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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 7, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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Sketchbook Picasso
The only consistent lesson that's stuck with me this season is "All those who try and take out Negan get OTHERS killed."

I feel more for "Rosita lost SOMEONE ELSE!" than I do for Spencer personally. After he told HER that they need to bide time over the years, appeasing Negan, he goes and jumps way too high, way too fast. It didn't match what he SAID he was doing at all, and it just feels like a fools death because of that.

Olivia's feels pretty tragic. After she put up with Negan being under the same roof and eating dinner with him, this is what she gets for looking after the Grimes family interest better than the cowboy-on-a-mission Carl.

Michonne even racked up a kill just for riding in a car.

I don't blame Rosita for missing, either. The Bat saved Negan, it was clearly an emotional, "TAKE THE SHOT!", the stupid thing is that she went through all this to get one bullet to kill a single man that has an army. Wanting to kill him for what he did to the others is... semi-fine, but Negan's men would have killed a lot more after his death.

And Negan... still does less in his moments of vengeance than our main group often does.

I kinda feel bad for the actor playing Spencer...

I don't, didn't we hear he's dating Chloe Bennet (Daisy from Agents of Shield)? And like he said on TWD, he got a solid, faithful to the comic death. It'll be remembered for that.

So that's how Daryl gets out? He just...walks out and runs into Jesus who happens to find him? Wth?

Yeah, this was a really crappy, weak escape after the same exact thing happened last time he tried to escape. Oh, and he left a present of a dead Joey with the guys that have all the power currently. (Is it cruel when Negan does it, but cool when Daryl does?) Surely, that won't anger him! Though maybe it's good to make him a bit emotional... he'll surely come back in force, but it'll hopefully make him sloppy?

It's... nice to see the main cast (and... dinE?) together, and I like it a lot for the pacing aspect. I think it's a bit stupid they can go and "form up!" at Hilltop so easily (no sneaking, no cars from what we saw, they just walked there!), though; for a guy who'se everywhere, everything that's going on at Hilltop has been a HUGE blindspot for Neggy.

I'm glad we'll see Ezekiel soon. HIs way is the only one that doesn't feel like the same kill-crazed normalcy the show constantly employs. It's best when we see SOME deviation from the most blunt, but it actually WORKS, even if only for a time. After killing the satellite base failed, we really should be moving from the idea that straight killing is the only, best way to solve EVERYTHING.


Content Roundup – Episode 708: “Hearts Still Beating”


AMC Inside The Walking Dead:
  • The Making of Episode 708, “Hearts Still Beating” - AMC
  • Inside Episode 708: “Hearts Still Beating” - AMC
  • Preview of Season 7, Part 2 - AMC
Producer & Cast Interviews:
Critic Reviews:
Talking Dead's Inside The Dead
  • The boat was not the only thing taking on water in this episode's scene. Andrew Lincoln had to empty his water-filled boots between takes.
  • Lennie James compares Morgan's struggle with killing to Bruce Banner's struggle with the Hulk. "I got this green monster that lives inside me, and I kind of don't wanna let him out."
  • According to Ross Marquand, it was especially hot while filming his scene with the Saviors in Alexandria. The asphalt clocked in at 140 degrees Fahrenheit.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Not gonna lie, the Rick n Daryl hug....damn..seeing Daryl break down before the hug.

Cannot wait for next year.


JDM's physicality is just not working with how scrawny he is, I don't need the show to be 100 percent pure to the comics but when he's lurching around like he's starving in a jacket way too big for him, as opposed to the unshakable bodybuilder he is in the comic... it's just not what it could be.

Luckily his performance is really good so he overcomes it, but I can't help but think how much stronger it would be if he put on weight.
TV show Neegan is like a cartoon character lol. I feel like the Governor was a far more menacing and effective villain than Neegan in the TV show. Also how come TV show Neegan can't even stand up straight? Everytime he moves it seems like he is about to start swing dancing any minute lol. I know it's a choice JDM made as an actor to play the character like that but IMO it doesn't fit lol.


i still don't get the Jesus guy. He feels like a cartoon character in what's otherwise a rather 'serious' show.

But hey, so does fucking Ezekiel and the ... mayor of Hilltop guy.

