...after a single genetic mutation took hold around 2013:
If you want to see how fragile our foothold on Earth is, the article above is key. One single mutation takes hold, and a relatively harmless virus can now kill and maim thousand to millions.
This is why its essential that the WHO and the Centers for Disease Control have the freedom and the money to respond to threats like this that can pop up at any time. The current administrations anti-science bent is one of the many ways they could inadvertently kill us all.
When the Zika virus was first isolated from a Ugandan forest monkey in 1947 and found in mildly ill humans a few years later, it was hardly worth a mention in the annals of human disease.
What a difference a mutation can make.
In a new round of genetic sleuthing, Chinese researchers have pinpointed the single genetic change that has made the Zika virus a fearsome plague to pregnant women and their babies across the Americas, responsible for thousands of cases of microcephaly and other grievous brain abnormalities that sometimes result in death.
The Chinese researchers also came close to pinpointing the time at which the Zika virus graduated from unwelcome pest status to an international scourge. That change, they surmised, occurred around May 2013, a few months before the start of a two-year outbreak in French Polynesia and three other Pacific islands.
If you want to see how fragile our foothold on Earth is, the article above is key. One single mutation takes hold, and a relatively harmless virus can now kill and maim thousand to millions.
This is why its essential that the WHO and the Centers for Disease Control have the freedom and the money to respond to threats like this that can pop up at any time. The current administrations anti-science bent is one of the many ways they could inadvertently kill us all.