for Howl's Moving Castle but it's generally considered to be on the lower side of the Ghibli spectrum.


That was surely a factor but I doubt he'd have been pushed over the edge with just that.

Maybe. I guess it would be pretty hard for a teen to just up and leave home to hang out with the guy he thought was his idol.


I happened once upon a dubbed anime and my laptop nearly fell off the table.

Some dubs are okay. Mega Man Sins' dub isn't that bad. But Utena's regular voices are pretty etched in my head now. Also I wish wish wish I had seen Zeta subbed instead, because the VAs in English just straight up didn't care, and it effected my opinion of the show. I think like, post Wing Gundam dubs turned out okay.

Wing's dub is special.

Definitely give Spirited Away a watch, I have a soft spot in my heart for Howl's Moving Castle but it's generally considered to be on the lower side of the Ghibli spectrum.

Howl's Moving Castle is my favorite Ghibli movie. I liked Christian Bale as Howl. I do not repent of this opinion.


Poet Centuriate
Actually since we're helping find shows we can't remember for one guy right now, there was another one I watch a little while back at my folks with their cable's free VOD deal. Anywho, I couldn't watch the whole series and I had to jump in the middle but:

-Scifi show with large fleet battles, a revolution of some kind, lots of political power play
-Main character is touted as some sort of tactical genius but acts like Goku where half the time he's playful and goofy but then the other half is serioustime.jpg
-No dub (I think)
-Episode near where I had to stop:
MC's love interest (named like "Lila" or something like that) gets kidnapped to use as bait against him. Forced into the trap, he tries to rescue her from this maniacal prince dude but he fails and his love interest dies (specifically, she get's like shot and drowns in the pool at the mansion that they try to rescue her at), the prince's face gets fucked up and he wears a phantom of the opera half-mask. Then, trying to escape, the crazy princes's own allies turn on him.
I think.
-whoever owns the Anime Network now must own the rights to it, i would think.

EDIT: Older, 80's/90's look to the show, too.

Rolling Edit - So far, it's not:
-Glass Fleet
-Irresponsible Captain Tyler
-Legend of Galactic Heroes
-Not a Gundam show

LAST EDIT: found it. It's called Tytania, from the same writer as Legend of Galactic Heroes. Also, I don't know why I thought it was an old show, but it's a 2008 series. huh.


Actually since we're helping find shows we can't remember for one guy right now, there was another one I watch a little while back at my folks with their cable's free VOD deal. Anywho, I couldn't watch the whole series and I had to jump in the middle but:

-Scifi show with large fleet battles, a revolution of some kind, lots of political power play
-Main character is touted as some sort of tactical genius but acts like Goku where half the time he's playful and goofy but then the other half is serioustime.jpg
-No dub (I think)
-Episode near where I had to stop:
MC's love interest (named like "Lila" or something like that) gets kidnapped to use as bait against him. Forced into the trap, he tries to rescue her from this maniacal prince dude but he fails and his love interest dies, the prince's face gets fucked up and he wears a phantom of the opera half-mask. Then, trying to escape the crazy princes's own allies turn on him.
I think.



Poet Centuriate
There was no love story in the 15 episodes I watched. There was like, some ship teasing going on between Ayato and Haruka and her sister and I guess with Rei Ayanami, but nothing I'd call a full blown love story. Unless we're talking about
Yellow Scarf Girl, who'd been dead like, the entire show.

well there definitely is, especially later on. well, it's not "full blown" or the main thing but it's a part.
So I bet you've all been wondering why I wasn't posting for the last, like, three or four pages!

No? Nobody? Oh well, I'm going to tell you anyway.

I was doing what I should have done a long time ago and putting together a MyAnimeList and Hummingbird account of my very own, of course! That was...significantly more work than I expected. And I'm not sure if I'm happy with some of the ratings I gave stuff, especially on Hummingbird where there are only five rating levels >.> But meh.

Now the only question is whether I'll be able to keep either (let alone both) of these up to date! The common-sense side of my brain is telling me the answer is no, but the "DUDE IF YOU DON'T YOU JUST WASTED HOURS OF YOUR LIFE" side of my brain is telling me...well, I think you get the idea.


Good work , i know this takes time as you'll see mine and it's not complete yet ...

And yeah gettting them up to date is the hard part lol


But is it dub or sub?

Fun fact: There is precisely one anime in my entire MAL/Hummingbird library that I watched dubbed. (No, it's not Cardcaptors or Pokemon, I didn't even bother including those since I don't think having seen the dub qualifies as having watched them >.>) I wonder if anyone can guess which it is. (I don't see how you would.)

ok can anyone help me identify an anime show for me. It seemed like an 90's or maybe 80's show about some guy in a red and white suit and a princess in a pink suit. They had this spaceship that would kick some ass. I believe the guy had a staff and the girl a wand of some sort.
It's all hazy to me but I seem to recall that the last episode I've seen had this fat guy in a green suit and they were stuck in swamp and were about to fight him.
Hope it helps. Thanks
nah that's not it. The guy can literally stand on his spaceship lol
he basically just fucks people (and spaceships) up with his staff. It was also on american tv if that helps.

