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Just keep hitting the default bag on the ST string and hope to get lucky. They're rare, but not that rare. It usually doesn't take me more than 2-3 minutes of bag punching to get one.

Given how highly desired Scizor is in the current meta, people have figured out if you steal a metal coat from a Magneton in the lost hotel and catch a scyther, you can get just about anything for it in return on the GTS. Just make sure you have a compound eyes pokemon in front of your party to make finding Magnetons that actually carry Metal Coats far more common.
People are willing to trade anything for Scizor, including legendaries.


This is glorious. I'll definitely have to try this out later on.
Got challenged to a random double battle. He used 6 Pokemon but I only had 4 that were viable at the time, so it was 6 on 4. See how I did: GA9G-WWWW-WWW2-6P47
I just realized I never got around to posting my final E4 team like everyone else!


Jolteon basically rocked through 80% of it. Haha


Pokerus is a rare virus that's been around since Gen II. Sometimes, a pokemon you catch will be randomly infected by it. It's a rather low chance. The good thing, though, is you can spread it to any party member by having them battle next to them. That means you can trade for it rather easily. Once you have it, it doubles the amount of EVs you get for a certain number of battles.
Question on Pokerus - if it has run it's course and can't be spread any more, will it still double EVs after I use a reset bag?


Question on Pokerus - if it has run it's course and can't be spread any more, will it still double EVs after I use a reset bag?

I thought no, but I was corrected here. Bulbapedia also says you can keep doubling after the disease was cured. Pokerus once=double forever.

this guy

Hatched this Goomy a little while ago:

Sap Sipper
HP: 31
Attack: 22-26
Defense: 31
Special Attack: 27-31
Special Defense: 31
Speed: 31

Not bad for someone with only five badges. Now to super train him!
This Scyther thing doesn't work for me :( I'm trying to get a single Yveltal, nothing more, and after 36 hours still nothing
Everyone is doing it now so you have to keep withdrawing and re-offering to put yourself onto the top of the list.

The market is really unsustainable and greedy people getting boxes full of legendaries does not help.

I'd give it another day, maybe before it has run its course...


Everyone is doing it now so you have to keep withdrawing and re-offering to put yourself onto the top of the list.

The market is really unsustainable and greedy people getting boxes full of legendaries does not help.

I'd give it another day, maybe before it has run its course...

Yep, I avoided the "box full of legendaries" I'd rather more folks got something from it. I did get a spare of each for my wife though.


Yeah, I've already fought quite a few Rotom-W and they are so annoying to fight. Especially when they put up Reflect and Light Screen coupled with Volt Switch. No Klefki yet, surprisingly, but I dread the moment I'm up aganst one


Finished iv breeding and ev training my first six pokemon: Goodra, Azumarill, Greninja, Blaziken, Aegislash, and Noivern.

Im gonna make a new Goodra though, because I went Bold and I believe Modest is the better option.

So far my favorite 3 Pokemon team combination is Greninja/Goodra/Aegislash.
I really hope Klefki doesn't become as common as I think it will. I'm currently training one and his novelty value sort of fades if everyone's using him.


Am I the only person here OCD and petty enough to care about having Pokemon in a specific type of Poke Ball (Luxury Balls), with perfect IVs and under my name at the same time?

It extends the breeding process by a hundredfold.


Am I the only person here OCD and petty enough to care about having Pokemon in a specific type of Poke Ball (Luxury Balls), with perfect IVs and under my name at the same time?

It extends the breeding process by a hundredfold.


I have the same problem situation lol.

It has to be in a Luxury Ball. Has to have good IVs. And I HAVE to be the OT.

But it hasn't given me much of a hassle to be honest.


Finished iv breeding and ev training my first six pokemon: Goodra, Azumarill, Greninja, Blaziken, Aegislash, and Noivern.

Im gonna make a new Goodra though, because I went Bold and I believe Modest is the better option.

