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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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Fear the walking dead probably turned some people off. Too much zombie content now. They should have at least spaced the 2 out some.

Although those initial numbers weren't comprehensive, the only explanation for the viewer count dropping by over a million between the Season 5 finale and Season 6 premiere is that a good chunk of dead heads got their fix from FTWD. Pretty funny if that were the case considering the show would've accomplished exactly the opposite that AMC wanted. lol

I mean, the Season 3 finale was probably the lamest one of the entire series and viewer numbers spiked by almost 4 million between that and the Season 4 premiere.
you guys do raise a good point. i guess amc...

Has the show or comics mention how the walkers don't completely decompose and wither away? Those walkers were busting their heads wide open by walking into the barricade.

They do disintegrate. Like the zombie in the well or the half zombie that Carol, Tyreese and the wonder twins found on the train tracks.


Content Roundup – Episode 601: “First Time Again”


AMC Inside The Walking Dead:
  • The Making of Episode 601, “First Time Again” - AMC
  • Inside Episode 601: “First Time Again” - AMC
  • Preview of Episode 602, “JSS” - AMC | International
  • Sneak Peek of Episode 602, “JSS” - AMC | International
  • Talking Dead: Bonus Scene - AMC
Producer & Cast Interviews:
Critic Reviews:
Talking Dead’s Inside The Dead:
  • Fans of the comic will recognize Heath from the Walking Dead graphic novels. Actor Corey Hawkins recently played Dr. Dre in the movie “Straight Outta Compton.”
  • Sasha and Abraham's car was previously used by Aaron for his recruiting missions. In the script, it is referred to as the “Astoundingly Ugly Car.”
  • Andrew Lincoln says Season 6 is going to be big, brave, and ambitious. As for Rick? “He's not taking any $#!T from anybody.”


My favorite tidbits from all the interviews!

EW: Obviously, the other big thing we have going on here in this episode is you’re going back and forth between time periods. There’s the present and what’s happened in the events leading up to it, and we see the past events in black and white. I know you guys didn’t originally shoot it that way, but then at some point decided it’s going to make it a clearer read going back and forth. Tell me about the decision to go to that black and white, and how it sort of changed the perspective for you guys on that episode.

Nicotero: We always knew there was gonna be a visual cue. When we shot it, I think Scott and I had talked about the idea that it was probably gonna be desaturated flashbacks, and then oversaturated present. Every sequence that takes place in present-day is very action-packed. The camera’s always moving, very fast-paced, people are running, people are screaming, people are firing guns. So in the first version of the episode, we had oversaturated the present day and desaturated the past. The trick was when we did it, we looked at it, and it looked like The Wizard of Oz. Our world is not oversaturated, our show is not oversaturated. So when you saw the really vibrant greens of the forest, it made the world look too alive. First thing we noticed when we looked at it was, “Wow, the zombies, they don’t look dead anymore,” because now that pale color has been accentuated.

I’m interested and hopeful that when we do the DVD there will be an all-color version because I think our audience is savvy enough to put those pieces together, and put those clues together, and that was always what I was hoping for. The visual effects in color are breathtaking. The zombie stuff in color is really breathtaking. When you take the color away, the quarry looks very monochromatic, but when the color is there, you really see the differentiation between the walkers and the truck and the quarry walls. So I’ve been pushing Scott to put a color version of the episode on the DVD because it has a different flavor.
EW: Poor Carter gets his face bitten off. Talk about how you wanted to approach that death scene.

Nicotero: It’s funny because I’d worked with Ethan once before on Masters of Horror. He was in one of the episodes. He’s a really good actor. He came, he landed with the right attitude, the right level of excitement. And of course the day we had to kill him, Andy pulled me aside and goes, “You know this guy’s a real talent, we should probably keep him around.” I was like, “You know we’re shooting his death scene, like, right now!” But he came up to KNB in Los Angeles, we did a face cast of him. He hadn’t even read the script yet.

