Fall 2013 Anime |OT| When is Crunchyroll coming to GTA Online?

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Blu-ray cutoff was a whopping 5,645, and DVD cutoff is 829, so that means a LOT of stuff from this week isn't known yet, thus these results are kinda useless until Thursday gives us the full list, but anyway.

Summer 2013 Preliminary First Volume Sales

28,852 *2 Free! [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/11
12,384 *3 Brothers Conflict [DVD+BD]: 2013/08/21
*9,024 *1 High School DxD NEW [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/25
*6,650 *3 Danganronpa: The Animation [DVD+BD]: 2013/08/28
*5,978 *1 Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/27
*5,645 *1 Kiniro Mosaic [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/25
*5,375 *3 Servant x Service [DVD+BD]: 2013/08/21
*3,691 *1 Love Lab [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/20
*2,624 *1 Kimi ni Iru machi [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/25 (DVD only numbers at moment, see note)
*2,601 *1 Gin no Saji [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/18
*2,370 *1 Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/18
*2,072 *2 Rozen Maiden [DVD+BD]: 2013/08/30
**,908 *1 Fantasista Doll [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/20
**,809 *1 Genshiken Nidaime [DVDBOX+BD]: 2013/09/04
**,558 *1 Kitakubu Katsudou Kiroku [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/18
**,455 *1 Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/20
**,267 *1 Stella Jogakuin Kotouka C3-bu [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/18

No available data (but could have sold up to almost 5.5k BD, see note):
**,*** *0 Choujigen Game Neptune [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/25
**,*** *0 Gen'ei wo Kakeru Taiyou [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/25
**,*** *0 Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai: Megami-hen [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/25
**,*** *0 Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/25
**,*** *0 Ro-Kyu-Bu! SS [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/25
**,*** *0 Uchouten Kazoku [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/25
**,*** *0 Blood Lad [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/27

New series debuting this week bolded.

Blu-ray cutoff was a whopping 5,645, and DVD cutoff is 829, so that means a LOT of stuff from this week isn't known yet, thus these results are kinda useless until Thursday gives us the full list, but anyway.


Makeshift BD Sales List while a full list is getting made:
*1, 31,470 31,470 Love Live! vol.7
*2, 12,789 12,789 Uta no Prince-sama Maji Love 2000% vol.4
*3, 12,769 12,769 Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S vol.3
*4, 11,751 11,751 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure vol.9
*5, 11,519 11,519 Oreimo S2 vol.4
*6, 11,256 11,256 Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion Blu-ray Box
*7, *9,377 *9,377 Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny HD Remaster Blu-ray Box vol.2
*8, *8,129 *8,129 Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet Blu-ray Box vol.2
*9, *7,023 *7,023 High School DxD New vol.1
10, *6,420 *6,420 Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. vol.4
18, *5,978 *5,978 Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya vol.1
20, *5,645 *5,645 Kiniro Mosaic vol.


How come nobody told me Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-Chan had an English dub?

I wanted to show my friend that show for the longest and I was finally able to. He nearly spit his water out when he saw The Salaryman, and the kid with the dog head.

It was definitely worth the re-watch, and seeing my friend lose it watching the show. It kinda reminds me when I first started watching this show and I thought it was going to be a regular love-com, and then the OP started playing. That OP is quite catchy, and disturbing at the same time.


Summer 2013 Preliminary First Volume Sales

Goddammit, Danganronpa has no right being all the way up there, and Stella's position makes me weep. Why must people have no taste.



how's this?

Holy shit lol
well deserved


Summer 2013 Preliminary First Volume Sales

28,852 *2 Free! [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/11
12,384 *3 Brothers Conflict [DVD+BD]: 2013/08/21
*9,024 *1 High School DxD NEW [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/25
*6,650 *3 Danganronpa: The Animation [DVD+BD]: 2013/08/28
*5,978 *1 Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/27
*5,645 *1 Kiniro Mosaic [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/25

proof that quality and sales have inverse relation*



Maturity, bitches.
While it may be a while for me to join in with the GTA shenanigans one rank should be iDOL and the one above iDOLM@STER.
And the final rank Mitsuba-sama!

Goku and Vegeta are so OT and this is OT Community!


So what are the overall sales numbers for the series? Over 100k?
Well over that, somewhere around 150,000 by now.
So if I understand the chart correctly, everything in its first week of sales below the 5.5k-ish cutoff is just DVD sales?
Which in this case is only KimiMachi for this week, but yes. Though it does mean that any other extra sales for already-released volumes below that number are also unknown right now, like more Free volume 1 numbers for example.


