Fall 2013 Anime |OT| When is Crunchyroll coming to GTA Online?

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Funimation is also testing the market with just a sub only release (OniAi is the first test lol).

For my personal taste I always prefer subs to dubs.
OniAi is awesome, though. Really, I mean it. It's really not what I expected, or what anyone expected from what I understand. It's just funny and cute and out there and completely shameless. Also,
there's no incest in this show - it's lewd, but not nearly as depraved as you might think.
And the girl voicing Akiko did a tremendous job. You couldn't dub this.


OniAi is awesome, though. Really, I mean it. It's really not what I expected, or what anyone expected from what I understand. It's just funny and cute and out there and completely shameless. Also,
there's no incest in this show - it's lewd, but not nearly as depraved as you might think.
And the girl voicing Akiko did a tremendous job. You couldn't dub this.

No actual incestuous acts, perhaps, but plenty of incestuous desire XD ...Unless I guess you're of the opinion that it doesn't count as incest if they're not blood-related. Even if the person in question isn't aware of that fact.

But yeah, shameless is definitely the word for this series xp

Hunter x Hunter 98

This show is clearly at its best when it's focusing on Gon and Killua travelling together and generally being awesome. Those two are just such a great pair of characters. I love 'em.
What's up with GAF today? Sheesh, this is like the fourth time it's down today.

Casshern Sins 02

This is already getting pretty awesome. Nice to see them make me care more about a village of soon to be dead robots in a single episode than Victory Gundam could in over thirty episodes for its main cast.

Now all he needs is that awesome robot dog, Friender, by his side and a sword. My copy of MGRising should arrive this week and they kind of seem like perfect companion products to enjoy side by side.

Does Amuro's voice actor sound so distinctly like Amuro in every show he's in or is it just here? It doesn't quite suit the role of an amnesiac robot. I mean, I'm enjoying it, but it's kind of weird that Casshern doesn't come off as more of a robot.
Funimation is also testing the market with just a sub only release (OniAi is the first test lol).

For my personal taste I always prefer subs to dubs.

I was always a dub guy in the past, but holy shit has crunchyroll made me a believer. I'll still go with well-done dubs if they're available, but I'm at a point where I think it's weird if something I'm watching isn't subbed.

Also, kind-of related. Kotobukiya is re-releasing their 1/6 scale Taiga in January. Toradora! Fuck yes.


The iDOLM@STER: 01


My watching list was looking a little bare. Figured knocking out a backlog series would be a good idea.

...I'm never going to be able to memorize the names of all these characters, especially with the Fall season starting...


The iDOLM@STER: 01

My watching list was looking a little bare. Figured knocking out a backlog series would be a good idea.

...I'm never going to be able to memorize the names of all these characters, especially with the Fall season starting...

Thought the same thing at first when I watched, but you'll get the hang of it. It is a bit overwhelming when a show introduces that many characters at the beginning.

Joe Molotov

The iDOLM@STER: 01

My watching list was looking a little bare. Figured knocking out a backlog series would be a good idea.

...I'm never going to be able to memorize the names of all these characters, especially with the Fall season starting...

It doesn't matter. Just pick your favorites...BUT CHOOSE WISELY!


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
The iDOLM@STER: 01

My watching list was looking a little bare. Figured knocking out a backlog series would be a good idea.

...I'm never going to be able to memorize the names of all these characters, especially with the Fall season starting...

Only names you need to remember are Azusa, Yukiho, Miki, and Makoto.

As well as the OTP Haruka x Chihaya.


Casshern Sins 01

Alright so a friend told me that Mikami was apparently inspired by Casshern while designing the ARS Suit for Vanquish. I looked into it and saw that there was an old series but being the monster that I am I can barely watch anything in 4:3 these days unless it's the greatest human accomplishment ever such as Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

How did this skinny ass motherfucker inspire the ARS Suit?

