Warner seems to be having multiple issues with updating the game, from retail activation to GFWL removal patches. Stay patient until they iron out the details.
Original Thread: Steam Versions Batman:AA/AC & Bioshock 2 Adding Achievements, Removing GFWL/Securom?
Steam Data Base Page: http://steamdb.info/app/200260/#section_info
I've been waiting for this for a long time now. After Bioshock 2's patch dropped, it was just a matter of time.
Crash Fixes:
Manually reinstall DirectX from Microsoft's website
Run in Windowed Mode to start
Back up save files and delete cloud-saves
Restore GFWL Saves:
Arkham Asylum:
Arkham City:

Failed to Contact Key Server (Oct. 20, 2013)
This issue has been resolved.
Please exit Steam, restart your computer, and log back into your account.
This should allow you to launch the game.
Registering CD keys
We are aware of the issue some users are experiencing when attempting to register CD keys (retail, GFWL, etc) and are investigating this issue further. We thank you for your patience.
- Changes apply to the GOTY versions, the registry apps for the Vanilla versions were never touched
- GFWL removed from both versions
- Securom removed from both versions (personally confirmed for AC)
- Achievements added to AA
- Mac version added to AC
- Retail versions should now activate on Steam (Warner looking into retail key activations, GMG looking into their keys)
- If you owned the vanilla versions of AA or AC, the GOTY version will now be added to your account for free
- Trading cards added to both games
- Saves are not compatible (see bottom for potential fix)
Original Thread: Steam Versions Batman:AA/AC & Bioshock 2 Adding Achievements, Removing GFWL/Securom?
Steam Data Base Page: http://steamdb.info/app/200260/#section_info
I've been waiting for this for a long time now. After Bioshock 2's patch dropped, it was just a matter of time.
Important Batman Arkham Announcement
Dear Batman Arkham Fans - Microsoft has begun the process of closing down Windows Live services over the next year. To make sure there is no interrupted service, we will be moving the game to Steam for verification and update services for both the Base and GOTY versions of Batman Arkham Asylum and Batman Arkham City.
If you purchased either of the games on Steam all you have to do is let Steam download the latest patch and you will be fine.
If you purchased the games somewhere else you will need to enter the code in Steam. (You can find steps to do this on the bottom of this.
Unfortunately, you will not be able to continue playing from your current save. You will need to start a new game.
Going forward you do not have to worry about where you stored that disc. If you switch computers or go to a friend’s house you simply need to download Steam, log into your account, then go to the library and select to install your game.
The following link can be used to learn more about Steam and to download Steam:
To enter your CD Key in Steam please do the following:
1. Click ADD A GAME....
2. Select Activate a Product on Steam..
3. Click Next.
4. Click I Agree.
5. Enter your CD Key and select next once the game finishes downloading you will be able to play the game.
Crash Fixes:
Manually reinstall DirectX from Microsoft's website
Run in Windowed Mode to start
Back up save files and delete cloud-saves
Restore GFWL Saves:
Small tool to convert save games. Removes GFWL headers said:http://steamcommunity.com/app/200260/discussions/0/810938810604990605/
I've made two small programs to easily strip the first 387/407 bytes (depending on the game) of the savegames:
Arkham Asylum:
Grief, sorry to spam the thread, but here's what I did:
Batman: Arkham Asylum Regular GFWL Edition to New Batman:Arkham Asylum Steamworks
- grab <profilename>save0.sgd (if you don't have <profilename> on your save file, it doesn't matter. Use that safe file anyway).
- go to position 0x0184 (that's the fifth place in the 25th line of your hex editor. There's a place that tells which position you are. Figure it out, it's not hard)
- delete everything prior to that location
- overwrite the save (you made a backup first, right?)
- remove <profilename> from the save file, if you have it.
- open the game once, start a new game on the save slot where your game was saved in
- make sure the game saves at least once
- quit the game
- open C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<userid>\35140\
- delete remotecache.vdf
- enter C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<userid>\35140\remote
- start the game and STOP on the loader. Do not click START GAME on the loader.
- overwrite save0.gsd with your hexedited save file from before
- start the game
Batman: Arkham City Regular GFWL Edition to New Batman:Arkham City Steamworks
- grab <profilename>save0.sgd (if you don't have <profilename> on your save file, it doesn't matter. Use that safe file anyway).
- open in a hex editor and HEX Search for 00:00:03:00
- delete everything prior to the only search hit
- overwrite the save (you made a backup first, right?)
- remove <profilename> from the save if you have it
- open the game once, start a new game on the save slot where your game was saved in
- make sure the game saves at least once
- quit the game
- open C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<userid>\200260\
- delete remotecache.vdf
- enter C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<userid>\200260\remote
- start the game and STOP on the loader. Do not click START GAME on the loader.
- overwrite save0.gsd with your hexedited save file from before
- start the game
Underlined step is to go around the cloud save sync that steam does. If you overwrite the save file before opening the game, Steam will just pull whatever was in the cloud (sometimes) and fuck it all up.
Italics Is the only different step from each game.
It's a more complex step-by-step, but I suck at explaining things in a concise manner.
Edit: Fixed the folders
Arkham City:
[How to!] Use old GFWL savegame in Steamwork version
Backup C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<userid>\200260\remote
Your GFWL savegame have your GFWL username as prefix.
Delete all files EXCLUDING these files: (remember the folder backup)
profile.bin and <GFWLusername>-save#.sgd
Open with a HEX editor the savefile you want <GFWLusername>-save#.sgd
Lets say Sharkiller-save0.sgd
Image Search Type HEX: 00 00 00 03 00
Image Select all the text BEFORE the searched text
Image And delete.
Save and remove your gfwl usename from the file. "save0.sgd"
Open the game and you have your working savegame there.
Don't mix patched with unpatched savefiles or the game could crash.
I'm using Hex Workshop but here's a free one:
Another posible locations for the savegames
Arkham City
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<userid>\57400\remote
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<userid>\200260\remote
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\WB Games\Batman Arkham City\SaveData
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\WB Games\Batman Arkham City GOTY\SaveData
Arkham Asylum
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<userid>\35010\remote
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<userid>\35140\remote
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Square Enix\Batman Arkham Asylum\SaveData
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Square Enix\Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY\SaveData
Final location of patched savegames
Arkham City
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<userid>\200260\remote
Arkham Asylum
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<userid>\35140\remote