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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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Random black dude replacement outta nowhere. The way this show handles black characters is hilarious.

Did Pete's older son also show up outta nowhere? I only remember the little kid last season.

BTW did Abraham's girlfriend die? I don't remember.

Apparently they can't kill OR introduce black characters without someone complaining.
Yep. This arc in the comics is devoid of external human threats so they added the wolves in to spice things up.
really? so nothing was going on in alexandria at this point?

they're just doing some to add to the characters' stress levels I guess because right after this season is supposed to be


Hunky Nostradamus
really? so nothing was going on in alexandria at this point?

Everything was going on in Alexandria - just not much was going on outside it, in the way of human threats.

they're just doing some to add to the characters' stress levels I guess because right after this season is supposed to be

With the bits of information they've leaked out in interviews, it seems like this season will cover volumes 14-16 of the comic, which (comic)
is mostly about the internal dynamics/politics/threats inside Alexandria. I guess they didn't think that would be enough to base a season around, so they invented the Wolves to keep the characters on their toes.
I like how whenever they introduce new characters who appear in the comic now, they stick closer to the comic version. Heath is spot on and all the more awesome for it.

Anyway, I liked this episode. It wasn't great but it was alright. It's a stupid plan though. There are ways to kill the herd without having to bet all the marbles like that. They could have built a series of funnels and reinforcements and taken the herd out over the course of weeks, for example. The odds of a natural disaster or something coming along are comparatively low vs Rick's stupid plan going awry.

Although maybe it was just me but the volume felt really muffled. I have a cold, so maybe my ears are a bit more blocked than I realize but even with our sound bar cranked all the way up, it sounded hard to hear and make out the dialogue. Especially in the black and white scenes.
Everything was going on in Alexandria - just not much was going on outside it, in the way of human threats.

With the bits of information they've leaked out in interviews, it seems like this season will cover volumes 14-16 of the comic, which (comic)
is mostly about the internal dynamics/politics/threats inside Alexandria. I guess they didn't think that would be enough to base a season around, so they invented the Wolves to keep the characters on their toes.
how many issues are in a volume?
Yep. This arc in the comics is devoid of external human threats so they added the wolves in to spice things up.

I thought the wolves were just a modified version of the scavengers from the comics. I mean considering the line that they use in the comics and the fact that they are called the wolves in the show.
I like how whenever they introduce new characters who appear in the comic now, they stick closer to the comic version. Heath is spot on and all the more awesome for it.

Anyway, I liked this episode. It wasn't great but it was alright. It's a stupid plan though. There are ways to kill the herd without having to bet all the marbles like that. They could have built a series of funnels and reinforcements and taken the herd out over the course of weeks, for example.
Even if that was the plan, the truck still would have fallen in a few days


Hunky Nostradamus
I thought the wolves were just a modified version of the scavengers from the comics. I mean considering the line that they use in the comics and the fact that they are called the wolves in the show.

Hmm, I must've blanked because I could've sworn they appeared on the show last season. But if not,
that's probably who the Wolves are.

where did they come into the story if not during the alexandria arc?

They're introduced in the Alexandria arc but I forgot about them because (comic)
they're so lame. Like, they're introduced and then almost immediately killed off before they do anything.
Good episode. Brisk pace. I was almost disappointed when I thought "oh here comes the drama" when Rick and that blonde chick were talking but thankfully it was short and to the point. Supporting cast on point. Carol is amazing as always. Morgan +1

Rick's plan is good. I just don't see why people are calling it a sabotage? The pit they were in looked like a quarry or something. Maybe it goes of periodically, hence why the zombies amassed there in the first place?
i asked this in the fear thread: is it confirmed that a zombie scratch can infect?
Hmm, I must've blanked because I could've sworn they appeared on the show last season. But if not,
that's probably who the Wolves are.

They're introduced in the Alexandria arc but I forgot about them because (comic)
they're so lame. Like, they're introduced and then almost immediately killed off before they do anything.
okay, well that explains that. so they're gonna be tougher on the show.
i asked this in the fear thread: is it confirmed that a zombie scratch can infect?

That's what I would like to know too. Unlike other zombie media, The Walking Dead (I don't think they did) never really explained about cuts right? Bites make you very sick and you die from sickness then get reanimated right? We do know that any death just leads to reanimation besides dying from a headshot.

