2013-14 NBA Oct-Nov Season |OT| They can't hide the championship banners Forever


What was the spread on tonight's game? Someone check Scott Foster's bank account to see how much he made calling this one. That 20pt lead evaporated behind some really handsy defensive play by the Raps. PEACE.


looks like miamia doesn't want indy to get home court,i noticed they are making sure to win more now lol.

Well, it's an easy-ass run of games right now too. The Boston and Philly losses came early and the team got focused soon after that. But this is really down to playing a sack full of terrible teams. PEACE.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Raining 3's in Htown :O

15/24 so far


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Ball don't lie. Toronto has gotten some good home cooking this half, but I ain't even mad. They've also been busting their asses on defense. We get favorable calls at home too. PEACE.

What was the spread on tonight's game? Someone check Scott Foster's bank account to see how much he made calling this one. That 20pt lead evaporated behind some really handsy defensive play by the Raps. PEACE.

I don't know sir, you suddenly sound a little bit MAD to me....


Master of the Google Search
Cancel the Eastern playoffs, put the Heat and Pacers in the Western playoffs, and make the western champion the overall champion.


Please help me with my bad english
Dwight has been goofing all-night on the bench. These blowout wins aren't good for him!
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