At least Casshern is Amuro Ray so that's cool. Also he's apparently a robot and doesn't know much about anything that's going on. All he knows is the name Luna, how to kill robots and that some stupid kid robot called him beautiful.

What's the deal with kid robots anyway? It was annoying. Did the old man build it to be his companion or something?

I like the world and reserved dialogue thus far. What I don't like is using the word 'world' because it brings back memories of School Days which is fucking haunting me even 22 hours after finishing it.

Oh dude this right after School Days? Do you WANT to be depressed? This show's happiest moment is dark as Hell.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
The iDOLM@STER: 01

My watching list was looking a little bare. Figured knocking out a backlog series would be a good idea.

...I'm never going to be able to memorize the names of all these characters, especially with the Fall season starting...

Fret not. Makoto is the only one worth remembering. Because shes the best.

Also OTP is Makoto x Miki
x Cucumber


Haibane Renmei 5

Rakka learns of a book called "The Beginning of the World" that used to be at the library but couldn't be read for more than the first couple of pages because of the condition it was in. I'm not sure if it's the actual Bible, but that's generally what it is. Rakka and the other girl make up an ending for it as a gift to a worker going on maternity leave, and it gives some insight into how they feel about themselves as Haibane: "mistakes" created by God that were too similar to him, but he allowed them to live in their own town in the sky. So I guess my biggest question is, what does a regular human do to become reborn as a Haibane? How do they become more similar to God enough so that that's what they become.

Anyway, ending to this episode really was great.

Ah, youre resuming it. Excellent :)

tl;dr: Makoto's father is evil incarnate on a level Makoto could never dream of achieving.

After one of his daughters (that he impregnated) died in childbirth due to being too young to be having children, he began experimenting with growth hormones and chemicals to force children's bodies to mature faster so they can give birth safely at younger ages.
It's unclear whether he was actually successful with that goal, but what we do know is that it resulted in the affected children beginning menstruating at very young ages. So the bottom right of that family tree has less than 10 years between generations.

Sort of.

Officially, everyone seen having sex in the games is over 18, so all of the age stuff is vaguely implied through character designs, speech styles, off-screen events, and convoluted wordplay (e.g. an engineering academy that characters attend has a name that, when abbreviated, sounds like an abbreviated word for "elementary school") rather than ever stated explicitly. What's crazier is that most of the games came out during a period of years (1999-2006 or so) when the main adult games rating board was refusing to rate games with real incest in them, so all of the incest stuff was also implied by clever wordings and visuals. Eventually they were able to release an official family tree (upon which that chart is based) after that restriction was lifted.

He also does various other reprehensible things like turning women into sex slaves and pimping them out to politicians and police to gain political connections and whatnot. You don't ever play as Makoto's father in any of the games--in the three games that he actually appears in directly, you play the role of someone trying to stop him.
(Well, kind of. In the first one, you play the role of a little girl pregnant with his child who's in love with him and wants to marry him and keep him away from other women. The child she's pregnant with later becomes the mother of Setsuna in School Days.)

This is pretty fucked up. Even by japanese VN standards.

Ah, okay. Show looked kind of cute from when it was airing.

Oh my god you have no idea how cute Acchi Kocchi is.

Decided to start Black Lagoon, 'cause I wanted something actiony to contrast with Ergo Proxy's slow pace. Watched ze first two episodes, enjoyed 'em. Good op, good animation, good cast. Is it true that the second season is a significant step down in quality?

Its good. Its FUCKING good lol.

Pretty much midnight here in the eastern time zone, so I thought I'd give a quick reminder that eternal classic/ "wtf am I watching" simulator Yami To Boushi To Hon No Tabibito will be releasing in the US (don't know about other places) in three weeks, in the form of "Yamibo: Darkness, the Hat, and the Travellers of the Books". It costs $25.98, plus S&H. I don't know what you're planning to do with $25.98 later on this month, but you should buy this instead.

Amazon link.