I would assume scratches are just as deadly as a bite, if not, less deadly i.e., you succumb to sickness slower.


That's what I would like to know too. Unlike other zombie media, The Walking Dead (I don't think they did) never really explained about cuts right? Bites make you very sick and you die from sickness then get reanimated right? We do know that any death just leads to reanimation besides dying from a headshot.

I would assume scratches are just as deadly as a bite, if not, less deadly i.e., you succumb to sickness slower.

In Fear they explained that the bite doesn't spread the reanimation to you, since everyone is infected anyway. The bite just causes an untreatable infection that you die from, then the walker virus does what it does.
I like how whenever they introduce new characters who appear in the comic now, they stick closer to the comic version. Heath is spot on and all the more awesome for it.

I yelled HI, HEATH! He's so perfect.

I'm a little puzzled by people who don't want any "drama." Yeah, the show missteps with its human relationships, but also, none of these people are good at people. They're good at surviving. I like watching them fumble and try to figure out how to people without being total dicks. Nothing but zombiezombiezombie would get old really quickly.
i asked this in the fear thread: is it confirmed that a zombie scratch can infect?
okay, well that explains that. so they're gonna be tougher on the show.
In season 3, a prisoner got scratched and Rick was acting like it's a done deal for the guy. But we never see for sure because the "shit happens" guy kills him first
In Fear they explained that the bite doesn't spread the reanimation to you, since everyone is infected anyway. The bite just causes an untreatable infection that you die from, then the walker virus does what it does.

That I know. Bites get you sick, very sick (since they are filled with so many germs and infections) then you die from the sickness and get reanimated by the virus. But what about scratches/cuts? We should assume that they also make you sick and then you die and reanimate? We would assume that our fingernails are also very dirty and filled with germs and varying degrees of infections right?

Okay, I think it is safe to assume that bites and scratches/cuts are dangerous. (saw the post when I was typing this post about season 3)

I found it funny how submissive Nicholas was to Glenn. Like when he saved Heath he was like, "did I do good Glenn? I did the right thing?" Glenn gives him the okay and tells him to finish the last zombie. Good, you better because Glenn is a legit badass and you better not piss him off again.


lol @ people saying the plan was bad. That plan was amazing given what they had to work with in terms of manpower and firepower.

Also I love heath.


I instantly understood what they were going for with the B&W and I did end up liking the episode, with a bit of boredom in the beginning.

One thing that shocked me was the horrible cgi again. Oh lawd! Did the same people from the Fear The Walking Dead boat scene do the cgi in this one? The falling vehicle cgi, the horde following the car cgi, this early shot with flare/smoke flying up in the air, it all looked terrible!
I instantly understood what they were going for with the B&W and I did end up liking the episode, with a bit of boredom in the beginning.

One thing that shocked me was the horrible cgi again. Oh lawd! Did the same people from the Fear The Walking Dead boat scene do the cgi in this one? The falling vehicle cgi, the horde following the car cgi, this early shot with flare/smoke flying up in the air, it all looked terrible!
The CGI was noticeably bad. Like, I'm not one of those people who will usually notice that kind of thing but hot damn did I see it here. It was, like, 'that cantina musical number in Jabba's palace in the special edition of Return of the Jedi'-bad.
I like how whenever they introduce new characters who appear in the comic now, they stick closer to the comic version. Heath is spot on and all the more awesome for it.

Anyway, I liked this episode. It wasn't great but it was alright. It's a stupid plan though. There are ways to kill the herd without having to bet all the marbles like that. They could have built a series of funnels and reinforcements and taken the herd out over the course of weeks, for example. The odds of a natural disaster or something coming along are comparatively low vs Rick's stupid plan going awry.

Although maybe it was just me but the volume felt really muffled. I have a cold, so maybe my ears are a bit more blocked than I realize but even with our sound bar cranked all the way up, it sounded hard to hear and make out the dialogue. Especially in the black and white scenes.

The odds obviously weren't that low as the barricade failed the day before they even intended to start.


all these other plans people keep posting are terrible

they carry too much risk and chance.

Unlike Rick's ?

