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10-year-old antiabortion protester shoved; Anti-Trump activist reached out to help

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The guy who assaults a child calls the child a pussy.


Both sides should've momentarily united to beat that dudes ass right there on the spot.
The group shoving and belittling the kid are dirtbags.

What kind of fucking parent exposes their kids to that at such a young age? So disturbing to have your kid (holding a picture of a fetus no less) used as an object like that.


10 year olds have the capacity to even murder.

There was once a pretty gruesome case in the UK involving two ten year olds abducting a 2 year old and beating him to death. My memory on it is dodgy it was The Bulger case - I wouldn't look into it if your faint hearted.

But yeah, 10 year olds can definitely be assholes.
That seems to me like an extremely abnormal case.
As the group marched by, one of the protesters shoved Josh to the ground and dismantled his banner, which had an image of an aborted fetus on it. When Josh began to cry, the protesters mocked him and called him a p---y, according to a witness, Monica Hunken.

He's out there with this, at multiple protests. Let's quit it with the he's such an innocent babe narrative or are we going to continue to pretend he doesn't know what he's protesting against?


I wonder if he'd shed the same tears for a rape victim forced to keep the resulting baby by a government too backwards to even comprehend beyond the black and white of the situation.

Also, whoever pushed that kid, fuck em, they're no better. The minute you feel the need to physically act out against the other side of the argument like this, we've all lost a little piece of ourselves.

Props to the lady who stepped up, she's doing it right.


You can not shove them. That's a good starting point.

You shouldn't shove anyone, but when you you show up at a contentious abortion protest there might be shoving and most of the shovers don't get charged. You can't hide behind a kid and be like "What the fuck?"


The second abuse that kid got was being shoved by some stranger.

The first was being conditioned by his parents and shoved out into protests with fetus brochures in his hand.

Both are terrible.


Saint Nic
So do people think the kid who burned the Trump sign and said that Trump wasn't his president or some shit is OK but this is not?


He's out there with this, at multiple protests. Let's quit it with the he's such an innocent babe narrative or are we going to continue to pretend he doesn't know what he's protesting against?

How the fuck do you know if he has any idea what he is doing there? If your dad would have told you to hold that sign because it's a good thing to do and makes you into a better person ever since your early childhood, YOU would be standing there. Not because you hate women who have abortions but because you are fucking 10 and not even sure what the fuck an abortion actually is other than "People killing little children like you", as your father told you.

Honestly. Seriously. What is wrong with you?


So? He's already lost, he's been on anti abortion protests before, he's fighting to take rights away from other people. His age isn't a factor.

If he's willing to be out protesting for the removal of women's rights, he should be willing to deal with the consequences.

It's a life lesson.

You are literally supporting the idea that it is perfectly appropriate to physically attack ten year old children if their parents happen to take them to certain demonstrations in support of controversial ideologies.

You are a muppet of the first degree and your stance on this matter is absolutely poisonous.

I'm a heartless bastard.

No shit.


He's out there with this, at multiple protests. Let's quit it with the he's such an innocent babe narrative or are we going to continue to pretend he doesn't know what he's protesting against?

Just stop, you made a rash post and didn't think it through and now you're just going to double down on the stupidity of it.
How does this kind of random and hard to notice things become news? I am really curious. Was the reporter standing by and saw that and immediately thought oh that is news worthy! A kid got shoveled would sure got way more attention than all the other clashes of these two groups!

Or someone thought hey we have a 10year old just got shoveled, better call a reporter asap!
That seems to me like an extremely abnormal case.

Oh yeah it sure was, it was horrifying hearing about it back then. This talk of ten year olds being culpable or not made me think back to it.

It wasn't even a crime of passion, there was luring and torture involved.

So let me dispel this notion 10 year olds don't know what they're doing...
He's out there with this, at multiple protests. Let's quit it with the he's such an innocent babe narrative or are we going to continue to pretend he doesn't know what he's protesting against?

I'm sure the 10 year old drives out to every protest on his own free will. Totally not a puppet of his parents.


I agree that yeah, you shouldn't mess with a kid. But he's going to grow up to be another one of the people who oppose you in the quest for social justice.