...This isn't going to be about Robotech, is it? (I know next to nothing about that series except that it was one of the most butchered localisations known to man.)
Some dubs are okay. Mega Man Sins' dub isn't that bad. But Utena's regular voices are pretty etched in my head now. Also I wish wish wish I had seen Zeta subbed instead, because the VAs in English just straight up didn't care, and it effected my opinion of the show. I think like, post Wing Gundam dubs turned out okay.

Wing's dub is special.

I absolutely bet there's decent dubs of stuff out there, but I always prefer the original stuff. If I watch a South-Korean movie I want the original audio. If I watch a hollywood movie I want the original audio. I find the thought of an utterly butchered experience more frightening than having to read subs.

I can't even imagine watching a dubbed version of Иди и смотри instead of the original actors' brilliant work.

You missed out on Ikeda's amazing Quattro! Kamille's voice is even more etched into my head than Amuro's. You've done a great disservice to your perception of Zeta, man.

I recommended Berserk to a friend and he watched the english dub and loved it though, so I don't know. He's also not a nerd, so, further, I don't know.


I absolutely bet there's decent dubs of stuff out there, but I always prefer the original stuff. If I watch a South-Korean movie I want the original audio. If I watch a hollywood movie I want the original audio. I find the thought of an utterly butchered experience more frightening than having to read subs.

I can't even imagine watching a dubbed version of Иди и смотри instead of the original actors' brilliant work.

You missed out on Ikeda's amazing Quattro! Kamille's voice is even more etched into my head than Amuro's. You've done a great disservice to your perception of Zeta, man.

I recommended Berserk to a friend and he watched the english dub and loved it though, so I don't know. He's also not a nerd, so, further, I don't know.

I definitely agree with these sentiments. When I lived in Brazil, we'd occasionally watch broadcasts from America, and it was always better to watch in English than Portuguese because the translators had a hard time providing the emotions present in the voices in English.

I think I watch dubbed anime more often, though, is because it can be distracting to have to read subtitles when I want to see things going on on sides of the screen instead. Understanding Japanese would be great in a lot of ways, but since my specialty is in Latin languages, I should probably flesh those out, first.


yeah I guess, i think it kinda become more evident once they explain who
"Yellow Scarf Girl"

I full hooked to the series since I figure that after 9 eps or so, just a amazing scenario.
The whole thing just a plot to the love story.
I don't think it's him/Legend of Galactic Heroes either. Unless my memory is failing me, the MC wasn't black haired and I don't think wore a uniform all that much.

Hmm.. but he does act goofy.


Poet Centuriate
Fun fact: There is precisely one anime in my entire MAL/Hummingbird library that I watched dubbed. (No, it's not Cardcaptors or Pokemon, I didn't even bother including those since I don't think having seen the dub qualifies as having watched them >.>) I wonder if anyone can guess which it is. (I don't see how you would.)

Golden Boy
Garzey's Wing
When I lived in Brazil, we'd occasionally watch broadcasts from America, and it was always better to watch in English than Portuguese because the translators had a hard time providing the emotions present in the voices in English.

Nothing can be as terrifying as the Estonian broadcast version of Australian long running senior dearie "Home & Away"

An old dude monotonously reads over every line with the original audio being barely, but not really audible behind him. He is every character. His monotony is every emotion of every character. That monotonous old man is Home & Away.

Well also I don't care about that show so I'm good.


I just can't watch live-action stuff with dubs nowadays. It just feels wrong to replace a real person's voice.
Animes/cartoons in general? Heh, I'm less annoyed cause it's not like the characters are real in the first place.

I'm weird


Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya: 01

Why was I watching this again?
Because you're a lolicon, Tenumi.
I haven't seen/played/read any of the Fate universe stuff, so I grabbed this out of Magical Girl interest.
No, I'm not a Lolicon!
I made it 3/4 the way through the episode before I stopped due to lack of interest.

And no, I'm not a lolicon.
Fun fact: There is precisely one anime in my entire MAL/Hummingbird library that I watched dubbed. (No, it's not Cardcaptors or Pokemon, I didn't even bother including those since I don't think having seen the dub qualifies as having watched them >.>) I wonder if anyone can guess which it is. (I don't see how you would.)

I think I can count on one hand for every dub I've watched on my list. I don't care for a lot of dubs, especially a lot of recent ones I've heard in trailers.


Poet Centuriate
Hmm.. but he does act goofy.