So the idea was we had a cheek prosthetic and then a blood tube that went up. There was one that my guys hooked up to a fire extinguisher, and there was one take where there was a little too much pressure on the fire extinguisher, and it was literally a fire hose of blood shooting right out of his cheek, and the walker was doused. It was like Carrie and Brian De Palma. He was covered head to toe in blood. And the trigger may have stuck or something, but it was almost 20 seconds of just fire hose coming out of his cheek.
Nicotero: When we shot the scene with Rick and Ethan, Andy was getting into character and he punched the wall, just sort of getting his blood up before he pulls a gun. And he put his hand through the wall. And the blooper is so funny, because you can hear me in the background. He goes from being Rick Grimes to being Andy Lincoln for a split second and goes, “Uh-oh. Is that in the shot?” And you can hear me in the background going, “Yes, the hole in the wall is clearly in the shot.” It was right next to his head. But it’s funny in those last 10 seconds before you say “Action” and they transform into those characters. So there’s a very funny moment where he punches the hole in the wall and then just goes from Rick Grimes to Andy Lincoln going, “Oops.”
EW: Alright, Greg, we’re one episode down, we got 15 to go. What can people expect coming up?

Nicotero: I can tell you that the level of intensity and the epic scale of the show will not end with just the first episode. We continue to have big, giant, almost unproducable episodes week after week after week, because they were so huge. It’s not going to be like, “Oh, yeah, well they came out of the gate swinging and now they’re going to take a breather.” You’re not going to catch your breath in this season at all. It’s just completely relentless week after week.
EW: Is playing with time something we’re going to see more of this season?

Kirkman: Well, without revealing too much, yes.
EW: The group is pissed at Gabriel, viewers are pissed at Gabriel for turning on the group and letting walkers through the gate. How are you feeling about that guy at this point?

Kirkman: Lot of potential in that character. People need to stay tuned.
EW: What can you say about next week’s episode?

Kirkman: I’ll just say that seeing that size of herd, knowing that horn is drawing their attention definitely sets the stage for what is to come. As intense as you would expect our second episode to be, it is that much more intense and we don’t stop there. So I would expect a similarly cliffhanger-y moment at the end of episode 2, which will take us into episode 3. Everything you’ve heard about this being a fast-paced season is definitely going to hold true. People just need to hold on and get ready for a pretty wild ride.
EW: So, dude, you killed Ethan Embry. What’s up with that?

Lincoln: I know! Ethan was the sweetest. Such a talented amazing guy, welcomed to the show, and then had to take him out again. He said, “No, it’s great! I watch it with my son, man! I’m thrilled you’re taking me out! And I get bit, I get the whole zombie experience.” There was one day on set I was like, “What are you doing?” It was his first day. We killed him on his first day, as we like to do. He had a big hole in his neck and I think he was smoking one of those electronic cigarettes, and I thought it was going to come out of the side of his neck. I think he was Skyping someone or doing FaceTime with someone, and he got all the zombies to do the “Thriller” dance behind him. He was looking at me like, “Are you kidding me? Check this out!” He was completely like a tourist sending all these links back to his son.
Lincoln: I think we are unashamedly a zombie show this season, and certainly you’ll see (Minor Future Episode Spoilers)
it’s unrelenting up until episode 9. The fallout from these 30 seconds is like an arrow shooting through, and that’s the thrust of the story. You see the fallout from these 30 seconds play out over the next seven episodes.
That was always the intention to do bigger, grander. You know what it’s like: We set the bar, and we keep having to jump over it. This feels like we’ve maxed out. You look at the crew and everybody who’s busted a gut in an eight day shooting schedule, it’s brutal. The ambition of the show and everything we’re trying to attempt every single episode, we’ve maxed out. Fingers crossed that the work that everybody’s put in really shows, because I think it’s the bravest most ambitious storytelling that we’ve done for a long, long time. I just hope it plays out.
EW: What else can you tell us about what’s on the horizon?

Lincoln: (Minor Future Episode Spoilers)
The next two episodes are insane, 2 and 3. I’ve always said this, episode 1 is like a bow being pulled back, and in the last 30 seconds are the bow being released. Two and 3 are nonstop crazy action. It’s insane. The next eight episodes are all huge. I mean they’re kinetic, but also the scale of it. It feels like a season finale each episode and the ambition of each episode. They’re very different. Four is incredible, it’s like an indie movie in the middle of Walking Dead, it’s crazy. And then 5, 6, 7, 8 — it just keeps building and building. You’ll see that the show opens up. We’ve been looking internally for so long, it’s like everybody lifts their eyes to the horizon this season and it opens up a whole new world. It’s amazing.
THR: Daryl tells Rick that bringing new people into the group is considered taking care of themselves. How suspicious will Rick be when he meets new people given his efforts to retain his humanity within Alexandria?

