‘Superman: Legacy’: James Gunn Taps David Corenswet And Rachel Brosnahan To Play Clark Kent And Lois Lane


The chick looks like an uglier kate perry, no idea who the dude is.
She can be somewhat of a seinfeld "twoface" but based on your comment Im assuming you havent seen ms Maisel cause iff ya did you would realise how hot she "can" be.

I will say most of her Head Shots make her look pretty average though.
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Gold Member
She can be somewhat of a seinfeld "twoface" but based on your comment Im assuming you havent seen ms Maisel cause iff ya did you would realise how hot she "can" be.

I will say most of her Head Shots make her look pretty average though.

Opinions and all but damn... I think she's a bombshell. Great body too that she's revealed in several roles.
I only looked some pictures on google.



"So, Mr. Luthor, tell me again about your genious plan on how to sell land."


Gold Member
Doubt it. Gunn would have taken a look at how successful Reeves was with giving us a Batman a couple of years into his mission, and will probably apply the same kind of thing to Clark. Nobody needs or wants to see his origins again. And Gunn doesn't have to make his Superman invulnerable to anything other than kryptonite. He can also use a lot of Superman's other enemies who are a physical match for him.
I'd be down for a more Fleischer level Superman (with flight, not "Super-jump" though). They just need to have a hard think about how much he should be able to lift and then design the action set pieces to reflect that. Like he can lift a small car but not a bus, punch through some concrete but not a solid marble block, 9mm bounces off his chest but 20 mike mike leaves big bruises and he isn't gonna stand in front of a 120mm APFSDS tank round anytime soon. Its really the actor invulnerability that hurts these DC films, especially Wonder Woman IMHO, as she just so casually shrugs off EVERYTHING there is no tension. Her charging the WW1 trench line was a great girl boss moment but they tripled down on it. Compare that to how beaten and bruised Cap and Ironman get in the MCU, that kinda stuff really sells the humanity and the risk to the audience.


Gold Member
I'd be down for a more Fleischer level Superman (with flight, not "Super-jump" though). They just need to have a hard think about how much he should be able to lift and then design the action set pieces to reflect that. Like he can lift a small car but not a bus, punch through some concrete but not a solid marble block, 9mm bounces off his chest but 20 mike mike leaves big bruises and he isn't gonna stand in front of a 120mm APFSDS tank round anytime soon. Its really the actor invulnerability that hurts these DC films, especially Wonder Woman IMHO, as she just so casually shrugs off EVERYTHING there is no tension. Her charging the WW1 trench line was a great girl boss moment but they tripled down on it. Compare that to how beaten and bruised Cap and Ironman get in the MCU, that kinda stuff really sells the humanity and the risk to the audience.
The problem is there's nothing super about that Superman with modern audiences. I also don't think it's this that hurts DC films. DC just hasn't been able to land any relatable world or character building outside of basically Batman. I personally think it's the worst time to try and reboot things. Capeshit is in a weird place and is more likely to be shot down even if it is good.


Gold Member
The problem is there's nothing super about that Superman with modern audiences. I also don't think it's this that hurts DC films. DC just hasn't been able to land any relatable world or character building outside of basically Batman. I personally think it's the worst time to try and reboot things. Capeshit is in a weird place and is more likely to be shot down even if it is good.
I actually think Batman, in general, is some of the WORST world building, especially the theatrical stuff. Very little attention paid to how the Bruce Wayne persona contributes to maintaining the Batman cover identity, how Bruce builds and develops his toys, why these bad guys stick around in Gotham, all that. We accept it because it is cool, but it really doesn't hold up well. Plus no one gives much if a hoot about Batmans supposed detective skills, he is usually being deliberately led around by the nose until he just out punches the bad guys.

Granted, a super alien masquerading as a beat reporter doesn't make much more sense but at least it explains how he affords an apartment :p


Looks like Clark Kent, no issues here. Give him a few months on the Cavill diet/bulking routine and he'll look the part even more.


“Guys, I know we have judged actors immediately when they are cast for superhero roles based on very little info other than their appearance and what little filmography we know them from and our ignorant belief that actors can‘t possess this little thing called “range”, but goddamn it, trust me guys, I know we’ve eaten crow for it consistently for decades, but I swear as Darkseid as my witness, this time I truly just “know” immediately the casting is bad! If you just….why are you putting a dead crow on a plate before me?”


Gold Member
Just as a reminder, this is what Henry looked like when he auditioned for Superman:


He didn't just randomly wake up looking like this after being cast:


Physique is something anyone can obtain. No doubt the new guy is going to look the part.