I'm happy about the way we went into midseason hiatus, and i share the sentiment that i don't get how Rosita is still alive. (from an in-world narrative perspective. I like her character and i'm happy she's still on the show)

Also, to those saying Rick's wrong in thinking 'even if we behave, Negan will just kill us' because people died this time around, for once again not playing by the rules:

we had:
Rosita - shooting Negan - alive
Carl - shooting 2 of Negan's guys - alive
Aaron - not really having done anything wrong apart from bringing home a crate that had a dickish note inside - beaten almost to death
Spencer - all but giving Negan a blowjob right there and then - being brutally stabbed
Ammo-lady - did nothing wrong, really - shot in the head

There's no "do X, you live, do Y, you die" with Negan, that's the main issue.
You get killed for being a spineless kiss-ass, you live even though you try to assassinate him, you get beaten up even though you just did one hell of a job scavenging - With Negan (and the saviours) around, nobody is ever safe, no matter what you do or don't do. And that's what Rick realized, i think.
I liked this episode, but the ending was like the family guy star wars joke when they were above the Sarlacc pit with just doing head nods for five minutes with no dialogue.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
i still don't get the Jesus guy. He feels like a cartoon character in what's otherwise a rather 'serious' show.

But hey, so does fucking Ezekiel and the ... mayor of Hilltop guy.

I'm happy about the way we went into midseason hiatus, and i share the sentiment that i don't get how Rosita is still alive. (from an in-world narrative perspective. I like her character and i'm happy she's still on the show)

Also, to those saying Rick's wrong in thinking 'even if we behave, Negan will just kill us' because people died this time around, for once again not playing by the rules:

we had:
Rosita - shooting Negan - alive
Carl - shooting 2 of Negan's guys - alive
Aaron - not really having done anything wrong apart from bringing home a crate that had a dickish note inside - beaten almost to death
Spencer - all but giving Negan a blowjob right there and then - being brutally stabbed
Ammo-lady - did nothing wrong, really - shot in the head

There's no "do X, you live, do Y, you die" with Negan, that's the main issue.
You get killed for being a spineless kiss-ass, you live even though you try to assassinate him, you get beaten up even though you just did one hell of a job scavenging - With Negan (and the saviours) around, nobody is ever safe, no matter what you do or don't do. And that's what Rick realized, i think.

And this is why Negan is just as dangerous as the Gov. I cant really say one is better at being a villain. Both could lull you to sleep, make you let your guard down.
With the Gov you could kind of figure him out once the mask fell off. With Negan he's too unpredictable.


Yeah it's almost like they're comic book characters

yeah, i know/get that, but up until now, the show was rather 'serious' / 'realistic'.
I do feel like a long haired guy who jump-kicks zombies, calls himself Jesus and 'is super great at sneaking/infiltrating and stuff' - i don't feel any of the previous characters compares to that.
To me, right now, Jesus feels like a 'character', not a person. - if that makes any sense to you.
yeah, i know/get that, but up until now, the show was rather 'serious' / 'realistic'.
I do feel like a long haired guy who jump-kicks zombies, calls himself Jesus and 'is super great at sneaking/infiltrating and stuff' - i don't feel any of the previous characters compares to that.
To me, right now, Jesus feels like a 'character', not a person. - if that makes any sense to you.
we don't know for sure though that he isn't the true jesus christ. Could be a future reveal which would make it all make sense.

I'm surprised that's what you're saying over a king with a pet tiger lol. Or an eyepatch wearing supervillain who calls himself the governor.


we don't know for sure though that he isn't the true jesus christ. Could be a future reveal which would make it all make sense.

I'm surprised that's what you're saying over a king with a pet tiger lol. Or an eyepatch wearing supervillain who calls himself the governor.

Ezekiel and Negan are in the same category as Jesus, to me ... it's just ... they don't do the kicking ;)
(haven't spent time with show-Ezekiel enough, but the "it's all an act" thing makes his whole deal kinda meta...)

And the governor, while on paper, he's an "eye patch wearing supervillain", he didn't behave like that in the show. He wasn't over the top, at all.


My recording got fucked up at the 0:52 min mark can someone tell me what happened in the last 2/3'rds of the episode? Thanks


My recording got fucked up at the 0:52 min mark can someone tell me what happened in the last 2/3'rds of the episode? Thanks

Can't you watch it on amc.com or something?

or you know ... get it via ... uhm ... you know ...

when did your recording stop? like, after what scene?

"fucked up at the 0:52 min mark" vs. "what happened in the last 2/3rds" doesn't really compute.

you're only missing like ... one third of the episode then, aren't you?


Let's hope we just have Rick and Carl left by the end of this season so they can go on their The Last of Us-esque escapade. We badly need a reboot of this or something. Season 7. a.k.a How not to do one.
remember when daryl killed that fat guy while escaping? the guy said "im just trying to get by" darlys reply ; "nah you're trying to get it all"
yeah, i know/get that, but up until now, the show was rather 'serious' / 'realistic'.
I do feel like a long haired guy who jump-kicks zombies, calls himself Jesus and 'is super great at sneaking/infiltrating and stuff' - i don't feel any of the previous characters compares to that.
To me, right now, Jesus feels like a 'character', not a person. - if that makes any sense to you.