Proper list, from something:
2013 09/23~09/29 Anime BD List
*1 (**1)	---	31,470	31,470	**1	Love Live! v7
*3 (**7)	---	12,789	12,789	**1	Uta no Prince-sama Maji Love 2000% v4
*4 (**8)	---	12,769	12,769	**1	To Aru Kagaku no Railgun S v3
*5 (**9)	---	11,751	11,751	**1	Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken v9
*6 (*10)	---	11,519	11,519	**1	Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai. v4 
*7 (*11)	---	11,256	11,256	**1	Code Geass Hangyaku no Lelouch BD Box
*8 (*13)	---	*9,377	*9,377	**1	Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED Destiny BD Box v2
*9 (*14)	---	*8,129	*8,129	**1	Suisei no Gargantia v2
10 (*15)	---	*7,023	*7,023	**1	High School DxD NEW v1
-- (*16)	---	*6,420	*6,420	**1	Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa machigatteiru. v4
-- (*18)	---	*5,978	*5,978	**1	Fate/Kaleid liner Prisma Illya v1 
-- (*20)	---	*5,645	*5,645	**1	Kin-iro Mosaic v1
2013 09/23~09/29 Anime DVD List
*1 (**9)	---	8,992	*,**8,992	**1	Uta no Prince-sama Maji Love 2000% v4
*3 (*31)	---	2,624	*,**2,624	**1	Kimi no Iru Machi v1
*5 (*36)	**5	2,262	*,*13,974	**2	Shingeki no Kyojin v3
*6 (*38)	---	2,239	*,**2,239	**1	Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken v9
*7 (*39)	---	2,161	*,**2,161	**1	To Aru Kagaku no Railgun S v3
*8 (*43)	---	2,025	*,**2,025	**1	Magi v10
*9 (*46)	---	2,001	*,**2,001	**1	High School DxD NEW v1
10 (*49)	*13	1,973	*,*20,833	**3	Dragonball Z Kami to Kami RE 
12 (***)	---	1,654	*,**1,654	**1	Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai. v4
13 (***)	---	1,516	*,**1,516	**1	Karneval v5
14 (***)	---	1,509	*,**1,509	**1	Amnesia v6
16 (***)	---	1,467	*,**1,467	**1	Dangan Ronpa v2
17 (***)	---	1,439	*,**1,439	**1	Servant x Service v2
18 (***)	*30	1,291	1,215,040	614	Tonari no Totoro
19 (***)	---	1,241	*,**1,241	**1	Date a Live v4
21 (***)	*15	1,192	*,*17,048	**3	Dragonball Z Kami to Kami LE
22 (***)	---	1,190	*,**4,233	**2	Brothers Conflict v2
23 (***)	---	1,072	*,**1,072	**1	Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Next v3
24 (***)	---	1,033	*,**1,033	**1	Kakumeiki Valvrave v4
25 (***)	---	1,023	*,**1,023	**1	Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa machigatteiru. v4
28 (***)	---	*,905	*,***,905	**1	The Unlimited -Hyoubu Kyousuke- v6
Additionally, the Girls und Panzer "Heartful Tank Disc" event fandisc sold 14,745 BDs.

No Blu-ray numbers for the final volumes of these series yet, but they're probably not high enough to make a difference, so:
Magi -- final BD+DVD average 7,184 across ten volumes
Amnesia -- final BD+DVD average 3,319 across six volumes
The Unlimited Hyoubu Kyousuke -- final BD+DVD average 2,936 across six volumes

Looks like JoJo finishes at about an 18,800 BD+DVD average for nine volumes.

Oh, and the Anohana movie has pretty much passed the Haruhi movie in box office gross sales by now.

That's it for now, come back Thursday for the full results.


Summer 2013 Preliminary First Volume Sales

Distressing and depressing numbers there.

And here is a question for those who follow such numbers, just how important is week 1? Is it as important as it is with say US box office numbers? Can sales actually grow via word of mouth?


So does that mean that Eccentric Family sold worse than Stella on DVD? or did it not get a DVD release (or a release at all)?


Distressing and depressing numbers there.

And here is a question for those who follow such numbers, just how important is week 1? Is it as important as it is with say US box office numbers? Can sales actually grow via word of mouth?
Week 1 usually sets the standard on how the rest series will perform for every release, either consistently or slowly declining. Sadly no amount of word of mouth can help it.

What the fuck.

tl;dr: Makoto's father is evil incarnate on a level Makoto could never dream of achieving.

After one of his daughters (that he impregnated) died in childbirth due to being too young to be having children, he began experimenting with growth hormones and chemicals to force children's bodies to mature faster so they can give birth safely at younger ages.
It's unclear whether he was actually successful with that goal, but what we do know is that it resulted in the affected children beginning menstruating at very young ages. So the bottom right of that family tree has less than 10 years between generations.