Yeah, but it just doesn't look like him. And none of the other character in the show wore the kinds of uniforms that Legends has.

But it sounds just like it!

Minus the part where you understood the genders of characters.

It does but it definitely wasn't made in this century.

Oh and there is one like female supporting ally character that's pretty masculine/butch (can I use that term? If I can't/it's offensive or whatnot I'll edit).


I just can't watch live-action stuff with dubs nowadays. It just feels wrong to replace a real person's voice.
Animes/cartoons in general? Heh, I'm less annoyed cause it's not like the characters are real in the first place.

I'm weird
It's a pretty reasonable opinion, I think. The only live-action dub that has managed to not weird me out is Das Boot.


Poet Centuriate
I just can't watch live-action stuff with dubs nowadays. It just feels wrong to replace a real person's voice.
Animes/cartoons in general? Heh, I'm less annoyed cause it's not like the characters are real in the first place.

I'm weird

I think its easier to fake the "open-close" lip moment of anime then the specific shapes that humans actually make when speaking.


I think I can count on one hand for every dub I've watched on my list. I don't care for a lot of dubs, especially a lot of recent ones I've heard in trailers.

I went through my MAL to see how many series I have completed that I have either watched again in English, or watched exclusively in English. My count? 53 out of 131.


I feel like a bad hipster but I thought Mononoke Hime was mediocre. It didn't tell me anything new about Miyazaki or the medium, it had some bad CG and other Ghibli films have a much more cohesive visual world. To me it seemed rather hollow, around that period of Miyazaki's career I much preferred Spirited Away which, while pretty flawed, came across as really fun and earnest.

Totoro is the bestest though :3

I can beat you on hipsterism. I thought Mononoke was boring when it wasn't in the forest, Totoro is too cutesy, AND I don't like My Neighbours the Yamadas apart from the one bit where the artstyle changes to show how life outside the Yamada household is actually pretty scary. The last one I can attribute to my general dislike of Japanese comedy. The rest? Bad taste.

I do love Laputa and Spirited Away, though. And I agree with most people in the thread that Whisper of the Heart is the best Ghibli film, so I think I'm still allowed to watch anime...

Actually since we're helping find shows we can't remember for one guy right now, there was another one I watch a little while back at my folks with their cable's free VOD deal. Anywho, I couldn't watch the whole series and I had to jump in the middle but:

-Scifi show with large fleet battles, a revolution of some kind, lots of political power play
-Main character is touted as some sort of tactical genius but acts like Goku where half the time he's playful and goofy but then the other half is serioustime.jpg
-No dub (I think)
-Episode near where I had to stop:
MC's love interest (named like "Lila" or something like that) gets kidnapped to use as bait against him. Forced into the trap, he tries to rescue her from this maniacal prince dude but he fails and his love interest dies, the prince's face gets fucked up and he wears a phantom of the opera half-mask. Then, trying to escape the crazy princes's own allies turn on him.
I think.

EDIT: Older, 80's/90's look to the show, too.

The premise sounds a little like Irresponsible Captain Tyler, but the episode description doesn't ring any bells. Sorry not to be more helpful.


I just can't watch live-action stuff with dubs nowadays. It just feels wrong to replace a real person's voice.
Animes/cartoons in general? Heh, I'm less annoyed cause it's not like the characters are real in the first place.

I'm weird

Nah that makes a lot of sense. In live action stuff I gotta hear the actual person's voice.

Nothing can be as terrifying as the Estonian broadcast version of Australian long running senior dearie "Home & Away"

An old dude monotonously reads over every line with the original audio being barely, but not really audible behind him. He is every character. His monotony is every emotion of every character. That monotonous old man is Home & Away.

Well also I don't care about that show so I'm good.

This show sounds amazing. But I don't speak Estonian . . .


I always laughed at this Kotaku article.

90's Mio arghh.

70s looks best. Those gorgeous eyes.

Only Japan understands the amazing value of the www

7/10 would laugh again

Considering that, by adapting Nausicaa, Miyazaki was adapting his own unfinished work the whole case of Nausicaa is rather unusual in the world of manga to anime adaptations.

That aside, calling Nausicaa a mediocre adaptation is ridiculous. It's an extremely well made and beautiful movie. While the manga is certainly lengthier and more complicated that doesn't necessarily make it better and I actually prefer the length and pace of the story as told by the movie.

You should just watch all of them, really. These are just all time classics that everyone should see.

I know some people in the thread haven't seen all the Ghibli movies (and to be fair, there are some weaker ones) I would strongly recommend, nay, insist that everyone watch:

The Castle of Cagliostro (Not produced by Studio Ghibli)
Nausicaa (Not produced by Studio Ghibli)
Castle in the Sky
Grave of the Fireflies
My Neighbor Totoro
Kiki's Delivery Service
Only Yesterday
Porco Rosso
Pom Poko
Whisper of the Heart
Princess Mononoke
Spirited Away

These are all essential films produced by some of the most talented people in anime.