So far my favorite 3 Pokemon team combination is Greninja/Goodra/Aegislash.
Yeah, I tend to use the same 3-4 Pokémon on online battles as well. Greninja and Togekiss are almost alway part of the team with Mawile and Goodra switching between the third spot. I really should use my Rotom-W more often

I must admit Greninja has surprised positively. So fast and strong. I LOVE U-Turning on enemies. Thank goodness for that 31 IV Attack stat


Another breeding done! As a result I have some Adamant Marills with differing 4 perfect IVs and Aqua Jet, a lot of different combinations (every single one has Sp Def though), every single one is female (yeah, that was annoying, it's 50% ratio and it felt like it's 12.5% male, 87.5% female), if anyone wants one PM me.

Everyone is doing it now so you have to keep withdrawing and re-offering to put yourself onto the top of the list.

The market is really unsustainable and greedy people getting boxes full of legendaries does not help.

I'd give it another day, maybe before it has run its course...

Darn :( well, I'll keep trying a little more.


Yeah, I tend to use the same 3-4 Pokémon on online battles as well. Greninja and Togekiss are almost alway part of the team with Mawile and Goodra switching between the third spot. I really should use my Rotom-W more often

I must admit Greninja has surprised positively. So fast and strong. I LOVE U-Turning on enemies. Thank goodness for that 31 IV Attack stat
Yea, im using a Hasty Protean Greninja with six perfect ivs and its a beast. U turn is deadly, and ice beam is the Garchomp killer.



I have the same problem situation lol.

It has to be in a Luxury Ball. Has to have good IVs. And I HAVE to be the OT.

But it hasn't given me much of a hassle to be honest.

I have a lot of patience, so I'm not really bothered by how long it takes. So it makes me sad when I see some people give up so easily on breeding. :p
I'll join the Scyther fad tomorrow...probably going for Scisor (so I can help others if the IVs sux*) or Ditto or something.

*-I should get myself a Rhyperior so I can do the same for Rhydon w/Protector.

Finally got the Ralts from the in game trade, modest with perfect IVS in sp attack and speed. I might use it.
Mine was like that too. Guess game trades are rigged IVs and natures now.


Would someone be so kind as to Pokerus me? I don't have much to offer, I'm afraid, but my FC is 2552-1098-4530. PM me please.

Edit: Got it! Thanks, Starwolf!
So, did some random battles yesterday online. I'm terrible and just used the guys I've been playing with (not sure what really works against what) but is the whole IV/EV thing going to really screw me over in the long run? Will I just have to get lucky against some noob like me who hasn't bred for specifics or whatnot?


So, did some random battles yesterday online. I'm terrible and just used the guys I've been playing with (not sure what really works against what) but is the whole IV/EV thing going to really screw me over in the long run? Will I just have to get lucky against some noob like me who hasn't bred for specifics or whatnot?

EV's you need. IV's not so much. EV's have a huge impact whilst IV's are more down to the wire and situational.


I am also desperately looking for something with Pokerus... 0001 - 3325 - 5355

Would be in your debt!! PM and I'll add you quickly


So does Mega Kangaskhan turn Power-Up Punch into an attacking Swords Dance? It got a bonus after it attacked and after the baby.
So, did some random battles yesterday online. I'm terrible and just used the guys I've been playing with (not sure what really works against what) but is the whole IV/EV thing going to really screw me over in the long run? Will I just have to get lucky against some noob like me who hasn't bred for specifics or whatnot?
With good moveset (even using TMs) and strategies (knowing when to switch out or stay in) you can do fine but you will not do the absolute best. Also some things may be a complete disaster (-speed nature). I'd say natures are important, then EVs and finially IVs (at level 50 the difference between min and max is 15 points, 252 EVs in a stat nets you 31 points at level 50 and 63 points at level 100...so matters a lot more).

Given online auto-levels you once you get to postgame you're probably going to be doing some breeding sometime so you can you can make things work out then (hold items and friend safaris help loads).