Gold Member
I'm kinda curious how much pressure the execs can put on an actor to physically fit in a role. You certainly hear stories of women being told to lose weight, but I wonder how much of the bulk-up for men is just their own decision. I've heard some actors talk about not really doing much for a role, as well as actors like Pratt that really work to get the part of Starlord. Or Matt Damon who voluntarily starved himself for Courage Under Fire because he thought it would enhance his performance. I figure most actors are cast for how they look at the time of casting, not really for a "here is a 4 month physique boot camp + juice" hoped for potential outside of isolated examples like 300.

That shirtless Cavill shot definitely dropped a TON of panties though, as does the Hemsworth Thor scenes. Definitely in their interest as actors to get cut for that money shot. Compare it to Cavills look in that Greek fantasy flick Immortals and the bulk was def an improvement for the ladies (source: my wife EVERY TIME that scene is on screen. Maybe its just the beard? :p


Jinzo Prime

I'm kinda curious how much pressure the execs can put on an actor to physically fit in a role. You certainly hear stories of women being told to lose weight, but I wonder how much of the bulk-up for men is just their own decision. I've heard some actors talk about not really doing much for a role, as well as actors like Pratt that really work to get the part of Starlord. Or Matt Damon who voluntarily starved himself for Courage Under Fire because he thought it would enhance his performance. I figure most actors are cast for how they look at the time of casting, not really for a "here is a 4 month physique boot camp + juice" hoped for potential outside of isolated examples like 300.

That shirtless Cavill shot definitely dropped a TON of panties though, as does the Hemsworth Thor scenes. Definitely in their interest as actors to get cut for that money shot. Compare it to Cavills look in that Greek fantasy flick Immortals and the bulk was def an improvement for the ladies (source: my wife EVERY TIME that scene is on screen. Maybe its just the beard? :p

I mean, Aquaman made a billion dollars off of Jason Momoa abs. There has to be a lot of pressure on the actors to get in shape.


Gold Member
I mean, Aquaman made a billion dollars off of Jason Momoa abs. There has to be a lot of pressure on the actors to get in shape.
Well, Mamoa STARTED the role in shape. No doubt these actors are incentivized for those specific shirtless shots (and women for any revealing shots) but I'm curious if there is an actual contract obligation to have a specific trainer/diet/work-out routine with a producer monitoring the process and making recs for "bigger biceps, smaller traps" etc or if it's just "Well, he is on shape now, let's hope he can keep it or even improve for the film".

Like was Zac Efron paid to SPECIFICALLY look like this in Baywatch, did he do it on his own, or did The Rock influence him?

He says it fucked him up, and seeing him now he looks.....weird, and I don't think I buy the "broke my jaw" story versus plastic surgery/growth hormone.

Anyway, this kinda thing is sooooooo overshadowed by women moaning about having to show a nipple, these guys are putting their lives at risk, as evidenced by all the wrestlers that die in their 50's doing much of the same thing. Compare it to leading men in the 70's and earlier, just schlubs straight from the bar :p


I'd be down for a more Fleischer level Superman (with flight, not "Super-jump" though). They just need to have a hard think about how much he should be able to lift and then design the action set pieces to reflect that. Like he can lift a small car but not a bus, punch through some concrete but not a solid marble block, 9mm bounces off his chest but 20 mike mike leaves big bruises and he isn't gonna stand in front of a 120mm APFSDS tank round anytime soon. Its really the actor invulnerability that hurts these DC films, especially Wonder Woman IMHO, as she just so casually shrugs off EVERYTHING there is no tension. Her charging the WW1 trench line was a great girl boss moment but they tripled down on it. Compare that to how beaten and bruised Cap and Ironman get in the MCU, that kinda stuff really sells the humanity and the risk to the audience.
A Superman that can not lift a bus LMFAO that sounds horrible. That is like saying Flash should be limited to Mach 1.He is Superman not Spider-Man. Human weaponry should be an inconvenience at most unless kryptonite is involved.
If a tank is enough to take out Superman then what do we need him for besides saving people from burning buildings because he can fly? For anyone he fights, the US military will literally be a bigger gun than him. "This looks like job for Superman!" not "This looks like a job for an AGM-65 Maverick!"
The greatest thing about Superman is that he has to power to easily conquer the world and yet it is the last thing he would ever do. He would rather die for the world than take it over.
If you want a Superman-like character that weak in a superhero movie just make a new one. Even Fleischer Superman could push back a skyscraper.

There can be plenty of tension with powerful characters, you simply have to bring threats on their level. Cavill Supes could kill (and in turn, BE killed by) other kryptonians with his bare hands. There was tension in those fights alone because of that. He was killed in BvS and I wager he could bicep curl an aircraft carrier let alone a bus.

