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10-year-old antiabortion protester shoved; Anti-Trump activist reached out to help

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Shoving kids? Come on now! I will say that I find issue with anyone bringing their kids to any protest. They're supposed to be playing games and hanging out with friends and crap, not being used to further your own beliefs.
Anyone picking on a kid for any reason is a piece of shit, doesn't matter for what. That's not to say a kid can be a purposely shitty person on their own merit, but in this instance it's definitely indoctrination.
That first post is like a bullseye for anyone and everyone who ever says "both sides are just as bad"

That 10 year old... he's no angel amirite?? smh.


The second abuse that kid got was being shoved by some stranger.

The first was being conditioned by his parents and shoved out into protests with fetus brochures in his hand.

Both are terrible.

It is normal for parent to pass down political view to their kids. It is great thing that the parent is getting the kid involve in our political process, if only more democrats are doing this we might win more elections.

I know you don't agree with their view, I don't either, but calling it an abuse is too extreme.


“I saw someone antagonizing him and wanted to reach out,” Hunken said. “I didn’t want the hate to be the only voice that he heard.”

this is correct and is very good, this instantly turned my whole mood around


Looking at the picture, I just want to scoop that kid up and hug him. He looks so genuinely sad. I'm so glad that someone else there comforted him.


Just yuck all around. Shitty to indoctrinate your kid like that, let alone expose him to an emotionally charged protest environment. And shitty for anyone to attack him.

Poor kid.


It is normal for parent to pass down political view to their kids. It is great thing that the parent is getting the kid involve in our political process, if only more democrats are doing this we might win more elections.

I know you don't agree with their view, I don't either, but calling it an abuse is too extreme.


Getting to the point where you're shoving your 10 year old out with aborted fetus banners is not normal and not ok, and no amount of 'both sides' spin will ever make it so.


It is normal for parent to pass down political view to their kids. It is great thing that the parent is getting the kid involve in our political process, if only more democrats are doing this we might win more elections.

I know you don't agree with their view, I don't either, but calling it an abuse is too extreme.

If you had to guess, do you reckon his father "explained the controversy" to him in all its nuanced complexity or do you think it was something closer to a rant about a bunch of evil Liberals murdering babies in their mummy's belly? What sort of images do you reckon are in the pamphlets he has been forced to hand out?


ugh don't put your hands on kids. (Unless they're trying to physically harm someone.)

Should've just ignored the kid. He's 10 only thing he's doing is parroting his parent's shitty views. That's who deserved a tongue lashing.


It is normal for parent to pass down political view to their kids. It is great thing that the parent is getting the kid involve in our political process, if only more democrats are doing this we might win more elections.

I know you don't agree with their view, I don't either, but calling it an abuse is too extreme.
No, democrats should not be brainwashing their children. Period. There is no excuse for bringing your children to a protest like this, no matter what it is you are protesting. At the very least it's reckless and puts your children at risk.

You owe it to your children to explain the issues as calmly ad possible, show them the evidence and have a nauanced discussion about the issues. The US is polarized so much in part because of the brainwashing children like that.


I don't see a problem with this. Shows the kid he's been indoctrinated with shitty views.

Took you off my ignore list just to say you sound like a piece of shit. Glad to see you're banned, reinforcing my decision. 10 year olds aren't capable of making their own decisions on a subject like that.


I don't see a problem with this. Shows the kid he's been indoctrinated with shitty views.
No, it's not the poor kid's fault his parents let him down. He should see that people on the other side of his parents' ideology can be nice and normal.

Plus a little kid isn't going to make the logical leap you're looking for. I mean seriously.

Also: what the fuck? You don't have a problem with people hurting kids? Go away. And don't ever interact with children until you develop some basic empathy.


whether a kid is "indoctrinated" or not most kids that age will have a pro life point of view. they're kids they see it very binary the idea of an abortion would seem like hey you're killing that kid.
Parents are wildly irresponsible for bringing him to a protest in such a high-tension political environment. You should absolutely berate them for their behavior. A lot of these protests are likely to turn violent with the way things are heading, children have no business being anywhere near them.

Leave the kid alone, though. Hopefully seeing his parents publicly humiliated right in front of him for their terrible judgment will be enough to turn him off the subject once he's old enough to actually form a meaningful opinion.

Zen Aku

If his parents knew any better, that kid would have been left at home.

Also fuck that guy for pushing a little kid. Real tough.


Man, I didn't think the Tolerant Left could reach a new low, but physically and verbally assaulting a 10 year old, wow.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

The tolerant left has over whelmingly sided with the kid, and rightly so.

But be shocked at this while ignoring everything else going on. Go for it.
Verbal, yeah.

But if your instinct is to get physical with a 10-year-old because you don't like the message they're carrying, then your moral compass is all out of whack.

Then again, that's the type of person that would fit right in, in Trump's vision of America.

This x1000.

But yet you had this to say about Tamir Rice:
First post nails it.

It looked like a gun.

The kid acted like he had a gun.

Cops are not mind readers.

It's perfectly legal (and encouraged) to stand up to power tripping cops and give them shit, but you do not ever pull out anything remotely resembling a gun while dealing with a cop unless you plan on getting shot.