Sort of.

Officially, everyone seen having sex in the games is over 18, so all of the age stuff is vaguely implied through character designs, speech styles, off-screen events, and convoluted wordplay (e.g. an engineering academy that characters attend has a name that, when abbreviated, sounds like an abbreviated word for "elementary school") rather than ever stated explicitly. What's crazier is that most of the games came out during a period of years (1999-2006 or so) when the main adult games rating board was refusing to rate games with real incest in them, so all of the incest stuff was also implied by clever wordings and visuals. Eventually they were able to release an official family tree (upon which that chart is based) after that restriction was lifted.

He also does various other reprehensible things like turning women into sex slaves and pimping them out to politicians and police to gain political connections and whatnot. You don't ever play as Makoto's father in any of the games--in the three games that he actually appears in directly, you play the role of someone trying to stop him.
(Well, kind of. In the first one, you play the role of a little girl pregnant with his child who's in love with him and wants to marry him and keep him away from other women. The child she's pregnant with later becomes the mother of Setsuna in School Days.)

What the hell?

No. Whenever anyone asks me if I've seen School Days I'm just going to say no. I have never even heard about School Days.

Edit: Sekai is Makoto's half-sister? Aaaaaaaaagh!

Edit2: http://i.imgur.com/gwuuhIM.png Noooooooo


Maturity, bitches.
Surely the most relevant top rank for us is El Cantare. But that's quite blasphemous so I guess Wings of Hermes would have to do.
Additionally, the Girls und Panzer "Heartful Tank Disc" event fandisc sold 14,745 BDs.

No Blu-ray numbers for the final volumes of these series yet, but they're probably not high enough to make a difference, so:
Magi -- final BD+DVD average 7,184 across ten volumes
Amnesia -- final BD+DVD average 3,319 across six volumes
The Unlimited Hyoubu Kyousuke -- final BD+DVD average 2,936 across six volumes

Looks like JoJo finishes at about an 18,800 BD+DVD average for nine volumes.

Oh, and the Anohana movie has pretty much passed the Haruhi movie in box office gross sales by now.

That's it for now, come back Thursday for the full results.
Poor Amnesia, and someone thought otome anime are high sellers :(

Utapri still getting its 20k, hoping s3 is announced.


In another round of "what's up with the lack of UK streams" watch, this probably explains some of the weird comments I saw some of my UK industry news chums making on social media earlier in the week, and possibly Andrew Ps tweet earlier in the week regarding Kill la Kill? Or could he be trolling us with what ends up being a Samurai Flamenco announcement...

Hopefully, however this is managed, it goes a little better than AoD, in any case!


Hmm, they uploaded some stills from the first ep of Kyoukai no Kanata along with a plot synopsis here. The usual thing they do.

Still the weakest part of the show, visually speaking, is the overall digital composition and colour management I think. Especially in 'afternoon' scenes dominated by oranges it looks way over-saturated.

It's as if they run the whole thing through a filter, add some bloom and call it a day. It lacks the selectivity Hyouka had in how it painted the screen- for scenes similar to the above, it was far less saturated, with more prominence of darker shades and little effort touches here and there- some greenish hues, more variance in the skin colour of the characters, accounting for different light sources.

Some of the other screens look better, and there's a glimpse of nice action/effects. Looking forward to that.

I think it's fine.


The filter thing doesn't translate over into all the shots and it's not that overbearing.

In another round of "what's up with the lack of UK streams" watch, this probably explains some of the weird comments I saw some of my UK industry news chums making on social media earlier in the week, and possibly Andrew Ps tweet earlier in the week regarding Kill la Kill? Or could he be trolling us with what ends up being a Samurai Flamenco announcement...

Hopefully, however this is managed, it goes a little better than AoD, in any case!

A potential saviour emerges. Either way, it'll be interesting to see what they have planned.
Oh, and this is more for ZachDeKoromaru than anyone else, but the two new Fumikane artbooks for Strike Witches are up on Amazon.co.jp. Of course, they're not actually out until March 2014, but it never hurts to lock in your preorder early.


I saw these earlier yesterday in a Strike Witches thread. I assume World Witches is a collection of the stuff we've seen in whatever magazine they're published in. The other one I assume will be various higher quality stuff plus a good amount of his twitter illustrations. Probably the only artbooks I'm interested in so I guess I'll have to wait.

Summer 2013 Preliminary First Volume Sales

*9,024 *1 High School DxD NEW [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/25
*5,645 *1 Kiniro Mosaic [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/25

New series debuting this week bolded.