Nobody told me this had a witch with such sexy thighs, higher on the backlog you go.

Hell yes. Youll love Lilith. Guaranteed.
But theres so much more to Yami to Boshi.

How come nobody told me Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-Chan had an English dub?

I wanted to show my friend that show for the longest and I was finally able to. He nearly spit his water out when he saw The Salaryman, and the kid with the dog head.

It was definitely worth the re-watch, and seeing my friend lose it watching the show. It kinda reminds me when I first started watching this show and I thought it was going to be a regular love-com, and then the OP started playing. That OP is quite catchy, and disturbing at the same time.

If you enjoy this, check out Magical Witch Punie Chan. Its hilarious and by the same insane director.


Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise

i asked for realistic sci-fi recommendations a few days ago and this came up a few times.
thanks to those who recommended it, was not what i was expecting from the title but really impressive stuff, 26 years old and looks so good. what really stood out was how well animated anything vehicular was, our budget-constrained CGI present looks pretty pathetic in comparison.


Setec Astronomer
Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise

i asked for realistic sci-fi recommendations a few days ago and this came up a few times.
thanks to those who recommended it, was not what i was expecting from the title but really impressive stuff, 26 years old and looks so good. what really stood out was how well animated anything vehicular was, our budget-constrained CGI present looks pretty pathetic in comparison.
A lot of stuff from the 80's is like this. Hell, Mamoru Oshii went nuts on mechanical animation on Urusei Yatsura, using whatever excuse he could.


Toradora 14 (rewatch)

Urusai count = Episode: 1 Total: 24

Yup, filler episode. Well, mostly. I'd forgotten that this was the episode where
we really get to see that Kitamura has a thing for the Student Council President, and she tells him that she's leaving for America (though we don't actually find that out yet)

Also, this is the last episode with Pre-Parade/Vanilla Salt. Next episode will be the first with the superior OP/vastly inferior ED.

Vanilla Salt is amazing.

Or is Tomato superior?

Same thing!

Vanilla Salt is basically my favorite ED song ever.

I LOVE this remix version:

Its soooooooo cute.


Muromi-san OVA

God, I'd forgotten how lewd this show could get. Cucumbers...

Pretty funny though, especially the part where Muromi essentially
buys smack

This show was so lewd it got Chickdigger banned before.

Blu-ray cutoff was a whopping 5,645, and DVD cutoff is 829, so that means a LOT of stuff from this week isn't known yet, thus these results are kinda useless until Thursday gives us the full list, but anyway.

Summer 2013 Preliminary First Volume Sales

28,852 *2 Free! [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/11
12,384 *3 Brothers Conflict [DVD+BD]: 2013/08/21
*9,024 *1 High School DxD NEW [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/25
*6,650 *3 Danganronpa: The Animation [DVD+BD]: 2013/08/28
*5,978 *1 Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/27
*5,645 *1 Kiniro Mosaic [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/25
*5,375 *3 Servant x Service [DVD+BD]: 2013/08/21
*3,691 *1 Love Lab [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/20
*2,624 *1 Kimi ni Iru machi [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/25 (DVD only numbers at moment, see note)
*2,601 *1 Gin no Saji [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/18
*2,370 *1 Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/18
*2,072 *2 Rozen Maiden [DVD+BD]: 2013/08/30
**,908 *1 Fantasista Doll [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/20
**,809 *1 Genshiken Nidaime [DVDBOX+BD]: 2013/09/04
**,558 *1 Kitakubu Katsudou Kiroku [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/18
**,455 *1 Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/20
**,267 *1 Stella Jogakuin Kotouka C3-bu [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/18

No available data (but could have sold up to almost 5.5k BD, see note):
**,*** *0 Choujigen Game Neptune [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/25
**,*** *0 Gen'ei wo Kakeru Taiyou [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/25
**,*** *0 Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai: Megami-hen [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/25
**,*** *0 Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/25
**,*** *0 Ro-Kyu-Bu! SS [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/25
**,*** *0 Uchouten Kazoku [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/25
**,*** *0 Blood Lad [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/27

New series debuting this week bolded.