EVs are really easy now with hordes and Pokerus. It is literally 10 battles, and 3 rounds of super training to go from nothing to a lazy but viable 252/252/6 spread (252 into stats that matter, 6 into one you want an extra point on).


I really hope Klefki doesn't become as common as I think it will. I'm currently training one and his novelty value sort of fades if everyone's using him.

If this keeps up he'll be joining Aegislash in the gen 6 OU club.
Can't wait for a Klefki vs. Klefki battle. That will be... uh, well that'll be something, is what that will be!

So, did some random battles yesterday online. I'm terrible and just used the guys I've been playing with (not sure what really works against what) but is the whole IV/EV thing going to really screw me over in the long run? Will I just have to get lucky against some noob like me who hasn't bred for specifics or whatnot?
Nah, you can do fine. I'm aiming for IVs just to stack the odds a little more in my favor, but ultimately it's a game of anticipation and, well, a bit of luck.

EVs are easy to get, though. If you're starting with a fresh Pokémon, might as well add them. :)


So how are you all calculating IVs? Don't you have to keep track of the EV spread?

Suppose someone trades you a Pokemon, besides having a non detailed overlook in the Super Training graph, You really wouldn't be able to tell what number IV's it has for each stat?


Guys, a question--I grabbed a Pokemon with 3 perfect IVs (HP, Def, Sp.A,). I have the same Pokemon of different gender with perfect IV on Atk. How do I breed an egg with perfect 4 IV? Do I use Destiny Knot on one and Power Bracelet on another?
EV's you need. IV's not so much. EV's have a huge impact whilst IV's are more down to the wire and situational.

OK, so a good plan is to just have fun with the fights for now, beat the game, read up on EV training, choose the ones I want to train and go from there? How do I know the best ones to train up or is that down to what type of team I would want? Like glass cannons, or 'tanks'.

Honestly, I've never taken the battling this seriously as I didn't really have people to battle with but now myself, my fiance, and soon my 8 year old (once he saves his allowance) will all be playing, and I want to crush their spirits and make them cry in defeat.

EDIT: Thanks for the other answers, too. Looks like I'll finish the game and get some Friend Safari's and then read up a bit more. Unfortunately I have a terrible habit of min/max with games and I can already feel the itch. "ATT at 251? Why not 252?"


So how are you all calculating IVs? Don't you have to keep track of the EV spread?

Suppose someone trades you a Pokemon, besides having a non detailed overlook in the Super Training graph, You really wouldn't be able to tell what number IV's it has for each stat?
IVs (Individual Values) and EVs (Effort Values) are separate. A man in the Pokémon Center in Kiloude City (post-game) will tell you whether you have perfect IVs in any given stat category. He'll say those stats "can't be beat." IVs are set from the moment a Pokémon is caught or hatched, and cannot be changed. Their a number between 0 and 31 and determine stat growth. There's an IV for each stat category. 31 is perfect and ensures highest stat growth.

While you can't change them, you can eventually pass them on via breeding. A Pokémon holding Destiny Knot while breeding will ensure five IVs across the two parents will pass onto the child. So you keep hatching until you have a child that gets the good IVs from their parents. Then you breed that with another Pokémon that has the good IVs you're still missing, using Destiny Knot again to pass on five of the parents' IVs. Eventually, you'll get the good IVs you already have plus the ones you didn't.

To get parents with some good IVs as a starting point, the Friend Safari Dittos are excellent -- they each have at least two perfect IVs. Ditto can breed with anything and produce a child of the non-Ditto parent.

EVs, meanwhile are different and can be distributed freely by the player, up to 510 EVs total. You get EVs by Super Training (hit the R button to scroll to the Super Training screen), or by battling Pokémon, each Pokémon giving a certain EV point (one or two EV points, in one of the stat categories). The most efficient way is Horde battling, using Oddish's Sweet Scent to lure out Hordes and then OHKO everyone at once with moves like Surf or Earthquake. The trainee will receive the full EVs via Exp. Share. Equipping the trainee with a Power Item for the stat being raised increases the EVs received by 4 per Pokemon. Having the Pokerus condition ("infected" by putting the Pokémon next to a Pokémon with Pokerus) doubles the EVs received.