This was not a case of a power tripping cop putting hit boot on a minority.

From all existing reports, this was a case of an idiot kid who drew on an officer and was shot. Since people can draw and fire very quickly, it is difficult to blame the officer for shooting.

So which one is it?

Are kids smart enough to know shit or is it only white kids who get to not know anything?

Not really, it was probably a moment of panic like "Wait it's not real look!"

The kid was only 12, he was an idiot, and his parents are idiots for letting him such a realistic gun in the first place. I assume the green officer immediately remembered his training about not hesitating because you will die. He obviously wouldn't have shot a damn kid if he knew it was a fake.

It's a shitty situation all around.

12 year old black kid playing in a park: idiot

You have to be a real motherfucker to shove a 10 year old and call him a pussy.

Don't act like you're above Trump, you're clearly not.

10 year old kid telling women what they can and can't do with their bodies: a victim.

Yall looking real funny in the light on this topic.


Poor kid. It's bad enough being used as a prop by your parents without having to be assaulted for it. Fuck the parents and the protestors who assaulted him.

Props to the protestor who helped the kid though.
It's actions like this anti-Trump protester that need to brought to the forefront more than punching a Neo-Nazi. The unprecedented majority that oppose Trump and his views aren't out to 'do one over'on the other side, they're out to show we're slipping down a truly dark path with this man in charge. Hopefully, that action my chime with this kid in future, though only if his parents don't force-feed him more political tripe before marching him out with them.



The kid is a kid. Don't be ignorant fools and start attacking a defenseless kid that is incapable of understanding the complex nature of politics that you're advocating for.

A clear example of failed adults. I'm glad that the woman stood up and did what was right.


I feel bad for the kid. Hopefully this bad experience doesn't contribute to his future views and he can eventually get out of his parents' influence. Using your kid as an antiabortion puppet in such large protests is pretty gross and irresponsible.
The kid isn't old enough to understand the nuance of the subject. Any ire should be directed at the parents, or whatever adult is accompanying him. Assaulting a 10 year old is totally out of order in any circumstances.

Its really shitty that the kid was dragged along to this in the first place.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I could probably convince my nieces to march for such idiots (anti-abortion idiots I mean) because they are little kids and easily swayed by something. Just tell a 10 year old boy "You were a baby once, if they had their way you wouldn't exist nowadays!" and of course he will believe you because you are his dad! He won't think "Hmm...but doesn't every woman have the right to..." No, he will think "Dad and mum told me to do this and why would they ever lie to me?"

Attacking this kid is fucking horrible and the people doing it should be ashamed. As should be his parents for using him as a political tool.


1 - abusing the kid like that was shameful and just reflects really badly on the protestors

2 - props to the woman who stepped in

3 - poor parenting in my view to take your kid and use them for your politics. Way too many parents believe your job is to program your kid with your views. It's not. You bring them up well and you let them make their own decisions on what they believe (outside and of basic manners, tolerance and empathy of course which it is your job to try and impart)


The kid isn't old enough to understand the nuance of the subject. Any ire should be directed at the parents, or whatever adult is accompanying him. Assaulting a 10 year old is totally out of order in any circumstances.

Its really shitty that the kid was dragged along to this in the first place.

Gotta agree. Plus if they were protesting peacefully regardless of it being for religious bigotry, they don't deserve to be assaulted. That is to say none of them do, even the adults. Verbally challenged sure, but no one should be assaulting anyone, let alone a 10-year-old kid.

Morally it is probably best to also lay off verbally shouting at kids, given that if you want to say something to challenge them it's best aimed at their parents. Kids might understand some biology and terminology at 10, but often they don't fully comprehend it. Acting like a hard man talking down to/name-calling a kid isn't exactly the height of responsible debating and challenging.

Most of us as kids, especially in religious households, believe a lot of shit our parents tell us until our teenage years and higher education.
But yet you had this to say about Tamir Rice:

So which one is it?

Are kids smart enough to know shit or is it only white kids who get to not know anything?

12 year old black kid playing in a park: idiot

10 year old kid telling women what they can and can't do with their bodies: a victim.

Yall looking real funny in the light on this topic.
Yeah but this kid is white, that makes him infinitely more innocent and loveable in the eyes of the public.


Where was the father of this ten year old, that required a stranger to intervene in a busy area? The dad needs the slap, you don't push kids around, that is sick.


The kids caught in the crossfire of the upcoming war on truth and equality are going to suffer on both sides and it is an absolute shame.

Props to Monica for stepping in the way she did and demonstrating compassion. We're going to have a great number of stories along these lines in the weeks and months to come. I think it's important that they all get attention.
I hate seeing young children at rallies and protests. They haveno grasp or the situation and its only their parents using them to make more of a statement because they are kids. That goes for any kind of protest no matter the cause, the only people who should be there are the ones capable of making their own opinion and not just hold a sign their parents gave them.

Besides they would most probably prefer being at home playing videogames than stand in a crowd.
Why are 10 year olds getting involved in this kind of stuff?

Indoctrination by their parents. Start 'em young and you've appropriately tainted the next gen. Also, as Slayven said, they're very useful props to make your side more sympathetic aka. "this little boy wouldn't be here today if Planned Parenthood had their way".
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