Stallion Free
Cock Encumbered
So uh yeah, about even showing up on PC at release....?
I don't think this one was just IGN being IGN.Trailer looked good. Eurocom developing sounded good. No idea what happened here.
That said, I don't believe a bad IGN review necessarily damns a game, so I'll try a demo if one comes out before writing this off.
I haven't enjoyed a Bond game since I was a youngster playing Goldeneye on N64 and James Bond for Gameboy, a perfectly serviceable Zelda rip-off.Sorry to hear about those reviews.
Man, In these recent years I enjoyed the shit out of Everything or Nothing, Bloodstone and Goldeneye Wii. The Bond franchise has such a huuge potential.
Lastly, it should be pointed out that the Skyfall mission DLC isnt some optional extra, its actually the end of the campaign. Otherwise, you play through the five missions on the disc and once you finish Moonraker it abruptly transitions straight into the credits. We can only assume that the Skyfall mission has been held off so as not to spoil the new movie. But theyve already spoilt five old movies by including them on the disc, so why stop there?
I don't think this one was just IGN being IGN.
Game Informer: A mess of a title that's uninspired at best and nearly broken at worst.
Sorry, the game blows.
As someone who has never seen DAD and occasionally enjoys the beauty of Halle Berry, huh?It's funny how that gameinformer quote sums up Resident evil 6 nicely yet they gave that a 9/10.
Also want to say that removing Halle Berry from DAD already makes this game better then that movie.
It's funny how that gameinformer quote sums up Resident evil 6 nicely yet they gave that a 9/10.
As someone who has never seen DAD and occasionally enjoys the beauty of Halle Berry, huh?
Also I would say that Resident Evil 6 was uninspired as usual and occasionally fun at best.
Fair enough.Your one of the lucky ones. Not only would DAD make you hate Halle Berry but you would hate yourself for watching that cinematic abomination.
Multiplayer: I want to like it so bad, but the netcode is AWFUL. Seriously almost unplayable at times.
Your one of the lucky ones. Not only would DAD make you hate Halle Berry but you would hate yourself for watching that cinematic abomination.
Now I have to see this movie.she is one of the worst things to ever happen to the bond franchise. The opening to that movie is fine( 'cept for the surfing) then she shows up and everything goes to shit.
Does anyone have any shots of Jinx? I hear they put her in but haven't used Halle Berry's likeness or voice?
What kind of laziness?
They didn't bastardize Connery, did they?Even though the game sounds like it sucks, I'm still mad they remade each of these movies with Daniel Craig in them because they only have his license. I don't want to play License to Kill with Daniel Craig, I want Dalton! That's his movie!
come on... they had to know critics would kill them over this.
Maybe I'll just wait for the Wii U version, I guess.
EDIT: UMM WOW, they made Jinx WHITE?
Maybe I'll just wait for the Wii U version, I guess.
EDIT: UMM WOW, they made Jinx WHITE?
Maybe I'll just wait for the Wii U version, I guess.
EDIT: UMM WOW, they made Jinx WHITE?
Probably way too expensive.No Halle Berry? WTF?
Goldeneye N64 sold bajillions of copies, so let's buy the 007 license and pass off really really badly made 007 games as successors to that one, those stupid fucking nerds won't know the difference anyways!
Shame about the scores, but will still buy it being a James Bond fan and all. Considering getting Reloaded while Im at it.
Honestly hearing how badly this has turned out has made me curious about picking up Bloodstone.
"Go fuck yershelf Activishion."
Gaming Nexus review said:Eurocom didnt just copy-paste the exact same gameplay mechanics from GoldenEye; theyve added onto and enhanced a number of the concepts from GoldenEye, with mixed results.
For starters, theyve completely overhauled the stealth system. Unlike in GoldenEye, where if you were spotted an enemy would almost immediately call in reinforcements, in 007 Legends they have a suspicion gauge very similar to the Assassins Creed games. An arrow on the HUD points to any enemies that have spotted you, and the more visible you are/the longer they see you, their suspicion level will go from white to yellow to orange where theyll come and investigate, and finally red for when youre completely detected.
This system seems like a great idea at first and on paper it works just fine, but in practice there are a few things that make it very frustrating. Naturally, enemies are alerted by dead bodies so you have to be careful not to leave dead henchmen just lying out in the open. The only problem is that you cant move bodies around and hide them. Even worse, stealth areas are positively packed with patrolling guards and cameras, so its highly likely that even enemies youve taken out off the beaten path will be discovered eventually, usually when youre slowly sneaking toward the areas exit.
This leads to aggravating trial-and-error where you restart a section over and over just to get the stealth sequences right. Your radar only highlights enemies in your general line of sight, so its very easy to get spotted or accidentally run right into a patrolling guard as you try to mentally map out an area. It typically took me at least 3 or 4 retries just to find out where all the guards were, much less find an effective way to take them all out or sneak past without being detected.
There are distraction items in the environment that you can set off to draw attention away from you, and a gadget is unlocked about halfway through the campaign that lets you fire distraction darts, but simply giving me the ability to hide bodiessomething thats been around since Metal Gear Solid 2wouldve made the stealth sequences a lot more enjoyable. After so many retries I usually just gave up, and ran in guns blazing. Now thats not something Bond would do, is it? Well maybe, but certainly not all the time.
Does anyone have any shots of Jinx? I hear they put her in but haven't used Halle Berry's likeness or voice?
What kind of laziness?