For every four EVs in a stat category, that Pokémon gains an extra point in that stat at lv. 100. Super Training stops you at 252 EVs per stat category, since 252 is divisible by 4 and there's no benefit beyond 252. Thus, if you keep doing the Attack minigame in Super Training until it says your Attack is maxed out, or if you keep doing Horde battles for Attack points until your Super Training graph says the same, your Pokémon will have an Attack stat about 63 points higher at lv. 100.

Since 510 total is the limit, and 252 is the most per stat category (where benefit is concerned), most people invest 252 in one category and 252 in another (by training in Super Training until it stops adding points in that category). Then the extra 6 points go in a third category, to add one extra point at lv. 100. Yeah, that means two EVs always go wasted.

You do this in conjunction with nature. Each nature (except the neutral ones) will make one stat grow more, and one stat grow less. So usually you look for a Pokémon with the nature that grows the stat you plan to use a lot. If I'm raising a Pokémon that will only use Special Attacks, but never use Physical Attacks, I'd use a Modest Pokémon (+ Sp. Attack, - Attack). Then I'd invest EVs into his Sp. Attack, most likely, to get the most power out of it. :)


Can't wait for a Klefki vs. Klefki battle. That will be... uh, well that'll be something, is what that will be!

This happened to me in a rating battle. The other player had the same moveset, but their Klefki was faster than mine so I ended up losing that fight. >.<


IVs and EVs are separate. A man in the Pokémon Center in Kiloude City (post-game) will tell you whether you have perfect IVs in any given stat category. He'll say those stats "can't be beat." IVs are set from the moment a Pokémon is caught or hatched, and cannot be changed. Their a number between 0 and 31 and determine stat growth. There's an IV for each stat category. 31 is perfect and ensures highest stat growth.

While you can't change them, you can eventually pass them on via breeding. A Pokémon holding Destiny Knot while breeding will ensure five IVs across the two parents will pass onto the child. So you keep hatching until you have a child that gets the good IVs from their parents. Then you breed that with another Pokémon that has the good IVs you're still missing, using Destiny Knot again to pass on five of the parents' IVs. Eventually, you'll get the good IVs you already have plus the ones you didn't.

EVs are different and can be distributed freely by the player, up to 510 EVs total. You get EVs by Super Training (hit the R button to scroll to the Super Training screen), or by battling Pokémon, each Pokémon giving a certain EV point. The most efficient way is Horde battling, using Oddish's Sweet Scent to lure them out and then OHKO everyone at once with moves like Surf or Earthquake. Equipping the trainee with a Power Item for the stat being raised increases the EVs received by 4 per Pokemon.

For every four EVs in a stat category, that Pokémon gains an extra point in that stat at lv. 100. Super Training stops you at 252 EVs per stat category since 252 is divisible by 4 and there's no benefit beyond 252. Thus, if you keep doing the Attack minigame in Super Training until it says your Attack is maxed out, or if you keep doing Horde battles for Attack points until your Super Training graph says the same, your Pokémon will have an Attack stat about 63 points higher at lv. 100.

Most people invest 252 in one category (by training in Super Training until it stops adding points in that category), and then 252 in another category, and then the remaining 6 points wherever (usually HP).

You do this in conjunction with nature. Each nature (except the neutral ones) will make one stat grow more, and one stat grow less. So usually you look for a Pokémon with the nature that grows the stat you plan to use a lot. If I'm raising a Pokémon that will only use Special Attacks, but never use Physical Attacks, I'd use a Modest Pokémon (+ Sp. Attack, - Attack). Then I'd invest EVs into his Sp. Attack, most likely, to get the most power out of it. :)

So--stupid question--when you do an online battle that forces all pokemon to level 50, are all EVs applied? Or is it really only at lv 100?
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