Blu-ray cutoff was a whopping 5,645, and DVD cutoff is 829, so that means a LOT of stuff from this week isn't known yet, thus these results are kinda useless until Thursday gives us the full list, but anyway.

This is why Kyo ani catered to fujoshis.
Kinmoza! :D

Sounds good. Highest rank should be YAMATO TAKERU NO MIKOTO

Truly a gift from the gods.

What the fuck.

What the hell?

No. Whenever anyone asks me if I've seen School Days I'm just going to say no. I have never even heard about School Days.

Edit: Sekai is Makoto's half-sister? Aaaaaaaaagh!

Edit2: http://i.imgur.com/gwuuhIM.png Noooooooo

Tomaru is a very loving father. He clearly loves his children.

First Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha anime key visual:

Looking very nice.
The iDOLM@STER: 01

My watching list was looking a little bare. Figured knocking out a backlog series would be a good idea.

...I'm never going to be able to memorize the names of all these characters, especially with the Fall season starting...
Silly show. Best episodes are the ones centered on Takane, Azusa and Chihaya.

Do you WANT to be depressed?
If I wanted to be depressed I'd keep watching Victory Gundam and think that my time could be better used making fart sounds with my mouth.
Rewatch Digimon Tamers 27

Takato, Jenrya and Juri have fun at a grave yard saving teddy bears,
but meanwhile Impmon reconsiders his life to get stronger and became Beelzebumon

I like how there was a murderous bike coming in killing people, and Jenrya tried to go "Not my problem". Unfortunately Terriermon and Takato got in your way.


Love Live! 1

iM@S talk got me in the mood to check out another idol show and this one came to mind as one some people seemed to like. I don't really know, though. I'm not sure I like the premise of "Let's become pop stars so we can save the school from closing!" Just seems...I dunno. I liked in iM@S how the characters came from different backgrounds and such to work at 765. This doesn't seem to be the case, though I guess more will join down the line.

Also the animation in the OP and ED looked pretty rough when there was more than one character on screen. Least there was Honoka dancing in traffic.
If you like it already, you'll love it later on.

This isn't related to your post, really, but I've been thinking that painting all the mysteries in Hyouka as mundane is doing a disservice to it. Mundane is often used as a synonym for meaningless or unimportant, and it's true that some of them are, especially early on in the show. But the bigger mystery arcs of the show are not mundane in the sense of being unimportant, because even if they aren't murders or serious crimes, they still have a real impact on the characters and their development, which is the point of the story.

What Hyouka does really well is to bring out the magic in the "mundane". That's one of my favorite kinds of fiction, when it uses a fresh lens to look at ordinary life and helps you rediscover the wonder in it.


I propose replacing "Fractales" with "Stellas" as the official unit of failure. I stuck with C3bu to the bitter end and attest that it richly deserves being one of the worst retail disasters in recent memory. It's like if Okadabot rewrote Girls und Panzer, except with even less believable characterization and more irrational melodrama.
Stella was so bad it raped my unborn children.

I stuck with Stella C3-bu to the end and attest that your opinion sucks.
"Your mom sucks" - duckroll on your mom, IRC 2013

In anime, anything that doesn't threaten the very existence of the planet is mundane. Ojamajo Doremi is fairly mundane for this reason, and is still one of the best magical girl shows made. It wasn't really meant as a slight, but a point of contrast.
The problem there though is that there is a sufficient amount of "If the universe isn't threatened the anime is shit" morons around that any use of that classification kind of hits a nerve. Especially concerning Hyouka.