I don't think so. I think some of you just refuse to accept that even at the age of ten, kids aren't dumb and do have a pretty good idea of the world.

His worldview isn't just what his parents feed him. What's happening is you're all projecting yourselves at age ten and assuming he's the same rather than seeing this as a ten year old in 2017.

So what is it - you think women shouldn't have any rights over their bodies and you think abortion is the worst thing ever OR you think 10-year-old boys know exactly how pregnant women think, hm? Either way, you're wrong.
I don't see a problem with this. Shows the kid he's been indoctrinated with shitty views.

10 year olds aren't idiots and this isn't his first protest.

Stop trying to paint this asshole as a poor bystander.

I don't think so. I think some of you just refuse to accept that even at the age of ten, kids aren't dumb and do have a pretty good idea of the world.

His worldview isn't just what his parents feed him.
What's happening is you're all projecting yourselves at age ten and assuming he's the same rather than seeing this as a ten year old in 2017.

So which is it then? He was indoctrinated, implying he doesn't know better, or he knows better and deserves to be physically harmed for his beliefs? Whatever your answer, consider the fact that your memories of who you were at 10 are likely false. You weren't brilliant and clearly you still aren't. You have more learning to do than he does.
I don't feel bad for the kid. He shouldn't have been there. If he continues to go in the future he will have to accept that this or worse is a possibility while you're out protesting. It isn't right but it's reality. Hopefully the woman who helped him is a strong influence so he doesn't end up like the guy who was mean to him.

And to the the grown up who picked on him, c'mon man, what are you doing?


I agree that yeah, you shouldn't mess with a kid. But he's going to grow up to be another one of the people who oppose you in the quest for social justice.
We got some clairvoyants in here.

The kid absolutely may grow up to be an Alt-Right fucker. He could also grow up and realize his parents were feeding him evil bullshit and adopt progressive ideals.


I agree that yeah, you shouldn't mess with a kid. But he's going to grow up to be another one of the people who oppose you in the quest for social justice.

You would be writing off most of the people questing for social justice with you if you went by what their parents thought.
So? He's already lost, he's been on anti abortion protests before, he's fighting to take rights away from other people. His age isn't a factor.

If he's willing to be out protesting for the removal of women's rights, he should be willing to deal with the consequences.

It's a life lesson.
He's 10. Do you really think he's been presented with genuine arguments and evidence against his position or is even capable of understanding them? You've derided me in the past for being too lenient on placing blame because I think most of our agency is an illusion, and I know I hold fringe positions, but do you realize that you do also?

I was indoctrinated when I was his age to hold similar views. People who assaulted me solidified those beliefs and enabled me to view myself as a member of a persecuted class. It took time and suffering and being willing to listen to people who I disagreed with and a mind more open to evidence that disagreed with my assumptions and beliefs. It's a slow process, but it's possible to come around.

We can't stop treating people as human beings because they hold incorrect views, even if they're harmful to others. Not only is it morally wrong, but it only makes things worse for everybody.
I'm sure that kids a twerp and will probably suck for a while but it's definitely a product of upbringing. Parents might be forcing him to be there as well.


So? He's already lost, he's been on anti abortion protests before, he's fighting to take rights away from other people. His age isn't a factor.

If he's willing to be out protesting for the removal of women's rights, he should be willing to deal with the consequences.

It's a life lesson.

A lot of idiots have come out today I see.


He's 10. Do you really think he's been presented with genuine arguments and evidence against his position or is even capable of understanding them? You've derided me in the past for being to lenient on placing blame because I think most of our agency is an illusion, and I know I hold fringe positions, but do you realize that you do also?

Could he even understand if these genuine arguments were presented to him? He is a child and I agree with you, but I've seen several attacks on children today and its disgusting.


A lot of idiots have come out today I see.

Instead of everyone dog piling with personal insults, just check out his post history. When it comes to human interactions, there's probably a good chance you dont agree with Miles based on what I have seen from him in other threads. No point in having this thread be one of those graveyard threads.


So? He's already lost, he's been on anti abortion protests before, he's fighting to take rights away from other people. His age isn't a factor.