I think Jesus blends in a bit better in the comics, and we'd spent a lot more time with him by this point in the timeline. (I wish they'd kept his comic book intro, it was glorious, along with the scenes of them going to Hilltop. A lot less amicable on Rick's behalf!) Jesus in the comics feels a lot more like 'really badass dude who looks like Jesus'. Jesus in the TV show feels like Gimple went the biblical route in terms of inspiration a bit more? That isn't to say martial arts Jesus isn't absurdly larger than life, but I do feel like he blends a lot better in the comics.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
remember when daryl killed that fat guy while escaping? the guy said "im just trying to get by" darlys reply ; "nah you're trying to get it all"

This was totally unexpected by me. But hey, I like it. Sometimes you cant take it easy on everybody.

Makes you wonder if Daryl had just killed Dwight and maybe his 2 lady friends in the woods what would have changed with Negan and his crew?
I haven't been that into this season, only watched the first three episodes in fact, but damn if that mid-season ending wasn't awesome af. It was like the Season 4 finale. Seeing mostly everyone back together and ready to fight was so damn good.


People actually enjoyed this shitty, contrived mid-season wet thud?

Color me surprised.

I felt like this was just a continuation of the same ham-fisted, boring mess that describes every episode since the season premiere. Rick and Aaron playing a game of zombie frogger to get to the goodies on the boat was Star Wars prequel/Megaman levels of ridiculousness. People paralyzed with fear one minute while in the presence of Negan, but saying "fuck it'" the minute he's out of sight to move the plot towards it's entirely obvious conclusion...

I think this is a new low for the series.
One of the better episodes for sure

And tbh: I dislike Negan's people way more than Negan himself

Agreed, his people, or the ones we've seen, are full on raging sadists. With a few exceptions, Dwight and maybe the neck tattoo gal?

I have no idea how he would find so many needlessly cruel people who revel in the suffering they inflict. But I guess D.C., so maybe former republican staffers?
Agreed, his people, or the ones we've seen, are full on raging sadists. With a few exceptions, Dwight and maybe the neck tattoo gal?

I have no idea how he would find so many needlessly cruel people who revel in the suffering they inflict. But I guess D.C., so maybe former republican staffers?

They are all in competition to get favor, and likely they are the "badasses" taken from other groups.


Agreed, his people, or the ones we've seen, are full on raging sadists. With a few exceptions, Dwight and maybe the neck tattoo gal?

I have no idea how he would find so many needlessly cruel people who revel in the suffering they inflict. But I guess D.C., so maybe former republican staffers?

They should just kill off half of Rick's group, what a bunch of pointless and annoying characters.

other than rosita at the moment I actually really like the core group now.

I love father gabriel these days, eugene is the bomb, aaron is an awesome addition, etc...

I think they did a decent job trimming the fat on all the annoyingness. Now I just want Richard to join the main group instead of the kingdom because he's the man.


So tired of what.. a season and a half of Carol pouting. Her and Morgan's contribution to the plotline/character development has been stale as fuck.

But man when you see the main group back together and getting emotional.. you know exactly what went wrong this season (so far). Too much side story bullshit without the main crew doing things together.

I mean what really happened in 8 episodes aside from the opener and midseason? Not a whole lot at all. Really wish they would have spent that time rallying the communities together. Now we have to sit through a bunch of dialogue about how they should come together to combat Negan/Saviors.


People actually enjoyed this shitty, contrived mid-season wet thud?

Color me surprised.

I felt like this was just a continuation of the same ham-fisted, boring mess that describes every episode since the season premiere. Rick and Aaron playing a game of zombie frogger to get to the goodies on the boat was Star Wars prequel/Megaman levels of ridiculousness. People paralyzed with fear one minute while in the presence of Negan, but saying "fuck it'" the minute he's out of sight to move the plot towards it's entirely obvious conclusion...

I think this is a new low for the series.

Don't leave how how Rick's people didn't listen, people that he didn't care that much about died because of it, in a uncharacteristic display of mercy Carl was brought back and not hurt, and now Rick wants to fight weird transformation. Which made the whole season pointless. That's the worst bit of "character development" on the show since whatever happened to Carol.


Negan is too scrawny carl and judith could have taken him out in the bathroom. Should have got JDM to put on some weight at least.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
So tired of what.. a season and a half of Carol pouting. Her and Morgan's contribution to the plotline/character development has been stale as fuck.