Kirkman: Very suspicious. The group in Alexandria, as far as Rick is concerned, is nothing but a nuisance. It's a detriment to their survival going forward. If Rick were to put the odds on himself, he'd say Alexandria would be better without any of these people here. He has his group and believes you need people to survive but he knows now that you need the right people to survive. That's his motivation moving forward. Whether Daryl can talk some sense into him remains to be seen but they do disagree on this front.
TVLine: Morgan and Michonne were clearly judging Rick for killing Carter… but what choice did he have?

Gimple: I should’ve jumped in on your word “judge,” because there wasn’t an alternative. And it wasn’t that they were like, “Oh, I can’t believe you killed him.” The dark black and white moment that precedes [Carter’s death], where Morgan’s like, “I know you. I knew you wouldn’t have killed Carter in the Armory.” And Rick, in a performance that I really love from [Andrew Lincoln], sadly but certainly says, “I didn’t have to kill him. That kind of guy is going to die on his own anyway.” And then we cut to [the death scene]. And it isn’t like, “Oh my God you killed him!” It’s like, “Oh, you’re maybe not the guy I knew, because that philoshopy that you put out there… it’s true.” [It’s] a very sad moment, because they’re both recognizing that their individual truths are completely legitimate to each other, yet they are diametrically opposed. It isn’t that he killed Carter, it’s rather that he predicted that Carter would die one way or the other. And that [prediction turned out to be] true. And that’s the world they are living in. And they want to see the world as very different places. It isn’t a question of judging. It’s a question of recognizing that their worlds are very different and their perspectives are very different. And there’s something really sad about that, after finding each other after all this time. They’re not on the same page.


Hunky Nostradamus
My favorite tidbits from all the interviews!

I can tell you that the level of intensity and the epic scale of the show will not end with just the first episode. We continue to have big, giant, almost unproducable episodes week after week after week, because they were so huge. It’s not going to be like, “Oh, yeah, well they came out of the gate swinging and now they’re going to take a breather.” You’re not going to catch your breath in this season at all. It’s just completely relentless week after week.

(Minor Future Episode Spoilers)
The next two episodes are insane, 2 and 3. I’ve always said this, episode 1 is like a bow being pulled back, and in the last 30 seconds are the bow being released. Two and 3 are nonstop crazy action. It’s insane. The next eight episodes are all huge. I mean they’re kinetic, but also the scale of it. It feels like a season finale each episode and the ambition of each episode. They’re very different. Four is incredible, it’s like an indie movie in the middle of Walking Dead, it’s crazy. And then 5, 6, 7, 8 — it just keeps building and building. You’ll see that the show opens up. We’ve been looking internally for so long, it’s like everybody lifts their eyes to the horizon this season and it opens up a whole new world. It’s amazing.


EW: The group is pissed at Gabriel, viewers are pissed at Gabriel for turning on the group and letting walkers through the gate. How are you feeling about that guy at this point?

Kirkman: Lot of potential in that character. People need to stay tuned.

I'm very interested to see what they do with Gabriel since (comic)
he never really amounts to anything in the comic. Ditto Morgan.
Although those initial numbers weren't comprehensive, the only explanation for the viewer count dropping by over a million between the Season 5 finale and Season 6 premiere is that a good chunk of dead heads got their fix from FTWD. Pretty funny if that were the case considering the show would've accomplished exactly the opposite that AMC wanted. lol

I mean, the Season 3 finale was probably the lamest one of the entire series and viewer numbers spiked by almost 4 million between that and the Season 4 premiere.

tbh I really enjoyed FWD and had to get myself worked up to watch mainline TWD. I've been with Kirkman since the comic, but the mainline show is so dark and dismal and unrelentingly bleak that despite appreciating what the team accomplished last season (which was solid), I just wasn't really in the mood to dive all the way back into that world again. FWD still has optimism, hope, and untainted characters. I'm enjoying watching them survive and hope that they take a different turn from either Rick and Company OR The Governor.


I'm very interested to see what they do with Gabriel since (comic)
he never really amounts to anything in the comic. Ditto Morgan.


[Comic Spoilers]
Morgan is already infinitely more interesting on the show compared to the comic. I guess at least they're trying with Gabriel unlike in the comic where he's just a one-dimensional background character for the rest of the series after his introduction and origin story.

The problem to me with guys like Nicholas and Gabriel in the show is that their actors do such a magnificent job in selling just how much of a cowardly douche they both are. It's really difficult to sympathize with them and it's gonna be a loooonnngg road to redemption for both of them.

tbh I really enjoyed FWD and had to get myself worked up to watch mainline TWD. I've been with Kirkman since the comic, but the mainline show is so dark and dismal and unrelentingly bleak that despite appreciating what the team accomplished last season (which was solid), I just wasn't really in the mood to dive all the way back into that world again. FWD still has optimism, hope, and untainted characters. I'm enjoying watching them survive and hope that they take a different turn from either Rick and Company OR The Governor.