MCU Cap is as strong as 20 men and Iron Man is just a guy in a suit. Of course they get hurt. Guys like Cap also should have no business being involved when the high tiers are duking it out. The fact that Thanos could not kill Cap in 3 seconds flat just makes him seem like not much of a threat. Diana also heals rapidly so bruises are not sticking around.


Gold Member
A Superman that can not lift a bus LMFAO that sounds horrible. That is like saying Flash should be limited to Mach 1.He is Superman not Spider-Man. Human weaponry should be an inconvenience at most unless kryptonite is involved.
If a tank is enough to take out Superman then what do we need him for besides saving people from burning buildings because he can fly? For anyone he fights, the US military will literally be a bigger gun than him. "This looks like job for Superman!" not "This looks like a job for an AGM-65 Maverick!"
The greatest thing about Superman is that he has to power to easily conquer the world and yet it is the last thing he would ever do. He would rather die for the world than take it over.
If you want a Superman-like character that weak in a superhero movie just make a new one. Even Fleischer Superman could push back a skyscraper.

There can be plenty of tension with powerful characters, you simply have to bring threats on their level. Cavill Supes could kill (and in turn, BE killed by) other kryptonians with his bare hands. There was tension in those fights alone because of that. He was killed in BvS and I wager he could bicep curl an aircraft carrier let alone a bus.

MCU Cap is as strong as 20 men and Iron Man is just a guy in a suit. Of course they get hurt. Guys like Cap also should have no business being involved when the high tiers are duking it out. The fact that Thanos could not kill Cap in 3 seconds flat just makes him seem like not much of a threat. Diana also heals rapidly so bruises are not sticking around.
I don't think you really understand the kinetic force of modern weapons. Comics have no idea either, which is why it's dumb to think superman would dodge a chunk of rock thrown at him or get buried under a brick wall falling on him, or us a piece of rebar to strike when its just a limp noodle in his hands. At the power level you describe he us literally living in a world of shadows and tissue paper, only the molten core of the planet is a tangible object to him. That is an unrelatable alien to me.

Besides, just because he couldnt press a bus over head doesn't mean he couldn't get under it and lift it with his legs. You see that on screen and it makes instinctive sense, brings in realism to the world, and makes him more present. A sense of definable boundaries is what is missing from a lot of this comic book stuff.


I don't think you really understand the kinetic force of modern weapons.
I have plenty of idea of what military equipment can do. How do you think I even know what a Maverick missile is? You say 20 mm, which can not penetrate a modern battle tank should leave bruises. That dude aint saving the world from aliens or supervillians unless they are a smaller threat than a mechanized Marine Battalion.
Comics have no idea either, which is why it's dumb to think superman would dodge a chunk of rock thrown at him or get buried under a brick wall falling on him, or us a piece of rebar to strike when its just a limp noodle in his hands.
Comic writers typically have no idea how physics work are massively inconsistent if for no other reason than there are so many of them doing the same character across different books and stories. I would expect more consistency in a single film of or series of them.
At the power level you describe he us literally living in a world of shadows and tissue paper, only the molten core of the planet is a tangible object to him.
Hence the living in a "world of cardboard". Watch the end of Man of Steel, Kal-El and Zod move through the world almost as though it is not even there. Hitting Kal with an I-Beam only did something because using heat vision had already disoriented him. Cavill Superman is nothing in terms of power compared to his comic versions or even Reeve/Routh Superman. I think there are things our world that could effect him. Even 30 mm from an A-10 knocked him off his flight path and so did a building falling on him. I am comfortable with that level of power.
That is an unrelatable alien to me.
I found Cavill's Superman more relatable than Chadwick Boseman's Black Panther, even though I am black myself. The stuff like being taught to be the bigger man and holding back against bullies. Not knowing what you are going to do with your life. Searching for your reason for being in the world. Being unsure if the path you are taking is actually the right one. You know, things that have almost nothing to do with how much he can lift or how bulletproof he is. Things that everyday people go through. BP is far more susceptible to injury, that does not make him relatable to me. I have nothing in common with Chris Evans' Cap either (although I very much like the character). T'Challa is a Prince/King with the weight of a nation on his shoulders. I have no idea what that is like. The fact that he can't lift a bus does no make me see any of myself in him.
Man of Steel/BvS made Superman relatable by giving him problems he could not punch or lift. And when it was time to throw down, his enemies were on his level. You will notice that outside of Batman in BvS, who he was not trying to fight and kryptonite was involved, Cavill Supes never had a serious fight with cannon fodder. Even when he fought the League he was confused/not himself and they were not trying to kill him either.