But man when you see the main group back together and getting emotional.. you know exactly what went wrong this season (so far). Too much side story bullshit without the main crew doing things together.

I mean what really happened in 8 episodes aside from the opener and midseason? Not a whole lot at all. Really wish they would have spent that time rallying the communities together. Now we have to sit through a bunch of dialogue about how they should come together to combat Negan/Saviors.

As of right now Rick and Co. only now about Hilltop. (and Tara knows about Oceanside but who knows whats gonna happen with that) I wonder how does the Kingdom get introduced?

I kinda like how the same thing that Rick and them did with attacking Negan is coming into play with Richard and the Kingdom. And Carol n Morgan not knowing the price Rick n Co. paid for attacking Negan's men at that outpost.

I know some wanted all this already on the table but sometimes you need a slow buildup. Like having ppl wondering wtf is wrong with Rick just laying down to Negan. It took all that happened this season and a speech by Michonne to bring Rick back from wuss land. I like it.

Its like Ok, Negan I tried it your way. I really tried....My ppl aint gonna listen or bow down anyway so fuck it.

And I believe this mid season finale ending wouldnt have had the same impact if Rick didnt bitch out. Its like a AAWW SHIT moment because of how the season was playing out so far.


People actually enjoyed this shitty, contrived mid-season wet thud?

Color me surprised.

I felt like this was just a continuation of the same ham-fisted, boring mess that describes every episode since the season premiere. Rick and Aaron playing a game of zombie frogger to get to the goodies on the boat was Star Wars prequel/Megaman levels of ridiculousness. People paralyzed with fear one minute while in the presence of Negan, but saying "fuck it'" the minute he's out of sight to move the plot towards it's entirely obvious conclusion...

I think this is a new low for the series.

There were a couple good moments (and one VERY good moment at the end of the episode), but aside from that yeah it was a bad episode. The boat scene was probably the stupidest thing I've ever seen hardened survivors do on the show and using the signs to stab zombies while they're almost falling into the lake was hilarious, my GF and I were genuinely laughing our asses off.

It's like the writers' thoughts are on the screen.. "What new and interesting way can we use to create a scavenging-gone-wrong scenario? I know.. they get INTO A BOAT AND THERE'S WALKERS PULLING THEM INTO A LAKE." I mean can you get anymore contrived..

As of right now Rick and Co. only now about Hilltop. (and Tara knows about Oceanside but who knows whats gonna happen with that) I wonder how does the Kingdom get introduced?

I kinda like how the same thing that Rick and them did with attacking Negan is coming into play with Richard and the Kingdom. And Carol n Morgan not knowing the price Rick n Co. paid for attacking Negan's men at that outpost.

I know some wanted all this already on the table but sometimes you need a slow buildup. Like having ppl wondering wtf is wrong with Rick just laying down to Negan. It took all that happened this season and a speech by Michonne to bring Rick back from wuss land. I like it.

Its like Ok, Negan I tried it your way. I really tried....My ppl aint gonna listen or bow down anyway so fuck it.

Right but all of what was leading up to Michonne's speech could have easily been done in two or three episodes, not 6. But that's the story of TWD's life right there. Filler bullshit so they don't have to come up with interesting content and just continue to borrow from the comic.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
It's like the writers' thoughts are on the screen.. "What new and interesting way can we use to create a new scavenging-gone-wrong scenario? I know.. they get INTO A BOAT AND THERE'S WALKERS PULLING THEM INTO A LAKE."

They've been doing that since at least Season 2. Remember the well zombie and the group's master plan of lowering Glen into it, which resulted in them destroying the well water and none of it mattering. It actually has undermined the storytelling at times. Like in the season opener with Rick on top of the RV and the zombie guts hanging from the overpass. Even during moments where it wants to be taken seriously, this show has a juvenile need to insert a new "cool" zombie kill in every episode. It's extremely transparent. Then again, that's what some of the audience wants.


The show isn't perfect. We've known that for years. While its frustrating at times almost enough to make us stop watching, there's still something here that keeps us coming back. I think this season had both sides of that with the opener and the mid-finale.

I am very happy to be at the point now where we can move past watching Saviors bully the main group week after week. It was getting to be too much. I'm ready for a glorious team effort where they can hold their heads high again.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
There were a couple good moments (and one VERY good moment at the end of the episode), but aside from that yeah it was a bad episode. The boat scene was probably the stupidest thing I've ever seen hardened survivors do on the show and using the signs to stab zombies while they're almost falling into the lake was hilarious, my GF and I were genuinely laughing our asses off.