Subete no aware
I propose replacing "Fractales" with "Stellas" as the official unit of failure. I stuck with C3bu to the bitter end and attest that it richly deserves being one of the worst retail disasters in recent memory. It's like if Okadabot rewrote Girls und Panzer, except with even less believable characterization and more irrational melodrama.
SSY is the truest of bombas. #Wario64


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I stuck with Stella C3-bu to the end and attest that your opinion sucks.
I find it confusing that someone would defend this show so adamantly. Just really not particularly well done. It had no structure or logical arc...boring stuff just kind of happened. Some of the action was kind of okay and the music was A++ but otherwise it's kind of terrible. None of the characters could really carry a scene, and they all wound up being unlikable or unremarkable.

The last episode was like a leftover idea for an OVA, but nothing about it was very fun or even fulfilling when it came to fanservice. The production was also just super poor. Lots of reused music and scenes felt only half animated.


Subete no aware
I find it confusing that someone would defend this show so adamantly. Just really not particularly well done. It had no structure or logical arc...boring stuff just kind of happened. Some of the action was kind of okay and the music was A++ but otherwise it's kind of terrible. None of the characters could really carry a scene, and they all wound up being unlikable or unremarkable.

The last episode was like a leftover idea for an OVA, but nothing about it was very fun or even fulfilling when it came to fanservice. The production was also just super poor. Lots of reused music and scenes felt only half animated.

Well, the last episode was just an omake. The rest of the show was basically a poorer version of GooP, but with a supernatural gimmick that didn't really go anywhere.


I find it confusing that someone would defend this show so adamantly. Just really not particularly well done. It had no structure or logical arc...boring stuff just kind of happened. Some of the action was kind of okay and the music was A++ but otherwise it's kind of terrible. None of the characters could really carry a scene, and they all wound up being unlikable or unremarkable.

The last episode was like a leftover idea for an OVA, but nothing about it was very fun or even fulfilling when it came to fanservice. The production was also just super poor. Lots of reused music and scenes felt only half animated.
maybe he just found it adorably rapey
Gatchaman Crowds 11-12

I also just want to state how BS it is that they pulled a half episode recap at episode 11. There is really no reason or excuse to do that for a 12 episode show. The plot's not really contrived enough to make such a recap necessary or useful. It was such a massive waste for time in a show that wasted far too much already.

There is an excuse; it's that the team couldn't finish animating the episode before it had to air. People need to realize that when there's a recap in TV anime, in almost all cases it's not the result of a deliberate artistic decision, but a necessity arising from production difficulties or delays. You don't put a recap in because the audience needs to be reminded of the story, you put a recap in because otherwise there'll be nothing to air.


There is an excuse; it's that the team couldn't finish animating the episode before it had to air. People need to realize that when there's a recap in TV anime, in almost all cases it's not the result of a deliberate artistic decision, but a necessity arising from production difficulties or delays. You don't put a recap in because the audience needs to be reminded of the story, you put a recap in because otherwise there'll be nothing to air.

I should start doing this with my posts. Too often there's just a lot of empty space.


The Light of El Cantare
(Besides, the Fractale makes more sense as a unit of failure since that was an original anime project with no source material to promote, so its failure is pretty cut and dry. Stella is a manga adaptation, so even if the discs don't sell - though they damn well should - it can still serve as an effective promotion of the manga. Or something.)

Fractale wasn't special among bombs for being an original concept; people just chose to use it because it was fun to tweak Yamakan after he declared that he'd leave the anime industry if the show was a failure. I don't think that C3bu escapes some lasting notoriety given that it basically officially marks the end of GAINAX as a studio with any discernible creative vision or real relevance in the anime industry.


Fractle wasn't special among bombs for being an original concept; people just chose to use it because it was fun to tweak Yamakan after he declared that he'd leave the anime industry if the show was a failure. I don't think that C3bu escapes some lasting notoriety given that it basically officially marks the end of GAINAX as a studio with any discernible creative vision or real relevance in the anime industry.

Officially marks? I'm pretty sure most of us called that before C3bu.
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