When you take chances all it takes is one time, one event, one storm like rick said, one barrier to give in

There's only a 3 metres wide path out the quarry.
Block it with a simple barrier. That would buy you enough time to build a better one behind it. And an even thicker third one.

You're not taking chances. There's barriers already, just secure those and buy enough time to build better ones.

Sorry, Rick's plan doesn't make any sense, like everything else people do in zombie flicks. Then again zombies would never be a major threat otherwise.


I'm not averse to "time jump" narratives in storytelling-but there really seemed no point to it here. Telling this sorry in chronological order would have been much better for this particular episode.

Team dumb plan. I really thought I was missing something until I opened this thread and read others just as perplexed as me.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I'm not averse to "time jump" narratives in storytelling-but there really seemed no point to it here. Telling this sorry in chronological order would have been much better for this particular episode.

Team dumb plan. I really thought I was missing something until I opened this thread and read others just as perplexed as me.

I'd imagine it was to balance out the episode. The black and white scenes are pretty much right after the season 5 finale. Going in chronological order, it would have been a lot of talking before we got to the plan or any action at all.


Hunky Nostradamus
Andy Greenwald - ‘The Walking Dead’ Keeps Shuffling Toward Greatness But Never Quite Gets There

No show in TV history is as malleable as The Walking Dead: Characters can be shredded as easily as script pages; settings can be swapped on the fly. Is it really that far-fetched to imagine a Walking Dead season like Mad Men‘s Season 5, one in which cinematic styles are inserted and ejected like shotgun shells and experimentation isn’t just something performed on unwilling subjects in poorly lit basements?

I found the premiere to be plenty gripping and generally entertaining. But I also found it to be formally ambitious in a way The Walking Dead almost never is. It played with time and expectations. It shifted from black-and-white to color as easily as it switched from violence to anguish.

I’d love a bottle episode told from the perspective of a dog. I want Sasha, Michonne, and Carol to go off on a supply run and seriously consider never coming back. I want a multi-episode arc about a high-status idiot making the most of the end of the world. (If it sounds like I’m talking about The Last Man on Earth with brain-sucking ghouls banging on the mansion windows and knocking over the margarita pool, you’re exactly right.) I want The Walking Dead to push past the limits of its own grim psychology and experience the kind of crazy that has nothing to do with sorrow-beards and crossbow bolts. Keep the body count high. But, for once, let The Walking Dead actually live.

Cripes, it sounds like he wants The Walking Dead to be a Twilight Zone-esque anthology series where each episode is wildly different and unconnected from the last. As a critic, Greenwald is generally hit or miss, and I think this article definitely classifies as the latter. Thoughts?


The constant back and forth from black and white to colour was really jarring surely they could have found a better way to edit that. Other than that it was a good episode looking forward to the next one.


Man, I'm just not used to having to wait a week between episodes since I've been using Netflix :( Watched Season 1-5 all over the last few months.
At least there's a legal way for me in Germany to watch new episodes on the AMC site for free without an US cable subscription.
Man, I'm just not used to having to wait a week between episodes since I've been using Netflix :( Watched Season 1-5 all over the last few months.
At least there's a legal way for me in Germany to watch new episodes on the AMC site for free without an US cable subscription.

I came here to post almost exactly the same thing, regarding how weird it is to now have to wait for new episodes. I just finished Season 5 over a week ago, after saving every episode via AMC's August marathons.

I want to watch episode 2 now.

I hope they find some military stash and just go insane.


I really liked the premiere. The black and white was a nice homage to the comics even thought the show is based on it.

I just wish they would stop with those stealth walkers.
I really liked the premiere. The black and white was a nice homage to the comics even thought the show is based on it.

I just wish they would stop with those stealth walkers.
Personally I think this time it actually was kind of justified and made sense. Since Carter is so untrained and because the walker was essentially a land mine, unmoving and hidden behind the tree trunk


Unlike Rick's ?

There's only a 3 metres wide path out the quarry.
Block it with a simple barrier. That would buy you enough time to build a better one behind it. And an even thicker third one.

You're not taking chances. There's barriers already, just secure those and buy enough time to build better ones.

Sorry, Rick's plan doesn't make any sense, like everything else people do in zombie flicks. Then again zombies would never be a major threat otherwise.

But they didn't want them in the quarry at all. The noise of the herd would continue to draw more in.