What draws me a lot to TWD is that very bleak sense of hope that barely exists in this world. There's nothing else quite like it on TV and that's what's refreshing about it in a depressingly dark kind of way. Too much media nowadays focuses on keeping the viewer/reader's spirits up in whatever fashion with some happy ending in sight on the distant horizon. Kirkman and TWD don't give a fuck and it's a rare treat to experience something where nothing may ever become "right" in the end.


Hunky Nostradamus
[Comic Spoilers]
Morgan is already infinitely more interesting on the show compared to the comic. I guess at least they're trying with Gabriel unlike in the comic where he's just a one-dimensional background character for the rest of the series after his introduction and origin story.

I hope Gabriel still has a role to play in the comics. It never sat well with me that he just disappeared into the background after he tried to sell Rick and Co. out to Douglas. What a weird and unsatisfying decision that was on Kirkman's part...


hm.......my theory right now for the TV series at least is that the horn is actually after episode 2 or 3 and what we are going to see in the next episode is whats happening in the town while rick and co are moving the horde.
If the popular theory on Gabriel ends up actually happening... It could be the best way to "redeem" him.

so will the views continue decline per every season premier from here on out? did twd finally hit its peak of popularity with season 5?

Well apparently the records were shattered pretty much everywhere else, it's the US where the ratings took a slump.

there is no fucking way they're gonna do that. in fact I feel like they would only even do that to provoke the audience, knowing how much of a following daryl has.

I don't feel so strong about that. Daryl has a big following but I think the effect his death would have on the show surviving is so exaggerated.
The blockbuster zombie apocalypse series showed again that its fanbase runs deep, though sometimes delayed – at least in viewing.

In Live + 3 results, the Season 6 premiere of The Walking Dead on October 11 drew 19.5 million viewers with a staggering 12.84 million among adults 18-49 and a 10.1 rating. On a night where the AMC show faced a down but still strong Sunday Night Football, that’s up 33% and 36% in the categories from what the series based on Robert Kirkman’s comic bit off in Live + Same Day numbers. Or put another way, TWD is up 4.9 million in total viewers from its Live + SD results and saw an increase of 3.4 million in the demo

The early numbers for TWD S6’s premiere were down from both the Season 5 and Season 4 debuts of TWD. On the flipside, not only are the DVR rises greater than what the Season 5 debut saw in Live + 3 last year but today’s numbers once again solidify TWD as the top show on both cable and broadcast among the 18-49s – for an impressive fourth season in a row. Though the 20.8 million viewers that Season 2 debut of Empire got in Live + 3 beat TWD S6 opener, the AMC show was ahead in the demo over the 11.002 million and 8.7 rating the formidable Fox show got.

Last year, coming off a record shattering Season 5 debut on October 12, 2014, TWD then rose 29% among viewers and 32% among the key demo in Live + 3 to smash another record. The delayed viewing results for TWD S5 opener saw 22.372 million total viewers and 14.523 million among the 18-49 – which remains the best result the show has had so far.

If the popular theory on Gabriel ends up actually happening... It could be the best way to "redeem" him.

Well apparently the records were shattered pretty much everywhere else, it's the US where the ratings took a slump.
what about the amount of views?

EDIT: so i'm guessing the cumulative worldwide views add up to 19.5 while the U.S was just the 14 number we had before?

I don't feel so strong about that. Daryl has a big following but I think the effect his death would have on the show surviving is so exaggerated.
eh, there's no real way to tell but we'll see (i don't think he's going to die)


Is that what they meant about the rest of the numbers? So BOTH the Live+SD and Live+3 numbers dropped by almost 3 million between the premieres for Season 5 and 6.

Thanks Obama FTWD!


I watched the premiere just the other day and I have to say that I found it really strong. Not a fan of the BW flashbacks but the whole episode was packed with action and the aftermath of S5's finale. Also, even though I dislike Gabriel and Nicholas, I really felt bad for them when they wanted to help and they went ignored. Tbh, even if Gabriel is shitty, it's not like every character around him can be considered sane. Especially Rick. Rick has proven quite a few times that he's the most crazy person in the group.
what about the amount of views?