I see a lack of Cat Returns. Its not Miyazaki but its Ghibli and its really damned cute.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Actually since we're helping find shows we can't remember for one guy right now, there was another one I watch a little while back at my folks with their cable's free VOD deal. Anywho, I couldn't watch the whole series and I had to jump in the middle but:

-Scifi show with large fleet battles, a revolution of some kind, lots of political power play
-Main character is touted as some sort of tactical genius but acts like Goku where half the time he's playful and goofy but then the other half is serioustime.jpg
-No dub (I think)
-Episode near where I had to stop:
MC's love interest (named like "Lila" or something like that) gets kidnapped to use as bait against him. Forced into the trap, he tries to rescue her from this maniacal prince dude but he fails and his love interest dies (specifically, she get's like shot and drowns in the pool at the mansion that they try to rescue her at), the prince's face gets fucked up and he wears a phantom of the opera half-mask. Then, trying to escape, the crazy princes's own allies turn on him.
I think.
-whoever owns the Anime Network now must own the rights to it, i would think.

EDIT: Older, 80's/90's look to the show, too.

Rolling Edit - So far, it's not:
-Glass Fleet
-Irresponsible Captain Tyler
-Legend of Galactic Heroes

Only show I can think of with a character named Lila is Zeta Gundam?


Gatchaman: Crowds - 01

I like Gatchaman and Kenji Nakamura, so I have high hopes. So far, it's neither weird enough, nor does it have enough Red Impulse.
On a scale of Red Impulse emotions, I give this episode a

Also, the protagonist has a bird face :> most of the time.

El Sloth

Tsumiki no Ie / The House of Small Cubes

Zeroth said I wasn't allowed to put this on my "list" and ignore it, so here I am.

This was a very sweet and heartwarming short. There were no tears however, so I suppose that must mean something inside me is dead. That hole is filled by the Light of El Cantare thankfully.

Was surprised to see Kenji Kondo's name in the credits. Good music.


Golden Boy
Garzey's Wing

...Guessing shows that are actually on my MAL/Hummingbird lists would probably be a good start >.>

Stella C3-bu 3

Tournament action! Character development! Onsen fanservice! This episode has it all! It's like a goddamn triple-whammy of YES!

Do we get to see Sawashiro and Karira being total badasses? Of course we do! Do we get to see all the girls wearing nothing whatsoever? Of COURSE we do! Do we get to see Yura with about twenty different hairstyles? Okay, that might be a bit of an exaggeration. It's more like five or so.
The real shock is that one of them sticks!

I honestly wasn't expecting them to go straight into an actual tournament the episode after Yura became a club member, but the way things played out in this episode, I can see how it makes sense. There's no trial like trial by fire, as they say, and Yura
fails spectacularly. And gets called out on it big time. Which, as it turns out, is exactly the motivation she needs.

I actually can't wait for next week's episode now =D


TTGL is shameless rip-off to Shin Getter Armageddon, and you think I give a fuck?LOL NOOOO
Maybe you do if actually watch that.

TTGL rips off the plot from the Shin Getter manga, which is very different from Armageddon, and it's mostly the premise "alien race which fears energy source connected to evolution used by humanity's giant robot attacks humanity". Shin Getter wasn't about underground dwellers fighting against animal people who conquered the surface or the heroes having to take care of Earth's government. The casts are completely different too.

And even Eva itself pick a lot from other show. Such like Ideon.

Eva has some Ideon influences, with the god-like mysterious robot housing a soul inside it, and said robot preferring children, but at the same time, there are basic structural differences. The enemies in Ideon aren't a mystery at all, in spite of that being a big part of Eva. Ideon's protagonist and antagonists share a lot in format with Gundam - a lone ship in the territory of an enemy army, receiving little help from their allies.

Saying something like "Tokyo-3 is the solo ship!" is incridebly misleading, especially when closer set ups can be seen in other sources of inspiration for Eva, like freaking Mazinger. A lab hiding a secret underground that's targeted by monster attacks isn't some veiled reference to a space ship in enemy territory, it's a clear influence from the first Super Robot series. And that's just one thing. Eva takes things from tons of sources to the point that you can't point to any specific show before it and say that Eva felt the same.


Fun fact: There is precisely one anime in my entire MAL/Hummingbird library that I watched dubbed. (No, it's not Cardcaptors or Pokemon, I didn't even bother including those since I don't think having seen the dub qualifies as having watched them >.>) I wonder if anyone can guess which it is. (I don't see how you would.)

...This isn't going to be about Robotech, is it? (I know next to nothing about that series except that it was one of the most butchered localisations known to man.)

nope, not robotech. fuuuuuuckk I'm going to find it!
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