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‘Japanese’ historian who blasted AC: Shadows turns out to be a white guy

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It's even funnier when you consider the fact Ubisoft has been adding fictional characters (and even alien-like people, like the Isu) to historical events/periods since the beginning of the franchise and now, all of the sudden, people complain when a fictional character based on a legend is added to the game lol


It's even funnier when you consider the fact Ubisoft has been adding fictional characters (and even alien-like people, like the Isu) to historical events/periods since the beginning of the franchise and now, all of the sudden, people complain when a fictional character based on a legend is added to the game lol
Elon changed the game now on Twitter.

Now you get guys like this and grumpzy guy spewing controversial shit to gain outrage and clicks. This getting paid by Twitter.

It also works perfectly for tiktok, Instagram and YouTube. Make a rage baited videos and you will gain a lot of interaction. Don't really care about facts or fall out. People will do that for you.
rachel dolezal GIF by mtv


Will that impact sales? Damn, Ubisoft is cursed, there is always something fishy about Ubisoft content.
Ubisoft got free advertisement from this. Now people know more about this game.
And people who hate these type of people will buy the game to support them.
I'm still baffled that this controversy is even a thing, when the Assassin's Creed games, even when they had historical figures in them, always did their own thing with these figures, and the historical era these games took place in. Mixing stuff from Sci-Fi into them even.

I have no idea who goes to AC for historical accuracy.

And I have no idea how THIS is not okay, but Nioh is.

I'm still waiting for people to just stop being pussies, and admit that their issues with this game, is that they don't want no "darkies" in their Japanese setting. They are fine with "brighties" though. But not them "darkies".

I don't like Ubisoft, and I don't care for their attempt at diversity, because I know what they put out in past, and the things they SAID, that were very far from "woke".
It's dishonest.

I'm not defending this game, I won't play it. Is just boring to see verbose people not say the words "I don't like black people".
Damn, first Midori and now this dude. Must be a fetish.

NGL she had that whole thing down pat. Best actress of the century.

And I have no idea how THIS is not okay, but Nioh is.

I'm still waiting for people to just stop being pussies, and admit that their issues with this game, is that they don't want no "darkies" in their Japanese setting. They are fine with "brighties" though. But not them "darkies".

Yeah at this point that is basically the part they're too scared to come right out and say. What's funny is that, AFAIK, SBI isn't even involved with this game.

I do think there not being a Japanese male samurai protagonist is suspect, NGL there. Considering the setting and whatnot, even if AC games are in no way anywhere near 100% historically accurate (yet somehow that only matters now because "reasons"). But the argument from people against Shadows quickly moved from that (which could've been productive) to the typical racist & sexist stuff (which invites nothing but maliciousness and diminishing support).

It always happens like that, too. As BS and lolworthy SBI is, at least they managed to make their stupidity a business directly within the games industry. The people against that type can't even mobilize or be productive enough to make their agenda a business that could be doing something directly in the industry.

Which is hilarious, considering how many avenues exist these days to make & publish your own games.
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
I just hope he recognise his bad deed and going to fucking end it, grifters like these absolutely poisons the internet and they deserve nothing nice.


It's even funnier when you consider the fact Ubisoft has been adding fictional characters (and even alien-like people, like the Isu) to historical events/periods since the beginning of the franchise and now, all of the sudden, people complain when a fictional character based on a legend is added to the game lol
It was going to shit from the time of Odyssey. And let not pretend this next game will be good.
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Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.


Really, what else could you expect?

I think normal people would see something they don't like and decide not to buy it/play it and carry on with their lives. Whenever there is so much effort against something it always makes me think they have issues.


These guys remind me of the good old VGChartz days on those forums. Had a guy on there who was a PlayStation fanboy. He had everyone convinced he was a developer. Would never actually say what he worked on. Inevitably, he couldn't help himself. Said he worked for FromSoft. That he moved to Japan. Married a Japanese woman. Had three kids. Now he was making his own studio called Martian Extreme Gaming. A while later he had to come clean when he told someone what his name was, forgetting that he had claimed to work for FromSoft as a dev. His name appeared in none of the credits. He admitted he wasn't a dev. Had never been to Japan. Did not have his own family. In fact, he revealed he was actually just a basement dweller living with his grandma. He confided this to someone he thought wouldn't tell everyone. As soon as that got out, he immediately switched to being an Xbox fanboy when the PlayStation fans he had been lying to turned on him. Mental illness takes many forms.
It's even funnier when you consider the fact Ubisoft has been adding fictional characters (and even alien-like people, like the Isu) to historical events/periods since the beginning of the franchise and now, all of the sudden, people complain when a fictional character based on a legend is added to the game lol

Yea this is what they have been doing for a long time. They take real people from historical events and change them. I don't get how this was the one that got people all angry.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
So he experimented for 2 years as Garrett Barnes and then stopped when Assassins Creed was announced. :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
If so he is just like Yasuke then..
But seriously was he actually pretending or did people assume because of the name?


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
You don't have to be born in a specific country to be a historian of that country.

As a history scholar, I'd kind of agree, although it does make it a hell of a lot easier.
What's next, you are all going to get mad at people learning foreign languages too? Or get mad at people who cook food from other countries?

Being a historian and an expert in your chosen period/nation means more than reading some historical documents. You'd also need to travel on location, visit the battlefields, castles, churches. Dig deep into liabries and archives and look at very obscure sources that aren't online and then forensically analyse every part of them. Who wrote them, why, when etc. What was purpose of said document? Was the author biased etc which then normally leads you another rabbit hole of sources and the process starts again.

So yeah, very different to say, spending 30 minutes a day on Duolingo or cooking pasta.
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