EDIT: so i'm guessing the cumulative worldwide views add up to 19.5 while the U.S was just the 14 number we had before?

Both numbers are just from AMC's network, so the US.

The 14M number was without live+3, the 19.5 is with live+3 included. Basically live+3 includes three days of time-shifted viewing so people that recorded it with DVR are also taken into account.

The estimated world-wide number is unknown but we do know the new episode broke S5 records pretty much everywhere internationally. That includes arguably the second biggest TWD market [Fox UK] that had its highest overnight audience in history.
I saw the episode today on AMC's website and honestly I LOVED it

Absolutely one of my favorite episodes of the series. I've been woefully complaining about the lack of "we're taking it all back" narratives in zombie media, and while the Season 6 premier wasn't exactly that, it scratched that itch wonderfully. It was amazing seeing them pull of the heist with ruthless efficiency.

I loved the dual narrative setup, character interactions were AAA, they made Eugene being a big weenie into something entertaining instead of embarrassing, and it was awesome seeing Morgan hanging out with the gang!

Really incredible episode, and while I wish they would have had a solid victory thanks to their awesome planning, the ending left my jaw drop. Fantastic way to start the season off and I can't wait till next time!


A few extra interviews from EW:

“Nicholas is a little bit brash and does what he knows he needs to,” says Traynor. “And that’s put himself in a position where he can help. I really do think that the way they are writing season 6 that there is a real desire to redeem himself.”
Interesting tidbit No. 1: The scene did not originally exist at all. Originally, Heath would just kind of be there in Alexandria, sort of like other characters we never saw in season 5, like Ethan Embry’s Carter. But as McDermitt explains, showrunner Scott M. Gimple then decided a proper introduction was in order. “Scott Gimple told me that Heath was just there in the script that they wrote,” says McDermitt. “So they went back and wrote a scene to introduce this character so there was no question of who this guy was. And they thought, what better character to put there than Eugene!”

Not only that, but here comes interesting tidbit No. 2: When asked by Heath why we was on guard duty, Eugene almost had a very different response. Allow McDermitt to explain: “We actually had a few alternate lines that we had shot. [Heath] said, ‘Deanna put you on guard duty?’ And [Eugene] says, ‘No, I was walking by and she said she had to go to the bathroom for a few ticks. It’s been more than a few ticks.’ We had a couple of alternate lines there. He said, ‘I was walking by and she asked to use the restroom. She’s been gone a while. I suspect she’s dealing with an unannounced visitor — much like myself. Hers of the female variety.’ I was like, ‘Yes, let’s do that!’ ”
The Sasha we will see in season 6 is no longer dead inside and merely waiting to die on the outside as well, says Martin-Green. “I have realized that I was crazy, that I was acting like a crazy person,” she said. “The veil has been lifted. I’ve seen myself, and I realized that I should be ashamed for the way I behaved and I need to honor the ones that I’ve lost and actually try to live life they way they did instead of living it like some psychopath — psycopath against walkers, but still very unnatural and perverted behavior. I’ve seen the light, if you will. And I’m ready to honor Tyreese and honor Bob and serve this community.”


Hunky Nostradamus
New episode tonight!


As things begin to return to normal, a new problem arises for the Alexandrians.

The episode was written by Seth Hoffman (co-wrote the season 5 finale with Gimple) and was directed by Jennifer Lynch (season 5 episode 14).


Definitely don't open the article below unless you've read up through Issue 97 of the comic! A bunch of great subtle and insightful hints throughout.

Melissa McBride (Carol)

Carol has a lot going on. She got buffeted around by life. She was making big choices about her life that circumstance got in the way of and she's been quite adept at hiding. She likes being invisible but a lot of that is going to stack up and it's going to come to a head. It's not all lies and cookies!
Sonequa Martin-Green (Sasha)

Sasha, she went through some incredibly difficult things at the end of last year but came out the other side with a way forward, and we're going to see that way forward. We'll see how she's going to live. [Comic Spoilers]
Sasha is absolutely taking over part of Andrea's role here. The character of Andrea from the comic is [spoiler alert] still in the comic — and she's the second lead in the comic. A lot of people say Sasha is taking over Andrea's role because she's a sharp shooter, but Andrea is a three-dimensional character in the comic. ... We're distributing aspects of Andrea's personality throughout the other characters — and not necessarily just the female characters.
Lennie James (Morgan)