I wanna change one of the higher ranks to "Ginga Bishounen"!
Don't we all.

I need more of this show, now.
Sadly if you want any of those 'juicy' details you will have to play the games.

I tried to guard you from these details!
I was basically just setting up Kagami's appearance.

The School Gaze if you will.
So kawaii~

Seeing as how I'm finished with JoJo, can someone recommend me a hot-blooded, exciting anime to watch?

(I'm aware of TTGL, but I don't want to watch it)
I second the Needless recommendation. If you need more reason here's the OP to convince you.

There's also Yuri
And pancakes.

Oh, and this is more for ZachDeKoromaru than anyone else, but the two new Fumikane artbooks for Strike Witches are up on Amazon.co.jp. Of course, they're not actually out until March 2014, but it never hurts to lock in your preorder early.

Fuck I NEED these in my life.

Wonder if the Madman release has the same issues as the UK one I have. Does look somewhat more fugly though.

One problem I can spot straight away is that Best Waifu is MUCH better than Vegeta. I would even argue regular waifu. No-one wants to be Vegeta.

Holy shit lol
267 very confused people.
Kill me Baby probably outsold it.

What the fuck.

What the hell?

No. Whenever anyone asks me if I've seen School Days I'm just going to say no. I have never even heard about School Days.

Edit: Sekai is Makoto's half-sister? Aaaaaaaaagh!

Edit2: http://i.imgur.com/gwuuhIM.png Noooooooo
Welcome to the 0verflow-verse.


Kill la Kill OP 1 was storyboarded by Imaishi and YOSHINARI; Yoshinari did a great amount of animation himself. Greatest OP of the year confirmed.
Get hype.
Oh, and this is more for ZachDeKoromaru than anyone else, but the two new Fumikane artbooks for Strike Witches are up on Amazon.co.jp. Of course, they're not actually out until March 2014, but it never hurts to lock in your preorder early.


Hanna Marseille on the cover of the World Witches artbook.

Another hint for an in coming Africa season! And the fact that the Suomus witches are only getting a spin-off manga now.
Hanna Marseille on the cover of the World Witches artbook.

Another hint for an in coming Africa season! And the fact that the Suomus witches are only getting a spin-off manga now.

That's only because she was the first of the World Witches, 502nd S3 or bust!

Also the big Strike Witches event is less than two weeks away, this is the only hype I've had all year.


Either way, I don't really get what you're trying to say. It just makes zero sense to me at this point in time; I'm certain that even if the show as a whole turns out bad (not impossible at all) the first episode will be amazing. I mean, what will you be doing after it airs? Because the amount of excitement will only get much crazier. You should have learned from Eureka Seven AO and Star Driver that disappointing shows don't really start bad, they turn bad.
What is more, this is coming from crazily kinetic Mr. Imaishi, Mr. Nakashima & Co., the guys who could condense and synthesize all the spirit and sense of progression to come, the foundations of the themes that we saw in the TTGL series on just one fast paced episode, adding a hook in the form of a well laid out cliffhanger at the end... and later scaling it all up nicely.

I don't have a doubt this will be an explosive beginning (and any previous doubt I had was wiped out by the impressions that came from the recent special screening event).

Blu-ray cutoff was a whopping 5,645, and DVD cutoff is 829, so that means a LOT of stuff from this week isn't known yet, thus these results are kinda useless until Thursday gives us the full list, but anyway.

Summer 2013 Preliminary First Volume Sales

**,267 *1 Stella Jogakuin Kotouka C3-bu [DVD+BD]: 2013/09/18
RIP in peace Gainax
If this didn't kill them already:

http://boards.4chan.org/a/res/86928649 said:

... and neither did their own particular 'diaspora', I don't know what else could right now!


Kill la Kill OP 1 was storyboarded by Imaishi and YOSHINARI; Yoshinari did a great amount of animation himself. Greatest OP of the year confirmed.
We'll see his touted studio's lead animator new role come into effect this soon, yeah! Expecting lots of cuts from him and Sushio this time.
Come on, 'Otonari', don't let us down like on P&SwG... ;-P


How come nobody told me Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-Chan had an English dub?

I wanted to show my friend that show for the longest and I was finally able to. He nearly spit his water out when he saw The Salaryman, and the kid with the dog head.

It was definitely worth the re-watch, and seeing my friend lose it watching the show. It kinda reminds me when I first started watching this show and I thought it was going to be a regular love-com, and then the OP started playing. That OP is quite catchy, and disturbing at the same time.

I still can't believe that Dokuro-Chan is the series that got me started with anime. Out of all the possible things....
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