I find your framing of relating to a character based on how far beyond superhuman they are weird, no offense. It is the person on the inside and their, you know, character that makes them relatable to me. Maybe you mean it breaks your suspension of disbelief? Or they are easier to root for as underdogs? I can understand that.

Besides, just because he couldnt press a bus over head doesn't mean he couldn't get under it and lift it with his legs. You see that on screen and it makes instinctive sense, brings in realism to the world, and makes him more present. A sense of definable boundaries is what is missing from a lot of this comic book stuff.
When you said he could not lift a bus I assumed you meant using all of his strength. Still, for a bus to be anything more than lifting a paperweight to Superman just feels like a waste to me. If a bus is very heavy for him then what is the limit for a guy like Aquaman? A Mazda Miyata? Like I said: if you want him to be weaker than a crane then just make a new character.

The way you said they need to think about Superman's limits beforehand is exactly what Snyder did for MoS. He even laid out an escalating list of what something would feel like to him. I think he said getting hit by a cruise missile would be like getting tackled by a linebacker. Sounds to me like they already did what you asked. 🤷‍♂️


What are you talking about? Henry Cavill was fantastic

Fantastic at what? Muscle pump?

Dude is a charisma vacuum who can’t emote or act for shit. Sure he looks like a Superman in stills, but that’s the thing about moving pictures they expose everything else.

I know nerds have a hard on for him because he’s a PC boy but that means absolutely nothing to me.


Biggest Trails Stan
Fantastic at what? Muscle pump?

Dude is a charisma vacuum who can’t emote or act for shit. Sure he looks like a Superman in stills, but that’s the thing about moving pictures they expose everything else.

I know nerds have a hard on for him because he’s a PC boy but that means absolutely nothing to me.

I have a hard on for him because he's a nerd like us though. 😜
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Gold Member
I have plenty of idea of what military equipment can do. How do you think I even know what a Maverick missile is? You say 20 mm, which can not penetrate a modern battle tank should leave bruises. That dude aint saving the world from aliens or supervillians unless they are a smaller threat than a mechanized Marine Battalion.
Damn near EVERY comic book threat we have seen would fall to a Ranger Platoon with a weapons section, much less a battalion!

Lets consider that DU tank penetrator. Weight 10kg, muzzle velocity of 1,555 m/s. With KE=1/2(MxV^2) we get 0.5x10kgx1555^2m/s = 12,000,000 J. And this is focused on the tiny tip of a DU titanium penetrator rod.

So assuming a kryptonian masses the same as a human, at a generous 100kg of "total weight" behind a punch (because he can plant himself in space and really rolls his hips with excellent form) Supes would need to throw it at a blistering 500m/s, roughly MACH 1.5. So sonic booms with every punch and his index finger poking out to minimize the impact area. Sounds about right, actually, thats the level of superhero collision that SHOULD HURT.

What you describe means supes and other similar power level folks see humans, and EVERYTHING ON THE EARTHS CRUST to be ephemeral dust, cobwebs, and smoke. They can plow through the earth with ease, humans are translucent ghosts barely denser than air, and there is ZERO POINT to throwing another kyrptonian around through stuff, it's just 2 BJJ fighters in a nerf padded room hitting each other with pillows. The only thing that hurts is direct grappling and joint locks, much like Supes did to Zod in the end.

I just prefer a less godlike Supes is all. As he is often portrayed, every SECOND he spends sipping a cup of coffee playing a human is a few dozen lives lost because he CHOOSES not to respond to what he can see, hear, and feel. And since Earth seems to be the only planet he likes/knows, it is odd he just lets humans dick around on it without doing stuff like spreading us throughout the solar system/ending climate change because soon enough he's gonna be presiding over a barren rock for the rest of his life. Seems counter to his personality, honestly. Then again, there WAS Superman IV: The Quest for Peace.....



To me, this new guy looks so close to Cavill (aside from not being buff yet) that i'm not sure why they bothered to replace him. He wasn't the problem, and in fact I think he did a good job with the role.


ChatGPT 0.001
I would install new villains for Superman to face, general zod is accused of having too much screen time and I agree.


To me, this new guy looks so close to Cavill (aside from not being buff yet) that i'm not sure why they bothered to replace him. He wasn't the problem, and in fact I think he did a good job with the role.
I think it is for the long term. If this works out, they can get 10-15 years of supes movies out of the new guy. Cavell would be near 55 at that point.
That's how I think of it, and I really loved Cavill in the role.
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