IGN: 4.5/10
Globeandmail 5/10
Game Informer - 4/10
Well I put in a couple hours last night and it is certainly not anything to be impressed with. It is however playable and if you can ignore the glitches you can get some fun out of it. The multiplayer is pretty throw away. I uploaded my first match.. Ended up picking up the golden gun if anyone wanted to see that in action.
Anyways you can ignore my commentary if you like but here is some deathmatch action. Also use the shotgun.. most deadly weapon in any game in history and you see me die from it often.
007 Legends MP Gameplay
I have some single player stuff uploading right now. I will post it when it is done.
Edit: Here is that single player video. Again ignore my commentary if you like. Campaign first 25 Minutes
I Rented it from Redbox