If he's willing to be out protesting for the removal of women's rights, he should be willing to deal with the consequences.

It's a life lesson.

Well-deserved ban for this and other disgusting posts.

My parents forced me to go to church and Sunday school at that age. I didn't want to be there. They could have forced me to go to rallies like this one, no question. Anti-Trump protester did the right thing whether the kid is pro-life or not.


While i'm not against protesting I do feel its shitty to bring your kids to protests. Especially ones like this that have the potential to become violent, its putting your kids life at risk. I also find it especially shitty when anti-abortion people bring their kids to shit like this, it shows alot about them and I feel bad for the kids. Kudos to the protester who stepped in (where were the parents?) and shame on the adults for attacking the kid.

I wonder what the ultimate point of an article like this is for. To smear the anti-trump protesters? To promote some kind of idealistic harmony thing? Trump is still going to do shitty things and the kid is going to be back out with his parents being used for protesting abortion somewhere else.


He's 10. Do you really think he's been presented with genuine arguments and evidence against his position or is even capable of understanding them? You've derided me in the past for being to lenient on placing blame because I think most of our agency is an illusion, and I know I hold fringe positions, but do you realize that you do also?

I was indoctrinated when I was his age to hold similar views. People who assaulted me solidified those beliefs and enabled me to view myself as a member of a persecuted class. It took time and suffering and being willing to listen to people who I disagreed with and a mind more open to evidence that disagreed with my assumptions and beliefs. It's a slow process, but it's possible to come around.

We can't stop treating people as human beings because they hold incorrect views, even if they're harmful to others. Not only is it morally wrong, but it only makes things worse for everybody.

Great post, mate.


I don't see a problem with this. Shows the kid he's been indoctrinated with shitty views.

So glad your gone.

This father is a piece of shit for brainwashing is son into his way of thinking. Let the kid make up his own mind and protest when he's old enough if those are his views.

This is the reason why so much bad shit is passed to younger generations. Let the kids make up their own minds and stay the fuck out of it.


What a feel good human interest story. I guess we are all a united country squabbling over details after all.


We got some clairvoyants in here.

The kid absolutely may grow up to be an Alt-Right fucker. He could also grow up and realize his parents were feeding him evil bullshit and adopt progressive ideals.

Should have said *probably somewhere in there, but what are the chances of breaking with everything they know and love, versus continuing to live the life they know? That's a pretty easy call to say one's way more likely than the other.

You would be writing off most of the people questing for social justice with you if you went by what their parents thought.

Yeah, people come out better than their parents sometimes. Sometimes they also come out worse. But somehow, I've got the feeling that those who come out better aren't the ones that end up victims of proactive indoctrination attempts at the age of ten.
Could he even understand if these genuine arguments were presented to him? He is a child and I agree with you, but I've seen several attacks on children today and its disgusting.
Well, for example, it's unlikely he's going to be able to understand sexual compulsion the way a post-pubescent person might, and why abstinence isn't a reasonable option for family planning. That's just one example, but the world to a 10 year old is very different than the world to an adult.
It's pretty disgusting. Bringing kids to this type of protest is like using human shields.
He wasn't there to present his opinion or to learn something. He was there to be used.


Weirdest gaf suicide I have see, If you're going to go out, go out, not defending the assault of a 10 year old. Damn.

Any news if they have suspects?


People like you are the reason liberalism is being dismantled in the West right now.

I'm sure he's been fed what he's protesting against. Doesn't mean he understands it.

Children are easily manipulated and vulnerable. Especially when that person might be a family member who holds views that are consistent with the rest of the family.
The second abuse that kid got was being shoved by some stranger.

The first was being conditioned by his parents and shoved out into protests with fetus brochures in his hand.

Both are terrible.

I agree with both of these points. What the hell is happening today.
Now we got people shoving a kid to the ground?

Fucking assholes.

These types of incidents just keep building more sympathy and support for conservatives.
Kid don't even fully understand what he's protesting. Shame on the person who shoved/mocked him, as well as the father for indoctrinating his child on something he isn't yet equipped to understand the full gravity of.
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