It's like the writers' thoughts are on the screen.. "What new and interesting way can we use to create a scavenging-gone-wrong scenario? I know.. they get INTO A BOAT AND THERE'S WALKERS PULLING THEM INTO A LAKE." I mean can you get anymore contrived..

Right but all of what was leading up to Michonne's speech could have easily been done in two or three episodes, not 6. But that's the story of TWD's life right there. Filler bullshit so they don't have to come up with interesting content and just continue to borrow from the comic.

I mean if we look at them having episodes with the Kingdom, with Oceanside, with Daryl being captured/Dwight story, with Carl trying to kill Negan...they did do it in about 3, maybe 4 episodes. Negan brung Carl back as a message to Rick. He was planning on killing someone that day anyway.

I dont think introducing the Kingdom, Oceanside, showing Negan trying to break Daryl/more info on Dwight, Carl trying to kill Negan is filler. Hell, as of right now we dont even know if Oceanside is gonna be a part of this. I would really hope they would tho.


They've been doing that since at least Season 2. Remember the well zombie and the group's master plan of lowering Glen into it, which resulted in them destroying the well water and none of it mattering. It actually has undermined the storytelling at times. Like in the season opener with Rick on top of the RV and the zombie guts hanging from the overpass. Even during moments where it wants to be taken seriously, this show has a juvenile need to insert a new "cool" zombie kill in every episode. It's extremely transparent. Then again, that's what some of the audience wants.
Right but in season 2 they weren't grizzled survivors and Rick was trying to escape. I agree it's been dumb in the past but this is just a generic supply run the group has done a million times in the past felt a lot more out of place and obviously extreme for the sake of coming up with a new idea. It was just so incredibly stupid and stuck out like a sore thumb. But I do agree with you to an extent.


This show needs a complete reboot. Just start fresh with an entirely new cast and follow the comics down to the last detail. I would watch the hell out of an animated series based on the comics.


I mean if we look at them having episodes with the Kingdom, with Oceanside, with Daryl being captured/Dwight story, with Carl trying to kill Negan...they did do it in about 3, maybe 4 episodes. Negan brung Carl back as a message to Rick. He was planning on killing someone that day anyway.

I dont think introducing the Kingdom, Oceanside, showing Negan trying to break Daryl/more info on Dwight, Carl trying to kill Negan is filler. Hell, as of right now we dont even know if Oceanside is gonna be a part of this. I would really hope they would tho.
You're right it wasn't filler. All that shit is going to be important this next half a season and beyond. Also there's no doubt Oceanside is going to play some part. Kirkman and Gimple didn't introduce them just for the fuck of it. This season has been slow as hell but that doesn't equal filler.
Thank god the fat lady is dead, her whining was getting very annoying.

I've gotta say I love Negan so much more than I did in the comics, I'm finding every scene that doesn't include him so boring :/



Seems like it's time for All out War!


Thank god the fat lady is dead, her whining was getting very annoying.

I've gotta say I love Negan so much more than I did in the comics, I'm finding every scene that doesn't include him so boring :/



Seems like it's time for All out War!
Ya Negan has been so good in the show. Liking him just as much as I do in the comics.

Comic spoilers:
we gotta get through "march to war" first. But we're definitely almost there.


I mean if we look at them having episodes with the Kingdom, with Oceanside, with Daryl being captured/Dwight story, with Carl trying to kill Negan...they did do it in about 3, maybe 4 episodes. Negan brung Carl back as a message to Rick. He was planning on killing someone that day anyway.

I dont think introducing the Kingdom, Oceanside, showing Negan trying to break Daryl/more info on Dwight, Carl trying to kill Negan is filler. Hell, as of right now we dont even know if Oceanside is gonna be a part of this. I would really hope they would tho.
My point was that they wasted 3 or 4 episodes on filler. What has actually happened with either the story or the characters aside from the premiere and midseason? Carl gets some development with Negan, I guess you can day Daryl gets some development with Negan/Dwight, although we already knew he is loyal and strong. Carol is the same she's been for a season and a half. Morgan is the same.

Compare that to season 2 where you could argue not a lot happens with the plot itself. Goddamn near every character gets some sort of development and almost every scene feels like there's a purpose in comparison to what we have now. It's not perfect but on rewatches, you realize that it's a season that's completely dedicated to its characters and their struggles. There's more of a cohesive whole and their interactions feel real/genuine. Fast forward to now where we don't even remember the characters who are given an hour and a half of screen time when. That feels like filler to me, even if the takeaway was Oceana.

I get that they're setting up the plot but they've done this at the expense of their characters.
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