There's a lot going on with Morgan. He finally made it to Rick only to see that Rick is not entirely the dude he saw last in King County. In that one moment, he saw that they're on completely different pages. Morgan believes all life is precious; Rick just shot a dude in the face. They have some things to work out. Morgan will interestingly not necessarily come into conflict only with Rick; his story will deeply involve one of the other characters as well.
Alanna Masterson (Tara)

Finding out about Noah — and more than that — is not an easy thing for her. She has choices about how she reacts to news she gets moving forward. She also might find someone who affects her. One of the characters is going to very deeply affect her.
Christian Serratos (Rosita)

Rosita has a variety of challenges this year that she is going to have to deal with. The stuff that she tackles is going to form her into a person. I find Rosita to be a very tough, no-nonsense character and the things that will happen, will make her that much more tough and no-nonsense. We'll see that soldier come out. She's this grizzled, seasoned soldier.
Seth Gilliam (Father Gabriel)

It's gratifying that people get so mad at these characters! Father Gabriel, at the end of season five, shared the same opinion [that people hate him]. He was not down with himself, either. He's going to be pushing Sasha to kill him. He was right there with the fans on it. From the moment we met him, we knew something was up with him and found out about this horrible thing he did and how much it destroyed him and he betrayed everything he was supposed to be. Then to wind up in safety and a place where he could live and thrive, he couldn't deal with that. He felt as the audience felt: "I don't deserve this; I should die." But he didn't die. Maggie didn't want him to die. So what do you do with that? What will the audience do with that? The audience is where he is with that, too. What's going to happen with him because dying is not on the menu. I find that super interesting. What would be reprehensible is if he did all that stuff and then said, "Screw you guys." But he's not. He's in a place of shame and has to keep living, so what comes out of that? It's interesting and I'm curious how the audience will react to it.
Austin Nichols (Spencer)

This is the opportunity to learn more about who Spencer is this season. This season, we'll learn who he is. The good and some of the not so good stuff.
New additions Tom Payne
/Merritt Wever
/Corey Hawkins (Heath)

I'm psyched about all these actors. We lucked out getting each of them and they're adding to the texture and flavor of this series. With these many characters, you need actors with pretty distinct confident personas that poke out. With Merritt and Corey, there are skills they bring to the table but they are distinct characters with their own journeys going on. Their journeys complement and engage with the other characters. They aren't these individual strands; they're woven in to the greater tapestry that is our story this season.
[Comic Spoilers]
Negan (yet to be cast)

There is absolutely a chance — which also means there's absolutely not a chance — that we will see him this season. It really does tilt certain directions in the story. But you might see him just as a mailman this season; you might not even know you see him!

That last one though lol Gimple could give a master class on how to most effectively tease and troll an audience at the same time.

New episode tonight!


The episode was written by Seth Hoffman (co-wrote the season 5 finale with Gimple) and was directed by Jennifer Lynch (season 5 episode 14).

That was the first episode Lynch directed for TWD and based on that shot where it stayed on Aiden getting his insides ripped out for what felt like an eternity along with Noah's death scene, she really knows how to sell the gruesomeness of the show.
Definitely don't open the article below unless you've read up through Issue 97 of the comic! A bunch of great subtle and insightful hints throughout.
That last one though lol Gimple could give a master class on how to most effectively tease and troll an audience at the same time.


That was the first episode Lynch directed for TWD and based on that shot where it stayed on Aiden getting his insides ripped out for what felt like an eternity along with Noah's death scene, she really knows how to sell the gruesomeness of the show.
wow a lot of that is really exciting for me. Really like the Rosita stuff and I'm interested to see Sasha going forward. Just hyped for a lot really. I'm glad we finally have a core cast where I think I care about each and every one of them quite a bit.


wow a lot of that is really exciting for me. Really like the Rosita stuff and I'm interested to see Sasha going forward. Just hyped for a lot really. I'm glad we finally have a core cast where I think I care about each and every one of them quite a bit.


I haven't had this much anticipation for a season of TWD probably since Season 3, which was more of a letdown than not in the end... but now we've got Gimple behind the wheel!

In Gimple We Trust™
I thought the black and white was a great touch but it was only used for the flashback in the first episode. Don't see why it would be in this one.
Gonna call it: Carl's mysterious girl-friend is going to up and leave at some point in this episode. She's already left the walls a lot, I think she'll do it permanently this time.
If we're lucky that teenage kid who is clearly a cunt might die tonight! Let us pray (doubt it).

If he was honking the horn then lawwd have mercy. I can't take it if it were him or gabriel.
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