Unlike Rick's ?

There's only a 3 metres wide path out the quarry.
Block it with a simple barrier. That would buy you enough time to build a better one behind it. And an even thicker third one.

You're not taking chances. There's barriers already, just secure those and buy enough time to build better ones.

Sorry, Rick's plan doesn't make any sense, like everything else people do in zombie flicks. Then again zombies would never be a major threat otherwise.

Eventually there would be to many walkers in the quarry

Hell they could barely get that one barrier up on the corner before the walkers started pushing through the trucks
There's only a 3 metres wide path out the quarry.
Block it with a simple barrier. That would buy you enough time to build a better one behind it. And an even thicker third one.

You're not taking chances. There's barriers already, just secure those and buy enough time to build better ones.

Sorry, Rick's plan doesn't make any sense, like everything else people do in zombie flicks. Then again zombies would never be a major threat otherwise.

We've seen how well "simple" barriers work, both on this and FTWD. Contrived as it may be, that tractor fell off the path not more than two days after they discovered the quarry, and it was made clear that the noise was going to continue to draw walkers in until it became unwieldy.

Considering what they had to work with (a few vehicles, some metal plates they took from a construction site and a bunch of flareguns), they did pretty damn good considering.


I like how people are saying "Build up the defenses" as if that is a safer plan.

The quarry of walkers is attracting more walkers, the sound of building reinforcements would have drawn even more walkers. Just that crappy little fence they built was enough to draw walkers to them (and the Alexandrians were totally unable to deal with them)

Getting the Alexandrian workers so close to the quarry would have been a disaster. One slip up and they'd get everyone killed/release the horde.

And that's not to mention the fact that the cliff gave way anyway, which would have happened during the building process if they had gone that route.

Plus it is just inherently dangerous to have that many walkers so near to the safe zone, they could have been freed a myriad of ways, the truck falling (which it did), travellers coming across it, extreme weather (Zombnado anyone?)

Not to mention that they could have been weaponized to attack Alexandria
Great episode. I think the show came back with a bang! Seeing Rick and the gand direct thousands of walkers down the forest road was quite epic.

I like how people are saying "Build up the defenses" as if that is a safer plan.

The quarry of walkers is attracting more walkers, the sound of building reinforcements would have drawn even more walkers. Just that crappy little fence they built was enough to draw walkers to them (and the Alexandrians were totally unable to deal with them)

Getting the Alexandrian workers so close to the quarry would have been a disaster. One slip up and they'd get everyone killed/release the horde.

And that's not to mention the fact that the cliff gave way anyway, which would have happened during the building process if they had gone that route.

Plus it is just inherently dangerous to have that many walkers so near to the safe zone, they could have been freed a myriad of ways, the truck falling (which it did), travellers coming across it, extreme weather (Zombnado anyone?)

Not to mention that they could have been weaponized to attack Alexandria

Exactly. How all of this went over some viewers heads is really surprising when it was all explained very well and makes absolute sense.

And lol at some posters saying set the pit of walkers on fire, like that would kill them.
People keep saying that but I'm yet to see a decent explanation as to why their flesh wouldn't burn off completely.
Fire isn't going to burn them to skeletons. The group has fought burnt walkers before. The skin and flesh is charred but they're still mobile and dangerous
People keep saying that but I'm yet to see a decent explanation as to why their flesh wouldn't burn off completely.

Fire isn't going to burn them to skeletons. The group has fought burnt walkers before. The skin and flesh is charred but they're still mobile and dangerous

Yeah More_Badass is right. I believe fire would have to completely incinerate the walker's brains to be completely work.

There's some pics on the previous page showing how fire hasn't been effective against them.
Fire isn't going to burn them to skeletons. The group has fought burnt walkers before. The skin and flesh is charred but they're still mobile and dangerous
There is also the threat of a forest fire, and where do they get that amount of fuel to create and sustain the fire.

The best was would be to lead them off a high cliff, but there wasn't one around. Otherwise leading them downhill away from their home is the only viable way.
Only thing that puzzles me is why they didn't use something louder than a car engine. You know just in case something louder came along like it did.

Other than that it was solid plan. Who the hell can sleep at night knowing thousands of zombies are down the block? Get them the fuck away asap.
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